
Hey Pandas With A Disability Or Disorder, What’s The Worst Thing Someone Has Said To You About It? (Closed)
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So, I have ADHD & anxiety, and I'm only 12, so I have a list.
- Stop faking it.
- You don't need that to focus! Just try harder! (I need to have something to fidget with to stay focused)
- Can't you just, like, hold it in or something? (I have tics from it)
- Girl's don't have that.
- You're just asking for attention.
- Stop being lazy and do something.
- Just speak up! It's not that hard.
- Why are you so quiet all the time? You should change. (sorry Karen, but it's not that easy)
- Why must you be like this? Just be like everyone else and you'll be fine.
"I don't care what happened in Iraq, you're just not as funny as you used to be."
I have severe depression and i am on medication. An (ex)-friend said to me that i don't need the meds, I just need to stop whining and being depressed and I need to be strong.
oh my god that s the worst I have adhd and I take meds and a friend I argue with sometimes makes comments that hurt my feelings and they just don't understand that you can't just be strong, you have to try, of course, but you can't just *glitter noise* be cured of depression *sparkle noise*. I hope your ok and your life is good/better/getting better
After breast cancer treatment including a mastectomy and a 9hr reconstruction surgery a colleague said to me “well at least you didn’t have to have major surgery”
No, sure, I just had part of me amputated & another part of my body moved to replace it.
Though to be fair, I didn't know until relatively recently how invasive a mastectomy actually is! It's not merely the breast tissue that is removed, but a huge chunk of muscle as well.
Not sure if this counts but I have Cystic Fibrosis (An inherited life-threatening disorder that damages the lungs and digestive system) and the worst thing someone told me is hard to just tell so I gotta give the context
so it was winter right so the air was super cold, and my lungs are very sensitive to cold air even though i love it so i cant breathe outside when its cold and it hurts my lungs really bad and my throat gets all scratchy and raw (like when you run for too long, just without the running part)
And i was outside at school with my friends and i was breathing very heavily trying to get oxygen and i was kinda dizzy because it was hard and my friends looked at me and said "are you okay?" thinking maybe i would throw up or something, i said "yeah im fine its just cold out" and they were confused and were like "...so?" i said "... so... i have a lung disease....? can't breathe...?" and they were like "stop it, you're not going to get pity, just suck it up its not that bad, you're just super out of shape" haha yeah well easy for them to say with their perfect lung function and healthyness. but i went home and cried because that hurt me really bad now I'm super self-conscious about how heavy im breathing because i don't want people to think i'm out of shape or weak or anything.
Dude that sucks. Not your fault at all. To be honest, those kids right now are probably more out of shape than you'll ever be, they are probably smoking, doing drugs, etc.
"You don't know what stress is" when I told someone I was stressed out during exams at school...
My kidneys were failing, I might have had to start dialysis soon*, I was going through puberty, was being bullied at school, my grandad had just died, and was being emotionally/mentally abused and neglected at home. Oh, and I have a disability from birth which makes every step painful. So yeah, no stress there.
That's just one example. I'm in such a better place now thankfully!! But here's an nice one (note, my physical disability makes me walk weird) - Random little boy saw me and asked "why's she walking like that" and his mum said "that's just how she walks" and he just said okay and went on his merry way. Shared a smile with the mum. A+ interaction, would normalise again
*which terrified me as, aside from me being needle-phobic, can cause heart attacks if you're really unlucky.
I have a disorder called Trichotillomania, where I will start pulling my hair off without even noticing and without feeling any pain. My family laughs at me and keeps saying that I will be Mr. Clean forever. It's not my fault I have this disorder.
I have AD/HD, diagnosed as a kid in the 80s when the concept was new and we didn’t know much about it.
As a child:
1. You’re so lazy/stupid/weird.
2. Girls don’t have that.
3. To my mom: We don’t have programs for girls with AD/HD. (Her answer: You do now.)
4. There’s no such thing.
As an adult:
1. Why can’t you pay more attention to detail?
2. Don’t we ALL have AD/HD?
3. You just need to focus/try harder.
4. Why do you have so much stuff at your desk?
5. There’s no such thing.
6. Regarding my reasonable accommodations for color-coded office supplies: You sure do like your pens/post-it’s/file folders.
I have vitiligo I’ve had vitiligo sense I was a small child which caused me to have anxiety and periods of depression
As a child people would say:
Ew why do you look like that (kid at school
You just got vitiligo to get attention ( 5th grade kid
Stop faking it your ruining everything (ex friend
(Kid at park) What’s wrong with that kid (mom) I don’t know keep walking
( I made cookies for the teachers and kids at school when it was my b-day) ew no I don’t want to eat that(kid
You can’t play with us you’ll make us look like you! (Kid
Nobody would want to marry you! Your ugly (kid
Can you wear clothes that cover your skin? Your distracting the other kids(teacher
They would never play with me, give me Valentine’s Day cards I would make cards for everybody, they bullied me, the teachers didn’t even take me seriously! They thought I was stupid.
Things they would say to me as a adult:
Hey uggo! Go f**k yourself! (Drunk guy
(Looks at lady with child) stay away from me and my child you monster!
(Bumps into Karen) ew don’t touch me I’ll call the police!
(At the cashier) what’s wrong with your face!
Why would she do that to herself ya she looks so weird (coworkers)
Can you just stop!? ( coworker)
Your so selfish! Faking your skin thing and faking depression you ruin everything!
