Bad Dates


We sat and talked all night, about him. The next night a few friends and I were at the pub,so was he with his friends they kept looking over and laughing. Later I found out that he had been telling his friends what he had "made me do to him" Well , on advice of my best friend , I waited 3 months, all the time he and his friends made crude gestures and comments. After 3 months I went to their table and said "I am pregnant" he went white and said, you guessed it, I didn't touch you. Let me tell you revenge IS worth waiting for.



    I have another one, I was set up by a friend at work. Her cousin was super cute, total cowboy. I was vegetarian at the time and when he found out he laughed at me and ordered a gigantic rare steak to eat in front of me, moo-ing between bites, and telling me stories about him and his friends castrating cows and eating the testicles raw 🤢. That’s a little TOO cowboy for me!
    He put ALL of the moves on me, which I kept politely declining, and got the hell out of there. He called me a few hours later to ‘apologize’ and as we were chatting I heard this rhythmic slapping noise in the background .. yes ladies and gentlemen he was jacking off during our phone call. Needless to say, there was no second date!


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope you let your friend know all about her cousin.

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    Blind date after online chatting for a few days.
    Great evening, nice and handsome guy, GREAT chemistry.
    Took him home with me.
    Had a few more drinks, started making out, getting undressed.
    Nazi symbols tattoed all over his chest and back.
    Kicked him out.
    I am from Germany by the way.
    Which makes this even worse.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A man with a swastika belt buckle bragged to me about a horrible joke he made to a Jewish person who objected to the belt buckle. He asked me for a date. After I mentioned being Jewish. No, he had no intention of retiring that belt buckle. I had no intention of dating him.

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    I matched with this guy on a dating site. We messaged for a while and seemed to really hit it off. He never once said anything creepy or inappropriate. After a few weeks, he asked me to have dinner with him. I agreed to meet him for drinks at a Japanese restaurant, telling him if we clicked, we could stay for dinner.

    When we first saw me in person, he said, “Wow! You’re absolutely stunning! Your pictures don’t do you justice. I could definitely tie you to a bedpost and ravage you.” Taken aback, I responded, “Whoa, mister! Slow your roll! Comments like that don’t make a good impression.” He apologized, stating he was just really nervous around someone so gorgeous. He did seem nervous, so I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

    We sat at the bar and ordered a drink. The conversation flowed effortlessly. Our chemistry was great. I completely forgot about his initial creepy comment and agreed to be seated for dinner with him.

    At this particular Japanese restaurant, the tables are laid out in U-shapes with a habachi grill in the middle of the U. As such, we were seated next to another couple. I took the last seat in that row and my date sat next to the other guy. This becomes important later.

    Things are still going great. I had ordered water with dinner. I’d had one drink in the bar, but was reluctant to order another because I had to drive home. My date ordered one for me when I had stepped away to use the restroom. I politely took a sip, but had no real intention of drinking it.

    Meanwhile, he starts getting several texts. He apologizes, asking me if I would mind if he sporadically goes back and forth between our conversation and his work texts. I tell him I don’t mind at all. If he got a text, he’d angle the phone away from me, which I thought was odd. I noticed the guy seated next to him glancing at my date’s phone. A few times, he raised his eyebrows and whispered something into his girlfriend’s ear and she responded with a shocked look.

    At some point towards the end of our meal, my date excused himself to use the restroom. As soon as he left the table, the guy seated next to him turned to me and said, “Whatever you do, do NOT leave with this guy.” He proceeds to tell me the text messages he’s seen are discussing “tying me up,” “raping me,” and then allowing the person he’s texting to “have a turn with me.” He then tells me he thinks he spiked my drink with something, because another text complained, “she’s not drinking it.”

    No sooner does he finish telling me this, my date returns, commenting, “You haven’t touched your drink.” The guy next to him shoots me an “I told you so” look and I’m gripped with fear.
    Righting on cue, my date receives another text. As he picked up his cell phone to respond, I excused myself to use the restroom.

    The restrooms were located near the entrance of the restaurant. I bypassed them, headed straight through the exit doors, jumped into my car, and drove home, shaking like a leaf. As soon as I was home, I noticed I had received two texts from him asking me if I was OK and wondering if I was sick. I blocked him immediately. I blocked him on the dating app and reported his account. I debated filing a police report, but what would I say, “I ran out on a date, because some stranger told me he intended to rape me?” I knew there was nothing they could do.

