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Take a walk. Helps me get distracted and get my spirits up.






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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    *Gasp* Just noticed your name was a Keeper of the lost cities reference! I love that series!

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    As a decent human being and as a current college student, I can tell you that there are indeed a lot of stigmas surrounding being sad, having depression, and just mental health in general. Ignore the stigmas–most of them are just people being extremely insensitive and certain cultures not necessarily even believing in mental health issues as a whole, which is indeed quite alarming.
    Personally, as a music therapy student, I listen to calming classical music, like Chopin, for instance. Mozart is also great.
    Ultimately, you find what works for you. Be safe and make wise decisions.


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    I accept that life is always funny, just not always for me. If I'm not happy, that just means someone else is, and I'm happy for them.



    I cry while drinking hot chocolate and eating a mug cake, while watching the anime Himouto! Umaru-chan. Very specific, I know. It's a great anime.



    Search " Funny cat GIF" on Google



    cry, cry some more, explain all my emotions to my dog, then cry with my dog.



    If it's something I have power over- I sit with in, silently, laying down thinking until I can articulate exactly what's going on and what I can do to change it to the best of my ability. Sometimes I'll write it down, or I'll put it in a well-sealed letter which I give to the person my grievance is addressed to.

    If I can't do anything about it, I read Nietzsche's "Twilight of the idols" (or any philosophy that helps take me out of my head), exercise, listen to music, take a very hot shower or a very cold shower, until I forget about it and move on with my day.



    I usually read a book, eat food, and or listen to music. Watching a movie with a fluffy blanket is good too.



    most of the time all my muscels get really weak so i lay down and cry, sometimes im sad because i feel fat sometimes its because i feel like i have no purpose in life or i feel like everyones dissapointed in me so i just lay down cry and listen to BTS to make myself feel better. but remember this, if your diagnosed with depression and feel like ending it all like me and feel as if you have no purpose, i dont believe in god but my friends always tell me this "if god woke you up this morning, hes not done with you hes made a purpose for you and you havent fufilled it yet. so just stay alittle bit longer until youve fufilled even when you do please dont leave..." and if you have no one to talk to or explain your feelings to, im always availible to talk and if you want i can give you my snapchat or email so you can talk to someone about how you feel. just remember your not in this alone. it may feel like your on a dark deserted island but just remember your not in this alone, your not hurting alone, you dont have to cry alone. im always here if you need to talk and if you ask i will give you my snap or email right away. dont forget im always here if you need me, dont give up people care and need you here.



    Listen to music, usually some metal or rock. Eat ice-cream while watching movies that I love - Harry Potter, LotR, or The Hobbit. Play video games to escape into another world or go to the forest and take a long walk with my dog. Depends on the mood and the level of sadness.



    Listen to music, binge-eat, and/or write my feelings down in my diary (cheesy, yes, I know, but it helps.)


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    Leslie K Von Dell
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nothing wrong with writing it down. Some call them journals, some call them diaries. Same same.

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    Go to one of my Happy Places in my mind. Yes, it's cheesy.
    Some of my Happy Places are the Lake Front of my hometown in New Zealand, the University of Miami Baseball Park, and the Everglades.


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    Leslie K Von Dell
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nothing cheesy about that at all! Everybody needs a place or places like that!


    Cry. Don't you?



    Nothing... the're nothing to do. just wait and hope for everything to go fade away or die in a car crash


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    Leslie K Von Dell
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This makes me sad to read. It sounds like me when I was younger. But I didn't die in a car crash or any other way and I've learned to handle the sadness in other ways, easier ways. I hope you do too.

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    Sleep listen to music color draw and and recreate memes


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    Go over the pros and cons of suicide and realize that I have so much to live for


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    Leslie K Von Dell
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's one of the bravest and smartest things I've read in a long time. Good for you!

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    I usually go for a long, long walk. When I feel ready to vent, I find a nice quiet place for a good sob session.


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    Look out my window and observe. Like counting how many cars pass by or watching the sunset or guessing what my neighbors are doing


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    Wallow in my sorrow. I can't do anything about it



    My coping mechanism is kind of like age regression but its not that i am in the mindset of a child again , its that i want to do what children do , like in my case , get out the old stuffies and watch charlie and lola.


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    Love on my dogs, all of them. Give them kisses, hug puppy hugs and scratch their bellies and hold them. NOTHING works better.



    Plot my enemies' downfall, of course!