*sigh* there’s more (I’m also still hurt about the cookie thing I worked hard on those cookies and nobody ate them 😢) Now that I think about everything that happened I feel sad cheer me up?
i don't really know how to cheer people up but *gives virtual hug*
I have an anxiety disorder and when I told my friend she started laughing and acted like I made it up to get out of class. She said that she wished that she had an anxiety disorder so she could get out of class too. Little did she know, her comment made me have really bad social anxiety that I still have. Now I never talk about my feelings because I am scared that they will have a similar reaction as her.
i'm so sorry, thats absolutely awful. she's lucky not to have an anxiety disorder and she needs to realize that. well you can talk to me about your feelings if you need
I had CRPS at 16. The nurse told my mom I shouldn’t hurt that much and I should be in a mental hospital. Friend said my life must be a living hell and I must feel guilty about my kids when I started using a wheelchair and had to quit my business.
I thought I was partially deaf but all this time I've just not been "trying hard enough"???
I've gotten a touch of this sentiment before. It hasn't been formally diagnosed but I am sure I have an auditory processing problem, my hearing is just fine (perhaps even excellent), but it's very difficult to understand speech when there is a high level of background noise. I've grown tired of being told I have a "listening problem."
I am a bisexual female who suffers from severe depression, and anxiety. I have thought about suicide many times but never commited. I suppose that is obvious. I told my (ex) best friend I was contemplating suicide and she said "I know a nice knife shop. Or if you want to do it the old fashioned way I have some sturdy rope." I was horrified. I ran away crying and got her expelled.
i have adhd and someone once said to me
"maybe if you werent a disgrace to god, you wouldn't have trouble focusing. "
i asked to sit away from that person for the rest of the school year.
I have severe allergic asthma and have accommodations at work. I had someone tell me that it must be nice to leave whenever I don’t feel like working. I was aghast- I would not wish this on my worst enemy. How would you like to walk into a new place and not know if you can breathe? Or just stop being able to breathe for no real apparent reason? And then have to always, always, always have access to your inhalers and nebulizer at a second’s notice. And then have to know where the closest hospital is in case you cannot catch your breath. And the money spent on inhalers and various other things to keep me breathing is ridiculous (I’m in the US). Also, having to watch what I eat- if I eat a lot of dairy, I have issues with congestion. Same with a lot of carbohydrates. Asthma sucks.
Some people keep suggesting always having my inhaler and meds in a pouch with me is silly because men shouldn't carry silly little handbags "well f*ck me I'll just take a chance at passing out or worse just to fit your stupid idea of manliness Chad!"
Hi everyone! I am 14 years old fyi. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes since I was 4. And also have celiac desease. But anyways, to control my blood sugar levels I have to wear two pumps on my arms. And people can be very judgmental. I have been called "cyborg" or " having ugly arms"(because my pumps are visable on my arms) or even "unnatural" just for having to wear medical pumps, checking all of my food for being gluten free and counting all if my carbs and having to take breaks when my sugar becomes low as I could pass out or die if it gets too low or too high. Also people automatically assume things like me not being able to eat sugar. That is totally not true, so i have to explain to those who care what this desease actually is. Anyways, I hope you have an amazing day! And dw there are a bunch of supportive people I surround myself with! All my friends are super understanding so I am all good! Anyways, thanks for reading! Sorry that my answer was so long.
I had a friend that has diabetes lets just say I was his only friend and took at least 10 punches for him and stood for up for him no matter what not he plays baseball and is living a good life sadly he moved so I can no longer see him but I will always be here to stand up for him
I found out I had a bone disease at 34 called Avascular Necrosis. I had two hip replacements at 36. I had to have reconstruction surgery on my hip muscles and IT bands at 41. At 42, I work on the 5th floor of a 6 story building and due to Covid, the elevator is reserved for people who have disabilities. I take the elevator. While waiting for the elevator, I had a coworker ask me if my disability was being fat or being lazy. While in the elevator, I've had a different coworker tell me he faked an ankle injury to ride in the elevator, then he asked me what I was faking. I can't tell you how many times I have been told how lucky I am to ride in the elevator. My standard response is "I had four surgeries on my legs and have two hip implants with 6 screws. I've had to relearn how to walk 4 times over now. Yep, I'm super lucky..."
People forget that only a small percentage of disabilities are outwardly visible. Though invisible, they are hardly any less crippling.
Severe depression here. I was told:
I should just get a job since I apparently have too much free time that I use for whining (I'm a freelancer);
I should think of others more, I'm too selfish;
I should think of all that is well in my life and don't be so pessimistic.
Bi-polar disorder. I was told that I should plan my "mental health" days in advance and that it was not a valid excuse for calling out of work. I replied that I didn't have a choice, the police officer that escorted me to the emergency room due to a suicide attempt said that if I refused to comply with him he would have to restrain me and I could be arrested. My "mental health" days are often medical emergencies. Rapid cycling is no joke. You are just incapable of rational decision making and you don't have a lot of control.
Hello, borderline ADHD/ADD here. Biro female as well.
Just so you know, I am 13 (will be 13 in 33 days) and in 8th grade.
Once, an ex-friend told me that ADHD wasn't real and that I was just "weird" and that's why i "had no friends". I put shaving cream in his gym clothes.
My teachers have told me this as well, all through fifth grade my school didn't have a very good understanding of gifted kids until me and 6/7 other kiddos came along. Constant scrutinization. It was so bad I took to hiding under the tables. This small-ass 10 y.o. hiding under her chair.
