I would like to ask you: When was the last time you cried, and what was the reason? Please feel free to share your stories.


3 years ago I married the love of my life and became a father. We had both been through severe traumatic and abusive relationships, some very recently in fact, and somehow took a chance, finding real love.

One lazy Sunday morning a few weeks ago, she walked out of the bedroom to get an energy drink, smiled, and said "Hi my love." I gave her a hug, said good morning, and went to my office to cry. Sometimes life is so beautiful after so much pain you just need to let it all out.



    Because someone stole the flower arrangement from my sister's grave. It's not the first time it's happened, but this one was particularly nice - silk flowers that I had just put out like a month ago that I really didn't have the money to spend on when I bought them. People are trash. Sorry about that, Angie.


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    Nice Beast Ludo
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A******S I'm sorry that is awful. Did you look around the other Graves to see if someone stole it and moved it to their loved one?

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    Yesterday night. I was asleep and I had a dream that my dad needed me to open the front door for him because his hands were full. I opened the door for him, and my dog (who had cancer and had been put down about a year ago.) was on the front porch. I immediately started sobbing and I woke up, still sobbing thinking it was real, and that my fur brother was home again.


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    Blyss Blyssylb
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This makes me cry. So sorry for your loss honey. I am sorry to hear that. I too have dreams like that. Sometimes it's my late husband, sometimes it's my fur baby (or fur babies) and sometimes all of them who show up in my dreams. I can only say that maybe it's your fur brother's way of saying "hello" and that he is still with you, if only in spirit. He may have become your guardian angel.

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    happy cry: yesterday. i watched a cute video of foster kittens and how much the foster mum loved the kittens and damnit i cry almost everyday because of videos like that.

    ugly/sad cry: last year when my depressions hit a new low. there was no real reason, i was just exhausted and crying often helps to clean the soul.. and it helped a lot


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    Kevin the Manager
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I SO wish I could cry like that again. After decades of smashing my emotions down due to being told that "boys don't cry," I am now only capable of a few tears at a time.

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    This morning when my husband said "we might be losing her" about one of our cats. We have several, but he is particularly attached to her. He's not someone to show a lot of emotion, and when I heard the crack in his voice it really hit me. His heart is breaking.



    Today, right now, after reading just 19 submissions by fellow pandas. I have stop for now because I can't see thru the tears. My tears are for all of you who are hurting, who have lost a loved one, who were hurt by someone in a position of trust, who are hurting in today's world. I'll be back to finish reading this article later...


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well said... There is a lot of pain on this page. Lots of joy, too, though, and hopefully joy to come for all our suffering pandas.

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    We have a Filimin on our kitchen counter. It is a simple light device that allows people who live far away to say a quick "Hello" to each other using colored light. My mom has the other part of our particular duo in Minnesota. I reached out to touch the Filimin the other day, and I realized that since she passed away recently, she won't ever touch the other side again. I cried in the kitchen.


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    The Love-Giver (he/they)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what that's like. But it'll hurt less over time, don't worry.

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    Early 2020, when my dog died.

    I cried every time I thought about her for months. Now I smile when I remember her and how lucky I was to had had her.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I always felt that my cats that passed away were hoping that I would rescue another kitty so they could have a great life too. It takes about a month and we realize we're lonely for four little feet racing around. Shelters give funny names. We adopted Chuckles 3 years ago and changed his name.

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    Because someone I love deeply broke my heart


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    2 days ago doing housework. i sound just like my mom when i sing; she died of cancer 3 yrs ago


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    over it already
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sad but nice. In my experience being able to hear/remember the voice of someone who has passed is one of the first memories to fade away (or maybe it's just me.) It's lovely that you can sing like her and remember.


    Uhhh i think it was yesterday? I cried cause of hormones, super pregnant and I got too damn hot in this heat! Then my husband brought the kiddie pool inside and filled it a bit with cold water and I cried from the relief of cooling down 😅



    A few days ago. Existential crisis. Been happening more often lately.



    Last night. I’ve been having a hard time trying to find the best way to come out to my parents. I’m not ashamed to be pansexual, just I have a feeling that they wouldn’t understand it.



    Yesterday, I been so overwhelmed with multiple health issues and my best friend hurt me deeply during one of my worst depressive episodes. I was sèlf-h@eking and I just started bawling (not because of the pain, I don’t really feel the physical pain anymore)
    Cried just writing this actually


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    over it already
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope things get better soon. I can only speak for myself, but I don't want you to hurt yourself. I don't even know you and I am 100% CERTAIN that you're worth more than you feel and think about yourself right now. Sending love that hopefully will help nudge you a little bit to the other side of this struggle.

