Tell me and the panda community who was your weirdest teacher and what made them so weird.


In college, I once had a sociology/psychology professor who was demonstrating how tone affected the sincerity of stating things. He went to one student and very calmly told her "I hate you." He then went straight to my desk and shouted "I F*****G LOVE YOU, B****!" It was hilarious. He was a really good professor.



    I had a history teacher back in fifth grade. One time, she farted and she blamed it on a rock. It was funny but weird at the same time.


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    marshmallo nat
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    bwahahahahah i need a minute *hear me laughing my head off in background*

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    I had two German teachers in my school and they were both super weird. They dressed the same, had the same haircut, and were very similar in character: mean, strict, and illogical. Note: they were not related, nor were they from Germany.
    Well, they both taught me at some point in time. They were obsessed with Germany and everything about it. If you said something critical about the country they would get so mad. One of them even said: "I don't think Hitler was THAT bad." And then proceeded to say why. I honestly blacked out from shock and couldn't even remember what she said. The ignorance of them both was astounding. I stopped taking German quickly after that, which is sad because I really do like the language and the country.


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    Cameron Alford
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    hitler....not that you people see what this world has turned into

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    I had a teacher in home economics who used to wash her feet in the sink, in the class, during the class, in front of the students. I guess I will never find out why but will bear this in my memory.



    My 6th grade Sccience Teacher said she was turned on by cells



    Well I've had a few weird teachers, first one was a 4th grade teacher (I'm in 6th) she was a sub and she would scream at everyone for no reason like once she asked us to get out a pencil. Well I did and she screamed at me for having a pencil. Second, this is a lunch lady who threatened kids. Like threatened to duct tape their mouths shut and lock them outside in 9 degree weather. Third, my music teacher right now told my entire class bout one of her teachers who was disgusting and was always drunk at work. We asked what happened to him and she said that he got arrested for running around naked... idk why she told us that.



    One time I had a substitute teacher and when I got in trouble with her we would solve the problem (like anyone else would) and when the problem was resolved she looked at me like I was her best friend or something it made me creeped out and uncomfortable for the rest of class.



    In high school, I had a sociology teacher and she was great. I learned a lot from her. Anyway, she had this plant at her window she said was her mom and she told us not to worry because of ever there was a school shooter situation or something like that, Mom would rise up and protect us and take them out. This was in the early 2000s so we had active shooter drills but it wasn’t quite as prevalent as it is today. Anyway, she talked about Mom so much, I half believed her!



    Not sure if weird is the word... I had an over-religious teacher in high school. She used to chase pupils out of her classroom who weren’t Christian if they answered questions wrong. Heaven help you if you were LGBTQ. One of her daughters came out as gay at the end of school (twin girls, she taught them both). She disowned her daughter for being gay. Best part was it was an all girls school.


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    Noemie Houtekie-N'Da
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What the heck? It's ok to be religious, but gosh, what she is doing is the opposite of christianity (prolly spelled that wrong). She is supposed to be kind and accepting to everyone, including her daughter.

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    my 6th grade science teacher. on the first day of school, it was a rule that we have a clear or see thru bottle containing ONLY water. this one kid (i didn't have any other classes with him) had one of those green Gatorade bottles. and the teacher went around looking at peoples bottles. and she looked at his and said:

    "whatcha got it there?"
    "really? it might be beer, you got any beer in there?"
    "good next time make sure to get a CLEAR bottle."

    but she was also super nice. she let us re-do ANY assignment for a 100% (ex: if you get a 33% in a test next week is the retest. next week comes and you get all the answers right, then it's now a 100%) in other classes the highest grade you can get in a retest is 85%. but anyways that was my weirdest teacher SO FAR.



    I had a teacher who kept a noisemaker that went "moo" when you shook it. He had a slogan: "Shoot for the moo!" After pop quizzes, we'd line up and hand him our papers one by one. If you got 100, he'd shake the noisemaker.
    We actually got really into it, and would congratulate each other on getting a moo.



    Not mine, but my brother's. She would have a new weird fact every day that my brother would tell my family ever day after school.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd be happy with a teacher who would give a new weird fact everyday. seems cool

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    I had a art teacher in college who I'm pretty sure was the zodiac killer. I cant point to anything specific but he was very strange, he was a college student at Berkeley in the late 60's early 70's and all over his classroom in the wierdest places are hand drawn circles with a cross through the center which look exactly like the the symbol the zodiac killer signed his letters with. He is the correct height the correct age. He is also the correct height and wears thick glasses. He is either the zodiac killer or he is obsessed with the murders.



