We've all had those horrible teachers, and sometimes when you look back on it, you can find it quite stupid. So let's hear it! Worst teacher ever?


Chemistry teacher,very old shamed girls abt clothing and occasionally slapped them she hated me


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    My Russian teacher, who was perhaps too old, seemed like she lost all of her patience to work with the kids. She was very intolerant of kids making mistakes, which is quite natural at that age.


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    Ohhh, ohhhh. My mathematics teacher.
    I’ve posted about him before, but nevermind :>
    Some quotes from him:
    ‘Shut up before I make your life hell’

    ‘Shut up before I rip your hair out’

    ‘Shut up before I physically kick you out the class’

    He yelled at a kid on Wednesday for a really really stupid reason-

    Kid: *breathing*
    Teacher: stop that noise!
    Kid: I’m just breathing...
    Teacher: if you’re going to be rude, illy be twice as rude!
    Kid: I wasn’t being rude..
    Teacher: Don’t talk back! I’ll make your life hell!
    (Teacher says ‘ha’ loudly a few times, we all jump)


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    I had a teacher who laughed about throwing a shoe at a kid "as a joke" and I had many talks with the principal with my friend who she also bullied. The principal said she used to be worse to my parents and she still works at that school. Also, this is in an American private school.


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