Tried coming out to my fam, decided to scope it out first, my mum is borderline homophobic and my dad is just-no.
I have rosacea, an incurable skin condition that causes redness, pimples, etc. on your face. Years ago a customer (an older male) walked into the office where I worked and said, "What's wrong with your face?" As soon as he left, I called my friend and burst into tears. 25 years later and I still have self-esteem issues because of his comment.
I am so so so sorry. That sounds horrible. I just want you to know that you are beautiful, inside and out. your skin condition doesn't change that.
I have ADHD, anxiety, and OCD and I go to physical therapy. I"m know at school as "crazy girl" or "broken girl".
Well you're obviously not a crazy/broken girl it says right there in your username that you are an asexual demigod which is way better and way less rude
I have some disorder that we think is ADHD that makes me very open to arm movement. Some people have called me a retarted flappy bird. I've been called an autistic ADHD kid.
I have Ehlers-Danlos and MALS. Being constantly told that those conditions are too rare.
A condition being extremely rare does not mean that you cannot be afflicted with it!
"You don't look disabled."
I have myofascial pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, autoimmune arthritis, Sjogren's, Raynaud's, depression, anxiety, ADHD, and about a dozen other diagnoses. I've suffered from chronic pain for 22 years now. The fact that I'm interacting with you means I'm having a relatively tolerable day, for which I will suffer greatly tomorrow.
(And I responded, "Well, you don't look like an idiot, so it's clear that appearances can be deceptive.")
I have social anxiety. I keep to myself. I've been told I'm the guy the neighbors tell the news reporter something like "I never thought he was capable of violence."
Oh lord. I don't think I've spoken to my neighbors in 8 years. Eh, it's too late now.
I used to have some very bad depression. Ive gotten better at handling it now though, which is nice.
It used to be really bad though, but I avoided telling people. I only decided to tell my friends after I first thought about S/H. They told me I was dramatic and selfish, and they got super mad at me for some reason. They ended up telling the entire school that I was gay (community was kinda homophobic) just because I was depressed.
wow, same things happening to me right now. my 'best friend' is outing me to all my friends and now they're all ignoring me. i'm so sorry.
I have HF Autism/Asperger's, at work I'm a high functioning electrical engineer, doing design and diagnostic work. Or I was until I told a senior manager I couldn't drive the company car as it was an automatic transmission and I could only drive a manual. I was told if I was incapable of driving the works car, I was therefore mentally incapable of doing my job unsupervised anymore. He was a very surprised when I handed my notice to the MD 1hr later and told the MD why I had resigned.
"why can't you just eat?"
It's not that easy :/ people always invalidate my experience with anorexia/anorexia recovery. They don't realize that anorexia is the most lethal psychiatric disorder there is.
Oh gosh, I don't have anorexia or an eating disorder (at least not a diagnosed one) but I've always been small and underweight. My growth was fine I had a perfect growth curve it was just below the normal growth curve. Especially recently since I'm almost an adult I've been pressured by my dad in particular to eat but it's not that easy. I hate when he compares me to my younger siblings it really hurts because I don't know why I have issues eating. I hate mealtimes because I've developed anxiety around them because I don't want to be pressured and made fun of. So I don't have anorexia but I can kindof understand your problem
I have ADHD and take special meds to deal with it. It was near exams in fourth grade when some kid in my science class asked if I could borrow my meds. I gave him some because I didn't know better. He got sick and had to go home early that day.
I have anxiety and anorexia but apparently
“You just need to actually do the task and stop stressing about it”(2 afraid 2 mess up)
“It’s not that hard to sign up for sports”(everyone will call me fat)
“Your BMI is on the chart! That’s good you’re strong!”(this isn’t exactly mean but it hurts)
“Anxiety isn’t real”(fact check Karen)
“All girls(lol I’m fluid) have body image issues. You aren’t a snowflake.” (K that one sucked)
I am so sorry. I had a friend who had anxiety/depression and anorexia, she got really really sick and I haven't seen her in like a year and a half now, i hope shes doing okay, so I kinda understand, based on what i know. I also get afraid to mess up aswell, that's why I procrastinate so often. (I also get paranoid that I am using words wrong or I worry that facts I know aren't correct and people will notice and make fun of me so I hate using smarter words or telling people facts its weird) Just know you are beautiful and smart and deserve every good thing in the world, and if you ever need to just rant or tell someone who won't judge you at all something, know i don't judge and i'll always be here if you need someone
You can't be an autistic artist cannot believe your even trying for a gcse in art
I am 12
That's awful! What's wrong with someone that they would say something like that to a 12-year-old much worse an autistic one. I believe in you dude art is a great career to pursue!
Hi so um context I have lazy left eye ( search it up ) and I was verry shy abt it when dis took place
I was in y4 and I was kinda part of da popular kids group cuz I was besties with a berry popular kid ok so at da start of the yea a new girl called up Alice ( not real name ) joined she quickly made friends with all my friends including my bestie well one day I tried to going one of there games and she says “ eww Opal ( not mi real name ) go away 2 eyes this group is only for Real kids” needless to say I was lonely and had mild depression. Because of this ( to make things worse I didn’t tell my mom until it was half term ) so um yea....
I have severe depression and anxiety. Am told a lot by people, “Just work out. You’ll feel better then.” I also get a lot “you have everything you need, why are you depressed?”
Well, at least you don’t have cancer and will be dying from it… No, I only have a life long with an auto immune disease with fever spikes every day, but hey, I’m not dead yet.