    I mentioned my creepy date story to some of my closest friends and then put it behind me. Five months later, one of my friends sends me a text, “Reminds me of your creepy date,” with a link to a local news story. I clicked on the link and my blood ran cold! Sure enough, I was staring at a picture of my date.

    He was charged with rape and attempted murder. The realization that could have been me still haunts me to this day.


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    Lovin' Life
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We cross certain people in life for a reason. Thank God you had a guardian angel that night.

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    I went on a movie date with a lawyer from the next city over. We saw Hostel, which was fine, we were both horror fans, except he got way to excited by it. He invited me back to his place, I declined because he was creeping me out at this point. He let me go, but blew up my phone and MySpace later until I blocked him. A few months later he was arrested as part of a human trafficking ring.


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    Gonzalo Terán
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow! Talking ´bout a close call... Not a bullet, a big missile dodged there!

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    I met this guy online, he seemed sweet and attentive. Because he knew I liked cats he invited me for a date in a cat cafe. The first thing he said to me was that he hated coffee and ordered a bottle of beer. Then another one and another one. While I was slowly drinking my first lattee he had 4 beers and he was getting tipsy. Then he talked about him hating women, because his mom kicked him out of the house because he was doing drugs and then his girlfriend kicked him out of the house because he was cheating on her. He said because of those b*tches he must have lived with his friend. Then as he was getting drunk he ordered a cake and then started to throw pieces of the cake to the poor cats around him, calling them b*tches also. Then he said his friend, who is also his drug dealer, is in the neighbourhood so he could join us. And indeed a few minutes later the friend showed up. After that I really wanted to leave so I headed out. He said it was an amazing date and we should do it again. We didn't.



    My worst date never happened. I went to pick him up and he wasn't home. His mom told me I just missed him. He had a court date for that day and I never knew he had been in trouble. He was sentenced to 11 years that day for trafficking drugs.


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    He lied about his age and brought his dad’s ID so he could buy us drinks with dinner, then took me back to his parents house to introduce me (on the first date!) and whispered in my ear how he was going to built a tree fort to move his bed into so we could have sex!!



    Mine was a first date with a girl I met online, we went out to dinner (usually I'd just do coffee or drinks for a first date, but she said she wanted to go to a new restaurant, so we went). It started out fine, but then she told me about her weekend camping trip with her brother, the story started out normal, but then she talked about how it rained and they got all wet and ended up sharing a sleeping bag.... then started doing this kind of things a brother and sister shouldn't be doing together.

    To this day I'm not sure if she was telling the truth, or just wanted to end the date and figured that her incestual story would prevent a second date (which was correct, I never saw her again).


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think this is the beginning and end of her attachment: "she wanted to go to a new restaurant"

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    He quoted a Bible verse at me where evil is personified as a woman, and the woman is told to get back in a box. Then when I didn’t want to dance, he slow danced with an imaginary person.



    Guy picked me up, obviously already a little drunk, and took me to one of those dinner-theatre shows. This one was pretty adult-themed, and I suspect designed to get me “in the mood”. I started feeling a little trapped and as if this guy might be a bit needy/possessive/waaaay more into me than I was him when on the way home he asked if I’d like to go to a party. At his house. Yeah: he’d blown off *his own guests* to take me to dinner. Feeling really uncomfortable at this stage, but in his car and felt like I couldn’t refuse. So, we get to his, and he offers to give me a tour of the place - I realise now he was trying to sneak me off to his room, but at the time I was just trying to shrug off his consistent arm-around-the-shoulder/waist grabbiness. Thankfully, mid-tour and mid-party, we ran into some people I knew, about the same time he decided to open up the hallway cupboard and show me his .. gun collection. That mightn’t sound like a big deal to some, but in Australia, guns are a *real* rarity, and if you do have one, it’s meant to be locked in what is basically a security vault. Not rattling around in your hallway cupboard. With drunk party people everywhere. I honestly don’t remember how I got home that night. Never been so terrified that I’d just escaped a serial killer.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just as an aside: that was about 1997. I haven’t been on a date since. Just can’t convince myself that dates are a good idea, somehow :p

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    We went to the movies. He kept loudly talking throughout it and bought one popcorn that he never shared and finished by himself. He then proceeded to non-stop tell me about how he still lives with his mom and how amazing her cooking was, then asked me if I was able to cook. I awkwardly told him I sucked at it, and he just got up and left the theatre. Haven't heard from him since.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh, wow!. That's not good. One question, though about, "one popcorn that he never shared". Why would someone share their popcorn? If someone wants popcorn at a movie, they can buy their own. I'd rather give the entire thing away, rather than share, especially with popcorn where you'd be bumping your hands into each other every other time you reached in.

