Many people are bullied as kids, or maybe even adults. But there are moments when some people decide they've had enough. So, Pandas, what happened? What was the aftermath?


This happened when I was in the 10th grade. For whatever reason, this one dumba**, I'll call him Richard, hated my friends and me with a burning passion. Richard and his henchmen would always make fun of us, throw stuff at us, steal our stuff (we could never prove it was him, but we didn't know who else it could've been), and just be absolute pricks to us. One day and two of my friends were walking to our next class when Richard blocked our way. He was being a**hole, as usual, making jokes about my friend being Indian (did I mention Richard was also incredibly racist?), but this time was a little different. You see, Richard had a huge crush on my other friend, who I'll call Emma, even though she clearly hated him because, well, he was an a**hole. After he made some lewd comment, she told him to f**k off. He was FURIOUS. He slammed her against the wall and yelled "DON'T YOU TALK BACK TO ME, YOU WH*RE!" And then he grabbed her a** and, I s**t you not, SQUEEZED it. This is what made me go berserk. Emma was like a sister to me. No one treated her like that. Do you know that scene in a Christmas Story where Ralphie pummels Scut Farkus? Yeah, that was pretty much me. My friends dragged me off of him, then a teacher dragged both of us to the office. Long story short, I was suspended for a week for attacking a student, and Richard was suspended for a month for sexually harassing a fellow student. He never talked to me or my friends again.


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Bored Little Panda
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What the actaul f**k! Richard should've had a worse punishment thats, sexual harassment, assault, and probably something else! Omg thats terrible I'm glad you been the s**t out of him

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    I was always bullied in school for being a tomboy. In secondary school the 'cool/rebel' kids used to love bullying me and my friends. That lasted four years (insults, stealing things, spitting, pushing me etc) and the teachers knew about it and never did anything. They started calling me Paco (a spanish male name) because to them 'I wasn't a girl'. One day I was in class walking towards the teacher with a notebook because I needed to present my homework. I passed one of those girls and heard her saying something mean and calling me that. I didnt think and hit her really hard in the head with my notebook. Then kept walking towards the (shocked) teacher and gave him the slightly damaged book and sat back in my chair. After class I got a big lecture about how terrible I was but I never regretted it. I used to never answer them to not acknowledge them but now I wish I had broken a few noses.


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    Bored Little Panda
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The teacher was wrong in this situation, its like when a teacher likes a student they will overlook bullying but the other way around you'll get a the punishments!

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    Well, I was in kindergarten, and there was this girl (we'll call her McStupid) who reallllly didn't like me. At the time, my best friend was the popular kid (she's still my bff today). McStupid, of course, wanted to be popular too, as all kids in my class. Except she was serious about it. She tried to push me away from my bestie at all costs, even getting physical about it sometimes. She got in trouble sometimes, but not enough for the teachers to label her as a bad kid. One day, we were in art class drawing self-portraits or something, and my art teacher had passed out red pens for whoever needed them. When it came time to clean up, I was put in charge of collecting all the pens and putting them into the art cabinet where they belonged. I had no trouble collecting them from all the other kids but McStupid, because she was taking her sweet time with that red pen of hers. I told her I needed her pen, but she kept irritably shushing me and saying "Hang on, one second, I'm not done yet!" I gave her some time before finally trying to take it out of her hand. I managed to grab the pen itself, but not the pen cap, and my teacher didn't like it when the pens were missing caps. So, as a defense mechanism from me trying to take McStupid's pen cap, she decided to scrap me across the chest with it, leaving a long red line along where she scraped me. I snapped at that and ended up "stabbing" her with the red pen (my siblings and teachers insist that I stabbed her, but I was a weak kindergartener and I know otherwise). Of course it was red, so the teachers thought I made her bleed. McStupid made a huge deal out of how it hurt so bad and how I was so mean. She was the one who actually left a mark! Anyway, as it turns out, nobody actually liked her, and they were only friends with her because they were intimidated by her.