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    A few weeks ago when my fiance called me to say Immigrations had denied him a tourist visa so he could not come and see me. Two days before departure. They already made the decision 2 weeks earlier but did not inform us until that moment.

    I've appealed against the decision but have already been told by them they WILL take at least 26 weeks to decide.


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    When I begged my online friend to not commit suicide over text. Never got a response back…



    30 minutes ago because I had a flashback of all the terrible things my dad did to me



    Today. (And I don’t think I'm done for today... or for the next days, or weeks.) Related to my pet rat I lost last week.



    never really cry much but more often past few months. 3 mos ago my wife had affair and cheated with pastor of our church, who we were good friends with. did it in the hospital room of her dying mother. she said i never loved her or cared for her. he trashed me for a while to. it broke me. its been rough. so yeah i cried


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It breaks you hard. You can't even believe the sun has the audacity to rise again. Now you have to re evaluate and it numbs you. It takes time and not dwelling on the past. The pastor trashed you?!

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    today. realized how lucky i am to have nice parents.


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    I caretake my 92 year old parents for the past 6 years. Sold my house and moved back. Dad has severe, broad spectrum dementia along with many physical issues. Dad spent most of April in the hospital and when he was released, the hospital sent a visiting nurse a couple of times a week for 3 weeks. This visiting nurse basically said I was failing at taking care of them, because I cannot force dad to drink fluids, and I can't force him to eat vegetables (he's 92 and has never eaten veggies in his life). I also can't force him to where his hearing aids or use his walker. I gave up my life of retirement and fun to do this and being called a failure was the straw.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Anyone who criticizes the efforts of a caregiver such as you under these circumstances is an idiot. You are not a dementia care specialist, you are not a medical professional, you are a daughter doing your best. He is 92. A few carrots and peas are not making a big difference at this point! Give yourself a break, and a treat. You can't care for anyone if you don't take care of yourself.

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    This afternoon, after overhearing my mom on the phone once again talking about how I'll never be enough. No matter how hard I try, I will never make her proud.

    I know you'll never see this mom, but all I ever wanted was for you to be proud of me. I just want to hear you say it.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You are enough. You are good enough, smart enough, talented enough, and beautiful enough. Unfortunately you got a broken mother. That happens to some people. It is very hard, but it is not a reflection on you. You can not base your worth on her opinion. As a mother, I am proud of you. You are amazing.

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    I fully accepted that my ex will never recognized he is emotionally abusive. A sad cry that released the last of my doubts for leaving him.



    I don't cry if I can possibly avoid it. My head hurts, my throat gets sore, my nose gets all stuffed up and my eyes ache afterward. I feel worse after crying than I do beforehand.

    That said, two weeks ago when I got stung by a hornet. It HURT!


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    Yesterday. My father has had two falls in the last five days, cracked two vertebrae, then partially dislocated a shoulder. I don't know how my mother keeps it together. I use all my energy being positive in front of them.


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    dropped a heavy box on my iingrown toenail, turned around in a hurry and caught the same bastard toe on the table leg. that s**t hurt more than breaking my damned ankle



    maybe about a week ago. and i think it was because my hands were all bloody?



    I had a sad dream and woke up in tears. I can't even remember what the dream was about, just that it was so dreadfully sad.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hate when dreams do stuff like that. I once dreamt that my dad made a bunch of really good looking food and we were about to sit down and eat it. Then I woke up, realized there was no food, and felt genuinely disappointed.

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    Last night. My cat escaped, usually indoor. I searched and could hear his distress cry. Couldn’t see him or find him.

    I had closed the escape window to keep the others in, my SO said to re-open it. So, I did.

    I cried, was sick and lost my tummy.

    Sat in the bathroom, in he jaunts. Then happy cried!


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    Today. I’m pregnant and I got into Law school. I sold my “fun car” and have max a lot of changes to save for taking a huge pay cut while I go on mat leave (I’m the primary breadwinner) and will most likely have to dip into my savings to get by for the first year. My partner asked me if my mother would help at all and I said no. I then thought about it and I felt so sad I do t feel like I have a mom anymore. She’s an alcoholic (high functioning) and I got sober 2.5 years ago and things haven’t been the same. She’s mean and honestly it breaks my heart seeing her drunk because it reminds me of myself and how bad my mental health was to drink straight vodka at 7am. Granted she isn’t as bad as I was but it still mean and sour to be around and I miss my mom. I hate that I’m pregnant and happy and getting my life together and she’s so sad and drunk all the time.