I have IBD and not a lot of people know. I used to be a really picky eater and I'm still a little picky but not as bad. Anyway, my dad gets mad about eating junk food and stuff and he'll yell at me that it's my fault I have a disease with no known cause or cure. He tries to blame my mom too when they fight with each other. It's really really hurtful.
I have a disorder that causes my head and hands to shake noticeably to varying degrees. I have been reported by coworkers who did not know me as being on drugs because of it. In one instance, HR asked if I could stop it because it was bothering the other employees.
depression:when I was in 3rd grade and it had alot of messy girls there but i was innocent/sensitive back then,when i confessed to the teacher she told the class when i told her not to,and they knew then one girl told me to "get over it" i now have glossophobia and trust issues.
sorry, what does glossophobia mean? i'm so sorry by the way that sounds awful
mine isn't as severe as some people's problems, but, my parents always tell me that they don't think i have depression and that i'm an attention seeker and i'm not, when they say that i eat too much, i only weigh 105 pounds almost.
..and what’s wrong with needing and wanting attention, anyway?? You deserve attention and love and help and warmth and happiness.
Anxiety and depression...
“What’s your trigger?”
First off; you can’t trigger depression and secondly, if I knew the answer to that, don’t you think I would avoid it! Dumb a**
I had braces and everyone called me metal mouth, I had depression for a full 2 months before they got in trouble.
Definitely didn't punch anyone...
I have AD/HD, depression, a very short attention span, and I'm only 13. Nothing I do seems to please my parents and my only friends are just like me, sad, alone, misunderstood. My parents take us on trips thinking it will relieve the tension when all it does is stress me out. I don't want all this stuff, I want to feel loved, understood, and wanted. the only people that understand are my friends. I tell them more than I tell my parents and I only see my friends on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday(at school) we have become so close that if we don't see one of them at school and don't hear from them for 24 hours we start panicking, spamming "are you ok" messages on every way of contact, asking around if anyone has seen/heard from them, trying to figure out when the last time we heard from them ( I really need to stop watching/listening to true crime shows/podcasts ), trying to bribe them to ansere our panicked messages(candy, chips, etc) once we panicked all because one was sick and had changed her number but forgot to tell us. like the song...
until the very next day, bum bum bum bum bududum , when the girl walked up to the school that day, and she said to her friend who she had worried away "hay!" bum bum bum "are you ok?" and the friend said "yeah I just changed my number and forgot to tell you huh that's a bummer!" and they wattled away wattle, wattle, and they wattled away wattle wattle wattle .
I have autism. My school was ok with me having certain accommodations like going into the hall when it’s too loud. But this one teacher decided to bully me. He would just try to embarrass me in front of the class by using my homework as an example of what not to do. One day I didn’t know the answer to a question he asked me in front of the class so I said I didn’t know he thought that wasn’t good enough and decided that I had to give him an answer so I was now being pressured to think fast in front of the class and potentially get the answer wrong and I got super stressed out so I just said I didn’t know. Later he came over to my desk and took my math book to over explain the problem that we hat to work on. I took my book back and said I already understood. He sent me out into the hall. He then came out and said if I didn’t talk to him he was going to have to have a meeting with me and the principal and him and my mom. I just said talk to my mom. He insisted. I went back to the classroom packed my stuff and left.
I also think he is homophobic.(current teacher)
I hate him
Sorry it was so long.
PTSD, Depression, Anxiety and Panic attacks after my 3 y.o. son died of cancer.
At his funeral, someone said: Well, at least you are young enough to have more kids.
OCD, here.
It's Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, NOT Obsessive Cleaning Disorder. I have had thoughts I don't want to think, bad habits that are nearly impossible to break (I've tried), and nobody believing me because of stereotypes. Not all of us obsess over things being even, and it is rare for someone to compulsively clean.
With people from my school faking OCD and other illnesses, especially tics, it makes it hard to be taken seriously. I had a therapist skip over the discussion when I brought it up so I have to fight my battles on my own without help. Stop romanticizing mental illnesses and let the ones suffering get help.
I've got a variety of physical conditions and hands down, the worst thing anyone has ever said to me was, "You shouldn't breed." While my joint hypermobility is inherited, 90% of people who have my condition are pain free and don't suffer as I do from joint pain and dislocations, so chances are any kids I have will just be bendy and floppy.
Another bad one was that I'd never find someone who wanted to be with a "disabled person" (the words they used were far worse).
Jokes on them; I met a wonderful guy who understands everything I go through cause he's got the same disability. We got engaged last year and we're expecting our first child come November.
Social anxiety, severe depression, struggled with self harm since I was very young, kidney & bladder problems, then diagnosed in recent years with a personality disorder. Struggled all my working life to keep all the former hidden from everyone. Over 25 years of work at the same employer then suddenly told by really horrible new manager that we can’t cope with your mental health so we can’t employ you anymore.
I often wonder why I am still here but thanks to my moggies for being here for me when no bugger else has been.
Whoa wth? That manager shouldn't even be allowed to oversee paint drying.
I have a large port-wine stain birthmark on my forearm and hand. In elementary school kids teased me about it constantly. Everyone knew I liked cats, so one boy teased that my arm was red because I licked it like a cat. Almost 30 years ago and I still remember that remark vividly :(
My Sisters friend had one covering half her face, used to get teased a lot about it. I started a rumour at school that I was secretly going out with her but 'keep it quiet because my sister doesn't know' (That made sure everyone knew). Within a week she was the most popular kid at school. She's getting married this year to a very lucky guy and I can't wait to see how beautiful she looks in her dress.