    So I had been taking trash from this kid for months now(the neighborhood bully). He annoyed everyone and no one liked him. I was at my friends sisters birthday party, he came uninvited. Everyone wanted to kick him out but who’s brave enough to do that? Anyway, he kept annoying me and I kept walking away but he kept following because for some reason this kid hated me the most. I came up with some insults and comebacks, but he still wouldn’t leave. The last straw came when he got away with tripping me. I got so mad me and my friends started chasing him around. I got a 2 foot plastic fidget stick and they had nerf guns so we chased him and he still wouldn’t leave. When I was chasing him he suddenly turned around and shoved me. That was enough. I hit him with the stick and he cried like a baby. He doesn’t mess with anyone anymore. people actually said thanks for hitting him.



    Growing up in Texas being Jewish was not easy. What people don't understand (and subsequently never will) is thinking that just saying a little thing here and there is meaningless. What they neglect to understand is all those little things add up to a substantial weight as they compound on top of each other... 8th grade (so early 90's), there was one kid in particular (we'll refer to him as Kevin, the male equivalent of a Karen) who thought me being Jewish was hilarious, and thus "worthy" of his consistent anti-Semitism. Almost daily I'd hear something, whether in passing, or directly at me. In history class he chose to draw a swastika on this new Bugle Boys hoodie my mom had just got me the previous day. He laughed at it, told me to deal with it. I choose to not tell my mom, and cut out the piece that he drew it on. However, this was not the incident that pushed me over, but rather the preview of what I was dealing with. I can't recall how soon after, but I was going into my locker and a big ol' swastika fell out. Turned around and there's Kevin with his buddies laughing away. Asked what his deal was and received a simple yet pointed "f- you, kite"....kite.... Knowing that his ignorance has now been solidified by screwing that insult up, I asked if he'd come closer, as I swore he called me a kite and not 100% sure what the meaning behind calling me a kite was. I'm doing this simply to goad him over. Mind you, at the time I was about 5'3" and maybe 120. He was taller, but still skinny. He got close enough for me to get my hands on his jacket. Just as he was opening his mouth, I grabbed his jacket, flung him into my locker, and started bashing the door against him. I don't recall how many times I did it but I do remember my history teacher pulling me off him, and him laying there crying. Was brought (of course) to the principles office where the school guard was there as well. Told them what happened....given that they didn't want an "incident" at the school, Kevin was transferred to AEP for the remainder of the year while nothing happened to me. My family ended up moving to another district after that year so I never saw him again, and his name isn't worth remembering. I turn 40 this year, and have zero regrets doing what I did. I still got made fun of a little bit after that, but more people came to my defense rather than sitting idlily by.


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    Bored Little Panda
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think Kevin definitely needed that. I mean who in they're right mine would do that, its not only super insulting but just terrible.

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    i told the pricipal beccause thats what i was told to do by the school but the kid that was bullying me was starting to affect me on a mental level so i told the principal and guess what happend I GOT IN TROUBLE BECAUSE earlier i fought back so he told the pricipal what i did and i got in trouble and he got to go out scot free and i get in trouble even though he is the BULLY its sad because when you trie to defend yourself you get in trouble thats just sad


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am so sorry. Its horrible how unempathetic teachers can be with bullying. Once I showed my teachers my backpack with a huge spit from one of y bullies and they were like 'what do you want me to do about it?'. Idiots.

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    I was not picked on in school, probably because I gained my height and weight at an early age. I was also a robust tom-boy. All the children in my family were taught we must look after each other or be punished at home. My sister was a runt and had her own private tormenter at school. One day, Miss Tormenter went too far. She laid into sis from the time she came out for recess: taunting, pushing, shoving, threatening. When Miss T caused sis to fall out of the tree swing into the mud it lit my fuse. I attacked, blacked both her eyes, and inflicted other bruises. My mother was called in to rescue me, which she did eloquently. Bless her little heart.



