Please don't shame people. Just have civilized discussions.


I think that churches need to be taxed, many have been preaching politics from the pulpit which is in clear violation of the conditions of the Johnson amendment which grants them tax exemption. I also think there needs to be more investigations into sexual abuse allegations of many of the largest churches, and serious consequences levied against them. We already have numerous allegations from the Mormon church, Catholic church, and Jehovah Witnesses. So I think they need to be investigated fully and have wide reaching consequences.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Agree. Churches that live by the bible shouldn't be against this anyway

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    No matter who’s president America will still have problems and always will



    this is really controversial but i think you should be aloud to choose if you want an abortion or not i'm not here to argue so type whatever u want in the comments


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Look, all you pro-lifers: Imagine your best friend got raped. What are you going to tell her? “Keep the baby?” And when these poor parent(s) (poor financially speaking) have to keep the baby and sometimes end up abandoning it, you shame them. What choice do they have?

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    Biden isn't saving America. For the record, I'm not a fan of Trump either.



    I really didn’t like trump, but, I did think that republicans shouldn’t be shamed for having opinions. Like, how would y’all dems like it if someone was all up in your face 24/7 saying: you burn in hell. Nobody likes you you are a disgrace to America and we hate you. It sickens me that things like this are always ok to be said to republicans but not dems. Never ever dems. It angers me every single day to an extent that is absolutely incredible. WHO YOU CALLING HATERS NOW?!?!?!?!?!?!?


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thank you for being brave enough too say this! You may get downvoted into oblivion but your correct

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    Oh ho, ho, I've got plenty!

    Not everyone is attractive (minor opinion- plus size people can be gorgeous as well)

    Pineapple pizza is delicious (and I say this as a half Italian)

    Religion is contributing more bad to the world then good (but if you're religious I respect your beliefs, said by a spiritual person)

    and finally: K POP is really overrated.

    No hate intended towards anyone here. Hope you have a good day!


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    Foxxy (The Original)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I agree with everything except for the pineapple, but it doesn’t matter if the pineapple is on the pizza or not. Don’t like the texture of it.

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    I don't like chocolate.


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    Kari Panda
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same here. I like chocolate-flavoured stuff (like chocolate ice cream), but not pure whole milk chocolate.

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    I would choose pizza over cake any day, am I the only one? People seem to be crazy about sweets.



    that i think that people need to stop pretending japan is an uwu anime land





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    Mae (just add water)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes... I definitely wouldn’t kill my kid but some people have reasons. Drugged and drunk, not ready to be a parent, have a pact with a friend (Christine mcvie) that you will never have kids and put your career first... (alllllll modeled after Stevie nicks). And as I already said: Don Henley, burn in hell. ;)

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    Not all american police officers are evil monsters, I can agree that some did and will do bad things, but not every single officer in the ENTIRE police force of an ENTIRE country is evil.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    YES. I have been trying to tell kids at my school this because they talk about it all the time!!!! One kid said the police deserve what they are getting I think it is wrong that so many people are losing their jobs (And even some of their lives) because of this one guys mistake (I know their were others but they didn't do it they just made another mistake: Not telling him to stop)

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    Chick-Fil-A is overrated, their chicken sandwiches are ok at best and Popeyes is way better.



    That any organizations that receive federal money or tax payer money should not have the right to discriminate against anyone based on sexual orientation, race, or religion. Looking at you bible belt. If you are a federal employee you don't have the right to discriminate period. If you have religious reasons why you can't serve a LGBTQ person (which I think their reasons are BS) then you should be removed from your job.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    all people should be treated equally. LGBTQ+ people AND religious people.

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    the best doggos are pittbulls. fight me



    My unpopular opinion is that

    Fight me



    All lives matter, and we shouldn't view black or white people as the enemy, or stereotype thme


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    M Hall
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For centuries in the US it has been presumed that white lives were the only lives that mattered. Society grew on the backs of oppressed minorities. For instance, Chinese immigrants being blown up while building the transcontinental railroad. Black lives matter opens the door for all to be included. As it written "Liberty and justice for all"

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    Wearing a mask doesn't make you immune to COVID.

    Please understand I'm NOT suggesting that you shouldn't wear a mask when you're in close proximity to others - you definitely should! But it seems like some people are starting to get the impression that wearing a mask will grant you 100% protection from the virus, which it doesn't. Especially if you're wearing a non-medical mask. Although your odds are decreased, you can still get COVID or make someone else sick even if you're both wearing a mask - especially if you're indoors and in close proximity to each other. So be vigilant, listen to your Public Health authority, practice social distancing, and keep wearing your mask (:


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You’re wearing the mask to protect the people around you more than as a way to protect yourself.