    It was our Russian teacher. She was very old. In fact, so old, that my classmate's mother was her student at one point and time. She always got angry if we mispronounced stuff, and repeated the word three times in an angry voice, starting with the wrong pronunciation. "Borsh? Borsh!? BORSCH, BORSCH! B-O-R-S-C-H!" She did that while gesticulating with her hands, pointing fingers, and with an eternal frown. Yeesh, it's not our first language, relax old lady.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Заткни свою старую сумку и уходи на пенсию!

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    My teacher from fourth grade. He's a good weird. he tell tall tales


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    Lorelai Purvis
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my fifth grade teacher was also the good kind of weird. he has a tiktok and won teacher of the year last year.

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    My weirdest teacher was my 8th grade science teacher and what made him so weird was that one he ate weird things, for example, crickets. and he was a sort of conspiracy theorist and talk about the weirdest things.



    I had a teacher who would tell me all the answers to homework, I mean it was pretty cool but I didn’t actually know anything so I’d fail my assignments n stuff. She was once cleaning the classroom and as I was sitting down in a chair she pulled it out from under me (I was like 9) and idk what she was thinking but she said “well you should’ve made sure no one was going to move your chair” and she would always yell at my dad if we couldn’t make it to a school thing. She was definitely different.



    Ok this isn't as weird as some of the others but my 6th-grade Spanish teacher has a rubber chicken and he would squeeze it to annoy people whenever someone says "what"



    My 6th grade science teacher. There were lots of ways I can't specifically remember that she was odd, but here are the ones I do remember. She said that when you drop something, there's a one-in-a-million chance gravity will fail. She informed us about Mike the Headless Chicken, a chicken who lost his head but lived for months because the essential part of his brain stem was still there. (This fact checks out...) She then proceeded to tell us that her family celebrated Mike the Headless Chicken Day every year with, like, full holiday importance, and also they would decapitate a chicken in a different way each time and then eat it. 🐔

    This part is less *weird* and more *not ok*, but this is the same teacher who had a science question box that you could put a question into. Some jerk decided to test her claim that she would answer any of our questions by asking some VERY disturbing sexual things. She just ANSWERED them. (if anyone is curious how disturbing, I can let you know in the comments... like it was BAD)

    Oh, also, this teacher was extremely atheist (ok, that's fine) and discussed it fairly often, to the point I would definitely call it "preachy." Due to this, sometimes students would ask her things about it, like, well what do you think of people who do believe in God? I'm probably paraphrasing but what I remember her saying was basically "Well, faith is nice and everything, but I like to believe in things that have been proven." in this very noticeably condescending tone. Being Christian, I was kinda offended, and I was offended on behalf of my classmates, too.

    I put a question into the box. "Has science been able to definitively disprove the existence of God?" The time for answering the questions of the week came. She DIDN'T. ANSWER. IT. (I probably would have been fine with that if she hadn't PROMISED to answer ANYTHING and also proceeded to tell us completely inappropriate sexual science facts!) I then got brave enough to ask her about it and she said some baloney like "Well I mean I didn't want to answer that particular question because science doesn't really investigate into that kind of thing." Um, isn't that one of the big questions everyone wonders about and drives scientists crazy????? Welp hokay whatever Ms. Atheist, if you were going to respond with baloney, you could have at least made up a better answer than THAT like, IDK, maybe you didn't want to raise argument or controversy in class. I might have been 11 but I wasn't stupid... I knew she just didn't want to admit something that contradicted her beliefs. But spouting completely unnecessary sexual facts to 11 year olds is fine, apparently.

    Anyway, I guess that whole thing could be considered "weird," because I have NEVER had another teacher who was so vocal about their beliefs (and so condescending of everyone else's!), Christian, atheist, or otherwise. I've had teachers who are open and will talk if expressly asked to, and THAT feels a lot more normal and cool. Wow, clearly I had some annoyance to get off my chest there. Righty then.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I want to know the facts. This might make me weird for wanting to know, but I'm a nosy person and want to know XD

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    This chemistry teacher at our school washed his socks in schooland than hung it to dry in the lab.
    Legends say he only had two pairs...


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    Lori Berryman
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    4 years ago

    Legends? I love that!

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    I had several memorable, slightly weird, yet lovable teachers: 1. One would crack open an ammonia vial under your nose if you went to sleep in his class. 2. An elderly lady so sweet you hated to not pass her class. 3. An English teacher who had no problem with embarrassing a student, in class, using a loud, strident voice. 4. An older teacher that could not remember names. He would arbitrarily assign you a name, but you would probably have a new one in the next class. 5. A fine teacher who recognized me as a "nerd" and appreciated me despite my lack of social skills. # Odd, that I have not thought of these people in 50 years or so.


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    Easily Excitable Panda
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's something really quirky and charming about getting assigned a new name every day. I'm grateful you had a fellow "nerd" teacher - I would have loved one!