    I think a lot of people has dealt with bullying and I feel bad for sharing this. There was this girl in my elementary school who was on the autistic spectrum. She was cool for the first few weeks and we were actually friends. Then she became very abusive. I didn't tell anyone because honestly I didn't want to seem like a bad person or like I was a bad to people who disliked disabled people.
    SHe would cut my hair, call me names, scratch me and bite me. Stick up the middle finger, tell me to kill myself. Those are the things that I can list that most likely won't get this taken down. I was so scared and I told the counselors about it. They staged an 'intervention' with her and I. I had asked to bring my bear which is still, to this day, my favorite stuffed animal as it is a gift from my father. She stole my bear and wouldn't give her back until the authroity got involved and she wanted to keep it. I said no and she ran around the classroom with scissors to try and cut me.
    And all the while I felt really bad because I had no idea if she was in control or not, as I didn't understand autism as a third grader very well, I just knew it made people different and sometimes act out, but they aren't bad people. I told my mother this and she went livid, as this girl (who I'll now dub with the name of...Sprinkles) wasn't too far into the autism spectrum and was a product of her environment. Sprinkles would continue to torment me even after my mother and I spoke to the principal. No teacher believed I was getting bullied despite people telling her. I even kept a bully journal where I would write what she did, where, who was present and the time. I thought it was good to have evidence or something.
    Well, it all bubbled over.Bubbles and I attended the same after school at the YMCA, and had the same group. I had also found an appreciation for basketball there. Sprinkles had seen me practicing as I would ask for a basketball and play by myself just practicing or play with others if they had a basketball. Sprinkles came up to me and hit me in the face with a basketball and almost broke my glasses. This made me so mad I challenged her to a one on one basketball game, since she kept saying she was so much better than me.
    Long story short, I ended up winning the game and she got a lot madder than before, ending up making an entire paper writing how she wanted me to die and if I didn't kill myself she would kill me. I didn't know this but I saw a huge fight between her and the YMCA authorities. She got kicked out, reported to school and I've never had to deal with her since.
    I've never figured out if I had done something to activate that, if she was undiagnosed with something or if Sprinkles just wanted to bully me for the fun of it. I've never held resentment to autistic people. As I work with some of my school's special needs kids, and gained so many cool friends. All in all, I think I had a pretty good ending to my bully story.


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    Night Owl
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The best way to punish bullies is to become successful, even better if you become more successful than them in something they care about and beat them in a one-on-one competition in that

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    Less of a violent snap, but eh why not post it.

    So I was a huge nerd for the "Rubik's" cube, I brought some to school daily and solved it. Most people were impressed, but one a**hole, let's call him John, wasn't. He walked up to me in the midst of my solve and started talking about how he thought I was faking it, he could do it faster, etc. He continued teasing me in similar fashions throughout the next few weeks. I was solving a skewb (its like a cube but turns on the corners instead of the faces) and he says he could solve it. I was tired of him and knew he would screw up, so I let him mess with the scrambled cube. The first thing he does is try to turn like a normal cube. A piece flew off and hit him in the nose. He got all angry, but nothing actually results from it.



    know whats ironic i did TODAY!!! i got tired of her crap and finally FINALLY told her to SHUT UP!! i just snapped like I was done I had enough



    Won't take his name. He had a very stuck-up nature, his father was in the merchant navy. Was one of the rudest guys in the class. Always teased everyone for not wearing branded clothes(Was filthy rich).
    I generally wore pajamas with a tee and sports shoes(Very comfortable) he used to make fun of me. I ignored him.
    One day during lunch break, he pulled down my pajamas.
    That moment I snapped. I slapped him hard across the face
    and called him an Armani wearing C**t and slapped him again, in front of everyone. It felt good.
    He never said anything to me or to pretty much anyone after that.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What I meant here was that everything has a certain limit and nobody has the right to undermine or question an individual's personal choices, and if anyone does, it becomes our duty to stand up to him/her.


    So there was twat who we'll call Aniyah, and let me just say, she sucked. She bullied me, my friends, and everyone she didn't like.

    So we're on the track one day, and me and my friend Mike are sitting down on the track, looking at the carpool lines flooded with cars. And she kicks past us, knocking Mike down. So I fly up and say, "Hey, wanna do that again??"

    She looks at me, and snarkily replies, "You'd be too weak to fight back." So she turns and walks back. I mutter to Mike, "I'll show her 'weak', Mike." So I take off my shoe, throw it at her so hard as she tuns around to say something, it hits her in the nose, and breaks it.