    I sometimes listen to my anime spotify playlist , watch anime, eat crackers , watch mha , wear soft things talk to my friends because they make me laugh and most of the time i doodle my sadness away



    Surf. Being in harmony with nature takes care of anything.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wish I had the skills for that. Tried it once, couldn't get up, and ended up injuring my foot :p

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    Talk to a friend. I felt sad today because my boyfriend broke up with me so i called my friend and i feel so much better. Friends should always be there for you.



    I will sit in the dark until I forget why I'm sad



    Eat, read, sleep, listen to audiobooks/music. Technically my daily schedule.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    yessss ... audiobooks are the best - almost like watching tv or a movie with your eyes closed

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    Listen to my records.
    Loss of a friend, a job, a girl...
    Or just a plain old suck of a day.
    Music has never let me down.


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    Mae (just add water)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ah, music. Nothing is this whole wide world beholds the power to bring people together quite like a good old song.


    I listen to the whole track of ‘Rumors’ (Fleetwood Mac) over and over again. It’s just a perfect beautiful reflection of the drama within the band in the 70s. If you are looking to just be sad and think about it, I would recommend dreams or songbird. If you are looking to be happy and get all pumped up I would listen to don’t stop.



    I lock myself in a windowless room with the lights turned off and Billie Eilish's album WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP WHERE DO WE GO? playing and I cry for a bit.



    write, change clothes, curl my hair, take a shower, and play with my dogs.


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    Whenever I'm sad, I would hug a pillow and think of my boyfriend... He's been there for me when I needed him...

    He had to move back to Pennsylvania due to covid-19...

    I miss him so much...



    Lay in bed, open the 9gag app, having a laugh.


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    Paint my nails and learn about serial killers



    Uh... I just flop on my bed. I mean, when my pet catfish and betta died, I just felt a little numb... but my dad cheered me up again with one of his jokes. And I just ate a Lindor Matcha White Chocolate and/or a Ferroro Roche. Or, if I can, play Roblox or Among Us.



    I usually play some of my favorite games (roblox, Minecraft)!! And listen to my favorite music


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    It's so hard sometimes when sadness overwhelms me. My husband is in the hospital right now, it's not good. I want to just sit down, bury my head in my hands a cry till there is no tomorrow. But I know I can't. I know I shouldn't. That there are other people out there who are going thru something like this, have gone thru something like this. That I am not the only one hurting. And that there are people out there who care about me and I have a responsibility to them to take care of myself because if I let myself die of sadness then it would make them sad. And there is enough sadness in this world, too much. So much that it can drown you if you let it. So don't let it drown you. Find something, anything to take your mind to a tranquil place. I paint, I sit with my animals, I watch these beautiful Arizona sunsets, I smell the desert after a rain. Flood yourself with the things that bring you joy and drown in that, not the sadness.



    sleep,watch anime cuddle with my dog,eat


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    Read a book. Do some art. Browse the web. Go play some video games to relax for a bit.


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    I cry in my corner



    1) Revisit really old photos or journals (see how far i've come, and well it does open some bad memories sometimes, but mostly good)

    2) listen to all my favourite tunes on repeat and dance around in my room or basement

    3) grab my camera (no matter the weather), and snap photos in and around my city


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    Listen to songs that will make me even sadder then I was before, and then think about my crush and how he should go out with me and start planning our future together, hoping that we will also have triplets because he's a triplet and then go back to crying and change my led lights to a dark color and cuddle with my pillow because I have nothing else to do, then when I feel better watch tv cause again I got nothing better else to do.


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    I bake. This may sound very strange to some people, because for some of you baking is probably one of the most stressfull things you do. But it calms me down a lot, andd it also gives me and my family a dessert after dinner :).


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    Absolutely vibe to a band probably an alt rock band that no one has ever heard of or i play with my dog! :)


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    thier are 2 things i either practice boxing or watch my hero acadamia



    Reading a long book, watching a good anime, thinking about all those Geico commercials I remember seeing, and listening to deafening music :D


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    Anime SImp
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i also think about geico commercials when i have nothing else to think about


    i read some of my favorite action books! the action helps keeps my mind off my sadness



    It really depends on what has me sad, but usually listen to music and read or play with my children.



    Cry, get it out. Then put on metal and hit the punching bag.



    Usually when I’m sad I just stare at the ceiling and wait for the sadness to spiral into anger. If it’s anger at another person I walk outside, if it’s anger at myself I draw a punch of eyes will envision conversations where I have snappy comebacks. Then I spend the next day rebuilding my self esteem. Experience causes me to kinda know how it works for me.