Aspie here. Worst thing I've ever heard from someone about it was that they didn't believe I have Asperger's because "[I] don't act like [an autistic person]". Way to be ignorant, pigeonhole someone, AND be insensitive all in one package. All the worse, this person was my supervisor too... They were willing to violate the ADA and not provide reasonable accommodation just to validate that opinion. That was truly an awful time in my life.
If you've met one person with ASD/Asperger's, you've met ONE person with ASD/Asperger's. Amazing how many don't get that.
“You’re to happy to have depression”. Ever heard of repressing emotions?
I have ADHD, tics, and DID, I get told to stop faking it, just focus, and to stop trying to be a charity case, that i am not a healthy look for humanity, the worst thing someone had said to me was to suck it up and stop being dramatic that if I focused and prayed enough, it will all go away. please don't use your religion to say things like this its very harmful to people.
I'm autistic (not diagnosed until I was 15).
My teachers would yell at me for stimming since I was obviously "not paying attention and then yell at me for not paying attention when I was focusing on not stimming...
I am so sorry. Sometimes it just takes one teacher to spot the signs and help, but too often children are just lumped together and expected to be like everyone else. My son wasn't diagnosed until he was 11 but was in the special ed program before that (he also has TS and was receiving PT/OT/Speech). His teacher allowed him to lay under his desk as long as he was paying attention. Everyone uses different tools to help, even those who are NT. It's so incredibly unfair that you were yelled at. I hope things have improved for you.
i have ADHD Insomnia and Anxiety and i am adopted (born in korea) , so naturally i get made fun of:
"chinese/japanese boy" every single person in my school, this hurts a lot more then you think
"sloth" every single person in my school, they make fun of me bc i can't sleep and im slow when im tired
"stop eating!" my teacher 4th grade, i also, idk why but snaking helps me focus, so i did'nt focus and got terrible grades
i am 1 out of 2 korean people in my school so we get A: shipped and B: called
젠장, korean for s**t
i have some friends that are nice so it helps a little bit though
Chewing has been shown to help many people with their focus. Have you tried chewing gum? I'm sorry you went through that.
I have recurrent pericarditis that means I have to self-inject medication daily to calm my immune system down. I get frequent headaches, nausea, pain and constant fatigue. After one bad spell, four days in bed, a trip to the hospital, and not eating for nearly a week, my friend told me that would be handy to have that, to help her lose weight. I was dumbstruck.
It’s the overwhelming fatigue and pain that drags you down, but otherwise look healthy, but according to some (including family) I’m lazy, or need to do more, have you tried yoga, etc. But you were fine yesterday? They have no idea about post exertional malaise or care to listen to an explanation either.
To everyone else with rare, autoimmune diseases, have you thought about trying yoga?? 😝
I feel like yoga has become a weird default "solution" for anything. You have depression? Have you tried yoga? You have anxiety? Have you tried yoga? You have an eating disorder? Have you tried yoga? Have you been through a traumatic event? Have you tried yoga? I know it is helpful to some but it most of the time isn't.
Since the very young age of 11 I've been suffering from anxiety and depression all the time. People keep saying to me how "quit with the fake depression everybody knows girls can't get depression" and "Why do you cry all the time?" And basically things along the lines of "crybaby" I have so much pressure on my shoulders about being the smart girl. Everyone comes to me for my homework answers or my partner in group protects, and before you ask yes I'm the one doing all the work, and you know how extra credit assignments are optional? My teachers make me do extra credit assignments as homework because of my straight A grades, and they wonder why I'm always so tired and stressed to the point where I'm crying.
Sounds like you are really smart! It can be hard to learn to say “no”. Just a simple no, too much on my plate... gently but firmly. Maybe practice it a couple of times when the stakes aren’t really high, and then maybe start using it more often?
I am deaf since birth.
One day, I went to a job fair. I had an ASL interpreter with me, so other people could tell I was deaf. I approached a booth only to read the job description that was placed on the table there. I didn't get a chance to read it because a woman at the booth immediately walked up to me and said, "I'm sorry but we don't hire deaf people."
That has to be illegal! What a douche! The only good thing I can think to say is thank God/whomever she showed her bigoted nature right away, so she was never your boss! But this is small beans, compared to how she treated You, I'm sorry you met such an awful person!
I have multiple neuropathies (cranial, peripheral, autonomic) due to a demyelinating disorder. I've heard: 1. Why don't to watch your sugars? A lot of sugar makes diabetes worse. (I don't have diabetes, in fact my blood sugar and A1C is always on the low side). 2. I already told you that, why didn't you remember? (I can literally forget what I'm doing while I'm doing it). 3. You've been there before, why can't you remember the way? (I have gotten lost in my own bloody living room. I can tell you, I'm not doing it on purpose and being scared like that is NOT fun).
Both of my children are on the spectrum. My son also has TS. People have asked him why he is making that noise. That is generally okay but it's the WAY that some ask it. Curiosity is great and he loves to inform people, but those that snicker or get angry.. Just no, stop, please just stop. As for my daughter, she is on the lower functioning scale of the spectrum and I had someone seriously say to me "Why don't you just teach that thing something?" This was after I apologized to them for her giggling loudly in a restaurant. She had recently had a cleft repaired and was still learning how to regulate her voice. She didn't even talk until she was nearly 5, so hearing her giggle was like heaven to me.
People just p!ss me off sometimes.