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    a) I hate the whole hype about 'wrong pronous'. I have absolutely no problem calling you he/she if you‘re transgender, but 'xor'?

    b) At least in Germany, gender-neutral writing is a pain in the neck. I get and approve of the intention, but our languange sadly isn’t made for that in krs current form. For example, I‘m not allowed to call our library users 'users' anymore because in German, there‘s a male and a female word for 'user'. So in order to keep things gender neutral, I have to write 'the using one'. Which leads to wonderful constructions like 'The working one must scan the library card of the using one.' As someone who writes a lot of instructions, that drives me nuts. Makes texts bloated and much more difficult to understand. We need a whole new system for gender neutral writing to work properly, but I don’t think that will happen anytime soon.


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    1) white chocolate is the best chocolate
    2) its blm not all lives matter
    3) oreos are overrated
    4) chick-fil-a sucks
    5) k-pop is ok
    6) america is ummm... interesting def not the best
    7) the best chocolate bar is the symphony hershey bar
    8) chocolate ice cream sucks
    9) mochas are is the best coffee
    10) starbucks is over rated
    11) krispy kreme has the best donuts
    12) abortion should be legal
    13) since were on the topic men should not make laws that effect women directly
    14) trans peeps are dope and are ✨beautiful✨
    15) ✨ best emoji ever
    16) semicolons should be used more (;)
    17) oreo mint thins are 🔥
    18) spotify is better than apple music
    19) new songs are depressing
    20) lil baby and future are terrible at rapping

    sorry for a long post; never knew I had so many unpopular opinions!



    Ex-convicts who were incarcerated for non violent incidents should have their record wiped clean. Also, the sentence they receive should take into consideration the way they lived their lives after the incident and how they have changed, and if they contribute to the society. Drops mic.


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    You shouldn't vote for the party, you should vote for the person. For the record, I'm talking about electing political leaders. The whole party things is so stupid. You should pick the most suited person to lead.


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    Hannah M
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think you should vote for neither party nor person, but for the policies they plan to pursue

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    U2 is an overrated band and fruitcake is amazing.


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    Foxxy (The Original)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don’t think U2 being an overrated band is unpopular opinion lol BUT fruitcake, well that is a different story. Yucky stuff that is lol.

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    That cats should NOT be allowed to roam and they have also HAVE to be desexed.

    Tomato sauce should be kept in the cupboard even though it says to refrigerate after opening on the bottle lol. Can’t stand cold sauce on my hot food.

    Peanut butter cups and candy corn are absolutely revolting. And salt water taffy is highly overrated.

    Steak needs to be cooked medium to medium-well done.

    Coffee and Alcohol are the absolute worst.

    Beyoncé, Elvis, The Beatles and Mariah Carey are not that great.

    You don’t need a label for every tiny little difference in your sexuality etc like aroace, cisgender, genderqueer, grey sexual etc. Everyone has different preferences and sex drive, are we going to start labelling people that are only attracted to tall people, disabled people, big breasts only, brains etc. Just stick with the basics like LGBTQIA+.

    This is probably the one I will get most of the flack for but here it goes. Everything you say can be considered offensive to someone so we need to stop censoring the words themselves but consider the intent in which the person uses it. For example using the word female in general is not a transphobic word, he/she/her/him in general etc are not insults to individuals who are gender fluid, black as a descriptive word is not an insult unless used in a derogatory manner. Same as the word fat. I used to find it so hurtful when people used the term but then realised it is how they use the term that matters. We need to try and stop letting words effect us and focus more on the person using the words and the intent in which they are used.


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    1. Animal crossing is NOT boring because you can’t win
    2. America thinks there the best... I’d rather live anywhere else
    3. Shrimp is gross
    4. Japan has all the best foods
    5. Child beauty pageants should be illegal
    6. People shouldn’t use makeup to cover up their face just use it to make themselves a bit better
    7. Short people are just as good
    8. Karen’s spawn at the age of forty
    9. Doritos are the best chips
    10. Giselle is the most stupid name I hate it and why didn’t my parents name me something people don’t spell like Jezzele (I swear I’ve known people for 6 years and they still spell my name wrong 😑 )

    Fight me


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i agree with all of these except for the makeup thing, makeup is an art in itself. Have you seen James Charles's stuff? (just so we are clear, i am not a big fan of him or do i care about the controversies surrounding him, but i do like his stuff :3)

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    Vegetables are more delicious than anything, start hitting me with the downvotes🙃


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    I understand why LGBTQ peeps are fighting for marriage equality, totally. But. Why marriage, an already broken institution. Why not make a new word, same privileges. I don't want to get married because the original purpose of marriage has absolutely nothing to do with love; the woman was given as property to ensure legitimate children for a man. I don't have a particular religion either. So a new word would be great for people like me too.



    Pence would have been a better president than Trump. I mean, he was the first Republican who pleaded for the rioters two weeks ago to please leave peacefully. People also make fun of him for always having someone else in the room with him and a woman so that he could be faithful to his wife. If he does that much effort to be a good husband, then why not a great president?


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The Vice President debate was also infinitely better than the Presidental one. Trump does tend to say a lot of terrible things.

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    The Star Wars prequals and orignal triligoy are better then the sequals



    I hate cheese cake and I think animal babies are cuter than human babies.


