We've all been there (unless you were homeschooled). Embarrassing, terrifying, or just down right bad memories of school. Share yours here without the shame or judgment!


I am the eldest of five children and at the time of this tale of woe, my youngest brother was still in diapers. When I was in the fifth grade (11 years old for those who aren’t Americans) I came home one day near the end of the school year and everything we owned was in the living room; my parents had gone into business for themselves and the business failed and we lost our home. I was so traumatized that even now, 50+ years later, I cannot remember the next couple of weeks that followed. We had an artist friend who had a cabin in the mountains at the western edge of the county and we spent the summer there while friends in town helped out as they could. We had to park the car up the hill and then walk down to where the 89 dirt steps had been worn into the side of the mountain and then make our way up by memory because there were no lights...but there was poison oak. The bottom floor of the cabin was our artist friend’s studio, so it was padlocked shut, the next level up was the largest room, which was the kitchen, although the back portion of it was just empty, and then the top floor where all seven of us slept. The bathroom was a pit on one side of the cabin, and the shower (cold) was a hose on the other side. We could only plug in one appliance at a time or we’d blow a fuse, and all cooking for the family had to happen on a single hot plate. We were dirt poor for a long time.


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    I was wearing a pair of my favorite pants, with cartoon characters on it, and a girl came up to me and said “that show is for baby’s”


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    you could have replied with "You wouldn't know that unless if you watched it too!"

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    Once in 3rd grade, My mom was a teacher at an Extra-curriculum School
    (Math and languages and stuff)
    After my classes were over I went over to her and gave her a hug.

    PLOT TWIST: this was a stranger who looked exactly like my mom.


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    When I was in 5th grade, I was carrying a big stack of stuff into my classroom from my backpack. On the top was my GLASS snack container. It fell down and broke all over the floor. There were like 30-40 people in the hallway, some my age, and some younger. I helped clean it up, but I had to have my mom, who worked in the cafeteria, bring me a new snack. Thankfully, my teacher was really nice and was super cool about it. She gave me a hug, and the rest of the day was fine, except for the embarassment.


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    Once I was walking down the stairs in grade 3, while opening my lunch box which was filled with sushi. Then I tripped, dropped my lunch box and lost my lunch. Went hungry for the rest of the day.

    Another time, I was in kinder and for some reason, I had worn my jumper inside of my winter tunic and was feeling pretty hot. I had to go to the bathroom and change. Still wondering why I had my jumper inside my clothes.


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    The night of my principal's retirement party, my friend decided it would be a good idea to wash hair with hand soap in the bathroom. Of course, the soap didn't wash out and she didn't even try to help me. I think the universe got back at her for me because last year she got blonde streaks and she thought she looked so cool, when really she just looked like a bumblebee.


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    I met a friend named Grace who was first a pity friend but once I got to know her she was actually really nice and funny. After a while I introduced her to my other friend Charlotte who lives across the street from Grace. Once at recess Charlotte came up to me and told me she saw Grace sleeping outside after her grandfather yelled and hit her. I asked Grace about this and she told me that her grandfather and stepfather often hurt her and that the grandma doesn’t care and lets it happen. After a while Grace started coming home with bruises and scratches all over her and my first thought was she was being hit to bad. Her step father left the family and her mother was never home leaving Grace and her two sisters to her grandparents. But she started to always be hurt and tired so I asked her why. She told me that I was the best friend she’d ever had and that if she didn’t see me tomorrow she wanted me to know that. Charlotte called me at 1:00 am in the morning one day and said she saw Grace pulling off the curtains from the windows and trying to hang her self. I told the school counselor and she was sent to a mental hospital for a week. Which I wasn’t told till she came back. There j was thinking she killed her self and I was never told. Now I’m in middle school and I haven’t heard from her even though I gave all my contact info and my moms number to her.

    If you are a parent. 4 drinks is enough when you around children. If you can’t handle them. Give them to someone else who can. If you hurt them. I will personally call Michelle Obama to get you.

    Have a nice day! 🌻👋🏻


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    In 7th grade, we were doing state testing and I was in my social studies teacher’s room (luckily, a woman). Near the end of my test, I felt the need to sneeze. Unfortunately, this was during ~that time of month~ and I couldn’t stifle it. Nobody could that anything had happened and I literally passed a note to my teacher, but I had to sit there the rest of the testing. It was horrible, and my friend had to walk behind me down the hallway to the bathroom.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Heck. If I was there, I would have loaned you my sweater, brought tampons/pads for you, and straight up m u r d e r e d anyone trying to make fun of you. I'm glad your friend was there, periods are horrible sometimes!


    I took a test and got a 5. Out of 100.


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