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    My college zoology/biology professor would regularly dress as a pirate. Complete with ruffled shirt, bandana, and his long hair in a pony tail. He also had a dozen hissing cockroaches as classroom pets.


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    Lorelai Purvis
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    oh he's COOL! i think hissing roaches are cool, and him dressing up as a pirate is hilarious

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    roman law professor... he sometimes came in drunk, try to teach the course in Latin, look at our bedazzled faces, stop, complain about us all being illiterate mules and leave the course.



    My maths teacher... he got sooo mad for little things, like wearing black hoodies (that we were aloud to wear in school) and drinking a
    water. He also gave loads of kids into trouble for wearing masks, this was during covid times and we were aloud to wear masks in class. He also threatened to physically kick students out the classroom, and once threatened to pull out a kids hair. He also yelled shut up at us if we dared say a word. My eyesight is really bad and he has a strong accent that I can barely understand, so I struggle to understand what the hell we’re supposed to be doing. I often got yelled at for not being able to see. And I have another year or so with this teacher...


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    Nerds All the Way Down
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You should do something. Record, report, or anonymously collect complaints on him, THIS IS WRONG.

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    I had this teacher in 5th grade, Im in 7th now. So, he was our math and science teacher, prolly in his late 60's or 50's. ow when I say he's weird, I mean HES WEIRD and a f***ing CREEP. I was usually the type of kid in his class that would get in trouble. He would get me in trouble for no reason at all. He's looked at my bfs breasts and butt MANY TIMES. He only had like 4 boys in his classes, out of 24 students. Last year he moved into 1st-grade teaching. Yikes... poor kiddos. This year he got fired for all o the complaints I made to the principal the year I had him. I have a year's worth of s*** on this man. Should I turn him into the police? Sure, let do it! He doesnt deserve to be a teacher to have a job around ppl.. he deserves JAIL.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm in 6th and I've had multiple teachers that are just plain creepy

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    I never had this teacher's class, but my brother had him and a few people I knew were in his class. He would always say weird things and just give off generally weird vibes. We didn't really think about it much but we made jokes about him being creepy sometimes. Well, last year I was sitting on the couch and my mom runs in and tells me that he was arrested for child exploitation and possession of inappropriate images of children. Also, my old science teacher had a huge crush on Tori Kelly



    The weirdest teacher I had was my first grade teacher. Her name was Ms. Hair, which I don't know why was funny. She kind of looked like a blonde witch to me, and she asked us who we hated most in the class so she could seat us together so "we can get along."


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Teacher: Who do you hate most? Smart a** kid: I hate Ms. Hair the most Teacher: oh sh** this kid is savage

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    I had a teacher who would lick her fingers after she wrote on the chalkboard. There were also rumors she ate chalk. Cannot confirm that part



    I had a sub named mr.fries (literally like the food) and he was so weird like he would just walk around the room getting really close to people and at the end of class a lot of us heard him but he called us f****ing retarded sl**s (I was in 5th grade at the time I’m in 7th now)


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    angelica H
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a sub named Mr. spoon that was like this, he only acted like that to me though. ( yes his name is literally mr. spoon)

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    My brother had the most weirdest teacher ever. He told me that she said this during class, "If you get good grades, then I won't give you the D." His whole class was laughing.



    The weirdest teacher that I've ever had was my high school's art/computer/digital media teacher. The only subject she was really halfway good at was art. Computer class was just a big joke because she would tell us wrong information and spent a lot of time focused on fake news. Like she was obsessed with fake news. And then there was her instructions. One minute she would be talking about the assignment and in the middle would switch to talking about something completely different. Also if you tried to tell her she was wrong she would get mad at you.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People who silence others when they are mad should get some counseling... poor lady and poor students.


    Idk if subs count, but I have so many.
    1. I had a very old lady who seemed chill at first. Throughout the day it seemed she was ignoring kids who were talking loudly, which was odd. Upon closer inspection, she had HEARING AIDS and would turn them on and off when she pleased. The end of the day was full of kids jumping off of beanbags, playing tag inside, and total chaos. she gave us a good note:)

