Hey Pandas! Who else has noticed that downhill slide experience of Bored Panda after they've infested the site with pop up ads that take over the top third and bottom third of the screen? Seems like a pretty obvious ploy to push you to go premium, huh? Has this turned you off the site? What other companies have dropped in quality after selling out?


Pay to not see ads? We're struggling to pay for food ffs! ☉_☉


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    WHO ISN'T???? I'm basically sick of them :( WHERE IS THE NOTFICATION BELL??????


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    I have ad blocking. I agree to go ad light in BP, which puts ads off to the side, static, but still taking up a third of the space.

    I can live with this. Newspapers and magazines thrived with static ads that didn't cover content or cause dangerous distractions. Most newsprint ads covered a similar area; 1/4 to 1/2 of the page, and were necessary for the success of the media. Subscriptions alone don't keep media alive.

    But pop-ups have become dangerous. I have accidentally hit pop-ups that had malware in them. They appeared after the page was set, strategically placed for accidental tapping. I think most people have reached the point where they try to X out annoying and dangerous ads, and never seek business with the advertisers. Sadly, pop-ups are getting harder to eliminate and more intrusive.

    Pop-ups need to be banned across all media. They cause more harm than good.

    Static ads are fine, and may stay as far as I'm concerned, but pop-ups must go!


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    The pop up ads aren't even the worst part anymore, and I never thought I would say that. Paying for dark mode, repetition in posts, getting rid of the notifications, the constant Celebrity sh!t, BP is going downhill in quality. The only reason I'm still on the site is that the commenters often have funny things to say.


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    👀 it's just the right amount of ambiguous and expressive i use it way too much


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    Community Member
    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    so sorry i clicked on the wrong question and didn't check or notice before typing my answer as there was none before me🤦‍♀️ i don't know how to delete it but i am actually fed up with the ads too

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