Not all heroes wear capes. Some of them live among us and make a difference even without realizing it. But they deserve recognition for the impact they make. This is the opportunity to credit all the people who help us get through tough times, who motivate and inspire.

I want to know who inspires you and made a significant difference in your life! Please, share your stories below.


Honestly? My hero is myself. I've always been alone figuratively, even though I have 2 parents who love me, and 2 fun younger siblings. I have always been looking out for myself, teaching myself how to get through life successfully, and picking things up on the way. I've saved myself from killing myself (I know it sounds confusing), and I've always had my own back. I know this isn't like a lot of answers, but it's mine.



    Johnny Depp- because he's gone through some stuff like I did, he makes everyone laugh and then hides how he's feeling and I feel so bad for him



    My hero is RBG. Though she may have passed away, she still lives in the hearts of many. She was inspiring and an amazing supreme court justice. Thank you for your work!!!!!!!!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖



    my hero is my dad because he is always there for me and he will always take a bullet for me.... too bad he did it too early...



    My Best-Friend. She doesn't know it to its full extent, but she has given me so much stability and happiness over the year. I don't know where I would be without her.



    My ballet teacher Ms. Kayla I'm only 12 but she has made such a difference in my life. She makes me want to do better, and BE better. She's just an amazing person that makes you push harder. And she cares about you in her own way. She's just amazing.


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sarah, I hope your dreams—ballet and otherwise—come true. Teachers can have such a profound effect on our lives. I had an eighth grade teacher who was so caring that even now, 50 years later I still have a deep fondness for him in my heart.

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    Lavender Towne on youtube she makes great videos and she's the reason I didn't give up drawing. It's my only good coping mechanism and I almost let it go. She inspires me...


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Woah, I was going to say this.. And for the same reasons!! This is really cool!! Lavender Towne is the best youtuber. Her voice is so soothing and her art style is so beautiful. She is such an inspiration.

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    RBG. As a Jewish kid growing up, it was hard to find Jewish role models. Everything she has worked through in her life inspires me and has helped me through some really tough things. RIP



    My mom! She's the one who always nudges me in the right direction and loves me no matter what.



    Leelah Alcorn. If you haven't heard of her, she was a trans teen who committed suicide about six years ago. Leelah didn't know it, but the note she left on her tumblr would go viral. She'd spark awareness for trans people everywhere. It's such a shame that she went so early, though. She was beautiful and had so much potential. Her story is so powerful and convinces me to keep going. That I'm not alone. Rest in power.



    My next-door-neighbor. She has worked in charities for the disadvantaged for her entire career. She was director of an organization that built a new shelter for homeless veterans. She's taken endangered women into her home until she could find a place for them longer-term. She's also on the BOD for our local Meals on Wheels. You name it, she has been involved in it to help disadvantaged, endangered or homeless people. She's saved lives through her efforts, and she doesn't make much of a salary for it. Just one of those selfless people.



    In addition to Leelah Alcorn, I'd like to give a shout out to Robin Williams. The way he could make someone smile, even though he was hurting so terribly, is just evidence as to what a great person he was. So yea. Leelah Alcorn and Robin Williams.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    sorry i dont know who Leelah is but Robin Williams was one of the best! RIP I used to watch him when i was a kid - Mork and Mindy.

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    My aunt. She is such a strong woman, and she is very creative.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think everyone has a favorite aunt. My favorite aunt was always baking whether she was expecting visitors or not. She was a great cook.

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    I dont really know why but i look up to bakugou. I can not explain it i just love him



    my hero is officer.peters because when my mom me and my cousin were getting protein shakes i stayed inside the car and when we were going home and this car came out of nowhere and was trying to crash into us,then my mom honked at him.then my mom was going to turn into our neighborhood but then my mom swerved back into the road not wanting him to know where we live then he got behind us ,and hanged his whole upper body out of his window at a red light and was screaming at us while holding a round item in his hand then we turned.mid turn he threw his item at us then a loud boom echoed through my head it seemed like a gunshot.and i started to scream and cry i wanted to say f*** you to him.then we pulled over and called the cops.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    you can see a better version of the story at:

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    my hero would be my parents. they are doing what they can to help me get better and at first, I was scared because I thought they would be mad at me. but they are helping me and telling me that it is ok to be sad sometimes and that it is ok to ask for help, especially when it comes to depression and my sexuality. so thank you mom and dad



    Billie Eilish and Halsey. Billie Eilish because her music is one of the reasons I stay here. And Halsey because we've been through similar things as teenagers.