    2.My science class is full of nice kids, but we only like our regular teacher. One day we had another old woman, and everyone loved pushing her buttons(not me I am a good child). All day they were briefly playing music, backtalking, anything that would frustrate her. At one point she snapped and called us all cockroaches. it was a pretty big deal, but the craziest part was when she SAID SHE ENJOYED TEACHING OUR CLASS AND CAME BACK THE NEXT WEEK.
    3.(This was german class, remember that.)We had an old man who was actually pretty sweet. I told him I was having cramps and he let me call my dad so I didn't have to go to track practice. everything was fine, he would walk around the class and talk to some of us. It was pretty much all he could do since he didn't speak German and couldn't help us. He ended up running into me and my friends, and idk how but they started fighting ab politics. I wish I could make this up. he was a Republican and got into an argument w my VERY political friend ab trump. Then after that, he moved to this one kid in my class who is obsessed with Hitler. I don't know why, he just acts like him and talks about him a lot. they started talking about tanks and world war 2. the sub brought up a video he saw. it was so funny to him. "And the guy goes up to Hitler and is like ''Sir, Kobe is dead' and Hitlers like 'what?'" I wonder what happened to that guy. Needless to say, I never got any work done.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My fourth-grade teacher also had some weird habits. She and her daughter owned a ranch about an hour from our school, and she had several knee-surgeries...which is fine but she was literally gone most of the year. Im not kidding. we always had subs. I had more homework in kindergarten then in the fourth grade. Fith grade was torture because we didn't learn the things we needed to learn. We were supposed to have gotten the basics of decimals by the end of fourth grade but we only started on them in the last two weeks of school. There were so many times where our "pop quiz" was just a coloring sheet. We spent several months on our "Rube Goldberg" projects, and those were the most dramatic months of my life(our project was hacked, but that's a different story). Everyone else had at least mostly finished there's, while the only thing we had was a CAR GOING DOWN A CARDBOARD RAMP KNOCKING OVER A BOWL OF RICE. luckily this woman is teaching second-grade now

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    The teacher who disappeared every 5-10 minutes. Then came back stinking of cigarette smoke. She obviously made such an impression on me that I can’t even remember what she taught!



    I had this teacher in sixth grade who was known for being awful. She would mostly just have us watch movies in her mythology class. They started out being somewhat educational about whatever unit we were in, but eventually we just watched brave in our scottish unit. She also would have us each split in ti groups and each group was assigned a different country’s mythology with a very vague rubric. after everyone presented their awful slideshow, we were given a test. everyone failed because we knew nothing about the topics since everyone’s slideshow sucked. She did stuff like this all the time. Basically she just had us teach each other while she played Candy Crush on her phone. Everyone was always complaining about her and I’m surprised she didn’t get fired.



    Year 7 Maths teacher would get us to pack up 3 minutes before the bell, sit up straight and sing a chorus of "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life". Including whistles. Towards the end of term, one boy groaned when the pack away announcement came, and he was made to stand and sing solo. Weirdest power trip from a teacher I ever witnessed



    Many decades ago my 4th grade teacher, a substantial and fearsome lady, once told a miscreant, "The Law says I can't hit you; but it doesn't say I can't drop the piano on you." And we all thought she probably could, too.


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    Nerds All the Way Down
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Reminds me of my Orchestra teacher. She is very sweet, but sometimes she'd make a fist and threaten you, or say things like "After school, you and I on the blacktop" and kids would pretend bet. She is amazing, She is joking, she doesn't mean it, and there are always smiles and laughs afterward. :)

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    Sub in high school English. Her name was Ms Somebody. She went on at length about her name. She was divorced and was no longer the same person she was when married so didn't want his name. Not the same person as before marriage so not maiden name. She wasn't nobody or anybody. She was Somebody! Then she called on random students to give their opinion about her name.


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    I had a teacher in high school for computer class who demanded you have a “red pen that writes red” everyday. I forgot one day and she made me call my dad who just responded nonchalantly to remember to bring my pen. He told me later she taught him keyboarding when he was in school, 40 years before...


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    My 9th grade PE teacher, a woman, made me go and take a shower because I was goofing off in class. Then she and another F PE teacher came into the locker room to watch me shower. They were both pointing their fingers at me and whispering to each other. I felt my skin crawl. BTW, my teacher looked and walked like a monkey. LOL!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This was a looonnggg time ago before there was any awareness of this kind of abuse.

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    Mr Sunderland the music teacher. Everyone fought not to sit on the front row of the class as he spat so much when talking.

    The geography teacher who couldn’t say his Rs properly who cracked me up every time he said cowall weefs. Thank goodness he never worked for Rank Zerox!

    Both long gone and who taught my auntie, my sister and me but not forgotten even though I’m desperately trying to think of the geography teachers name.


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    kindergarden: Obsessed with puppets and dolls
    2 grade : her classroom looked like a unicorn threw up in their
    3 grade: like halloween, allot, might be too much


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    twilightholic100 Thornton
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    4 years ago

    I had several teachers who really didn't like kids. they were often grouchy and some were mean. I have often wondered,IF YOU DON'T LIKE KIDS, WHY ARE YOU TEACHING? TEX.

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    I had a college professor who regularly called in bomb threats to interrupt another professor's classes. Since the bomber was tenured they moved him to a different discipline he was qualified to teach.



