Yes, the infamous Karens, we have all heard/met them, so whats your opinion on them?


I'm going to get downvoted but, Karens are really bossy, rude if they don't get their way, don't take Covid seriously, and they're always pushy.



    Tbh, their bossy, and mean, my friends grandma lives with them, and his grandma is nosy, and even talks to me like a karen.(I HATE KARENS!)(No offense to any other karen's reading this :-)


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    bon bon (still purple boi)
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my moma got mad when me and my sis say karen and then she told the truth bout karens.. they dont be tryna get manager or be mean to stores.. a time ago there was a racist white women and somebody cought her on cam and they called her karen.. and thats how karens started but now 2021 karen are said to be meaner and different

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    I f*****g hate them



    Here comes Karen... knocking on your door as you’re closing up your store....

    Here comes Karen... appearing like a phantom to throw an adult tantrum....

    I hate Karens. They are the worst


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    Sista of the moon
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I red that as “man eater” like, whooaaahhhh here she comes, watch out for her she’ll chew you up. Whhooaaahhh here she comes, she’s a man eater.

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    Is there a difference between a " karen " and a spoiled 4 year old ?

    I don't think so


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    They need to mind their own business (unless someone’s getting hurt, of course). They need to stop acting so entitled. I do think, however that people need to learn to spot the difference between a Karen and someone who is just trying to keep someone safe. For instance, I saw a video of some teens doing something extremely dangerous (I forget exactly what it was). A woman came up the them and asked them to stop, because they could get hurt. The teens called her a Karen, and kept on doing what they were doing. This is not a Karen situation, she was intervening to help keep them safe. A Karen situation would be, and this is a true story, someone using sign language and Karen telling them to stop because she didn’t want her son learning “gang signs”.

    This is just my opinion!



    they mean, rude and racist and the hate gay, lesbian, bisexual and they only like mask and manegers


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    Mr. Derpy Dino
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    exactly! I support LGBTQ(if that's all the letters) even though i'm not on of them.

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    I don't like them but it's fun to see stories of karens.


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    Mr. Derpy Dino
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    haha! I love watching them on cameras!(especially the ones when they are complaining about driving a "super" loud car in the morning.)


    They are the worst people to ever exist on this planet but they are pretty funny


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    Mr. Derpy Dino
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I know! and the best way to trigger them: tell them "no", and talk to them in a high pitched british accent.

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    I have a theory about Karens and other animals. Satan was aloud to make a few creatures and one of them was Karen.


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    Well, I think Karens are entitled babies...I bet they were pageant queens when they were kids...they were probably spoiled rotten like the kids on Toddlers and Tiaras.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I hate Karens, but I rarley say this because my best friend's name is Karen, and she is clueless.


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    Karen's are anti-maskers, always wear scarves, are entitled, have hair that looks like it has never been washed, and if they all died we would have a month long celebration and covid would be much better. I hate karens.


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    I HATE karens i mean who do they think they are the boss of us???


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    karens are the epitome of entitlement, they are the worst, they will get mad the littlest things just to stick their butt in. if you are a karen and your reading this, go f*ck urself.



    Worse than Karen's are the women named Karen who get offended by it.



    I have nothing against the NAME Karen, but these people... yuck.


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