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    Myself. I didn't have a positive role model growing up so I went to the school of hard knocks. I grew up relatively well and I am happy. It's me, my dog Zoe and the roof over our heads is mine. I need to nothing and am fulfilled with family and friends.



    My friends, they have helped me feel wanted and loved. They have help me find myself as well. I honestly don't know what I would do without them!



    Twenty one pilots. I’ve talked about this before, but their music saved me. I used to be so suicidal I couldn’t use scissors. But they’ve been through the same thing. They write their music to help others into the light.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    same here, man. them and mcr. they really help me feel like im not alone and like there truly is hope. keep fighting, dude.

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    Walt Disney. He was a super kind man who just wanted to bring happiness to people of every age. I have always looked up to him.


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    My teachers shoutout to Mrs. Denues Ms. Riccomini and Ms. Lelake. My mom, Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, and RBG. All of these people are inspiring and wonderful human beings.


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Teachers are amazing. One of my 7th grade teachers—Mr. Dimmick—had lost one of his arms in WWII (after 50+ years I no longer remember which one), and one of my 8th grade teachers—Mr. Jackson—helped my smuggle some tadpoles onto the school bus after the driver told me I couldn’t bring them on the bus so I had to throw them out, which made me cry.


    My Mom! :D

    She ran a Women's Health Clinic back in the day, also a soup kitchen and a refugee for abused girls, it was a LOT of work to get the funds and every year she would visit every patron so they would continue their patronage :)

    She also was a big pusher for Women's Rights and was very active in politics in order to get local laws to allow for freedom of choice for women as well as getting contraceptives and scholarships for young girls :'D



    paul walker

    it was so upsetting when he died

    I luz his fast and furious franchise


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    It may sound odd, but I'm going to say the community here on BP. We support one another, laugh and cry with one another. I especially enjoy these "Hey, Pandas" posts, where we can tell our stories. I've many times been inspired by reading other's stories.



    My hero is the league of villains, because when overhaul called Magne a man then they corrected him and said Magne was a woman and threatened to kill overhaul if he made the same mistake again.



    I have two! Rebecca Sugar the creator of Steven Universe and Noelle Stevenson the creator of She-Ra and the Princess of Power (It's a reboot I highly suggest watching it) Anyway I love how strong they are, and how much they've done for including LGBTQIA+ characters into cartoon shows. Not to mention Steven Universe changed my life (Rebecca also worked on Adventure time and u better betch bottom doller that changed my life too) anyway SU is what helped me realixe that character design is my passion and that what I wanna do with my life. Also Taylor Louderman But i just think she is great. (I thought this before LMP too don't come at me)



    My aunt. She is the definition of a strong female, she (owns? Not really sure on that part) a construction company on a small island off the coast of my state. She is also lgbtq+ and deals with the bit of hate she gets like the strong female she is.



    Well, I have no stories for this, but my hero is probably Freddie Mercury. He kept going even when he knew he was dying. He wanted to make an impact on the world, and he did.


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    Thanks Critical role, many artists, and the whole DnD community for keeping me calm during this whole nonsense! They're fun, are awesome friends, and accept everyone. Don't forget to love eachother!

    ......Is it Thursday yet?



    Tbh I don’t know I think I have many people I look up to but I haven’t loved enough life for someone to be my hero. I feel like it makes me a bad person but it’s true. Maybe it’s because I am closed off idk.


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    Laura Osborne
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It doesn't make you a bad person if you haven't loved enough yet. Keep being the best person you can be - and then you have the best hero you could have. Yourself.

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    My hero is Hillary Clinton. She was one of the closest woman to becoming president. Thanks To Her I want to make the world a better place, as well as become president.


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    Bunny Girl
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    At least we have Kamala Harris. She's the first woman of color to become VP.

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    My hero is Allen Iverson. He is the one that I looked up to when I was first getting into basketball. I loved all his flashy moves and crossovers. I also liked the fact that he could just get back up again after every hit. As a rather timid and shy person/basketball player I have always admired him and his attitude and work ethic.


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    There are too many people that have been heroes in my life, (RBG, Obama, Mandela) but one of my favorite heroes is Odette Hallowes (Lise), she was a British spy during world war two, who helped take down the Nazi's in occupied France. She was one of the lesser known women spys, and she totaly rocks.


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    paul walker

    it was so upsetting when he died

    I luz his fast and furious franchise


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    Smart people with a sense of humor . . . Albert Einstein, Beakman (of Beakman's World), Christine Lavin (singer/songwriter), Agatha Christie, and my mom & dad. What a terrifically fun and educational world this is!


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A sense of humor goes far in making life wonderful—or at least bearable.