I can relate! I forget literally anything! For example I confuse (I’m in 6 grade) and I forget if I’m in year 5, what my age is..
“I was born with weak bones and a weak immune system, so altogether in injuries and broken bones I’ve spent about a year in the hospital... I don’t like going to the hospital anymore because I get reminded of my appendicitis surgery that nearly went wrong.”
“But you didn’t die. Stop whining about it unless you came down with cancer or something.”
I have ADHD and i had a friend who said behind my back, "she doesn't even have ADHD she's not even hyper I'm so hyper I actually have ADHD not her" I'm not hyper at school because i have medication. It's so annoying when people think they have ADHD cause they are hyper. Its not just being hyper its loads of other things too.
I have many diagnoses but to be succinct, I will only address the comment that was worst:
Regarding my depression: "we'll go to a cancer ward at a children's hospital and then you will see others have it worse."
What made this the most hurtful was that it was my mother saying this to me when she knew I was suicidal. She then thought it was an appropriate time to bring up how she resented me for saying "dada" instead of "mama" when I was first learning to talk (I was in my mid 20's when this conversation happened).
I have epilepsy :
- you are faking it
- weirdo
- stop it! (was having seizure)
- idiot/imbecile/mental
So happy there are more treatments and it's more understood now. Childhood was hard.
It's important to keep each grievance and minor slight alive, otherwise you might forgive, forget, and find happiness.
It's comments like this that make people afraid to speak up. I was bullied all the way through high school and am still bullied in the workplace. Take your toxic positivity and shove it.
This isn't as bad as the others but i have anxiety (I'm not diagnosed btw but seriously I definitely have anxiety) and I can't order lunch at school because I'm too scared. My friend said "you better get food today" and called me a chicken. When I told her a mental health problem is not the same she said they were. I couldn't talk to that stupidity so I spoke to another friend group that day.
Ouch, not much of a fried :( I'm glad you had someone else to talk to.
I developed a disability that affects my heart and lungs but can also affect cognition, vision, etc two years into working a job. My coworker (and only coworker on a team of two people) would call me demanding to know if I was healthy yet, why I was capable of doing some things but not others while I was still undergoing testing, would stand over me and berate me for being stupid, etc. The list goes on.
Well i have anxiety and asthma, and people say / stop faking it / oh suck it up / no one cares / your problems aren’t even that bad / why do you carry that stupid inhaler around.
I suffer from a range of mental disorders like Aspergers/Autism, Severe High Anxiety, Mild Paranoia, Severe Crippling Depression, ADHD, PTSD, Depersonalization Disorder, Psychosis and a few others but you get the picture. My family used to Gas-Light me by telling me I was being being “Over-dramatic” or that I was “Over-exaggerating” when I would talk about something. I was told often enough by my sister that she has Depression and she can work, why can’t I? She doesn’t believe I should be on Disability when I have difficulty even just feeding myself some days.
A lot of people assume I don’t have energy or do a whole lot because “I’m fat” but it’s because my Brain is so overloaded with all that nonsense and my physical disabilities that I just don’t have it in me to even chew food some days.
Illness in any form effects people differently. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean I can or that someone else can.
There are reasons for why people are the way they are or act the way they act. If you’re curious enough, ask and respect the answer. If you’re not, leave them alone and do your own thing instead of saying nasty comments and s**t.
Im so sorry you went/go through all of this i wish there was a way to make everything better sometimes, these posts really show us how flawed society is and how individually, people have been through so much that they don't deserve, its disgusting that people find a way to blame mental disorders on the most disconnected things I hope things work out ok
I have Generalised Anxiety Disorder and I survived Anorexia.
-You just use it to get out of class/I wish I had anxiety so I can get out of class any time I want
-Just calm down (I get this A LOT)
-Have you tried yoga? (Yes and it never works, Chloe.)
-Just take a deep breath in and out (I get the logic but this barely does anything)
-I get it, I always get anxiety before my exams (Valid, but I have a disorder. It doesn't just apply to certain situations)
Anorexia (Please know, these were from people who knew I had anorexia):
-I wish I had your willpower (It's got nothing to do with willpower, love)
-Just make sure you don't gain too much weight back
-I wish I had anorexia so I can get skinny (This one's honestly sad)
-I am so jealous of you! I can never be that committed!
-Why can't you just eat? (VERY common but it is seriously harmful)
-You should try intermittent fasting instead (Yes, lets replace restriction with restriction)
-Can you teach me? (This really saddened me to be honest)
-So you just throw up everything? (Actually, I never did that)
-Oh, so you think I'm fat? (No. Quite the opposite actually)
I think the worst overall was from a friend:
"Oh my god! We get it, you survived anorexia and have anxiety. Everyone has been anorexic and anxious at some point. You always think you are special, but you are not. So, stop being such an attention-seeker and just shut the f**k up."
GAD is so hard to deal with :( it doesn't need a reason, it just strikes! I hope you can find better more supportive people in your life: you deserve it. You deserve support and understanding, not the treatment you have had
Not a serious disorder or disability but I have a skin condition that makes my skin all bumpy. It's kind of like goosebumps but not really. Some people find it weird. One person touched my arm and was like,"Ew! Why is it like that?? Can you get them all removed?" Like no, I can't their is way too many and they don't bother me and you don't notice them for the most part. But like why would you say that? Lol not a real problem, just annoying.
My niece has the same issue and was treated similarly. I'm glad that you have not let them (people and your skin) get you down. Everyone is different, those who don't get it really need a good wake-up call.