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    He told me “All Lives Matter” after learning I had a mixed-race son. Boy, bye.


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    Thorfin Wolfsbane
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My brother in law once told me "all lives matter". So I waited for an occasion where he said "God Bless America" and I told him "God Bless ALL Countries". His conservative christian nationalist brain couldn't handle it.


    I forget exactly which date it was but this experience happened during one of the first dates I ever had. So I meet some guy and I decide to go on a date with even though he wasn't necessarily my type but I figured dating experience was good and maybe there would be more to him than what meets the eye.
    We go to the movies, which years later I would say is honestly one of the worst places to go for a first date. There was only a little bit of talking when we first met there and sat down at our seats.
    When the lights dimmed in the theater, he took my hand to hold. I wasn't super comfortable but I just thought it would be ok. Nope. After like 5 minutes, he dragged my hand over his crotch where I could feel something HARD. Then he whispered in my ear how I got him so horny and asked that I touch him. Hard pass but I was shook and didn't know what to do except take my hand back, try to laugh it off, and said we were watching a movie. He tried to convince me a few more times throughout the movie but I refused. After I already decided I was never gonna see this guy again, I declined his offer ​of going to a restaurant after the movie ended so I could leave.
    He walked me to my car and I was preparing to leave but he kept talking to me so I had my window rolled down as I was buckling up and starting my car. I wasn't super paying attention then I turned to look at him and what is right in front of my face except his damn boner whipped out of his pants. It was mortifying especially since I had a sedan at the time and was just literally face level with it. He was trying to get me to touch it and more. I again declined his offer, said I was tired, and was finally able to leave. I immediately blocked his number so I could never speak to him again.


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    Lara Milvain
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Damn lucky you didn’t have him charged with about 6 counts of attempted rape. What an asshole.

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    Went on a date with a guy, we went to a really nice restaurant. We sit down and he is really quiet so I try to start a conversation. No lie, it went like this:
    Me: So.....what do you do for a living?
    Him: I don't want to talk about it.
    Me: *jokingly* Ah...ok so you like a drug dealer or something?
    Him: Why would you automatically assume I'm a drug dealer?
    Me: Uh...never mind, it was just a bad joke.
    Him: It wasn't funny.
    Me: Ok. Do you have a favorite sports team?
    Him: No.
    Me: Gotcha. Favorite color?
    Him: No.
    Me: Right....favorite food?
    Him: No.
    Me: I see. Well.....uh....I see you have tattoos, they are interesting. Is there a story that goes along with any of them?
    Him: I don't want to talk about my tattoos.

    The whole night a conversation was like pulling teeth, mind you he asked me out, not the other way around. By the end of the night I'm thinking this guy completely hates me, so he drops me off, then about 10 minutes later he calls me and tells me he had a great time and wants to take me to dinner again. I kindly refused.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Sorry, I can't go out again, I pulled my back this evening CARRYING THE CONVERSATION." At a guess, he's one of those guys that thinks a few dinner dates are just something you have to sit through to get to the sex.

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    I was set up by my boss at work, he was convinced we'd hit it off. I picked her up, and absolutely zero chemistry. She was a fine person, nothing against her at all, but it was just one of those times where her + me = blah. Nobody's fault. We tried to make it work anyway but one thing after another fell through (e.g. bowling alley was league-only night, no open bowl - restaurant was inexplicably closed). Wasn't meant to be. Eventually I just drove her back to her place and we called it even. Awkward!


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    Lara Milvain
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That sounds like an exercise in boredom and embarrassment all rolled into a really uncomfortable, apologetic package. Can almost see both of you avoiding eye contact even now, lol.