    I miss my mom, she can be right in front of me but is so emotionally unavailable all the time she might as well not be there at all.

    I really miss my mom.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Alcoholism is a demon. I've been on both sides. I'm so sorry, hope your mom finds her way to sobriety.


    I start high school soon and I'm scared. I only have like 2 friends that are there and I'm afraid to be alone if they move on. Plus, I suck at making new ones because of my social anxiety lol 😅


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    LC Petersen -Joyce
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Two is better than none. Try writing a gratefulness list, it helps me to see how much I have that I take for granted. You're going to be fine, I have social anxiety as well, remember to do your belly breathing.

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    I found out my parents didnt want a daughter (two days ago)


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    Yesterday at the end of Star Trek movie when they have the funeral for Data. 😭😭



    The day before yesterday. I was having my period, a depressive dip, intense dysphoria, and issues with my father all at the same time.



    A month ago, maybe? Pain. Sometimes drugs just don't make a difference.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes. Splitting migraine, right now. Sometimes I just can't kill them, and I start scrolling BP with the screen on dim for a distraction.

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    A few days ago. I sobbed because my teenage children break my heart.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My grandma used to say "When your children are young they break your back. When they get older they break your heart." Hang in their Mom! Make sure to take care of yourself.

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    The last time I cried was last year, around Aug or Sept 2022. My mom was fighting with my auntie, because my auntie ditches us on family vacation to be with someone who wronged my mom badly in the past. While I'm trying my best to defend my mom and accomodate her needs, like buying a ticket to go home together and leave my auntie alone, and did my best to tell her that I never support what my aunt did, she blames be continuously for months because I didn't shout right away towards my aunt. For her, defending her means that we must go on an all-out-war with her adversary. Perhaps slap my auntie right in the face right away would be the best action for my mom. Up to this point, I didn't know whether what I did to handle those conflict is right or wrong. My work-life already f*cked up enough due to tech-winter (I work in tech industry). Until one day, when I said to my mom I leave for work, I didn't go to office. I go to nearby park and having a meltdown there. I stay at the park from 9 AM to 7 PM. I decide to contact my best friend, and he comes to the park to pick me up. We talk until late night, and he said that he'll tell some lies to my company (we work under the same company) that he just met me an I'm not feeling well, so I can take 2 days of sick leave, including the day I was at park. Luckily taking a sick leave at my company back then didn't need a doctor's written diagnose. Next day, I was spending a day at hotel alone to rest my mind. This conflict was never resolved. It is almost one year since my aunt wronged my mom. Until today, sometimes my mom would still blame me for "not standing up enough for her". Moving out is not an option. In my country, you'll be branded as "ungrateful child" if you "abandon" your parent and you'll met with many more difficulties out there. In my country (Indonesia), a child should take care of their parents by themself until your parents passed away. Even up to marriage, some people would bring along their parents. I feel helpless. Sometimes I retaliate, but it'll cost me a whole day. I must be ready to be angry the whole day once I choose to retaliate that day. It is exhausting for me as I need to tend my works, while my mom did nothing (thus she has musch energy resevoir to fight with me). Sometimes I'm just fleeing (told her I'm hanging out with friends, need to work overtime, etc). I resent her. Yet I can't do anything.


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    Maja Lange
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That sounds like a difficult general situation. I'm sorry for you.

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    I was listening to Radiohead while driving, and thinking dark existential thoughts, as one is prone to do when listening to Radiohead and driving. I was already on the verge of tears when I saw a skinny old homeless cat. He was so beat up looking, I just lost it. Clearly life hasn't been easy for him. I felt so much sadness, I wanted to scoop him up and give him some love (and food). Then I started thinking about how much I love my 3 kitties and cats in general, and how we humans are destroying the world which means kitties are going to suffer too.


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    My youngest son is an Army veteran with PTSD, chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. He's going through a custody battle with his ex-wife, a bi-polar controlling narcissist (psychiatrist's diagnosis, not mine).
    It's tearing him apart and their four young kids have been through hell. I spoke to him for awhile this morning and my mother's intuition tells me that he is not up for this battle. If the ex gets the children we'll never see them again.
    It was a rough morning. I have to just have faith that my grandbabies will be ok, that God/Universe/Love will take care of them.



