We admit it, we've all had sucky teachers. So share your story, I guess!


My gym teacher. He is sexist, assumes boys are better than girls, apparently we're out of shape if we don't do a sport, plays blasting music that disturbes people with autism, and treats everyone as if we have the same physical abilities.


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    A teacher from 6th grade refused to let kids go to the bathroom... just plain out refused. If someone had an emergency and really needed to go, we had to sign the conduct like we had broken some rule. And we only had 5 minutes in between classes... our school was really huge and took the entire five minutes to get there. Once, my friend had to sign the conduct and go because she had a ... female emergency and couldn’t say it.



    Not sure who was the worst, I'll let you decide:
    1. Form tutor, when a metal bookcase fell on my head, I was on the floor, bleeding from a (rather large) gash near my crown. She told me to 'Get up and stop being stupid!' after I lost consciousness, instead of calling an ambulance, she called my mother and told her I 'had a slight bump on the head'. I'm not surprised my mum punched her.
    2. PE teacher demanded I get changed in the hall because I was late (at this school we had strict uniform which included underwear specifically for P.E), I told him to f-off and he threatened to spank me in front of the class. I got suspended for pulling a weapon (a fountain pen) out of my bag to defend myself.
    3. The science teacher that grabbed me by the throat because I offered him a mint for his coffee breath. (my mum hit him as well).
    4. The art teacher that threw a heavy wooden stool at a girl because she was crying in class while he was talking.
    5. The music teacher that locked students in a cupboard if they "misbehaved".


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    GOD I HAVE A LOT. In 7th grade, I ended up in the hospital at 11 pm and didn't get back to my house till 10 am, and my parents let me stay home from school. My physical science was at 9, and the next day I came back and we had a test on stars. The only time we went over it was the day I was in the hospital. The test was half our quarter grade, and I failed it. I asked for a retake, (because I knew nothing ab it) and he refused. This year, I went hypo-glycemic (low blood sugar, I'm diabetic) during a unit test in Honors Algebra II. One of the symptoms is brain fog, sometimes memory loss, which can be bad enough that you could forget your own name. Not to mention the whole time I was trying not to pass out, and this class is the class right before lunch, and have the latest lunch. I would've gone to the nurse if it was any other teacher, but he's scary. So I went to lunch, ate, and went to the nurse. She said that I'm actually not supposed to have C lunch (the lunch I have) bc I'm diabetic. I stayed in the office for 2 hours or so until I stopped shaking. I went along my day and stuff. So I sent an email to my algebra teacher asking if I could get a re-take, and described what happened. This was before he even graded the tests. THE NEXT DAY HE F*****G YELLED AT THE CLASS BECAUSE "THIS IS AN HONORS CLASS AND YOU SHOULD NOT NEED RETAKES AND IF ITS TOO HARD FOR YOU TAKE NORMAL ALGEBRA 2 AND HAVE THE TEACHER PAT YOU ON THE BACK AND GIVE YOU CANDY" BRUH WHAT THE F**K I HAD A MEDICAL CONDITION PREVENTING ME FROM BEING ABLE TO DRAW A F*****G STRAIGHT LINE LIKE WHO DOES THAT


    See Also on Bored Panda

    the gym teacher that made all of the girls bend down and touch their toes for thirty seconds if they missed a lap. when all the boys had to do was a push-up. he was such a creep.


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    See Also on Bored Panda