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    Hannah M
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Because of our larger brains and the changes to hip structure caused by being bipeds, human babies have to be born earlier, otherwise it would not be possible for the mother to be able to give birth to them. So technically all humans are born kind of premature. That's why human babies are so dependent and take so long to mature, and probably also why human babies look quite weird, whereas animal babies are just like smaller, less hairy versions.

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    I don't get Taylor Swift's popularity.


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    You're gender and your biological sex are the same thing. This is not to put down people who actually have gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria, according to psychologist, is a psychological disorder that needs therapy. Just a like person who has schizophrenia, you wouldn't tell them, "Yes, listen to the voices." You would expect them to seek help and understand that the voices they hear is not reality. This is the same with gender dysphoria, just because you feel like the opposite gender does not make it reality.


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    angie but who cares
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    actully even google disagrees '"Sex' and 'gender' are often used interchangeably, despite having different meanings: Sex refers to a set of biological attributes in humans and animals. ... Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people." straight from google

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    That The Shawshank Redemption is an awful film.



    Oreos are disgusting!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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    (In Ireland) Drinking water should be taxed. Money is spent on treating it and getting it to you, so you should pay for it. If it's free it's not valued.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The Oireachtas committee is most certainly filled with idiots and morons. When people do not get the bill for their water usage, you can rely upon human nature that they will waste it. Give it four years and the costs of water treatment will have spiraled out of control. Guess who will be picking up that bill?


    Areas restricted by the government for endangered species should never be used by real estate companies.


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    I believe that dinosaurs were killed by the Flood, except for a few that died later because the climate was so drastically changed afterward! (I'm religious, obviously)
    Also, cats are SO much better than dogs!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No attack, just really curious: how do you rationalize that there is no evidence for a worldwide flood ? (I'm obviously not a christian)

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    People react all to frequently out of emotions, without looking into the relevant known facts. So much so, that scientific facts are no longer accepted, or even looked into when offered as a explanation for events/opinions. This slows us down as a species/society.


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    Refrain from talking about politics, social issues, and opinions. You CAN have them, and support things like BLM, but you are just a kid. I am just a kid. WE don't know all of the facts. I am not saying what I DO and DO NOT support, but we are just kids, and usually misinformed.



    It's time for me to get downvoted into oblivion. I have a ton of unpopular opinions, or at least what are unpopular opinions on this website.

    1. I am pro-life. Since abortion is the killing of an innocent child, it should not be legal. Nobody should get to decide if an innocent child lives or dies.

    2. The media is crazy biased. It's really insane.

    3. Biological sex is what matters, not what someone makes up in their head. I'm not trying to be hateful. That's just a fact. People identifying as a gender that does not match their biological sex wouldn't be a problem if they didn't demand to be let in bathrooms and locker rooms that don't match their biology and to participate in sports or other activities that don't match their biology either.

    4. The BLM riots were very, very awful. Burning buildings, killing and assaulting people, and looting stores are not okay at all. Just to be clear, the Capitol riot was awful too. I don't support any riots.

    5. Antifa is also terrible. I'm not supporting the opinions of the people they've attacked, but what they do is wrong. You should never be assaulting people for having beliefs you don't like. I'm not going to list every hateful group that exists, just the ones that are popular to support on here.

    6. I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but so many people have a very hard time treating the other side as individuals. For instance, many people in the media blamed all conservatives for the Capitol riot. Many people also said that the BLM riots represented all of BLM. Many people who are part of political parties in America seem to have a real problem with treating people on the other side as individuals, instead of a mindless part of an evil cult.

    Just to be clear, I'm expressing opinions. I mean no harm to anyone. If you want to talk with me to change my mind, I have no problem with that.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    1. so if someone gets r*ped and gets pregnant because of that, they have to keep the child? 2. yeah the media is really biased alot of the time 3. i'm not gonna say anything about this one 4. some of the BLM riots were bad, but the majority of them were not i'm not gonna say anything about 5 and 6 because I know nothing about this stuff ._.

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    Half of Americans seem like a giant cult that doesnt believe covid is real, are anti-vaxxer, transphobic, homophobic, racist, islamophobic, climate change deniers etc etc etc.

    *number based on percentage of Trump votes


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would be fine with this if it were not for that last sentence. I am pretty certain you are implying that Trump supporters/republicans are all like that and that is not true. I actually don't know anybody in person that believes covid is fake or directly denies climate change (only they don't think climate change is so awful and just because of us idk if that is a denier or not...) Please do not stereotype republicans or trump supporters in this way. I apologize if I got your meaning wrong!

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    There is no reason to panic about climate change. The climate has been changing, rapidly and drastically, the entirety of earth's history. Don't believe me? Go look at the environment(s) the dinosaurs lived in. There were no polar ice caps longer than we have had polar ice caps. The oceans are we know them are again, a recent addition (in age of earth terms).
    The concept of a baseline climate that humans are altering is a lie. There is no baseline. There never was a baseline.


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    Mohammad Ammar
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's like not worrying about you're health because we're all going to die eventually.

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