    I used to go to a really strict school, and I was in the after school program ASES with my sister. we had this one really strict teacher, she had this rule were before we could go outside to play we had to do our homework and let her correct it. this one kid who was in like 2nd grade at the time brought his home work to her, and she screamed at him because he misspelled something. she would always yell and scream if at you for ANYTHING. even if you were asking for help on homework.


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    Julie Dinvalds
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    4 years ago

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    My math teacher in middle school, she’s the best but she sometimes sings random songs or dances in the back of the class. God bless her perfect heart


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    They would drink gulps of mouth wash daily.


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    Alexandria Kelly-Kane
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    well, mouthwash has alcohol in it, so they were probably drinking on the job discreetly

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    My PE teacher in high school was trying to teach us tennis and she hit the ball really hard against a wall and turned around and got into her “tennis-ready” stance for some strange reason. We were all waiting for the ball to bounce off the wall and go over the net or something but the ball just disappeared. We were all baffled asking “where’s the ball??” She was asking us who hid the ball while she was still in her stance and we all kept looking at each other bewildered. She got frustrated and stood up...and the ball dropped from her butt. We all started rolling on the floor laughing and she was laughing about it too.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Oh boy have I got one for you- he was my geometry teacher and he had a handlebar mustache and always wore the ugliest, cheapest tourist looking shirts. He went dumpster-diving for a hobby and wanted to teach us to sew... in a geometry class. Whenever he taught, he didn’t really teach using numbers, he would draw a doodle on the board and be like “this is an evil Arizona flying death bird and this is a baby with a trumpet. Now how do we find the area?” And then thing is- he was a genius and he was my best math teacher. I’ve been nearly failing for years and was beginning to think I just couldn’t do math, but for some reason, seeing the wacky, creative way he taught, I was suddenly passing a math class for the first time. I don’t think a lot of other kids liked him because he taught so strangely and they were used to more traditional ways, but I’d never met a teacher that I thought was so weird, yet I connected with so well. He didn’t get mad when I doodled in class and the one time he did, he told to finish the doodle (he didn’t interrupt me) before starting my work. He knew all sorts of genius facts no one else did and he could engineer these sorts of things in his mind; for example he was building like a secret turn-around bookcase in his house, like the ones in movies, and he knew exactly what to do. He was strangely fantastic.


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    My 6th grade homeroom teacher would sit at his desk in the front of the room with a jar of Vaseline in one hand and a qtip in the other. He would dip said qtip in jar and then put it in his nostril and twirl. The whole class was silent with disgust.



    My very old espenola(spainish) teacher told the teacher to leave her classroom



    my band teacher. seventh grade. he made a kid cry by saying "you suck at trombone you shouldnt be here", was a pedophile, videotaped us as "proof" we sucked, locked himself in his office all the time, and followed students on instagram where his caption for some of his posts were "bedroom eyes". but thats not the story.

    basically, we were a terrible class. and it didn't help that he let us do whatever we want. one morning, we were all in the class, acting particularly hyper, when he had an idea. he told us to close our eyes and we would meditate before the start of class. he was like "you're walking in the woods, you hear music, you walk towards the music, and then YOU WALK INTO A TREE BECAUSE YOU SUCK AT YOUR INSTRUMENTS"


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    My 4th grade teacher always had a live chicken in her shirt. She never took the chicken out. Since we were tiny we thought she was pregnant. So we got the bravest one to ask her "Is the baby in your stomach a girl or a boy?". She looked at her and pulled the chicken out and we all screamed. WE tHOUGHT SHE PULLED THE BABY OUT. Then we realized she was just crazy and carried a chicken with her everywhere she went. (including the toilet)



    i had a teacher in 5th grade that had a really short attention span. like if when he was reading a book (yes, I know, we were in 5th grade we don't need to be read books.) and we were playing with something in our desks he would have to stop reading and ask what we were playing with.


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    Demon Child
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't think that's a short attention span I think most teachers do that.

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    I had a 70+ Latin teacher in Germany in the early 80ies. The way she yelled at us, often using military jargon like a drill instructor, was really scary. Once she told us she had quit teaching to raise her children after the war. Another time she mentioned her daughter’s birthday and we realized, the daughter was not a baby when the teacher quit, but already a school kid. Most likely she didn’t quit, but was fired after the war for being a nazi. In the 70ies there was a shortage of Latin teachers, so they hired everyone back. Even the other teachers, including the principal, were afraid of that dragon! She had a PhD (and in Germany everyone who has one is addressed as “Doctor”). At a faculty party a colleague greeted her, “Good evening Mrs. Dr. ....” and then said to her husband, “You must be Mr. Doctor ...”. She yelled loud enough for everyone to hear, “My husband doesn’t have an academic title!” She also taught religion. Many students didn’t go through with confirmation because they couldn’t bear that woman.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    My first teacher in elementary school (who also was the principal) was weird. She retired when I was in 4th grade, had never been married. She loved to talk about death! We were supposed to look forward to death, embrace it. The problem was, at this point not all the kids in class had realized that all people die eventually. Half the class was crying. Once, in an attempt to protect my crying friend and neighbor, I said to her, “Cut the crap!” She was furious, of course, mostly because I had used the word “crap”. My dad had to come into school and talk to her. He told me, next time she starts talking about death, I could tell her that she could look forward to it, since she hadn’t much time left anyway, but that we kids were still young and wanted to live first! I was determined to follow my father’s instructions but she never again brought up the topic.