    My best friend Selah. She was the person that taught me about the LGBTQ+ community and she was a member herself. She taught me to accept everybody as they are, as well as helping me go through the toughest times of my life.



    My other hero is Sailor Uranus, and they were the sweetest trans character I know. They have gotten me through some hard times.



    Johnny Depp bc of him people are realizing that not all women are victims in abuse crimes.


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    Ok. I know everyone is going to laugh at me for this. My hero is Taylor Swift. I've been a fan of hers since 2008-ish, when I got Fearless for my birthday. I look up to her so much. She is so generous and kind, and she cares about every one of her fans, even if she might not have met all of them. She has been given a lot of hate because of what she sings, and what she stands for. Her album, RED, saved my life a couple years back as well, but I don't really feel like remembering that night right now, so I'm not going to explain it in detail, but it came on when I needed it, and since then RED has pretty much been my stan album, and all of her music has been really important to me, and I just love her. Anyway. There's why Taylor Swift is my hero❤️. Also, stream folklore 🤍



    My Grandma. There happened so much in her life. She fled from Silesia where she lost her youngest sister, her brother committing suicide because he couldnt handle the memories, after she lost her more than just beloved husband to cancer, survived FOUR serious strokes and losing her ability to talk (which has always been most important to her because she always had stories to tell and thats how she made friends), she never stopped laughing and smiling. She is so full of joy with her 88 years... Whenever I'm sad I think of her I just have to smile. She's the reason I dont pity myself so much. She's my sunshine.



    Malala Yousafzai. She never gave up her campaign for education and even though she got shot never stopped trying to bring back education in Pakistan and now the world. My mum got me her autobiography and she has such an amazing story to tell, she is my hero. (autobiography is called I Am Malala - it's an amazing read!)


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    My Chemical Romance. They as a band saved my life not too long ago. I could rant for days, but in short, they feel like the only people who understand what I'm going through. Gerard Way especially, his struggles are so much the same as mine, he was suicidal, anorexic, and in a very dark hole for a long time. Him, and all of MCR, let me know that it's ok, and that I should keep fighting, even though it would be easier to give up. When I get into a really bad place in my mind, if I imagine them hugging me, it gives me the strength I need to keep going. Thank You MCR, you mean the wrold and more to me



    I look up to my mum, nanny and Kristina Kuzmic. My mum because she is there for me and has made a LOT of positive changes in her life. My nanny coz she is one of the most selfless person I know and Kristina Kuzmic coz of her life lessons and amazing advice.


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    My hero would be my aunt, because she is just a very big inspiration. She was diagnosed with breast cancer, and she fought through it like hell, while living with three dogs, and covid. She has now beaten the cancer, and is healthier than ever!


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    maya P.K
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my friend has breast cancer... she also has two kids, is divorced, and has to take care of her kids and her by herself. we took her and the kids in for a week :)

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    I have a lot of hero's including what I call my daily Hero's. My sister's are major impacts in my life. My Grandpa was and still is a major hero in my life. He passed in 2017 but I still look up to him.

    My daily Hero's became a thing for me a few years ago. I have at least 1 daily Hero and I tell them then and there they're my Hero for the Day. It can be anything from IT fixing a glitch on my computer to someone reaching something high for me. Anything or everything can count and I love watching people's faces light up when I tell them that.



    Bill Burr because he isn't afraid to speak his mind and goes against the wave of political correctness


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    My dad was my hero and his life is still an inspiration. He was in the Navy in WW2 and came back to become a teacher. He was also a part time constable in our town and a volunteer firefighter. He carried a card in his wallet with the words "Service over Self" and that was how he lived. When he was in his 70's he started a charity to make sure every 3rd grader in our town received their very own reference book and he loved going to the schools to give them out to the students. He was an amazing person.



    My grandfather is my hero. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy during WWII and served aboard the U.S.S. Pensacola CA-24 during the battles of Okinawa and Iwo Jima. He even survived a kamikaze attack on his ship that killed his commanding officer. When he got home, he married his teenage sweetheart and they raised 4 kids (one of which was my mom) in a wonderful home that they built together. He even worked 2 jobs (one during the day helping to build air planes and the other at night at a liquor store) to help get all their kids through Catholic school and college. But he never once complained. He was the goofiest, most caring, most loving, fun, and dedicated person I have ever known. He died 2 years ago at the age of 97, having been married to his wife for 72 years. My grandmother died exactly 1 year, 1 month, 1 week and 1 day later. Every day I miss them both so much that it hurts but I wear a replica of my grandfather's dog tag to keep him close to my heart.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like a wonderful man, and you were lucky to have him in your life.

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    My hero is my bestie Soph. She always listens un judgingly even if she doesnt have the faintest clue what im babbling on about.