    Then one of her friends almost punched me but my bestie pushed me out of the way and got punched for me and they went off for like, 5 minutes.



    Okay, this is a little long, so buckle up! So this guy was a jerk in my gym class, not only that, but he went to my church, so there was no escaping this guy. It was 8th grade. He bullied me so much, about my body (I have anorexia) and other things, also, trying to break up my friendships.
    I ignored him until high school when we went to different schools. BUT last year (Junior year), I was the House Manager, for the school musical. Which means I was in charge of helping people find their seats, and tell people to get off their phones.
    And then THIS guy comes in. I decide not to judge him, since it's been a year since I'd seen him, maybe he had changed.
    HOWEVER, within the first scene, he gets his phone out, and PUTS HEADPHONES IN!!!!! What is the point of coming, if you aren't paying attention????
    So I'm like, "Oh boy, now I have to talk to him." I walk up to him, and tap him on the shoulder, and softly say, "I'm going to have to ask you to put your phone and headphones away." Notice that I was very polite.
    His response was, "BLEEP off" very loudly. Multiple times. While his girlfriend seemed to think this was funny.
    And I told him he would have to leave if he didn't get off his phone, unfortunately, I'm a five foot two girl. So, he wasn't convinced. His response: "BLEEP off! I paid for this seat, you can't kick me out!"
    I had to leave the auditoriom for a minute, because, this was upsetting me. Theatre was my safe place, and he was invading it. He was showing ZERO respect for everyone, including me, who had put in SO much work for this show.
    One of the ticketeers didn't like the way he spoke to me either. So he told the theatre teacher. The teacher asked me what I would like him to do, he wasn't happy about it either (I'm the innocent one).
    I COULD have just asked the teacher to tell him to get off his phone, but I was DONE, I had given him a warning, I'd asked him nicely.
    So I asked the teacher to kick him out. I won't say it wasn't satisfying, even as his girlfriend was cussing me out.



    Wasn’t my bully, but this asshole was picking on my friends constantly, and they were too scared of him to do anything about it, so I decked him. I got suspended for “attacking him” and he got off (naturally). But he found easier targets after that.



    This jerk Evan bullied me throughout grade school until I snapped on him, it was third grade and I had just heard his mom had cancer, I think I said ‘I hope she doesn’t leave that hospital’ , to be fare dude called me a ho3 because of My last name and kicked me , punched me , spit on me, etc. But yeah I regret it and wish I could hug him and apologize


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    Uncommon Boston
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You didn't punch him. Yes you were cruel and insensitive, which hurt him. Remember he had been hurting you. It doesn't make it right, but it is understandable. But you didn't start a physical battle. Thus hurting yourself as well.

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    I was transferred to a new secondary school when I was in year 8. As usual, every one was interested in the new girl, and wanted to know things about me. I was quite social so I made friends quickly and unknown to me, the resident popular girl was pissed. The bullying started when I was in year 10. It was very subtle that most people didn't even notice, and it hurt because I thought I was invincible. She would put her lunch money, bracelet, or jewellery or any valuables in my bag and then proceed to yell about how someone stole her things and initiate a search of everyone's bag. Fortunately, whenever she did such things, something/someone would whisper in my head to check my bag, and when I found her things in it, I would take to the bathroom quickly and flush it down the toilet. She went as far as taking every single friend I had. Every single one! At this point, I had become socially withdrawn, awkward, left with no support system from friends and scared. By year 12, I had had enough of it. One day, we were all in the computer lab but the teacher was nowhere to be found, so the class was rowdy. She started saying mean things about me and knowing I could hear every single thing she said, she said something mean about my parents (which is a no-go area in my culture). Everything suddenly went red and when the fog cleared, she was on the ground swollen and bleeding everywhere ( I kid you not). Apparently when I thought I had blacked out, I had actually picked her up, dragged her all the way back to the class, held her against the wall and beat the living shitzle out of her. (School mates told me what had happened because I couldn't remember what happened). I cannot begin to describe the amount of satisfaction, pleasure I felt when I saw her lying on the ground and bleeding( I know it sounds macabre but it is what it is). We both didn't get suspended, expelled or anything, we only got punished for a day. I suspect the teacher knew what was going on. For the rest of the school year till I had graduated, I was called Mayweather wherever I went. Although as an aftermath of the bullying, I now have a resting bitch face, and people are suprised when they approach me and I'm nice to them. Their reactions are priceless 😅.



