Who is your most hated celebrity and why? It’s very interesting to see why a person can grow a dislike to certain celebrities for the smallest of reasons… Tell us yours!


Kim Kardashian. She is a real fake!



    I personally hate James Corden. Like most Brits do. He’s so up his a**e now he’s “made it in America” and LETS NOT START about him being involved in the Friends reunion! Also. He cannot sing. Please stop ruining perfectly okay musicals.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He'll be back with you soon, because he's been out of the show.

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    Piers Morgan, I think the reasons are self explanatory. He is an absolute wanker.


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    Billy The Kid
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    LOL. I agree. When he was on the morning show he would ask guests questions but then interrupt in his childish manner and never let them finish their answer. He a right d**k!


    i dont like justin beaver idk why i just dont like him. any tik tac "celebrity" is dumb imo.



    Cardi b. Because
    1 she uses to much atuotune
    2 her real voice sounds like a 5 year old
    3 she is fake af with all her implants and makeup
    4 she looks scary with out makeup
    5 she brags about being a hoe wich is kinda gross
    6 she has assaulted many people and got away with it
    7 she used to drug guys and rob them and do dirty things to them but never got Introuble


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    Simon Cowell. No one has done more to remove the passion, artistry and soul from music.


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    I hate Hollywood in general. Actors spew corporatist garbage for fear they will be blacklisted from working.10% of the people in Hollywood/media are what I'd call the "true believers" the ones who are zealots and are either secure in their job or are basically drainpipes for corporate propaganda. The other 90% smiles politely, toes the line, applauds at the appropriate time and says whatever their publicist tells them to.


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    Sssniperwolf. I cant stand the woman. First off, she talks like a baby. Second, she dresses terribly. And her comments are all like “omg can we please take a moment to appreciate how she films AND edits every single day for us ❤️“ like lmao wtf? She obvi has an editor. And she lives in a huge fancy house. She doesn’t work her ass off like everyone else on the planet. She’s not special to work everyday. She doesn’t contribute s**t to society. And nothing about her is original. She literally reacts to tiktok compilations that SOMEBODY ELSE MADE and calls the whole video “her own”. Even her thumbnails have been reused by herself for years.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You call that thing "celebrity"? Nobody even knows who that is. Dictionary is your friend which you desperately need.

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    Steven Crowder. I miss Strikethrough and I miss Carlos Maza at Vox even more.


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    I'm probably wronging him, but it's Danny Glover. Simply because I saw him for the first time in "The Color Purple". Sorry Danny.


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