Hey Pandas Who Own Pets, What Is A Common Misconception About Your Animal?
I have a cat who I love dearly, and I keep hearing these stories about people turning down loving cats because of bad luck or them not being as loving as dogs. But this post isn't just for dog owners; it's for every person who owns a pet.
I have some rules that I want followed.
1. No Goddamn politics except for if it's a law that was passed. No name calling for other parties, no political arguments. Everyone has their own opinion. Move on. Politics is dumb and we waste too much time arguing over what party is better when we seriously need to apply changes, now. Get over your problem with the other party; you may have more in common then you may think. We are too petty to actually tackle the serious condition the world is in. Every leader may or may not be trying their best.
2. NO ANIMAL CRUELTY IS ALLOWED! However, talking of abandonment and how it is sad and a huge problem is okay. Supporting, promoting, or saying things for animal cruelty will result in your post reported, removed, and a possible ban. Possibly permanently.
3. No inappropriate words (Not talking about swear words) or photos. I've had that happen. (The submissions and comments have been deleted, but this has happened in many cases). This will result in your post being reported, removed, and a possible ban.
4. No drug dealing. Submissions with this happening will be reported, taken down, and banned. (This has also happened).
5. Please Follow Bored Panda's Rules and guidelines.
6. Must be a pet you have/had owned, or a family member has owned.
So pandas, what is a common misconception about your pet?
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I own a cat, and used to have owned multiple fish.
For my cat, I hate when people complain about all cats being evil, when many cats are loving, but people are more oriented towards dogs, and think that cats are cold, heartless creatures. This isn't true. When my Nana died, my cat would not leave her chair and was extremely lonely. When I had to get surgery (and when I couldn't see her due to Covid), she demanded a lot of affection and always made sure I was fine. When I got sick, or was quarantined, when I'm in pain, or when I'm depressed, she would always come up to me and stay by my side unless she needed to do something, and would purr and sit where she felt comfortable and I could reach her. She play bites, and she's smarter than you think. Instead of going to the most inconvenient spot to cough up a hairball or bile, she runs to the basement (Where she normally is) and lets it go instead of everywhere she goes. She still has trouble at some points of this, though. My kitty was never even trained to do this.
Another cat we used to own was a playful kitty who loved to climb and jump on everyone's heads. We had to get rid of her for my little brother's safety, but she would try to dominate over my other kitty. We gave her away to a coworker, instead of abandoning her. We'd never do that. She wasn't the uncaring cat; she was also into pets and never hurt children. Cats are a hella lot smarter than most people think.
My fish, we'd buy, and we'd buy the cheap little goldfish. These goldfish were surprisingly hardy. We took care of the fish, fed them every day, cleaned their tank, and quickly disposed of dead fish, and we had a fish live up to the old, ripe age of 7. We stopped getting fish after we got some new ones that died within a day because the pet store employees didn't clean the tanks well and all of our fish got infected and died. The oldest fish was 5 at that time. Fish aren't dumb, either. They would get spooked by us touching the glass, but they knew who we were... we fed them food. They recognized us.