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One night I woke up at 3 AM...and it was super dark (obviously.) I peeked out from under my sheets where I was keeping warm, and I saw this scary pair of glowing eyes. I got so scared and shuddered underneath my sheets, because I was COLD and TERRIFIED. I then took my phone and turned the flashlight on, and quickly flashed it towards the mysterious creature with glowing eyes. My poor dog jumped back, startled of the light. It looks like we both gave each other a great scare!



    Once I was in my room, when I heard pots falling. I woke up and found my parents awake in their room. I remember saying something like this,
    "MUMMY!!! DADDY!!! WHAT THE HELL WATH DAT?(my dad and mum cursed sometimes) IM WEALLY THCARED!!!" Then my mum said something like this, "Umm, dear, I dunno! Just, sleep in our room tonight. daddy is going with a shot gun to check it out." Then my dad went down stairs, and found a broken vase. "AHHH!" he screamed. We rushed down stairs, and found our dog on the counter, and our cat near the broken vase. "S-Sorry, the-the dog and the cat, they freaked me the hell out!" dad said on the floor. Then the door bell rang! WHO WOULD BE AT THE DOOR AT 3:00?? We opened it and no one was there, but we figured it was the wind and went to bed. THAT WAS MY SPOOOOOOKY STORY (I was 4)


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    It was late and I was still up. I herd a noise and peeked into the hallway. I saw a shadow got scared until I realized it was ma dang cat making noise.



    I was sleeping on my bunk bed (I was like nine) when I heard a noise under me, I started to freak out cuz it would not stop it was like, rustling, so after a good 3 minutes I jumped off my top bunk and hurt my ankle, it was my dog but if it were a monster or a person I would be so dead. also my dog did a poop down there >:T


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    It was an everyday night in my pesantren (Islamic traditional boarding school). This location is known for some creepy things, but we do not meet them often, actually. I was in the English competition delegate team, training for an upcoming competition event. We have lots of lesson in the school building until around midnight. There are more than three people including me from every grade, and three dorm building for each grade. One near the school building and the other two are quite far (including mine). Our study was cut off by a motorcycle sound in the schoolground. It was a ustadh (teacher). We did not want to be caught sneaking out midnight, so we silently went back to our respective dorms. Only one person with me walking to the far side of the pesantren: an upperclassman heading to the dorm next to mine (the others belonged to the near dorm). We walked, and we saw a shadowy figure, short and fat, standing still in the middle of the road. I could not see the full figure the trees obscured the streetlamp. I stopped, squinted and thought it was an ustadh or the security night guard until I realized something.

    Night guards regularly photos and reports the surroundings. And they have flashlights. This shadow figure stood still, perfectly still, as if it was a painted cardboard.

    We ran together to the schoolground, facing the ustadh on motorcycle earlier and huffing-puffing about the scary man we met in the road. The ustadh eventually escorted us to our dorms. Poor upperclassman ran to his dorm from mine after the ustadh dropped us.

    I thought it was legit an ustadh or a security guard, or something in our imagination (but the upperclassman saw him too). I was quite unwavered until a junior told me he saw the same shadowy and fat person one night when he was about to go back to his dorm.

    Sh*t has gone real, I thought.


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    One night I had went to bed earlier than normal and I woke up around 3:00 am maybe 3:30ish but anyway, when I woke up, I felt something warm and heavy on my legs. I turned on a light and it was my dog but my door was locked and he was supposed to be in his kennel sleeping. I was sitting there thinking how the heck did the get in my room when he was locked in his kennel and my door was locked...and those of you that think it is wrong to make a dog sleep in a kennel at night, we don’t force him but he is more comfortable in his kennel, we say it’s his personal space. Which is true.


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    My spooky story is a nightmare come true... ok so I have this black cat and we named him Oden, he is fat, cute, mean, and terrifying! So basically one night I saw my door open and I saw green/ yellow eyes. And so I looked over at my door to see what it was (I was still in my bed) and then it starting RUNNING toward ME! And I started sCrEaMinG. Cuz he jumped on my fAcE and started cLaWinG my fAcE. And he clawed my eye too. And then I started crying so hard! And my dad came out and said “WHY ARE YOU CRYING, RILEY? It’s 2:00 am!” And I couldn’t stop crying. “I-it’s- *sobbing* oDeN hurt mE! hE- wAAAaaAa!!!” I was so hurt at the time. It hurt so bad. And so we kicked oden out of my room and put him in the garage.... the end ❤️


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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    NUUUUU... "huff huff"... Why... Would... you... put... a... cat... in... the... garage...... Its soooo cold :(

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