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    He wasn’t weird, but he was Iggy Pop’s father. James Newell Osterberg, Sr.
    He taught advanced English at Fordson High School in Dearborn, Michigan.
    So, Iggy Pop’s pop.



    Our Fourth grade teacher wore her kinky-curly brown hair up and back like the Bride of Frankenstein. At the least provocation she would spin on her heel down all the way to the ground moaning patheticly "Pleeease won't you be kind to me, a visitor in your country"
    Later, in high school we had the principal s hatchet-faced wife thinking she could teach art with her large, very pregnant dog lying in the sunny spot, snapping at flies, and her brat 2 year old disrupting while she demanded that we draw him.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    We were taking a test, and our teacher was sick, so we had a sub. She was f*****g insane. We weren’t allowed to open the window bc of bees (it was January) and couldn’t close the classroom door, as we’d suffocate from the recycled air.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also, I had a band teacher that was pretty funny too. Sometimes we’d be reading out loud notes before playing “G, C, Bb, F-“ “F like your grade.”

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    In my sixth standard, I had a math teacher (who was also my class teacher) who spoke four languages at the same time. She used to teach us math with a mixture of these languages and none us understood what she said. Eventually when she asks us if we understood or not, we answer it as no. She gets upset at us and then starts scolding us. Again, in a language we don't know. That year we all failed in math and she was confused as to why we all failed and then started scolding us once again. Not even one student liked her.



    This is my sister's teacher last year and now she's in 8th. Her teacher Mr. Lewis was always rude. His wife died of cancer, and he would always say this to the class, "If you don't do your homework, my wife is gonna haunt you!" He was very creepy. You can't even grab some school breakfast when the bell rang. If you do, he would force her class to throw it away. I've never experienced being in his class. (My sister was in honors and he was one of the teachers in honors. This is what she told me. My teachers weren't weird at all.)


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    In 5th grade my teacher brought me a "present" back from her San Francisco trip, she brought me a dead horseshoe crab because apparently I like the ocean, but that was the week we were studying the ocean and because I liked turtles.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh.. then she kept in the classroom for the rest of the school year 2 months and I hear she still has it


    My science teacher. He had a rubber chicken named Carl and would sneak up on other teachers and squeeze the chicken in their ear lol. He also cut his finger so we could see blood cells under the microscope and burned his hand demonstrating how a candle changes states of matter by letting the wax drip onto his hand



    another story about my band teacher. basically, i was in his homeroom, because i got into jazz band, and we had this thing called homeroom breakfast. basically the kids in jazz band would just declare them themselves, and we would all bring food on the same day so we wouldnt have to play music.

    one day, a bunch of us brought food. i brought like 4 liters of soda but no one brought cups. we made cups out of tinfoil and then proceeded to watch vines on the projector. we didnt hear a tornado drill so when an administrator checked to see where we were, she found 20 kids drinking dr pepper out of tinfoil watching vines on the projector. that is the reason that there are flashing lights in the band/orchestra rooms in my school while they are making an announcement.



    I had a substitute that would sit in my teachers chair and just watch us. She then proceeded to PICK HER TEETH with her fingernails and rub the grime on the bottom of the chair. Needless to say, she never subbed for us again.



    So this whole thing was about weird teachers-which is fine, but..... Did most of them fail? I have never seen so many stories with no punctuation, or capitals, or sentence structure in my whole life. I am just TERRIBLE at these issues, however even I had a hard time reading these stories due to this problem. I know, whine, whine, whine......



    At my very small laboratory school, everyone’s favorite English teacher would sometimes feel moved to climb on top of all the desks and howl like a wolf. It wasn’t an everyday occurrence, but it was legend. She was very ahead of her time in terms of the curricula we were taught-at least for our somewhat rural town. I’ll always remember her big smiles and waist length white hair.


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    Well I had a teacher who, on every Monday for the ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR, would tell us a story about what she did in some part of the world. Like this teacher had been to every continent (except for Antarctica but she hopes to go there one day) and had stories for every single place.