    When we got rid of one of my cats his name was Echo and he was a russian blue



    Right now. Everything is too much. I can't deal with these flashbacks anymore combined with everything else.


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    The Dentist
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well if theres anything I can do to help, let me know. Hugs from random person on the internet❤

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    i honestly just feel like s**t



    Yesterday, watched the video of a stadium audience singing along to Bohmian Rhapsody. It was in Poland before a Harry Styles concert. Made me wish Freddie hadn't been taken too soon and could see the love the world still has for him. It was joyful and poignant.


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    The last time I cried was 7/10/2012 at 1:35am. My mom had just taken her last breath while looking right at me. I was 21. Her heart stopped because the painkillers were pooling in her system and her body couldn't take it anymore. She fought Stage 4 Inflammatory Breast Cancer from 3/14/2009 til that morning. By that time it had eaten most of her liver and so she was barely conscious. But she was still able to moan and call out for my dad, sister, and my sister's 2 kids...not once did she call out for me or my older brother. Just them. Major PTSD moment that I still relive every single night and can't escape from...kinda like I'm being haunted in my dreams. The crying has since turned to silent screaming and nightly panic attacks.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My grandmother, while dying due to metastatic breast cancer, forgot who I was. She forgot I even existed, and would become very distraught because she knew she should know me but couldn't figure it out. She eventually decided I was a friend of my mother's and I just went with it. Your mom was gone long before she died sweetie. She wasn't herself anymore. Maybe she had lost you and couldn't figure out who you were. You were there for her. You did one of the hardest things a human being can do, and you did it well. A grief support group might help.

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    I made the mistake of watching the blender cat video.

    I WAS SOBBING into my mom's arms (I'm 15 btw so I live with my parents)



    When I thought life didn't exist and I cried and cried because I didn't want to live. [Long story short]
    That was a while ago.



    last night. i’ve hit a new low in my life. and i don’t think i’ll ever get back up from it.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you need a reason to live, live out of spite because doing things out of spite is fun

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    last week, fully realized I couldnt be with someone because of religious differences but I still love them


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's a pity. Which religions? You might be able to reach a compromise. E.g. my previous partner was Hindu and I was atheist so we agreed to practice something like Zen Buddhism.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    I was just too overwhelmed by my own negative thoughts :)



    Unfortunately, my grandmother cut an onion today.

    In all seriousness, the last time I cried was when a close friend of 2 years told my best friend a secret that made me lose them.. so haha



    The day in 2016 when Donald Trump was elected President. (Actually he lost the election but won the Electoral College.) I knew the United States, its democracy, its institutions, was in BIG trouble!


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    Maja Lange
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I cried, too - all the way over here, in my home country of Denmark. The rise of Trump and its consequences have taken a toll on my trust in humanity. I find it truly depressing to see his continued popularity and all the vile human tendencies that have reared their ugly heads because of it.

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    The last time, I was watching a movie on TV that was titled 50 to 1. It's the story of a family in New Mexico who decides to race a horse in the Kentucky Derby. All sorts of mishaps happen to them and no one believes in them (that's why the 50 to 1). And everyone makes fun of the family because they have a cowcoy look and the ladies made their own "gala hats". I'm not American but I don't know why, the triumphant race of the stallion and his jockey made me cry, and to see the joy of the family. It made me cry even more when I saw that it was a true story. I do not know why. Maybe because nobody believed in them and they still succeeded. In short, it touched me a lot.


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    Last night, I had a dream that my dad needed me to open the front door, because his hands were full. I opened the door for him, and my dog, who had been put down almost a year ago, was sitting on the front porch next to him. I started sobbing, thinking the dream was real. I woke up after two minutes of crying. I realized that it was a dream and my good boy wasn’t really home. I started to cry again. Rip my good boy blaze.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    a week ago my parents were being b******s




    My sister came up to me and against my will licked my face. It was traumatizing. She grabbed my head in her hands to force it to her tongue despite my screaming. Anyway, we were playing though because I licked her earlier. But even though I don’t remember everything, I know that what she did was uncalled for. Strangely, I broke down and started bawling in the living room where my mom and dad and sister were after she did it. I hardly ever cry or make a big deal about the crazy stuff my sister does, but this time I was really frightened… I think I was afraid because I imagined her as just a person and not my sister.

    This was a few days ago.


