I have 2 horses that I have been working with since quarantine. They are both very green. I have extremely limited gear, just saddles, bridles, and blankets, and grooming stuff. One (Katie) is very sassy and never trots. She always hates whatever bridle I use with her, I think she's just being a bitty. Oreo is a good boy, but he bolts a lot when I go in the pasture. Any suggestions?


You could always try bridleless with Katie? Maybe not the best idea if she’s super green but I guess it depends o both of your experience. Also, I’m sure you’ve already done this, but make sure the bridle fits properly and isn’t rubbing. Does Oreo bolt when you are riding him in the field? If not, shouldn’t be a big problem unless he’s running from you or at risk of injuring himself. Hope this helps 😁


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