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    WORST date: I was in high school - went on a first date to a movie theater and she was all over me and doing stuff I would have never dared. She instigated everything, fun times though! I just refused to turn my head so as to not make eye contact with anybody. Next day in school I had my friends coming up to me "I didn't know you were like that!" After sorting through my initial confusion, I figured out she was telling the whole school I had forced myself on her and used the word "rape". I was so shocked I literally didn't know what to do. It wasn't like I could explain the evening to every person that was glaring at me in the hallways. Interestingly, no charges were brought. So much for her accusations I guess. Funny thing; my reputation never recovered.


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    Dorothy Parker
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That kind of false accusation has ruined many lives. It's detrimental to women as well, since their honest claims are sometimes dismissed as lies.

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    Was working full time, days, during the week, and also worked Saturdays for the girlfriend of my boss. One Saturday, she wanted me to meet this great guy she knew, she thought I'd like him. Handsome, lived at the beach, etc. That evening she and I went to his beach house to hang out. No chemistry at all. Nothing to say to each other, which was rare for me. To make it less fun, his beach house was being repaired, and there was sand everywhere. It was getting late. My so-called friend said she had to leave, and that our host would drive me home. Except after she'd left, he wouldn't. He was too tired. He said he'd drive me home in the morning. I was very upset. I didn't have cab fare, no one to call, etc. I don't know what I was thinking, but I finally tried to sleep in my clothes on the edge of his bed (no sofas, hard floor.) The construction meant there were windows missing, so not only was it cold, but the roar of the ocean kept me awake, as well as fear he'd expect something from me. Early morning, after he made coffee he drove me home. Unforgivable behavior by my so-called friend.


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    Peggy Hurt
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    3 years ago

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    You were annoyed by sand and ocean sounds at a beach house? YOU were the lame date!


    After going to the movies, we went to McDonalds. We ate inside and then returned to my car with our drink cups. When she finished hers, she opened the car door and just tossed her cup on the curb. Eww... Plus, she kept talking about taking me to go camping. Girl, this is our first date, you don't know me! I don't like camping, and as far as you know, I could be a serial killer or something (I'm not, just to be clear :P)



    Bad dates don't just happen when you are young...
    She was 48, me 52. We had been seeing each other about a month. She lived in the suburbs and me in town. Since I had the more flexible schedule I usually went out her way.

    One day I asked her if there was anything she would especially like to do for a date. To my surprise she told me she would like to go to one of the more notorious strip clubs in town. Surprised but intrigued, I agreed.

    The next Saturday night she met me at my house and we went to the club. I had 100 $1 bills with me and she proceeded to drink heavily and tip everyone. It was an absolute scream and better than I could have wished. I looked forward to getting her back to the house.

    So club time ended and we drove to my house. We walk in and up the stairs to my bedroom and there is my 10 year old Old English Sheepdog on his bed snoozing. My lady had met Quincy before and decided to go say hello again.

    Before I could stop her she pranced over to my snoozing dog, bent over, grabbed his head and tried to rub noses with him while shrilling at him. Old and harshly awoken, Quincy nipped her nose.

    She yelled and pulled back. Nose bleeding. Blood oozing through her hands. Runs to the bathroom. I follow and see her dabbing at her nose, cursing. Maybe a 1.5 inch gash down one side of the bridge of her nose.

    My lady instantly sobered up. Continued cursing and stormed out of the house. As I watched her drive away I was still trying to process what had happened in the last three minutes.

    She did not respond to my call or text that night. The next day, Sunday, she continued to not respond. I'm thinking she and I might be done...

    Monday at noon I get a call. From my county's Animal Services. I was to bring in Quincy and surrender him to the county for a two week quarantine. It seems my lady went to the hospital Saturday night after she left my house and the hospital filed a vicious dog bite report.

    So Quincy and I went to Animal Services. Big, gentle, slow, clearly old Sheepdog melted the heart of the lady we spoke with. Talking fast I pointed out his age and shared what happened. Animal Services decided that Quincy could quarantine at home IF he never left our property AND he got seen by our vet and cleared for rabies. Agreed! We dodged a bullet. Was going to cost a little money for the vet but my old dog could remain at home.

    That was Monday.

    Tuesday rolls around. I receive a special delivery letter from an attorney. Seems my lady friend wasn't happy. The letter informed me that I had to reimburse her for the hospital expense incurred AND for the expected plastic surgery to correct any damage or scarring to her pristine and delicate nose.