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    Sad cry watching the last episode of Saving Grace on Netflix.



    A few days ago, re-reading book 4 of my current obsession series (FMA). That funeral scene gets me every time...


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    Happy cry: Finally figuring out my identity, and finding other genderfluid people with similar experiences. Also, listening to a lot of really emotional music at 2am.

    Sad cry: Feeling like everything is changing way too fast (for rather complicated reasons that I can't explain rn) and being really overwhelmed with everything.


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    When they blew up the Enterprise at the end of Star Trek III. Not trying to be snarky or funny for once, but somehow that hit me even harder than Spock's death at the end of II--felt like a part of my childhood was gone. Never been much of a crier in real life--not even at my mother's funeral--but reading some of these posts makes me realize what an awesome life I've had. Sorry for everyone who has suffered or is still suffering.


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    I re-watched a video of my partner crying with gratitude for the holiday we went on to an exotic location.


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    My boyfriend had cancer and passed away 2 years ago. I didn't cry when he passed as I had been expecting it. It was several months earlier when it hit me that he was terminal and wouldn't be around much longer.


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    Maja Lange
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh God, how horribly painful that must be - I can hardly bear the thought of experiencing that. I'm so, so sorry for you.

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    Yesterday, at a professional baseball game. I moved to the US a little over a year ago and I still tear up when I hear the national anthem.


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    My best friend told me she was having a baby. I sobbed happy tears like an absolute idiot. I know how much it means to her and I'm so happy for her. I have gotten so many little baby things for the cutie!


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    Invisigoth (he/him)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    you did not sob like an idiot, you sobbed like someone who was happy for their friend

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    I REALLY cried more than a year ago on my grandpa's funeral. People that didn't even know him were talking like he was their best friend. I cried so much that I couldn't even hold the candle I was supposed to hold. 😭


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    My dad has Parkinson's, and on top of all the other abilities he has lost, he can barely speak or write anymore, and it won't be long until he can't communicate at all. The almost complete communication barrier is already excruciating, and soon it will be absolute. Along with other mental issues, I have agoraphobia (meaning it's extremely hard for me to leave my apartment), so I almost never see my dad. I miss him, and I know he needs me both emotionally and practically, but while my sisters are breaking themselves helping him and keeping him company, I can do next to nothing for him. The knowledge of my dad's constant suffering and my sisters' extreme stress (on top of everything, one of them was diagnosed with cancer last Fall) as well as my longing and all-encompassing guilt are the main reasons why I cry almost every day, and it was the reason why I cried most recently - even though my beloved stepdad died a little under two months ago, and my mum is getting lonely, which breaks my heart as well... I was deeply unhappy in life before my dad got sick, and I've been through some very painful things in my time, but the pain caused by my dad's sickness is beyond anything I've ever experienced. It's eating me up, and every day is hell - although less so for me than for my dad. ... I'm writing all this for therapeutic reasons, yes, but more importantly in an attempt to raise awareness. I want you all to know that Parkinson's disease is not "just" something that makes a person tremble; it takes everything away from them. It attacks every part of their system and gradually destroys them, and it hammers away at their loved ones, too. So if you get the chance, please donate to Parkinson's-related causes. That nightmarish, hellish disease must be fought.


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    The last serious bawl I had was in 2020 when news of Hana Kimura's death broke. 22 years with the world at her feet but taken away because of a miserable reality show and internet trolls. I followed that up with quite a lot of hate posts for the series, which in retrospect, wasn't the best of moves but I was sad, angry and pretty much only felt despair at the time. Didn't help that my dog who lived to be 11 had just died before I received the news :-(

    Haven't had much to bawl about since but there have been times when I teared up remembering what transpired in 2020.


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    Probably when I was a little kid and got injured. Idk I don't cry much


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    I have depression. The last time I cried, like many other times, had no particular reason. I wasn't crying and then... I was. I was bawling. I cried for next to 20 minutes.



    Last night. We had a house fire about six weeks ago and have basically lost everything. We’re staying with my husband’s brother right now and I was trying to use the computer and things weren’t working out and I basically had a two hour weeping breakdown.


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    Maja Lange
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh no, no, no. House fires are one of my greatest fears... I'm deeply sorry for you.




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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They can be very debilitating indeed. I had a Surgical Procedure yesterday and was Allergic to something which was used (not sure exactly what it was) I woke up with eyes and nose streaming, and have been having many sneezing episodes for 24 hours now. I feel exhausted and the closest I have come to crying in some time. Last time I really cried was when my ex partner (we weren't together at the time, but were still friends) dropped dead in a Subway Station, just horrible.

