Hey Pandas, Who Has An Unusual Ethnic Background That Has Everyone Wondering What You’re Mixed With? (Closed)
Physical traits like height, hair color or texure, and freckles that make others guess your nationality.
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I have tan skin with curly brown hair and green eyes. People always guess either black or spanish when im really half russian and half israeli
I have light-dark skin which has people thinking that I'm either hispanic, Indian or Greek. I'm part Indian (the Native American variety).
I have tan skin, wavy redish brown hair and dark brown almost black eyes. Many people think I'm Indian but I'm actually Mexican and Polish.
So my family is ethnically very diverse. My brother and I are full Persian...so we (inc parents) have olive skin, brown eyes, dark hair. My brother's wife is Filipina and her 2 kids are half black. My son is a ginger with super fair skin and viking stature which he inherited from his from dad (whom is Puerto Rican, Mexican, Norwegian and French)
So anytime we all go out as a group , people look at us with puzzled expressions and always ask who is related to who.
I have a daughter that has red hair and fair skin that she inherent form her dad. People are aways asking us where she gets the red hair. Her father he has a red beard.
I have light(ish) olive skin, poofy AF black hair and grey eyes. I'm tall with legs long enough to make an octopus jealous and feet tiny enough to still wear children's sizes. People always think either middle eastern (understandable have a nice day) or half-black (less understandable but okay.). I am Irish/Burmese.
I once knew a girl that was japanese. Everone asked if she was Hawaiian, Spanish, or even black. She was rlly chill about it and made it a game
In the summer I get really tan and have high cheek bones people ask me if I have native American heritage. I mean my mom did look like it. She had the back hair and tan skin. And she said she was. However I know nothing about her family. Also my dad's dad was adopted his real last name was different but I could never find records of anything because I didn't know past my grandpa only his adoptive family I knew his last name before but can never find anything. My hair is a dark brown and I have blue eyes with a yellow speck in the middle, and have tan skin in the summer and an olive color in winter. My mother had back hair and if she got in the sun she got very very brown. And she had almost black eye color it was brown but very dark.
I have very pale skin and curly hair with black and Indian features…I’m a ultra light skin😩
As a child, strawberry blonde hair, bright blue eyes & creamy pale skin.
As a teenager, true auburn hair, dark blue eyes & what's called a peaches & cream complexion.
Adult (about 30 to 45), dark brown hair with red highlights in the sun, blue eyes, normal looking skin.
Now at 56, ( after chemo) brown and gray hair, blue eyes and mostly ok skin.
Unless I show a picture from elementary school, no thinks I'm Irish! I don't tan. I burn & peel still.
No one now believes I'm half Irish, 1/4 English, 1/4 French. My 2 sibs are dark-haired and tan great, 1 w/ blue eyes, 1w/ brown. Most think I'm just a mutt! LOL! Because of my maiden name (Italian) it really stumps them
This fellow mutt totally understands! Yes - with our mixed heritage, my 2 sisters and I never get mistaken for siblings due to our different skin tone, hair texture, and height. It's funny to see people's puzzled expressions, "You're related?" or "You're not half-sisters?"
I’m tall, blue eyed, brown hair, tan easily and get very dark in summer, but also turn pale quickly in winter. Never burn in the sun. Have some freckles.
Middle eastern , Caribbean, and Spaniard- found out via 23andme, interesting stuff.
I have olive skin and dark brown hair; people often think that I'm from South America. I also have a bit of an accent that people usually peg as British, when in reality I'm just Romanian.
My brother used to get asked if he was Mediterranean often, because of his longish curly brown hair and tan skin. We aren't really anything (not close enough to make it noticeable). Our closest (great, great, great grandparents I think) relatives are German, and others slightly further back are Engliah, Scottish, Irish. My brother just spent a lot of tie in the sun without sunscreen, as teenagers do :)
I have olive skin and dark brown hair; people often think that I'm from South America. I also have a bit of an accent that people usually peg as British, when in reality I'm just Romanian.
My brother used to get asked if he was Mediterranean often, because of his longish curly brown hair and tan skin. We aren't really anything (not close enough to make it noticeable). Our closest (great, great, great grandparents I think) relatives are German, and others slightly further back are Engliah, Scottish, Irish. My brother just spent a lot of tie in the sun without sunscreen, as teenagers do :)