    Lovely. She lawyered up. This s**t got serious.

    The next day I contacted my attorney and explained the situation. My attorney is a little bulldog of a lady and an animal lover so she dived right in. She promised to do a little research and contact the lady's attorney.

    Thursday I am sweating. Thoughts going through my head. Cost of plastic surgery out of pocket.... Ouch!

    Friday my attorney calls me early afternoon. Turns out that in my state an animal in his home has rights. Seems he can defend himself if a stranger is aggressive. After being confronted with this information, and a full account of our date night, my lady's attorney decided to drop the case.


    Never did see or hear from my lady friend again. I reached out repeatedly to apologize but no response.

    I still have Quincy. He's 15 now. I joke with friends and family that Quincy is an ex-con then share the story. Gentle old guy and all he wanted was to snooze.

    I had high hopes for my lady. I thought we were on a good track. The combination of a strip club, alcohol and an Old English Sheepdog likely saved me from a huge mistake.


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    Laur Nie
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am so happy to hear that everything worked out well for Quincy.

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    This isn’t too interesting but.....
    One time I planned to go on a date with a really cute guy who asked me out, my friends warned me and told me he was strange and had a bad reputation. I didn’t care and wanted to give him a shot. I show up to the restaurant all dressed up only for him to be sitting with ANOTHER girl, and then he claimed she was to be our “chaperone” I walked out and never talked to him again. Trust your friends guys!


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    This is classic. The whole date was going well, we actually had chemistry and there wasn’t anything bad or red flags. Until the end- when the check came, he looked at me and said “I looked up what your salary is on Glassdoor, you can pay.”

    No second date obviously.



    Aaah yes, I’ve been waiting for this question for years.
    Had a tinder date, coffee was the plan.
    He changed the plan on the day itself to a ‘can you drive me to pick up a dishwasher?’ (He had a disability and didn’t drive). Picked up the dishwasher, installed it myself, he did not have anything to offer me to drink. Should have left after that, but no. Proceeded to go out for a drink, he commented on every girl he saw, good and bad comments.
    My friend called me to let me know she and a couple of my other friends were having a drink in another bar. Should have dropped him off at home before I went to that bar, but no. He wanted to join.
    Went to the bar where I introduced him to my friends. At this point I’m okay with just being the driver (I was having fun with my friends otherwise I would have left. Obviously).
    A few hours go by, he’s now on the dancefloor making out with another woman. Afterwards he’s starts freaking out (via text) that he met this crazy chick and he needs to get home NOW. For some reason he didn’t realise I was in the same bar.
    Drive him home, bring him up to his appartement (he was really drunk), I go home while crying in the car being so disappointed in myself for letting a guy take advantage of me like that again.
    Day after he texts me asking for my friend’s name and number because he couldn’t find her on Facebook. I don’t answer, 2 hours later another text saying I’ve spoiled his perfect night out and I’m an asshole for not giving my friends name and number and blablabla. Don’t answer. 5 hours after that a text with apologies and that I have to understand his previous texts and blablabla. Don’t answer.

    6 years later we both are still on tinder. Me because I have trust issues and him for being a d*ckhead. Obviously.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Went on a date with a guy, he wanted to take me to dinner. He told me to pick a place since he was coming to my area. I picked a nice Mediterranean place, he mentions that he'd never had Mediterranean food before, so I'm like "I think you'll like it". He ended up picking a chicken dish. The food comes and he looks confused so I ask him what's the matter. He says "I don't know how to use eating utensils". I laugh thinking he is joking. Nope. He was completely serious, he then says that he has only ever eaten finger food his whole life. A mid-30's man who has only ever eaten pizza, french fries, burgers, and chicken tenders. He complained about the food the whole meal and then it was painful to watch him struggle to eat with a fork. We didn't go on a second date.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    She wanted to go to a bar. I was like, "yeah.. s-sure." I didn't have any money at the time. We ordered beers. I was too embarrassed to confess that I don't have money. She ended up paying for it. I said I don't have enough money and gave all that I had. It was very uncomfortable for both of us.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    So this is a long one but here it goes.