I've got a variety of physical conditions and hands down, the worst thing anyone has ever said to me was, "You shouldn't breed." While my joint hypermobility is inherited, 90% of people who have my condition are pain free and don't suffer as I do from joint pain and dislocations, so chances are any kids I have will just be bendy and floppy.
Another bad one was that I'd never find someone who wanted to be with a "disabled person" (the words they used were far worse).
Jokes on them; I met a wonderful guy who understands everything I go through cause he's got the same disability. We got engaged last year and we're expecting our first child come November.
I've got a variety of physical conditions and hands down, the worst thing anyone has ever said to me was, "You shouldn't breed." While my joint hypermobility is inherited, 90% of people who have my condition are pain free and don't suffer as I do from joint pain and dislocations, so chances are any kids I have will just be bendy and floppy.
Another bad one was that I'd never find someone who wanted to be with a "disabled person" (the words they used were far worse).
Jokes on them; I met a wonderful guy who understands everything I go through cause he's got the same disability. We got engaged last year and we're expecting our first child come November.
Congratulations! I have EDS related hypermobility ( as well as a plethora of other things) and it can be tough. Stay strong!
I've got a variety of physical conditions and hands down, the worst thing anyone has ever said to me was, "You shouldn't breed." While my joint hypermobility is inherited, 90% of people who have my condition are pain free and don't suffer as I do from joint pain and dislocations, so chances are any kids I have will just be bendy and floppy.
Another bad one was that I'd never find someone who wanted to be with a "disabled person" (the words they used were far worse).
Jokes on them; I met a wonderful guy who understands everything I go through cause he's got the same disability. We got engaged last year and we're expecting our first child come November.
I'm epileptic. I also always wanted to have children, but couldn't. I was talking to a friend about this, and she said, "Well, all things considered, maybe it's just as well you couldn't have children."
I have a craniofacial deformity, and quite a lot of strangers think it is acceptable to come up to me and ask very invasive questions like if I was in an accident. I don’t mind if they’re polite, but most of the time it feels very judgmental. Also, lots of people have called me ugly ( both openly to my face, and behind my back).
You are beautiful inside and out, and those sad excuses for people whom say otherwise are the lowest form of humanity.
anxiety and adhd......dont ask them if they have taken their medicine if they are acting normal and just wanting to have fun or tell them "oh get over it"
I have endometriosis and had to have a full hysterectomy a couple of years ago when I was in my mid thirties . My doctor (female) could not understand why I was upset for not being able to have children, I wasn’t married or had a boyfriend so what was the problem?! My colleague (female) told me that it was Gods way of saying that I would not be a good mother.
I have adhd extreme anxiety and depression.
Someone once said that I’m faking it for attention - 5/10 kinda hurt mad me mad
Someone said it’s all in my head - 8/10 that f****d me up I started overthinking and had a panic attack
Someone called me a freak- 3/10 meh it hurt a little but whatever
Someone said I was just crazy - 6/10 wtf bro why you gotta be like that?
There’s more but those ones are the first to come to mind
Rather mild but it still rankles, I missed work, where my daughter was my supervisor, due to a migraine headache. She said later, 'Mom's little headaches.'
Well, i have diabetes type 1 (with an insulin pump):
- But you're not fat!
- Ahw so you can't eat sugar! - yes i can and also: it's not only the sugars i have to pay attention* on it's also the carbohydrates which is in most foods and drinks
- (To my mum @ schoolyard): Sorry, but we won't invite your daughter to our party because we don't want any of the other kids get sick also - I was 10yo... wtf.. hurt as hell for both my parents and me.. The result was that none of the kids at school wanted to be near me after that insident
- That's your own fault because you ate too much sugar when you were a child - This is my favorite. Till this day (i am 31yo now) people are telling me this sh*t
* I can eat everything i want. Even the amount i want. I just have to compensate with my insulin :)
Autism, Complex PTSD....apparently my ex was the one who could “fix me”...umm I’m not broken..😕😕
I have bulimia. Told a friend when it was pretty bad and got told “well, you’re fat so it’s probably a good thing”
I have depression and anxiety. Things I've been told include:
•It's all in your head.
•You just want attention.
•Stop being so dramatic.
•Why don't you just kill yourself? (I have a bad history with self harm)
•You need to stop taking everything so literally. People are just joking.
•It's not that big of a deal.
I'm 15 and I have to deal with these things every day. Don't ever let anyone ever invalidate how you feel just because they don't like it. Remember that you are loved, even when you don't feel like it. Us here on the internet are always here for you. Don't forget it.
Why would people say these things? Oh yeah, I know why, they’re NUMPTIES and they’re TERRIBLE PEOPLE and please try not to listen to them. I don’t know much about bulimia but I just wanted to say you’re AMAZING! And you’re going to have an amazing life, with amazing people in it!
My husband not me but I was there. He is disabled. Stage 3 brain cancer, terminal. When we were applying for his disability status we were told he would not qualify for Medicare for 24 months after getting approved for disability. The clerk looked him in the face and told him he would be dead before it kicked in. SS office clerk.
Got ADHD and I was told:
-that I am not trying hard enough
-that I make others uncomfortable
-that my experiences are just normal by people who don't have it
-I am being lazy
-I am making excuses
-I need to be on par with regular people despite it
-that I am too much
-to stop for once
-that I was dramatic for panicking while doing normal things
-"A" has ADHD but they act like this, are you sure you have it?
