Hey Pandas, What’s Your Scariest Phobia That You Think No One Else Has? (Closed)
They might but low chances.
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clocks. its not that i am downright scared of them, but if i see a really old grandfather clock or if i am in a room of clocks i get a little uncomfortable.
Same here. I've been terrified of any clock that makes a lot of noise since I was little, and I don't even know why. I used to freak out whenever I passed by the town hall (which has a clock tower). I'm slightly more comfortable now, but I'll still go into fight or flight when I hear a clock chime.
Since it has a name I'm assuming I'm not the only one, but I haven't met anyone who does yet. I have Trypophobia which is a fear of clusters of holes and/or seeds. I avoid cutting tomatoes because the seeds bug me out. Makes my skin crawl. A couple months back there was a private party at the restaurant I work in. Afterwards we're cleaning up and there was a large bowl of quinoa leftover. It freaked me out! 😨
I recently read an article about this. They think the roots of this fear go far back in our evolutionary history.
Having my hair cut. Seriously. For the last ten years I have shaved my own head. Them scissors near your ears? Nope. And when they use the clippers? On spot in particular, behind my ears, gets me shuddering. After a haircut from someone else, I am tense and ready and anxious and need a pint to help me relax enough to go about my day.
I'm not scared of it but I hate peoples hands in my hair and then they make pointless small talk and the whole time they have scissors right next to my neck
Hair that is not attached to someone's head. If I see hair in a sink or shower I have to call someone to clean it out, because I feel as if I might vomit. I clean my brush out with my eyes c!osed. Pet hair doesn't bother me, just human hair.
I'm the same way. I cannot do jobs that involve dealing with other people's hair like that. No way I could be a hotel cleaner or a hair dresser. I know the origin. Back when I was a kid, I used to suck on my hair for comfort and habit. One day a hair got sucked to the back of my throat and I had to pull it out. .... Sorry. I know. I know. That was the last day I had that habit. Never again. My now ex would be the one cleaning the drains and cleaning my brush. I like keeping my hair on the short side. If I could comfortably go bald I would. But I'm not that confident about it. Unfortunately, hair seems to gravitate to me. Anytime there is a hair in food, it's me who gets it. I feel bad for gagging and having to throw out the food when someone makes it for me, but there's no way I'm just taking it out and continuing to eat the food. It may be a long while before I ever eat that type of food again. Possibly never. White cheddar mac n' cheese. It's been about 25 or 26 years.
This one is all over the place. I'm scared of ... I guess in a nutshell unexpected water depths. Really shallow large bodies of water you can wade way out when it should be much deeper. It sounds like primitive alarm bells to warn of tsunamis, I'm guessing. Pools with no shallow end when there usually is. This one stems from when I was young and we stayed in one hotel with a pool. We were the only ones in the pool area at the time. I saw SHALLOW on the side, but no stairs, just a ladder. I carefully went down the ladder and tried touching the bottom. My head went underwater and I jumped out freaking out. My mom was pissed off. The thing was that it wasn't like I never went into the deep end at any other pool. I could swim. But I was scared about not being able to touch the bottom throughout the whole pool. Sudden drop offs in lakes and oceans. Things sitting on the ocean and lake floors, such as Anchors. They're bigger than I first thought. Being trapped in crowds of people.
This one is all over the place. I'm scared of ... I guess in a nutshell unexpected water depths. Really shallow large bodies of water you can wade way out when it should be much deeper. It sounds like primitive alarm bells to warn of tsunamis, I'm guessing. Pools with no shallow end when there usually is. This one stems from when I was young and we stayed in one hotel with a pool. We were the only ones in the pool area at the time. I saw SHALLOW on the side, but no stairs, just a ladder. I carefully went down the ladder and tried touching the bottom. My head went underwater and I jumped out freaking out. My mom was pissed off. The thing was that it wasn't like I never went into the deep end at any other pool. I could swim. But I was scared about not being able to touch the bottom throughout the whole pool. Sudden drop offs in lakes and oceans. Things sitting on the ocean and lake floors, such as Anchors. They're bigger than I first thought. Being trapped in crowds of people.