    I met her through a friend and thought she was really cute, we were both in college at the time but she was a tiny bit younger than I was. So after I hanging out once or twice and seeing her around campus I decided to ask Anna out on a date.
    Flash forward to the day of the date, we decide to meet in the student center, but after around an hour of waiting I decided to leave and give my buddy (Brandon) a ride home and hang out for a little bit. Before we go we decided to stop by at the Starbucks across from campus and there she was. So I asked "What happened? I thought we were going out today?" Anna: " Oh I forgot, I am not doing anything right now so we can go still if you want." So I ask my friend if that was ok and he was said "dude she is cute, yeah just drop me off and we can chill later" So she gets in the car and we go down to the nearby mall on Anna's request because she needed to get something from Hot Topic. So we go to game stop near by and she come running out and says we got to go so we did. I start to notice that Anna is slurring her words and kind of acting funny. So I drop my friend off at his house. And Anna and I go to hang out some where else.

    As My friend gets out of the car, Anna wearing a hoodie opens it up and says look I stole 3 bras at Hot topic while I was there. Then as we are driving and a cop pulls next to us at the light she decides to whip out a pipe and some weed. This is before California legalized it. I push her head down and ask her if she is hungry, at this point I know this is just going to be a terrible day. So the cop leaves and we are headed towards Carl's jr. we eat and go over to my friends house. As we drive there she still smokes and ask pulls out a wine cooler from her backpack. Drinks it and we go to my friends house.
    My friend and his wife are smoking some weed as we get there and we decided to partake as well. Well Anna decides to hog most of it and in front of everyone Take off her hoodie wearing nothing but her bras underneath. Then the mix of weed, alcohol, the burger, and I am assuming something hits her and she proceeds to vomit all over My friend kitchen. I quickly taker to the bathroom to let her finish and clean the mess in the kitchen. Then leave my friends house and take her home. So at this point she is too high to tell me where she lives, its around midnight and she is now passed out in my car. So I decide to take her to our mutual friends house( Tina). So as she is passed out in my car she mutters "I am having fun, aren't you" I said "HELL NO" and she passes back out. I call Tina and explain the situation and let Anna sleep. After an hour Tina comes out and we carry Anna to Tina's apartment and I drive home annoyed. Yeah never again will I date a pot smoker or someone that is into drugs.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    When I was 19 or so, I went on a "date" with a coworker. He asked me to come to his house to help him with math homework.

    While we talked, he said he liked me because I reminded him of his first cousin who he had been in love with, but who had recently died.

    A little while later, apparent it was "time" and the family (parents, older and younger siblings, nieces and nephews) all gathered round the living room while the adults smoked pot. Once done, they all went back to what they were doing.



    I met a dude who liked football/soccer a lot (almost based his entire personality on it) but he was kinda cute. So, when he invited me to his apt for some drinks and videogames I decided to give it a shot. He lived with a roommate who was a complete bump.

    When we arrived there, took his playstation off and proceeded to play FIFA with his roommate and invited me to "watch them play". When they finished their match I thought it was my turn but then he and his roommate went on "how girls cannot play FIFA or football in general" but that they like to have girlfriends to watch them play.

    I just gave them the most disapproving glare I could and left (by the way. The "drinks" were a six pack of beers that I paid for).


    See Also on Bored Panda

    17th May 1998 .... worst date.
    I have a few more that I am not keen on as well.



    Ok back in 1986. I go to a nightclub in Minneapolis with my sister, another female friend and my date, a guy named Dave. It’s early in the evening but people are filling up the place. Without a word, Dave stands up, walks onto the dance floor, and commenced to dance by himself on an otherwise empty dance floor.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When someone describes themselves as "the life of the party," be prepared for what that might mean.

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    I've got two.

    The first guy, I met at work (which, though it didn't cause me any problems therein, still taught me a valuable lesson about mixing business and pleasure, but I digress). We dated, casually for a couple weeks. Might have been a month. I even introduced him to my family. Then one day, we were supposed to go to a free concert together. He never showed. When I called his house, his mother informed me that he was at the hospital with his WIFE, who was currently in labor with their BABY... Yeah. Pretty sure now that the porcelain doll he'd given me several days earlier, as a gift, actually belonged to her...

    Side note, I went to the concert anyway, alone, found some friends there, and had a great time.