ADHD impacts people differently, believe me when I say many people don't accommodate for you.
I deleted their message and muted them, but someone essentially told me that "I was being over-dramatic, I was offending people with depression because I self-diagnosed (I didn't?), I should get real help instead of begging for pity and attention, and I was causing people to kill themselves" all because of the mini depression meter I have on one of my bios.
I spent my early teen years dealing with severe scoliosis, so I have a few pre-surgery and post-surgery.
Pre: My sister used to get onto me for not standing straight in photos, (my spine was literally the shape of an S, I was as straight as I could get) and said I was ruining them all on purpose.
My mom used to constantly joke that I was walking like I was pregnant, when in actuality I was resting my hand directly on my bottom curve.
Post: I had a teacher who threatened to fail me for missing field trip assignments that took place during the middle of my three month recovery from spine surgery. I left the house a grand total of once the entire time, towards the end. To go see a movie on my birthday, and it nearly killed me. Not going to lie, I don’t even know how it all resolved. I freaked out so badly I cannot even remember what happened next, other than she was full of it and wasn’t allowed to fail me.
I also had a gym teacher the next year who I don’t think believed I ever had surgery, despite my doctor's note, and the massive scar on my back, and every other girl in class who I changed out with vouching for me. She just thought I was lazy.
Those were the extremes but I’ve had a few comments on my scar as well.
Oh my god! I’m sorry! I’m overusing this word today but everybody who ever said anything mean to you is a numpty.
I have anxiety, depression and ptsd. I’ve been told, by my mother it’s all in my head, or it’s just a phase or to not “get addicted” to my medication. Or better yet, to calm down it will all get better eventually. It’s an invisible disability, and a lot of people don’t think it’s a real one.
ADHD and anxiety, like The Lazy Poki, here my list for anxiety - that's not a real disability, just don´t worry, Take some belly breaths(Like thanks Deborah but I´m not 5 and that doesn´t work for me.), stop breathing so fast it makes me panic! (While I was going to pass out because of hyperventilation that I couldn't control.)-For ADHD - You don´t have that! you can´t. It´s not a real thing so stop being silly, JUST F*****G FOCUS, You are faking it. I can tell because I have it.- Like damn people, you seem like you are more mentally challenged than me.
So, I'm 90-ish% sure I have ADHD and probably autism but, I'm a girl so who knows (Girls are better at masking, so it's harder to tell if they have autism). So, I have been working from home and haven't been doing very well (As you can tell rn, I'm supposed to be in math) And so my grades aren't great. I haven't had any bad experiences with that because most of the people my age in the area are fine with it... except for maybe my grandma, but shes too nice to say anything.
The worst thing anyone has said was: "You can't be anxious" It was teacher that said this to me after I told them I was anxious because of a big test. I also heard from my friend she's homophobic
I have anxiety that I have to take medication for, and when I get any mildly strong emotion or stimuli my hands start flapping and I shake my legs. I have broad shoulders and a big chest for my age (but not at ALL overweight). Here are some things that have been said to me:
- Your embarrassing us! (when I started flapping)
- Kiss your dreams of acting goodbye! No one hires fat people. (after I ate my dessert a little fast)
- My parents always give me the stink eye whenever I flap or “tap-dance” in public
- What the h-e toothpicks (but actually) is wrong with you?!
I know it’s not that bad but it still hurts
I have PTSD, Anxiety, ADHD, depression, and I have some small problems with my legs that make them twitch a lot because of a birth defect.
- You don't need help
- you're fine
- just calm down
- just breathe
- it's weird that you twitch
- Just focus it's not that hard!
- Be more like them!
- Shut up
- be happier
It's really hard with all of these not going to lie, they discourage me a lot
Thanks for that by now I´m used to these kinds of things but, this kind of stuff is much more rare :)
Load More Replies...Honestly, the things I have heard from pandas on this site about my disabilities are just as offensive as anyone has said to me in real life. From being told I must only eat parsnip mush, to being mocked mercilessly for "mY CuNdIsHuN ", I've heard it all. People hear physical disability and cast aspersions over every aspect of who you are. This is very sad. There is nothing wrong with having physical or mental disabilities, and the people who mock us are just scared uneducated fools. But I've noticed keyboard warriors are more willing to say the most heinous things coz they don't have to say it to your face. Despicable
That I shouldn't have kids because they might be disabled like me (I have Spina Bitida) And more specifically the mother of my boyfriend (now ex- for different reasons) told him we could only be friends- not date- because if I was his girlfriend we might get married and have disabled children...........kind of hard to tell her we had already been dating for like 6months or so at the time!
Thanks for that by now I´m used to these kinds of things but, this kind of stuff is much more rare :)
Load More Replies...Honestly, the things I have heard from pandas on this site about my disabilities are just as offensive as anyone has said to me in real life. From being told I must only eat parsnip mush, to being mocked mercilessly for "mY CuNdIsHuN ", I've heard it all. People hear physical disability and cast aspersions over every aspect of who you are. This is very sad. There is nothing wrong with having physical or mental disabilities, and the people who mock us are just scared uneducated fools. But I've noticed keyboard warriors are more willing to say the most heinous things coz they don't have to say it to your face. Despicable
That I shouldn't have kids because they might be disabled like me (I have Spina Bitida) And more specifically the mother of my boyfriend (now ex- for different reasons) told him we could only be friends- not date- because if I was his girlfriend we might get married and have disabled children...........kind of hard to tell her we had already been dating for like 6months or so at the time!