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    I epic gamer time UwU


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    I go to my dog and hug him tight and here’s the best part, he hugs back by wrapping his head around me.



    I stuff a bunch of snacks in my mouth to get my mind off what I’m thinking of.


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    I paint it write it helps clear my thoughts and Let’s me put things in perspective’... with vodka ;)


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    I usually sing loud in my room or on trance with my dog



    I do Something, Anything to distract me. A simple example is to go outside and look at people


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    Watch youtube videos, eat ice cream, and stay in bed.


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    Distract myself with a mindless activity - playing a game, reading a story, doing duolingo exercizes, cleaning up.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I usually listen to music, (and whenever I do, I immediately go to Hands Down by The Greeting Committee) or draw.

    But that's just me so idk if that'll help


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    Drawing. Drawing proofed successful for distracting my sadness, and the funny thing is me always draw something bright and cheerful whenever im sad


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    I get sad at night because i realize I’m all alone, So I cry it out then scroll funny tiktoks with my cat


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    '...the tigers come at night, with their voices soft as thunder"


    Usually I only get sad in the middle of the night (been having insomnia lately) I get tired of just laying there and crying to fake scenarios in my head that will never happen, and then I put my headphones on, go on YouTube listen to some sad songs and then some happy ones after or watch some videos. And if I have a snack nearby, I will eat that snack. And also just play games on my tablet or scroll through Instagram.


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    I watch a Danny Gonzales(sometimes Drew Gooden but i dont like his videos as much) or Alex Meyers video their videos help me clear up my mind because i fall of my chair laughing


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    Sometimes, I just need to let myself be sad. I'll let myself cry, allow myself time to be upset. Once I've done that for as long as I feel I need to, I'll sit outside.


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    Harry Potter pandas = great.
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's good. Sometimes I like to do just that, then read a book and start feeling better.


    Try not to show my sadness and keep it inside until eventually I start bawling


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    I watch something funny. Trailer Park Boys is my current go-to.


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    I lye in bed and read a book or I listen to music or I try to distract myself in some sort of other way. I also like to draw whenever, so that is something I do when I'm sad as well


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    I know nobody will see this because it's at the way bottom but when I am sad I listen to music. It doesn't have to be calm or relaxing, this is what favorite songs are for. I also hide in the bathroom but that's another story


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    I usually play video games, it cheers me up when I can finally beat a level that has been stressing me out for forever.


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    Hey there,

    So... I used to have very very severe depression in the past. Now learning to spot just the slightest shift down of mood and neutralize it. How I cope with it - I remind myself how great and lovely life is. I dwell into great feelings and memories (takes time to practice). For example adventuring with a friend, eating nice food, making someone smile, etc. I remind myself that life is long and I focus on the fact that just this moment is a tiny speck in our lifetime and there's so much great things happening and waiting to happen. I remind myself of my goals and the steps that I'm doing towards them and this feels me with pride and motivation. I think of all the things hat has happened to me and what I've done today that I'm thankful for..... It helps we a lot to read inspirational and positive Ig accounts, also motivational thoughts on Pinterest and read books for self development by people who have overcome struggle. Most of all I think it helps me to tell myself - it is of no use for me and others to feel sad and I have the ability to shift my emotions. I'm getting to know the switches better. Hope that helps


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    Listen to mellow, sad music. I know some may find that counter intuitive, but I have always found it relieving to know that I’m not alone in feeling sad.


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    My depression go-to is usually distraction, most often with the internet. Bored Panda, Pinterest, Reddit, anything that fills my brain with humor or knowledge or just entertainment that won't abruptly end and throw me right back to where I was.


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    Sleep sleep sleep


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    Read or draw


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    Read, sew or crochet. Reading helps me forget stuff, and crochet or sewing is quite soothing. Plus I get to finish a project that can be given away to help someone elsr


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    Watching cute animal videos. Always manages to bring back the smile.



    Listen to music and watch YouTube



    I listen to music, cry it out, talk to my mom, play videogames, read a book. I kind of just do what I want to do.


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    i cry, pet my dog, and/or listen to happy/sad music


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    Cry into my pillow, then read a book for 6000 years.