    My favorite was when she and her adopted daughters went to the Philippines (I think) and a snake almost bit her. Of course she told the story in way more detail but I'm not the best storyteller.


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    It was Mr Bezodis in year 10 Geography. I was new to this school and it was my very first Georgraphy class. I sat down and then suddenly this teacher shouts "ATTRITION!!" and throws a bunch of stuff at the white board. We were all silenced, and maybe a little scared.



    I can remember a few. In 2nd grade, I had a strict teacher who was very angry when it came to bathroom passes. Once I asked to go to the bathroom several times because I had to go very badly, she said no every time. So, I peed in class and she asked me why I didn't just go to the Bathroom. In 6th, I had a history teacher that had anti-Semitic tattoos and cried a lot. And my 6th, 7th, and 8th grade math teacher was very touchy and weird with my girl classmates, he hugged them and some said they could feel his "pencil" in his pocket. I've had a lot of weird teachers.



    Every day in seventh grade, my math teacher — I should probably mention that I was the only person in that math class at the time — would give me a lecture either on how he got trapped in a cave when he was in college, why Stephen Hawking should really be called Stephen I'm Hawking up Garbage (I got mad at him for that comment), or why romance was the best thing in the world. He got fired later that year.


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    My sewing teacher. She kept a hammer in her desk "In case of robbers". She sent me to the principles office for not hearing a direction because I have ADHD. Graded us on result not effort even though it was our first year in SEWING(Her reasoning was comparing 5th grade sewing to brain surgery). Need I go on?


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    I had a 5th grade teacher who would chew the end of her pencils and pens until they were flat. We all talked about it. One day she chewed a pen until it burst! Her mouth was stained black!



    (This is going to be long sorry, but read it all it's funny.) In 5th grade, I had a teacher, being a teacher was ONE of his jobs....his second job was A BALLOON ARTIST. He literally made balloon creations...I ended up transferring classes though...(he showed his true colors to my mom in a conference) I had another teacher, who was a substitute. She legit made a kid in my class cry once. I remember i asked her if i could use the restroom, and she said "Fine CHILD, if you really have too." like...I also had a second grade teacher with a BIG a** anaconda puppet. She was tinyyyy, so she would stick the anaconda mouth over her, and she would just be shoved inside the puppet.


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    I've had several odd college professors - and every single one was a total riot.
    My freshman year biology teacher was an entomologist, and every Friday was "carnage Friday". He would bring in the coolest bugs in his collection and show how they hunted live prey (cockroaches and the like). He brought in his excised wisdom teeth at one point, and brought in an albino garter snake he found in the road (which he ended up giving to me, as I know my way around reptiles).
    My linear algebra professor was just a super quirky guy. He always brought coffee in a thermos, but always misplaced the lid about 10 minutes into the lecture (I have no idea how). This meant the first 2 rows of desks became the "splash zone" for the rest of the lecture, as he gesticulated wildly when he got excited about math. He always wore blazers (the kind with the elbow patches) and would wipe the chalkboard with his sleeves. So not only was he walking around campus covered in chalk all the time, the board was a completely indecipherable blur of chalk smears by the end of lecture. God I miss that man lol.


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    Melanie King
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    off topic, once i caught a garter snake with my bare hands and put it in a very large bucket and me and my sis and cousin werent afraid of it but my aunt and grandma were but we convinced them it couldnt get out since it had been trying and failing to climb up the walls so they both came over and that little s**t LITERALLY JUMPED OUT OF THE BUCKET AT US AS SOON AS THEY CAME OVER and escaped. And i got tricked by a snake.

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    I had this teacher in freshman year, she was my art teacher. EVERYONE hated her, and she was incredibly old. She would yell at you for anything, one time she yelled at this guy for getting up and sharpening his pencil and gave him a referral just because. Even the staff members couldn't stand her, and she also said one time "This is an English-speaking classroom, speak English." and everyone came at her. Also one time someone asked if she had a husband or something, and she said it so bluntly "No, he's dead." So I guess it was less of weird, and more of a b*tch who everyone hated.


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    Cameron Alford
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i once had a teacher that would talk about herself and her life alll the time and she would get mad at me if i didnt sit in my chair right and i had a knee injury at the time so i had to sit a certain way in order to be comfortable. even the teacher hated that bit.....i mean rude lady :)

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    I just remembered this...we had a weird maths sub teacher, he was from America (I live in the UK) so we would always ask him questions about America. He wasn’t that strange, but he gave a child a REALLLLLLY long lecture about dividing by zero. He was also obsessed with the history of money. Most classes, we would pack away 10 minutes early and he would put on a video about money.



    This was my favorite teacher, but she would curse, let us curse, she was really nice. She was really funny and was convinced she was black; she's a white woman!!