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    I thought my dog had cancer. Apparently, he ate a bunch of rocks and the vet thought it was a tumor until surgery happened and they pulled rocks and feminine products from his stomach.



    The first time I saw my daughter wearing her wedding dress


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    I rarely cry, but I feel sad a lot. So I have a lot of debilitating health problems. I'd been feeling especially bad for a while and my doctor hadn't been able to find out what was wrong. I researched my symptoms and side effects of medications I had been taking and found the most likely culprit. So I told my doctor, and she's like "OMG! I saw your blood work and that you were low on 'blank' and 'blank', but I thought it was because you're taking 'blank' medication. But it's actually a dangerous side effect of a different medication, and you have to go to the ER NOW!" So now not only did I feel like c**p, I also had to worry about getting to the ER, making the doctors there believe that I ķnew what my problem was, (because my own doctor is outside of the healthcare network in my small town and the hospital doctors here are reluctant, if not downright opposed to listening to their patients), and managing not to get admitted while still receiving the correct treatment for my problem. It was all just too much. I just broke down, thinking how I'd lost almost a year of my life to this illness, wondering why my doctor hadn't figured it out sooner, and also, knowing that I was low on the the two components in my blood that could cause coma, heart attack and, obviously, death was extremely upsetting. Then I just started thinking of all the depressing things going on in the world today, mass extinction, our ruined climate, etc, and it just broke me for a bit.


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    I believe it was because I got into trouble for something my sister did. She was looking for snacks when she was told not to. We had the same colour shirt so it kinda makes sense


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    Yesterday. We been trying for a baby for around 5 years ( thanks tracking app !) and for around a week I have been receiving 5 pregnancy & birth news. Its awful. I'm happy for all of them but it really is painful and sometimes I really cannot take it anymore.


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    Maja Lange
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That must be really hard. I'm so sorry for you and your partner.


    Yesterday (50m), after getting home early from work.
    Spent the first part of the morning caught up in the shooting in Auckland which happened right where I get off the ferry each day. The rest of the morning was with my two younger co-workers (one had been with me during the shooting), making sure that they were okay. Fielding calls from work and family making sure we were okay and messaging my kids in case they saw the news.
    Left work early so I could be there when my kids got back from school.
    Not the scariest situation I've been in, not the most traumatic, but thinking about how to frame it up for my kids and the frustration and concern that this could happen in NZ.


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    Maja Lange
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's the first I've heard of it, but I checked and saw that two people died. That's tragic, and I'm sorry for everyone affected, including you and your children.


    The only time I cried as adult from pain was getting a long row of stitches out after wrist surgery. I’ve had lots of surgeries.


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    Today while watching 20/20 on Hulu about the Uvalde school shootings. So incredibly sad.


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    Last time was Thursday 20. July at night. I cried because I was on holiday for a really long time and I missed home and my dog who I had not seen for over a month and I just wanted to go home. I was lying on the sofa bed which me and my mum shared because it was so big. And I am almost 11 so it isn’t so weird yet. So I was lying in the bed looking at the curtains and I saw the light from a car pass across the room and I remembered what I used to do when I was little. I used to follow the light and close my eyes whilst it passed me. Then I started to cry even more because I started to remember the time when my parents weren’t divorced yet. I still get sad after four years


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    Maja Lange
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh, honey... I'm so very sorry, and I wish I could hug you. Being a child of divorced parents can be so painful. But I'm sure it will become easier as you continue to grow up - it did for me.

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    Not too long ago actually, I had just gotten off the phone with one of my friends that I was supposed to hang out with on my birthday and she said she couldn't come. All of my other friends were out of town so I spent my birthday alone.


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    Late may, I went through a depressive episode, right after school got out.


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    A few days ago, re-reading book 4 of my current obsession series (FMA). That funeral scene gets me every time...


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    Yesterday night when watching the first episode of Move to Heaven. My dad's death anniversary is fast approaching and it's been in my mind. In the episode, the father said to his son "I will always be with you". I was sobbing on the couch.



    I cried when I got the news that I was been retrenched after nearly 12 years with the same company (funders are highly fickle creatures and when your project does not get critical funding retrenchments have to happen).


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    uh today cuz i’m like SUPER emotional and cried while rewatching red dog for like the 2932th time


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