honestly can’t wrap my head around the fact that people are mad at other people for just existing. it’s the first day of pride month and already the conservatives are spreading hate (Brett Cooper, Ben Shapiro, AmalaUnapologetic, etc). i hate how we’re going backwards…


I'm part of the LGBT community myself (Bisexual) but there's one thing that's absolutely horrifying me and that's the some members of the LGBT community seem to be pushing like Hell to take MAP's under the flag.

No! Just absolutely f*****g no! Just because we represent minorities, does NOT mean that we should be normalizing pedo's!


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hell no. MAPS are an abomination. There is no way in hell I can ever be moved to say "awwww, that's okay!" When it comes to children. Hell no. GTFOH with that nonsense

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    Please let me say everything before you judge whether to downvote or upvote.

    I don't agree with people pursuing relationships as lgbtqia+ because I am Muslim. That being said, I don't agree with A LOT of things because I am Muslim. Like drinking, smoking, pre-marital sex, gambling, consuming pork, you get the idea. But guess what? I also recognize that this is my choice, and my religion also emphasizes personal choice, no matter how muddled people try to make that. Let me follow my life philosophy and let others follow theirs.

    We can coexist and tolerate one another, even be friends and support one another. But I will only do so till the point your life ideals clash with mine. Then, still, I will stop myself and remove myself. I will not stop you, just ask that you go on without me.

    I guess most people don't understand that they don't have to impose their religion or philosophy on others.

    Also, as for representation, many people I know who are part of the lgbtqia+ community also express their annoyance to characters that are the "token lgbt+ character", a forced representation: "being gay for the sake of being gay and making their whole personality being gay".

    I think the Netflix series of Carmen Sandiego did this kind of representation best, following the method of "show, not tell". We could SEE a developing relationship and love interest between Carmen and Julia, who just so happened to be of the same sex. But it never felt obnoxious or "look at me, we're so diverse and representative".


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    Red Lotus 🪷
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Tiramisu, that was pretty brave of you to write this on BP. I share the same views as what you wrote above since I'm also a Muslim, but when discussing things on BP I try to avoid bringing religion into the discussions since it often ends in anything I try to say barraged with downvotes. And once you state that you are religious, people sometimes automatically then assume, " ah they won't listen to anything I say and just insist that it goes against their religion". Then the discussion turns into a toxic argument instead of people actually trying to understand each other.

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    Now I'm a part of the LGBTQ+ community myself, but I HATE how all these companies (especially shows) try to get attention from it by making everyone in their show suddenly a part of the community? I feel like what I'm trying to get at here is that some people don't get the real reason of the protests and are just LGBTQ-washing everything that exists, like yes it shows support but it's getting absurd and annoying.



    I think a lot of it is what DP said.
    And then there are a lot of people that don't support it because of their religion. Which should be fine. Love doesn't always equal celebration. They can love the people and still not "support" everything.
    I think another thing is that it's a hard subject in daily life. Yes, trans women should be allowed to play sports, but often they are physically stronger. How do you balance that? It makes it hard for woman to compete equally.
    Yes, kids should be able to make identity decisions for themselves...but should we allow surgery and hormones under 18? Most kids can't even get a tattoo under that age.
    It's all very complicated, but there is no reason to be afraid or hateful. We need to approach each issue with logic and compassion on both sides.


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    tom qwerty
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I dont htink sports should be seperated by sex or gender, i think it should be seperated by ability.

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    I think a lot of it may be a lack of knowledge and education


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    Also, not everyone veiws beliefs the same. I don’t understand why everyone has to agree. We never agree on anything. We are human. Then again, I don’t feel like we should hate as cis hets. Go ahead and don’t agree, but stop making a argument over it!!! Not everyone veiws things the same


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    I agree mostly with everyone above. It’s great that people have discovered their happiness in who you are but because most people can’t relate to what its like, they’re not going to relate (or care even) to the ‘out and proud’ in your face style. Being lgbtqIA+ is a part of who one is but its not everything they are. Its a slice of who we are that adds to the whole.


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    I think it is out of ignorance. People don’t know or understand the whole issue. Ignorance leads to fear of the unknown. And religious brainwashing doesn’t help either. It would be nice if people would just let others be themselves.


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    I'm a Muslim and I feel like people misunderstand my religion's stance on LGBTQIA+.