    My wife. We have been together for 35 years and she has been my rock. when times have been tough through work or personal life she is the only one that has been there for me.
    Without her I don't know what or where I will be right now.


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    Honestly, my hero is the fictional character Avatar Kyoshi. She's the best bad-ass bisexual I have ever known.



    My hero is Michael J Fox. This man is a beloved actor in the US. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease many years ago and that's why I admire him so much. He is a husband, father and an advocate. He is always teaching about his condition, but he does it with humor and eloquence. His misadventures have had me laughing out loud while still instructing us about the horrors of having this disease. I have contributed money to this cause because of him.


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    My music teacher because she has been through so much and is so strong yet fun and is still able to laugh.


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    My little brother! He has gone through sooo much, (Down Syndrome, ALL, blood clots in the heart & lungs) But remains happy and cheerful through it all! He is always there for me and is just amazing!! (He's 11 now btw)


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    ok this is super cringe but my horse
    he has had such a rough life from when he was thrown onto the side of the road and abandoned. and now we are competing at a high level among purposefully bred horses and he just keeps going and it really inspires me


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    my other hero: GORDAN RAMSEY
    he's so mean but he's mean for a cause, to make AMAZING chefs and to show everyone that you don't have to be a nice person to be a chef like him. sometimes you have to be mean for a good reason


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    Kellin Quinn from Sleeping With Sirens
    Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day
    Emerson Barrett from Palaye Royale
    And Frank Iero from my chemical romance


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    My hero is my stepdad. He's given me so much moral support I didn't even know I needed. He's been by my side ever since he came into it, and I'm so glad he did. I honestly don't know where I would be today if it weren't for him, and I should really should tell him that more often. :)


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    J.K Rowling. She shows what an independent woman can accomplish. She was richer than the Queen of England but donated most of her money. She had tough times but she never gave up.


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Regardless of your views on her, her money still helped many children in need.

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    The late Elliot Richardson. He stood up to Nixon when ordered to fire Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox. He served with honor in many federal agencies. He was an Army Medic in World War II. And he said this: "I am a moderate – a radical moderate. I believe profoundly in the ultimate value of human dignity and equality. I therefore believe as well in such essential contributions to these ends as fairness, tolerance, and mutual respect. In seeking to be fair, tolerant, and respectful I need to call upon all the empathy, understanding, rationality, skepticism, balance, and objectivity I can muster."



    Atatürk. I have no connection whatsoever with Turkey, I've never even been there; but I find it amazing the way he has modernised his country, imposed democracy, secularism, literacy, and women's right to vote. A great person.


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    I have several heroes. My primary school teacher Mrs Sage who was always kind to me - when you're young (around 8 - 9 years old and) fat, the world is horrible and still is. RuPaul - the Queen of drag who showed me it's more than okay to be you, whatever you do or look like. Matthew Shepard's family (hopefully I've got that right, the young man from a small town in USA who was tortured and left to die) who keep going and showing such dignity in spite of the horror of their son's death - as well as other families of young people killed just because of their sexuality/looks. And so many of the LGBTQ who keep their dignity and heads up in spite of the disgusting attacks - physical, emotional and otherwise - they suffer.


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    my heros are my older sisters, one of them is seven years older than me and is living with her boyfriend and the other one has a husband and three sons. my sister lillian (the one thats seven years apart from me) has taught me many thing shes taught me that i can deal with breakups and can fight my mental illnesses, even though we barely related because of the age difference i feel like we could each learn something from one another. my other sister alex, we barely ever hang out but i have learned somethings from her ive learned a little confidence and a little love. i know we dont hang out much because she has a famly of her own but one day soon im going to ask her if we can hang out. lillian gives the best hugs even though she doesnt like to hug anyone much but her boyfriend, and alex gives the best love, they both give the best advice. i love them and i know they love me, and im glad the didnt shut me out much my entire life. i want to thank them for teaching me so much and i want them to know i love them.


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    i also want to thank my science and social studies teachers for seventh grade (im not going to put their names for privacy reasons) they have been there for me from the begining of seventh grade and they are the only teachers i feel comfortable talking to about my life, every time something new happens wether its sad or happy i tell them, i thank them for listening to me. and i love them


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    Maxmilian Kolbe.


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    My hero is my son. In the span of four days her went from being perfectly healthy to on ventilator life support and given a 10% chance of survival. An undiagnosed autoimmune disease attacked his lungs and destroyed his kidneys. He fought with everything he had to survive a coma, chemotherapy and a kidney transplant. It doesn't matter if anyone ever reads this. He is my hero and makes me proud to be his Mom.


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