    The very first time forme was when they called me smart. They had been picking on me, calling me names, and other mean stuff bullies do. . .then one day, they called me smart. It was so out of the ordinary that I said back to them, "No, I am not you cabbage."


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    Zoe Hoesley
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lmao my class all says choke on a bean as an insult, I like you cabbage more hahaha might steal it

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    I started doing my job so well there was no room for complaint. I had a b*tch of a boss (think Miranda Priestly, but in education), but she just wanted the very best. I pulled myself together, perfected the poker-face, and made sure my students appreciated me (not hard, just be extremely honest and fair). And pick and choose your allies - if enough people think you're good at your job, the doubters will start to doubt their own doubts about you.
    Took me 12 years though ...



    im still fighting my bully its fb and there unfair rules


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    Uncommon Boston
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The world is unfair, get used to it. Grandmothers bully each other on Facebook. Over ten years ago I posted an example of the situation being discussed. About half an hour later, this woman who disliked me intensely, wrote about how stupid I was, I didn't even understand the discussion. I suggested she check a map. I left it up for until I saw her post again, then deleted it. I knew she read it, realized she was wrong and embarrassed herself. That was enough for me.

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    This was in 2and grade... and I guess the kid was not really a bully but here is my story. This kid, let's call him L. L was very touchy and hands on. I sat next to him. He would hug on my, hang on me and just be all over my. He even would try and put his hands up my shirt and stuff. When I told him NO or STOP he would do nothing. So one day when he would not stop I punched him. He told the teacher and I got I trouble but in the long run my parents stood up for me and I was no longer in the wrong. I guess that is the first time I really stood up for myself and showed that No ment No



    I wouldn't really call this snapping, but this one kid in preschool loved beating me up for some reason. To punching, kicking, and sometimes even biting me this was probably the only time I fought back. At this school when ever we got the toy first we got to decide who could play with it and I got the work first then the mean person came up and so did another boy asking to play with me. This toy could only be played by two people so I did eenie meenie miney mo to see who would play with me. Of course it landed on the other boy and the mean person was so angry he tackled me to the ground. He started to throw punches and in my brain it said "Hey fight back!" so I did. I was on the ground trying to get this monster off me when he bit my forehead. Finally the teacher pulled him off and I ended up with a black eye and hurting forehead. Then the kid got expelled from that school. Ha


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    Uncommon Boston
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You couldn't avoid fighting back, but didn't destroy him like others would have done. You let him get himself in trouble. Once in day care my son came home with a black eye. I was told, "We will not apologize. He was bothering a younger boy who couldn't tell him to stop. Today he was strong enough to express his feelings and punch your son." My son aged one never cried or complained, he knew he deserved it. His crime? The two boys shared a crib when much younger. The other child didn't like being touched. My son would move just close enough to touch. My one year old was a bully!

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    By filing an official complaint at work, which was upheld. The person was/is the biggest C word I've ever had the misfortune to work with. It was my managers manager who agreed with me, he wanted to throw him off a mezzanine for the way he spoke to a visitor at my business.


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    when they deiced to make little actions and stuff basically about how they were going to steal my gf's v card.... the bully was a male (who loved calling me the f slur because i was bi and dating a girl).... and that day he went to the hospital why? because his jaw and his arm were broke......



    This guy let’s call him brad was literally putting his hands on me pushing me , calling me horrible names, I’m short okay so I don’t look that scary and he is huge, like big a** mf , anyways I held my ground , squared up and said ‘touch me again and I will make you regret your birth.’ He laughed at me! I got real close to him and whispered don’t push it.’ He laughed and pushed me again. I tripped him and let his fat a** fall down the stairs, he had no proof it was me so I didn’t get in trouble but he hasn’t done sh*t to me since


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    From The sixth to the eighth grade, I had a girl bully me every day. She would walk up behind me in class and slam her desk into the back of one pitching me forward into the desk I was at. She called me names and constantly teased me because I was small and I have ADHD so I don't act like others. I eventually ended up telling the principal but the asshole didn't do anything about it. Eventually a few days before the last day of eighth grade I finally snapped. I told her in front of everyone that she was a self-entitled brat who deserved to go to hell. I told her that the only reason she acted the way she did was because she literally had no friends and was a spoiled brat who hurt everyone she was around. Yes, I said all of this with the teacher in the class and didn't get In trouble. I was congratulated the next day for standing up to her and to this day, I am in the 10th grade now she has not bothered me.