    The second guy, I met on a telephone dating service of some sort (was back in the late 90s). Only a couple years older than me, sounded cute, loved the same sports I did. I left a message, he called me back, we talked for a few days, and decided to go on a date. He lived pretty far away from me, so we agreed to meet somewhere in between.

    The night before our date, he called me to say that he'd totaled his car. But he still really wanted to go out. So, giving him the benefit of the doubt, I reluctantly agreed to pick him up at his place. Dumb, I know. But I was only 19, and I was lonely.

    So the next afternoon, I drove 40 minutes out into the country, and picked him up at what turned out to be his mother's/parents' house. Again, I gave him the benefit of the doubt. He was getting over a divorce/breakup, and his girl had gotten the house. Maybe he was just trying to get back on his feet? Anyway, I was getting over a breakup myself, so I didn't judge him on that.

    Anyway, I asked him where he wanted to go (we hadn't made any concrete plans). He directs me to this little neighborhood bar, 25 minutes back toward my house, somehow walks in with my underage ass and no one says a word, and proceeds to get sloppy drunk. He offers to buy me a beer, but as I was underage, and driving, I politely declined. Meanwhile, I'm sitting there with the worst stomachache of my life (not from anything he did, probably my nerves). Like, we were sitting at the bar, and I had my head down on it, at one point. He finally notices, says something like, "Oh, you poor thing" and we leave. To his credit, he did buy me a bottle of Pepto Bismol at the gas station on the way home. I felt too badly to drive him all the way home, so he passed out on my couch, that night.

    And my dumb ass still dated his dumb ass for two weeks, until we slept together, and he never called me again.

    I guess I was only a rebound, for him, lol

    Oh well, no loss at all, there.

    And the first guy was a rebound for me. I guess we've all been there.

    For anyone curious, I have a wonderful husband (with whom I've been, for over 20 years now), and an amazing son, so everything worked out just fine.

    As an even funnier aside, to this story, the bar the second guy took me to, was owned by a guy who turned out to be the brother of one of my future husband's best friends. I even (legally) went there a few times with my husband, lol! Small world, huh?


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I went out with someone I met online. I wasn’t physically attracted to him, but he was really nice and I respected the fact that he didn’t hide what he looked like. He picked me up and we hung out for a bit. He had a really cool car, and even let me drive it. I was enjoying myself and figured things were going well. He was showing me his tattoos…and I see that he has ‘Skinhead’ tattooed across his knuckles. I’m a woman of color and got super uncomfortable. I understand that not all skinheads are racist, but I could not let go of the fact that many are. He couldn’t understand why his explanation wasn’t enough for me. I didn’t argue because he was my ride home. So I made awkward small talk as he dropped me off at home. I was 19 at the time and had no idea how to tell someone I had no interest in seeing them again , so I ghosted him.


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Always a good idea to have a backup ride home arranged!

    See Also on Bored Panda

    I asked a girl out to a movie when I was in high school. We went to see Cape Fear (with Robert De niro, her choice and yes I am that old ;)) There is a scene where De Niro tells Juliette Lewis and Jessica Lange to take off their clothes while quoting bible verses. I guess this happened to her in real life by a relative. Being in highschool, didn't have the tools to help her at the time, but tried to console her the best I could. I hope she is OK



    I was going out with this guy for about 8 months. He was hot and cold, uncommitted. Whatever. He took me out for my birthday for dinner and a movie. All through the movie, he kept petting and holding my hand non-stop. Awkward and not romantic at all, but I put up with it, nonetheless. He didn't usually do that. Turns out he was just so anxious because he'd just slept with the girlfriend of his recently deceased friend and was feeling guilty about it. Putz. It turns my stomach thinking about it.


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    Out on a first date arranged by a “friend” at a very nice restaurant. Everything was going quite well. Conversation was flowing. Until this. He told me he was off the next day to get a colon cleansing done and would I like to join him - his treat!! I literally spat my food out laughing. Not my idea of a second date. Suffice to say I didn’t take up his very generous and romantic offer


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    Hey boyfriend showed up. We'd been set up by a mutual friend, who thought that they had split up, turned up she wanted to make him jealous. We chatted, drank, made out a little then her boyfriend and his mates asked who I was. I explained I thought she was single and left her well alone.



    May 9th 2009. The date I married my ex-wife.