    Yes, we don't agree with it at all. But we do accept that the LGBTQIA+ community exists, unlike some other religions that pretend that people don't have these feelings whatsoever (in fact, I myself am probably asexual - I'm still figuring it all out).

    The sin, for us, is the action, not the feeling. We can't control our thoughts, feelings, or desires - and that's human and completely okay. Some of those desires are even healthy when channeled in the right way. Which is why I'm not instantly kicked out of the religion or something because I'm (probably) aseuxal. That's really not how it works.

    I feel like all this is pretty simple. But the problem that most people have is in thinking that disagreement is synonymous with disrespect. It really isn't!! I might disagree with someone, but that doesn't mean I don't treat them with the basic human respect they 100% deserve. Live, and let live.

    And the verse in our holy book, the Qur'an - "There is no compulsion in religion" - just shows that we're not going to push our views onto anyone, let alone hate. Us minorities see enough of that and it's tiring.

    Happy to discuss this further and I think Tiramisu did a great job explaining it as well. :)


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    Red Lotus 🪷
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I was thinking about adding another post about my stance as a Muslim after reading Tiramisu's post since it gave me courage 😅. But you already write what I wanted to say, our feelings aren't the sin- it's whether we act on them.

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    i am a transgender 14 year old girl and i believe that they just don't like different people s they think they are superior usually it is straight white christian men and they complain that we are r@pists but i was r@ped by a straight white man and never has a drag queen or a lesbian laid a finger on me, usually they are hypocritical (posie parker) and also anti abortion


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    Bc people make it their whole lives. I don’t care if your gay, but when you go around and make it your whole topic of speech it can make certain people mad. Also some people grew up that way


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    People have been against it for so long, I mean it in the bible which was writings from over 5 thousand years ago(that depends on where you got your sources, so maybe not exact, but still a long while ago), and people generally don't like change.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd like to also add that there is a difference between disagreeing and hating. I think it's ok for people to disagree with it, but causing harm in any way isn't ok. You shouldn't harm others because they have a different opinion.

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    It can get annoying when it feels like it’s being shoved down your throat, especially if the same ppl tell you not to shove something important to you down their throats. I think it’s 100% if you don’t wanna be a lil froot loop, as long as you’re not rude to the Froot Loops.


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    I thinks it's the fact that it's everywhere. It's a bit difficult to explain, but now it's difficult to find a movie or TV show that doesn't have some kind of propaganda being shoved down your throat. Look, I don't care what you do with your life even if I disagree with your choices since it's your life. But why, at every single turn does it keep popping up? As DP said in his post, it's becoming people's entire personality.

    Also, I'd like to know what you think about Brett and Amala. I watch their channels, and while I don't agree with everything that they say, I do find myself in agreement with 70-80% of what they say. Especially with Amala, since her analysis and explanations don't include religion and thus can be generalized to anyone.


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    Bubblegum Witch
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think it’s fine to have LGBTQ+ stuff in stuff. I think that if people are gonna say love is love, then it shouldn’t make that couple WAY FAVORED just bc they cuff the jeans and date the Froot Loops.

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    It threatans their control of the government.



    The LGBTQ hardly make a convincing argument for existance of some members of their group when confronted with questions that require factual answers. Rather, it's mostly labelling others as homophobic, bigots, backward, primitive, etc after losing the argument and quickly getting triggered. However much I agree that people can love whoever they want, it makes no reasonable sense how a person thinks it's okay to identify as a direct opposite of what they are physically and biologically just because they admire or feel like they should've been that way. This simply makes them actors. I find it insulting to the women and mothers(if you understand what a mother is). In many African countries, it's largely a recruitment process that involves training/education of individuals with promises of material wealth and or visas to foreign countries. I personally find most of their activities contrary to basic science and moral ecology of populations.
    My opinion.


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    (pansexual enby here) I think that it's what people have been taught for so long, through media, and through religion. While I'm not saying it's ok to be jerky to people just because of who they are, people are often repeating what they've been taught. I hope that as people learn, they will be more accepting.

    Happy Pride Month, fellow beings!


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    Religion, or they don’t understand it.
    I would like to point out that the main point of many religions is to live and respect people no matter what, and also just cuz you can’t understand something doesn’t mean you should hate it.


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    bc they are bad people.i get some people push it alot,like to much,but its a thing we cant help.love is love


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