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    So in my old school there was this girl called Sophie. She was the principal's kid, so obviously she had to be spoiled.She was actually my best friend in kindergarden. So she's sitting there, with three boys and here bf. Suddenly, I just snap at her. I tell her she's a spoiled brat who doesn't deserve
    to be here. She had been meen to me the whole 4 years I had been at that school. She always gave people candy because she wanted to make friends, because she couldn't make them herself! I told her that she was so mean and horrible to people, nobody wanted to be around her. Now I'm in a different school, and last year she sent me a friends request on tiktok. I declined her so many times, and I never regret what I did. She never talked to me again.( Sorry this is kinda long)


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    I moved into a reasonably priced neighborhood in an expensive development, from one of the best addresses in Boston. The neighbors in Boston considered themselves better than me. I am comfortable with who I am and where I lived. I don't need to show off or prove anything. I did not expect the same here; it is worse. Again, I see myself as an eqaul to everyone, the homeless to the famous. I was insulted and the subject of gossip immediately, before anyone bothered to get to know me. I emailed the "leader" and apologized. I should have realized she is the better person and far superior to me, more quickly. Attempts to snub me or hold their noses high, failed. It is difficult to be rude to someone who doesn't acknowledge you exist. Then I found organizations in other areas that welcomed me, as always there are many. In Boston, some exclusive social clubs expressed interest. I never said a word or bragged. Do I need to prove myself? To anyone? Never. Is it easy? No. Have the attempts to be rude or the gossip stopped? It won't. Apparently the gossip about me is juicy. Probably because it isn't true, none of them know me, it can't be true.


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    Hope it's not too late to hop in here!

    I was bullied all through my school years and since I was usually brushed aside by authorities, I stopped seeking help. What was the point? Between school bullies and abuse at home I quickly learned to keep my head down. Unfortunately to some people that's a giant red flag. Take for instance this kid we will call The Menace. Suits his real name perfectly.

    We're in middle school toward the end of sixth grade. He's been an absolute terror to every girl in class. The Menace took sexual harassment to all new levels. In hindsight that says a lot about what he probably had going on himself. At the time, however, I hated him. He grabbed any bit of you he could, he'd pin you just to rub on you or lick you, frequently he made obscene suggestions, and more I'm not willing to write. I was stuck sitting next to him in two classes all year and he seemed to lock on to me as a target. Submissive and shy were just an invitation but I was afraid of what would happen if I retaliated.

    That was until a few months before summer break. My mom's new boyfriend was a grown Menace and had been abusing me at home. This particular day I was so angry and so terrified already that I finally reacted. The Menace asked me why I wouldn't "just give it to him" while grabbing my butt. So I did. With my textbook to his face. It made a rather pleasing sound. Though to this day I'm disappointed that I only bloodied his nose and didn't break it. He then proceeded to beat me senseless with a chair before security showed up. As you can imagine, we were hauled to the office and disciplined. Suspensions and detentions all around. Our final sentence was to have tandem sessions with the school counselor to "work out our differences". The Menace never spoke to me after that and as a bonus, no one else seemed interested in picking on me.

    Honestly? It wasn't the best way to react but it sure felt great!


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    After the first few days of school, a bunch of kindergarteners approached me. They asked me to beat up the third grade bully on the bus. I explained why hurting people is never the answer, but assured them I would take care of it. The next day, I followed the last child onto the bus, then explained the situation to the bus driver. With a smile she agreed to fix the problem. The kindergarteners were happy. The other mothers were furious. Nobody spoke to me when I got off the bus. Those children trusted me with their problem, a privilege I wasn't going throw away. Hopefully they saw there are better ways to solve a problem then hurting people.. Eventually the mothers told me none of the children would respect me again. Fine. I made cookies and offered the children warm cookies as they got off the bus. I remained unpopular amoung the adults. But the kids knew who to trust with their problems --- something far more important to me. Sadly the other parents could not have done the same, because the children never told them. They came and talked to me. Their trust was priceless.