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    I’ve had several “eccentric” teachers. I enjoyed their classes because their odd behaviors made it more enjoyable to be in class. My 7th grade Spanish teacher used to do a head stand at least once a week. She was not a 20 somethings yoga guru, she was a 45 year old who never let go of her hippy days and enjoyed the occasional head stand.

    I had another Spanish teacher (8th grade) who used to talk to her “people” in the ceiling. If we were being loud, she’d ask her “people” why we were being so loud. It was wild. Always talking to those “people,” who she referred to as “my people.”

    I had an 8th grade earth science teacher who would always tell us weird stories about his life. Sometimes they were cool, sometimes.... One time he told us about a friend he used to travel around with and would take trips into the dessert to trip on acid and peyote. He said he saw the guy a couple decades later using a cigarette pack as a phone and was talking to the queen of England. The moral: Some people trip and never come back. 🤷🏻‍♀️. It actually stuck with me when I had my own experiences with hallucinogens.... I never wanted to be the cigarette pack guy.

    I had another (9th grade math) who had a three foot long stick he would carry around when teaching class. It was usually used as a pointer to use on the chalk board (yes, we had chalks boards in 2001). Occasionally he’d get really into a math problem and slam the stick on a desk, or if someone was sleeping...the sound of that stick woke you up really fast.


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    I have a good one...:
    Mr. Murphy, Texas
    So in 6th grade, he was a world cultures an science teacher. had a sub who read us green eggs and ham in Latin. I had serious trust issues and it normally took me a few months to warm up to adults, especially if you were a guy. It took me about 2 months with him to get comfy. The whole time he was staring at the girls in your grade who had kinda started developing and we're getting a little busty but obviously not a lot it was 6th grade. He called them at 12:01 every night. Or their moms. Just learned this year (8th grade now) that he got fired for sexually assaulting a former teacher who also left that year. Serious pedophile. Makes me absolutely sick that I didn't notice and he was definitely my favorite teacher back then and I was alone with him for a long time the whole year because I usually spent the free period in there.


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    My high school geometry teacher looked like a short Jaba the Hut with glasses. He'd stand in the hallways gawking at girls between classes. Creepy!


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    An art teacher I once had called herself the Loch Ness Monster - first day of 7th grade, she sang opera to us and then asked her to follow her TikTok.



    One of my teachers in high school insisted that it was still the 20th century despite the protests from students. I forgot what year it was exactly, but it was around 2011 or 2012.


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    Back in high school, I had a philosophy who would become overly enthusiastic when debates between students would start getting interesting. He sounded like climaxing.


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    Mr Morgan at uni, Northern Ireland module. Not really a weird man, just quite remarkable. He grew up in Belfast and was brought up to hate catholics. He decided to take a step back, think for himself and see the rights and wrongs on both sides.
    Not weird, just a remarkable man I can still remember after 30 years.



    My 4th grade teacher would blame us for her loosing the assignments. Then she would swear at us and in return, we would take turns taking her phone and hiding it. But no joke, she would full on swear at us for no reason.


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    In elementary school I had an art teacher that called me by my mom’s name. Every time I would tell her “that’s not my name, it’s my mom’s name” but she never stopped.


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    Our teacher (in his early/mid 30s) had a stuffed teddy bear on the desk. Nothing wrong with that of course, but it was treated as of higher importance than the teacher by the teacher. The bear had to be addressed by name, all questions asked of the teacher had to be directed to the bear, the teacher would hold the bear to his ear as if listening to it and then answer questions as if the bear had told him what to say, the bear had "final say" on everyone's work and presentations and if "the bear didn't like it" then your mark would drop. Addressing work to the bear or making your work topic about bears would guarantee a good bear mark.



    My year five teacher wore sparkly makeup, likes singing, and short.


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    My late math instructor[taught Algebra 2 at the time] was someone who had dry humor, much like me, except he was much better at it.
    Apparently, his jokes were written all over his lesson plans, and he would use the same ones annually. I just remember, there was this one kid during one particular class who kept asking to use the bathroom, and my teacher said:
    There was one other instance when we just took a break from mathematics in general [although we had the necessary paper, notes and other content on our desks at the time] and he told us an interesting and funny story. Apparently, he was at a local football game in the Men's restroom. He sees some guy at the urinal doing his business–but apparently the guy just keeps sidestepping further and further away. He asks the guy: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" to which the guy response: "TESTING MY DISTANCE" Apparently he's told that story to the superintendent, who just simply responded: "yeah, that's funny".
    He was a great teacher and human being-his life was tragically ended in a traffic incident involving a drunk driver who ran a red light, causing the other individual's car to crash into his Uber. It happened at night, and I personally found out the morning we were back in school after spring break. Our district did hold a memorial service for him. This happened back in early April 2019.


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