Hey Pandas, Would You Be My Friend? Write About Yourself And See Who Who’d Be Friends With!
Write some stuff about yourself (sexuality, interests, looks etc) and see who would be your friend! You can also comment on other people’s submissions to be their friends.
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Hi! I’m 11 and I’m gender fluid + omnisexual + transgender! But I’m not telling parents cause they want me to just be a girl. I have Trichotillomania but my parents don’t understand. I tried telling them but they didn’t believe me. So they scream at me and take away my things :( Anyway I’m in honors history and English, I LOVE music, cats and motorcycles. I want to be a fashion designer/ photographer/ motorcycle driver ( I haven’t figured it out yet. I’m thinking I’ll drive a motorcycle, be a fashion designer and do photography as a hobby.) but I also want to play the electric guitar and the drums. I have anxiety and depression but a few good rounds of “When I hear my name” by The White Stripes usually sets me straight. I enjoy doodling and you can count me as a good person to talk to. My favorite genre of music is hard rock and I look like this: brown skin, curly dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and I’m getting bangs and glasses soon (I’m going blind). I like wearing baggy pants with air Jordan’s a cool tee and a beanie. hope you have a great day! Take care and rock on!
well hello there, im FiftyFour. im a 13 y/o pansexual demiboy, who has mild depression and anxiety. i love music, and im trying to learn as many instruments as possible. im also obsessed with video games. in the future, i wash to start a youtube channel and/or a band
I love Harry Potter and love to read. I love animals. I am weird and do the most random things sometimes. in math class there's this button that lights up to signal the teacher if you have a question while your working and i love pressing it. its a button that lights up. yesterday i wouldn't let my group turn it of and pretended to give it cpr when they turned it of saying that they had killed it. im cpr certified. Im in high school. im ugly. i love food and love baking and cooking of you were my freind you will probaly find that out pretty soon because i will make you eat it. If i dont know sombodey i can be shy and quiet but if i do know you i might be a complete weirdo. i love video games.
Hi, I'm a cisgender female. I am pansexual, but haven't came out to anyone. I am a teenager. I have all honors classes except for Spanish and orchestra. My favorite subjects are math and history. I struggle with extreme anxiety and social anxiety, and have a hard time with liking myself. I have gotten out of depression, but it comes back every once in a while. I don't talk at school, or raise my hand. I don't have any close friends, or anyone to talk about my feelings to. I want to become either fashion designer, model, or psychologist. I am short, and have long straight brown hair. I usually wear black ripped jeans and combat boots, and eyeliner. I don't talk much except to people who I'm close to, but am pretty social on BP. I love to give advice and help people, and try to spead kindness.
You sound like someone I would be besties with, im also kinda goth and combat boots are my signature style!
Hey!! Im a 13y/o girl, im straight and kind of a talker, im rlly short (like 4'11)and I love Harry Potter, I like to read, draw, and sing. I like to read adventure, horror, and romance! My fav classes r science and theater. Im rlly shy but once you get to know me you will realize im not shy at all! I semi-goth so Im not like rlly weird. I also like to cook and hang out with friends! I actually just got out of a depression stage and lost a lot of friends so im looking for some new ones :( I love all animals and will melt if I see one. Im kinda a tom boi so Im always doing crazy things or getting into trouble :/ LOL
i know im a bit late, but i would love to be your friend! you seem way fun, and we have almost exactly the same interests!
Contortionist (but NOT the dislocation kind. Look up Sofie Dossi's AGT performance) I looove learning languages, writing, and reading. I'm currently writing a couple of books on Wattpad under the username LyriaTheDragon if you want to check them out. The Forest At Night is the better one. I don't think I'll continue working on the other.
I also love music and play a lot of different instruments. I write music but mostly I just arrange it. I found this site called Noteflight a couple weeks ago and use that for my composing and arranging. My username for that is MirroredOctaves.
I love to talk about anything and everything, so you could find me either annoying or great at conversation.
Hello! I'm a cisgender female teen that's 5 feet tall and petite. I'm in all honors and have one AP class this year. That AP class is super hard and I might fail it at the end of the year, so yay. I am mostly sure I'm straight, maybe bi-curious. Idk. I am very introverted and have serious social anxiety that sometimes makes it hard to talk to new people because the words get stuck in my throat and I just sit there staring. I currently have a crush on a guy that has really don't nothing to warrant it seeing as he's one of the most annoying people ever and I haven't told anyone because they would say the exact same thing lol. I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me though. I'm way out of his league and I don't see him a lot every day. Just in the mornings for like 30 minutes and every other day in AP. It's fine though. I'm pretty sure he at least considers me a friend's, so that'll do for now. I play violin and am pretty good at it actually. I love reading and writing, but I always procrastinate writing and end up not doing it. I wish I would because I have some pretty good storylines that I think other people would like. I love love love love LOVE dragons, including the mean ones. Every dragon that's been mean in books or movies has had a reason to, and they're just antagonized for it. I also love Legos and everything and anything tiny. Tiny things are so cute. I'm probably too obsessed with small things. I currently have two guys that are good friends that like me and I don't know how to reject either of them, so that's extremely wonderful. I like video games that aren't things like Call of Duty or Fortnite or stuff like that. I like combat, but not games like that. I want to be an author when I'm an adult and want a doctorate in English. I'm learning German right now and am trying to get to AP German by the time I graduate. I think that's all I have to say.
Hello! I am a teen girl and wouldn’t change my gender ever! I love to read books. Harry Potter, kidnapping, adventurous. I love Gordon Korman. I am writing a book right now about human trafficking because I feel like That is a really important cause to talk about. I love to bake. Chocolate chip cookies are my specialty, but pies are really fun to make to. I love to talk and be active with my friends. Bowling, laser tag, eating out. I love sports especially volleyball, softball, and track. I am pretty athletic, but short. That’s basically it. Oh and I LOVE BIG dogs!
Hi! I can't say my age because I'm uncomfortable with that but I'm 11-15. I'm in concert band at my school, and also 2D art, and 2nd semester I'll be in digital art. I am learning clarinet! The Amazing World of Gumball, Parks and Rec, Modern Family, and Bobs Burgers are my comfort shows (but if I'm really in a bad place TAWOG and Bobs Burgers are my go-tos). I'm cisgender she/her and lesbian! Sooo that's kinda me I guess :)
Favorite bands: MCR, cavetown, and some of Mccafferty's songs. I'm in honors ela and math. I have 2 giga pets rn and want more but need a battery for one of em.
I would be friends with literally everyone on here. You all seem so nice!
Hi! I can't say my age because I'm uncomfortable with that but I'm 11-15. I'm in concert band at my school, and also 2D art, and 2nd semester I'll be in digital art. I am learning clarinet! The Amazing World of Gumball, Parks and Rec, Modern Family, and Bobs Burgers are my comfort shows (but if I'm really in a bad place TAWOG and Bobs Burgers are my go-tos). I'm cisgender she/her and lesbian! Sooo that's kinda me I guess :)
Favorite bands: MCR, cavetown, and some of Mccafferty's songs. I'm in honors ela and math. I have 2 giga pets rn and want more but need a battery for one of em.
I would be friends with literally everyone on here. You all seem so nice!