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    So When I was in 2nd to 3rd grade, i was bullied by a girl, who happened to be my best friend. She, (lets call her karen, because she kinda was one.) one day in second grade i was sitting at the lunch table. I had recently moved to that neighborhood, and I became friends with her. karen was an amazing friend who helped me improve myself, and help me stand up for myself (I was kind of a pushover back then). But in 3rd grade karen became toxic. She became sexually abusive. She told me that I would never have other friends, was mean to my other friends, only let me hang out with her, and being a jerk. idk why she changed. I was scared to go to school. I even attemped sucide (thankfully unsucsessful). Finally I snapped back by gathering a group of my other friends. to have a talk with her. We agreed to go to the counserors office to work it out. I realized she changed because her parents were treating her in a way i cant write here. Next year, we made up and we are still friends to this day



    My ex boss.
    He was one of those that looked down at his nose at everyone. A work colleague was advertising job vacancies at another company and rumor got around that it was me doing it. I was called into the office about it and straight away the boss started giving it to me. Well I had to put him straight. "OI! Don't you EVER look down your nose at me. At the end of the day it is us workers that keeps you in your job! If we were on the street you will be just like any other person and I will smack that nose of your face!" I got a disciplinary after that but he didn't look down at me again after that! On my record for 6 Months but worth it. : )


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    well there was this rude new kid and he was sexist and the guy that only boys think is funny also he would carve "big D" into desks and chairs as it was the first letter of his name and for the other obvious reason we were doing a secret Santa and it had questions like: what is your favorite activity, what is your favorite animal, and what is your favorite toy, things like that. he put GIRLS ARE MY TOY in sloppy letters on the toy one and I was so infuriated I yelled "NOBODY LIKES YOU DILLON" and he looked offended so h replied "my mom says she likes me" and this was my perfect chance to say "she says that" and the whole class (including the teacher) said "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH YOU GOT BURNED BAD MAN" and on of his friends started maniacally laughing and pointing so ya


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    When I was in fifth grade I would often walk around the school playground in endless circles with my friend talking during recess. This along with the fact that it was considered to be "cool" to be a homophobe, prompted a fair bit of bullying/ "joking" about us being gay (at the time I had no clue weather I was or not). So when a group of "cool kids" walked up to us and asked "Are you gay?" in an obnoxious voice that made it clear that this was not because there was a pride parade next Monday I nudged him(my friend) and, by unspoken agreement, just stared at them like disapproving cats for a while until they went away. Later though, at lunch I had to walk past the table that they were siting at to get my lunch. As I expected, as soon as they saw me they started giggling, then the one that had come over to us earlier said "This ones gay!" I responded in the same voice with "This ones a homophobe!" And walked away.


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    not me but my dad. once in high school my dad was playing football and was lined up next to the kid who had bullied him throghout elementry school so when the hike came he drove him into the ground and made him cry like a baby!


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    This was in 2and grade... and I guess the kid was not really a bully but here is my story. This kid, let's call him L. L was very touchy and hands on. I sat next to him. He would hug on my, hang on me and just be all over my. He even would try and put his hands up my shirt and stuff. When I told him NO or STOP he would do nothing. So one day when he would not stop I punched him. He told the teacher and I got I trouble but in the long run my parents stood up for me and I was no longer in the wrong. I guess that is the first time I really stood up for myself and showed that No ment No



    One time on vacation, My parents made me eat soup and they didn't allow me to leave until I ate the soup. it was the worst! My parents force me to do EVERYTHING! also, my stepdad says "good" every time I get hurt. do my parents hate me?


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    Gage Franke
    Community Member
    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good god, your parents sound awful. Especially your stepdad.


    I never got the chance to snap back at my bully :(


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    Gage Franke
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry. But hopefully you're living a better life then they are.