I know, life is beautiful,but sometimes life is dark and you want to escape it, everywhere is beautiful but not all


Honestly, I hope that there's nothing beyond death. I want to be done and gone, no more stress, no more long nights, no more anything. Like the same way you wake up in the morning and have to remind yourself you're alive, we don't remember falling asleep, and I hope it's that way with death.

Otherwise just try to watch over people I've left behind i guess.


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    Heaven and hell are just constructs about "the other life" that control this life and the way in which you interpret it.


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    I want to cross the rainbow bridge and bask in the love of family including my sweet pet families through the years. Thats what heaven is, being created from nothing but love. And I love what Meryl Streep said when asked what she thought God would say at the end of someone’s life, “Everyone in!”.


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    I want to save people and give them miracle 2nd chances at life. Like, saving someone from being injured in a car crash.



    I want to go to the rainbow bridge where all the pets go 🥺 Id love to be a dogsitter in the afterlife and look after all the doggos and other pets and meet my dearly departed whippet and her doggy friends again 😊
    I dont know what happens but i find it comforting to think we’ll reunite with our passed on pets and loved ones



    I do believe in the "afterlife". I have proof that has nothing to do with religion, or wishful thinking. It's a blow you away we really go on proof. Ya. I'll get arguments and downvotes, unless any of you would like to read about my proof. But, everyone I miss will be there to give welcome hugs. All my pets will be there. But, I'll concentrate on just one of them. My Lucy Loo. We'll do everything I've missed. We'll have toast and tea and apple and cantaloupe and BA NA NA! We'll go out for shnurffles (walks where she goes wherever her little nose leads her) for as long as she wants. That's just one little thing. It's all good there.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have to experience something. I cannot experience nothing. To be unconscious is to experience nothing. I do not experience sleep but the period before and after it. To pass away is to be unconscious. Unconsciousness is not the sight of darkness or the sound of silence, for those require eyes and ears. No time can pass while unconscious, you have no consciousness of it. Therefore, you have to experience something. That something is the afterlife, subjective or not.


    Hug my Dad and ask him if I made him proud…


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    I don’t believe in that but if I did go to heaven (assuming that’s where I’d go because I don’t think of myself as a bad person) I’d probably eat a bunch of really good food and just enjoy it


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    I don't believe in the existence of an afterlife, but if it did exist, I would most likely just try to find my old friends. Making new ones is hard enough now.


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    I don’t believe in an afterlife but if I did? I wouldn’t want to go to any place the “holy” people go. Better to reign in hell, you know? But I might as well be dead now just judging by the amount of nothing I do everyday. Work. Sleep. Snack. Repeat.


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    I don't believe in Heaven or Hell, but if it did exist I would want it to be a little like the movie Defending Your Life. Great older film with Meryl Streep and Albert Brooks. They're sent to 'Judgement City' where they await 'sentencing'- whether they actually go to heaven or hell. While there, they can find out all the answers to all the questions they ever have, there are millions of restaurants where the food comes immediately and it's always the best thing you've ever had. No worries about gaining weight. You can find out about your past lives and have fun with the other people awaiting their judgements. I love the idea of that. Just getting answers, finding out that people who have done wrongs have a karmic retribution and just loving every part of life without consequence. I never understood the idea of heaven because your idea of it would be different from my idea of it. So heaven to you is hell to me. I think heaven would be experiencing this life without work or bills or pain or suffering. Experiencing everything you want to try without commitment unless you want it, and just enjoying the paradise we've ruined.


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    in hell? cook food or store ice cream(the deepest level is ice..)
    in heaven? try to make the most out of great wifi


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    Hmm...if heaven is real and I get there I would probably walk up to God and be like "dude, wtf?!". On the other hand if hell is real and I get there I'd probably sign up for some voluntary work tormenting paedos.


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    If I end up in Hell, my nerves will get burned away and I won’t feel pain anymore. If I end up in Heaven, I can do all the things I want and life would very quickly lose meaning. What’s the rush? There are no deadlines, I already passed it. I’d get bored after a while. Neither afterlife seems preferable.

    Life on Earth is valuable because it’s full of ups and downs. That way every day is a learning experience. And yet in either afterlife nothing can be learned. The average person will get bored reading a book where everything goes well. What else is there to expect from the book?

    If I get reincarnated as another person or animal, great. If not and I return to darkness, that’s fine too. I’ve been comfortable with the idea of nothingness billions of years before I was born.


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    in hell eat dirt, in heaven also eat dirt