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    Celeste Grant
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't get mad at peoples sense of humour, when there is no harm in it. You can't ask for contributions and then get upset when people take a more literal approach to contributing!

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    I've already talked about this before on here but why not... so I was friends with this co worker that wanted to take me out forever. Finally one year I was single and it was my birthday and he offered to take me for sushi. This excited me because I had never had sushi. (for clarification, I was previously married so that's why I had turned him down in the past at this point I was single) We met half way and took his car. The whole time he talked about HIM and how he was basically God's gift to our workplace. He even told stories that were MINE to tell. "one time I ......" no fool that was me, or no that was so and so. Anyway, sushi was good and he said, you know what since it's your birthday let me take you shopping. I wanna get you a gift. I thought that was super sweet. Ya'll he took me to Goodwill. Lol now please don't get me wrong. I LOVE thrift shopping but I'm not sure if that was like a first date type of thing. Not that I expected anything like bloomingdales or what not but come on. Convo about him kept going. Finally he took me back to his car so I could go home, he was respectful and a gentleman but damn. If I wanted to date someone that didn't give two shits about me I would've stayed with my ex. lol.


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    We agreed to go to an Italian restaurant together. We met at his apartment to ride together, but on the way he asked if we could get take out instead because he has anxiety. I agree because I understand that. Once we get our food, he tells me he has OCD and has a thing where he has to have his hand on anything inside his car so it doesn’t spill or get lost somehow on the way home. Again, I agree. And sit in the back. While he drives with one hand and holds the Italian food with the other while it’s buckled in the passenger seat. Then at his apartment he gets angry that I keep getting texts because he assumes it’s other men fighting for my attention. Then tells me how I “have the exact physical traits for the genes he wants the mother of his children to have” and describes all of his fetishes to me. Then he makes me watch some horribly depressive movie about hostages and talks through the entire thing and lays on the floor hinting his back hurts from doing roofing work and how I should give him a massage. I did not. And once out of there I blocked him and never spoke to him again.



    In college, a fraternity was looking for dates for their dateless pledges for a party at the frat house. A girl on our floor in our dorm was dating a guy at this fraternity offered to ask around the dorm for anyone interested in going. Being a naïve freshman, I agreed to go. Then she came back and said I wasn't needed because all the pledges had dates. No problem. I put on my pj's and started studying. Then my date shows up! I changed clothes and went to the frat party with him. The party was off campus---waaaay off campus. When we arrived, my date took off with his friends, not introducing me to anyone, no food or drink. I found a chair and waited for him to return. About 4 hours later, he returned---drunk---and said our ride there was ready to go back to campus. Great! I was happy to end this crappy date and the driver was sober (surprise!). The car was crammed with people, so I had to sit on his lap. After a few minutes driving, my date rolled down his window, stuck his head out, and barfed. He then rolled up the window and wanted to French kiss me. I firmly held my teeth together. I ran up the steps to the dorm as soon as we arrived. The next morning, he called to apologize. Okay. Then he asked me out again. Fat chance, buddy!



    He picked me up in his new truck and on the way to the local pizza place asked if we could stop by his friend’s. Apparently the friend had just bought a new house and he wanted to see it. Got an overly drawn out tour of the random person’s house and finally get back to our date. In the driveway he pulls out a beer and cracked it open before chugging half and putting it in the cup holder. Then he did a burn out leaving his friends driveway and overshot the road into the ditch on the other side and we almost flipped the truck. I told him throw the beer out or I was getting out. He did. We get the the pizza place and had a long wait for a table so we wait in the truck. He tries to get me to go down on him in the truck. I texted my mom to please call me saying she has an emergency and come pick me up. She wasn’t answering so I had to have the guy awkwardly drive me back home so I could “babysit my sick niece.” He’s married to a girl I went to school with now. I hope she’s okay.


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    Movie date with a man I met online. Met him at the movies, so I would have my own vehicle. Fairly nice, had odd job hours so he had to scoot straight home. Called me the next day, after his paper route. I asked if that was a side job. No. It was the only job he could get because he was a convicted felon for “spanking his stepdaughter because she was sassing her mother.” I was uncomfortable with that explanation and decided against seeing him again. Plus, I was a nurse in a correctional facility, so, not wise for me.


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