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    i just try not to think about why im sad but it never works so i hg my puppy and talk to him until i forget why im sad


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    Cry and listen to sad music


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    I think of all the bad things (big and small) happening to other people in the world right now...someone just passed away, someone just lost their home, someone just got in an accident, someone’s relationship just ended, someone is hungry....then I think of all the wonderful things happening right now....someone just fell in love, someone just had a baby, someone just got the job/promotion they wanted, someone just hit a goal they set, someone just paid off their student loans. Then I think how whatever is happening in my life right now it’s not as bad as it could be and it will get better.


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    Unfortunately, I eat something sweet...


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    I sing, listen to music, and/or cry.


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    Embrace the sorrow, and let out all the tears. Keeping it in, never helps me. OOOH Depression naps too, that helps.


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    I sit under my desk and cry all the sadness away.


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    Eat my favorite food, listen to sad music, or just sleep.


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    Go to the park with my pups and give them lots of hugs and cuddles.


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    Depends on if I want to be sad.
    If I don't, I ignore it, eat my feelings, and try to distract myself.
    If I do, I listen to Adele or Sixteen Stone, eat, watch Virgin River or Grey's, and wear something soft.



    I watch memes and listen to Nine Circles by NK on repeat until my ears hurt. Bit weird, I know, but it helps...


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    I have chocolate and green tea, splash my face with cold water to wake myself up, and go on a walk with my dog. If I'm not in the mood for walking, I read a book and talk with my sister to cheer myself up.


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    If I want to cheer myself up I'll listen to some music or watch something funny on youtube. Or I'll play with my dog(or she'll force me to play with her because she can tell when I'm sad.) But sometimes I'll just listen to sad music and wallow in my sadness.


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    Listen to music, draw, think about senpai, go to BP, watch TV, play Gacha life, or do nothing.


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    watch impractical jokers to cheer me up, sleep, blast music either in earbuds or my speaker, distract myself with school.


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    Take a boiling hot shower, don't eat, sleep, rubber bands and lots of crying



    scream into my pillow, watch youtube, rp with my fren, or listen to way to loud trailer music while coming up with animation ideas that im too bad at drawing to do


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    Anime SImp
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    have you ever shared your ideas on social media and see what people come up with , because my sister gives me lots of her ideas and i draw them for her

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    I give my dog a bath. Or just play with him.


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    I eat something or go outside!


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    Leslie K Von Dell
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Going outside is good for me too. But if I ate something every time something made me sad I would have to invest in a whole new wardrobe.

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    I compose music. It's somewhat of a double-edged sword though. The worse I feel, the more people like my music; guess they can feel their own story through my compositions.


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    i write down why I'm sad on a sticky note then burn the sicky note. Take the paper ashes(if there are)and throw them into the wind, then read the same comfort book for the millionth time


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    What I do for s I think about good thinks that are happening. A lot of bad things are happening and there is plenty to be sad about. If you break it down and oook at good things, or distract yourself, it works for me! :)


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    I do a meditation on sadness: how does it feel in my body? Noticing that it's not that bad. Is it a normal sadness and I savoure the experience? What is it trying to tell me? Is there anything I could change to my goal to be less sad in the future?


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    i cut, smoke, or think about how depressing my life is


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    Isabella R.W.
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry :( hope you can find a better way to cope, harming yourself only makes it worse.


    Get a hug from my husband or my son! Simple and yet so effective! A long phone call to a member of my family or close friend (I live in England and my family is in Chile), cook for my love ones, dance and sing!


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    It depends why or for what. But usually, riding bike and drinking coffee on my favourite bench. Whether it works or not, there may be nothing else to do anyway and watching series. Right now i'm on the 9th season of The X-Files.


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    Draw dragons


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I allow myself to feel my feelings and cry. This was something I had to learn. When I was a little girl, I’d get in trouble for crying. So for a long time, I held it in. I was told I was strong. I was proud of not crying. This changed when I met my wife. Maybe it’s no coincidence that i became my happiest self when I learned to cry.


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    Take a walk in the park and look at the smileys some kind soul has been creating out of fallen leaves to cheer people up.


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    There's a band called sports team which are really good the songs sound really happy. 10/10 would recommend


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    Quilt, crochet, knit or any other craft I have handy. Creating makes me feel better. If I'm really sad I crochet or knit baby blankets to donate. Makes me feel better that some baby is going to have a nice warm blankie, who might not have a home made, special gift that no one else in the world has.


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    I take some time doing things that I like. I read, watch movies, play video games, or snuggle with my dogs. Taking a walk also helps.


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    sulk for a little while then carry on. Watch comedy.


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    XANAX !


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