Most people have nearly died at some point in their life. What's yours?


When I was in 2nd grade we had a shooter who snuck in through a window that was open while everyone was at lunch he waited in the custodial closet waiting and plotting who and when he should kill finally after lunch he began his spree and killed 12 people before he was finally shot down by police 3 of my friends died there blood-soaked body was now on there ground I got shot in the thigh I survived but to this day this still haunts me


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Aisha Boudy
Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That sounds traumatizing. I don't even understand why would someone want to kill kids.

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    I went swimming as a child. I dunked under water and I kicked myself off the wall, like I'd seen on the Olympics... only I did it in the wrong place. I shot forward under water, my arms by my side, and my head crashed into the ladder for getting in and out of the pool.
    I remember a sparkle lights across my vision then seeing nothing, complete blackness. Semi-conscious, I breathed in. Pain filled my chest, like a thousand cold knives inside of me. Panicking, I knew something was wrong but couldn't work out what it was and I needed to breathe again. The second breath wasn't as painful but filled with sheer panic. The third, I didn't feel a thing.
    The panic disappeared, I felt nothing anymore.
    The next thing I know, I feel a cracking my chest and a strange rhythmic feeling that seemed to last a long time, but it was somehow calming, it felt reassuring.
    Disorientated I regain consciousness, my Lungs on fire, my throat hurting and the biggest headache of my life.
    A stranger had pulled me out of the water and performed CPR as I wasn't breathing.
    I later learned that he had been doing CPR for about 30 mins. When the paramedics arrived, he stayed until I was awake, then disappeared. Nobody knew who he was.



    When I was about 8 years old I nearly choked on a hard boiled sweet. It got lodged in my throat and I couldn't breathe. My older brother saw me, grabbed me by the ankle swung me upside down and then whacked me so hard between the shoulders that the sweet came flying out. He then just lowered me gently onto the couch told me to be careful and then went out.
    Later on that afternoon I told my mum what had happened. I was still a little sore from his whack between the shoulders and as Mark (my brother) and I at the time had a typical older brother younger sister relationship where we often fought but we always made up, I thought he was being mean to me. Mum said " You were choking and a person can choke to death in minutes if what is lodged it their throat isn't removed immediately. Your brother saved your life. You could be dead now if he hadn't done what he did." That stunned me. I went into the living room where he was listening to music. I said to him "mum said you saved my life today, thanks for that. But why when we fight sometimes would you do that.?" "Well, he said." you may be one of the World's most annoying little sisters, but I wouldn't want you dead." Thanks bro. I love you too. And I still do.



    It happened twice

    Once I was about 9 years old and nearly died of food poisoning. If my mom was not a doctor i could've died.

    Another time i was like 5 and i was in india, in an elevator at the airport. The power went out and the elevator dropped 100 feet. I am now mortally afraid of elevators



    I once almost died by choking on a Dorito



    Nearly got kidnapped.In second grade some dudes were saying that "my dad told them to pick me up from class"
    Kept telling them my dad would be here.
    They wouldn't budge.
    Had to run to my classroom and thankfully my teacher was still there.



    One time I was in chicago I was hit by a car and it blasted me 20 feet away it took 10 minutes for the paramedics to get there I almost bled out my femur fibula both arms and my left foot broke. but im fully recovered and everything is alright.



    so i didn't really die but my heart melted when my cousins dog look at at me with the saddest face ever when i did not give him my brisket, he looked like he could have died (p.s of course i gave him a piece i am not a monster)
    (p.p.s thank you for reading this far)
    (p.p.p.s can i get a upvote)



    Tripped on an escalator when I was 5 and nearly died of blood loss.


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    Danny Bai
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I personally think that escalators are dangerous and should have less sharp ridges.

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    I nearly choked on a Christmas tree lightbulb as a child.



    So my old school did this thing where if you were good all year, you got to go to a theme park for free (minus food and souvenirs). I'm not a huge roller coaster fan, but the water park had some relatively mild waterslides that I'd be willing to try, but the thing I was most excited about was the wave pool.

    Now, I was a peculiar child. I was short (under 5 foot) and stout back then (still kinda am), but I was a huge daredevil when I wanted to be (I once bit a bite out of styrofoam on a dare and ate two rocks because they looked like Fruity Pebbles, to name a few examples), so I was determined to get the most out of the wave pool.

    After arriving at the park, I immediately rushed over to the water park, itching to ride some gnarly waves. I changed into my suit, put on some sunscreen, and speed-walked to the pool.

    During the trip, you were supposed to stay in a group of three or more friends so you didn't get stolen or die. Sadly, my friends abandoned me because I hate roller coasters, so I brought my chaperone mom with me to the pool.

    I jumped in the pool, buzzing with excitement about the wave pool. I swam over to where the (significantly bigger) kids were, and immediately decided they were wimps and I wasn't, so I swam even further out, almost touching the fans that made the waves. Note that there was a lifeguard maybe 10 or 15 feet from where I was floating.

    At that point, I was swimming in 8-foot water, almost twice my height, so I was really treading water hard to stay afloat. The waves started, and I was doing pretty ok for the first few.

    But. I have contacts, so I have to keep my eyes closed or else they fall out, or use goggles, which weren't allowed in the wave pool. After riding a 3-foot wave, I closed my eyes for a second to flush water out of my eyes. But they were closed for a second too long...

    A 3.5-foot wave washed over me, and I panicked. "Okay, me," I thought, "what should you do now? You have three options: thrash wildly until someone notices (most efficient option), use your superhuman abilities to burst out of the waves, or admit defeat and welcome death."

    I chose... kind of a mix of the three. I was thrashing around, trying to get above the waves, but I was also okay with the fact that this is probably how it ends. I've lived a good life, I've loved, I've lost, and I will greet death with open arms. Now, this is where it gets weird.

    Just as I was about to take my last breath, someone grabbed me by the shoulders and yanked me out of the water.

    After I shook my head to get the water out, someone asked, "Are you ok?" I wasn't really able to talk, my mouth and nose were full of water, so I just nodded. Now, remember I have contacts, so my eyes were closed the whole time, so I didn't see who it was.

    I opened my eyes after a minute and saw... no one. There was no one in front of me, asking if I'm ok, no Adonis glowing in the light of the sun, no one.

    I looked to my left, and there was only a girl who smiled at me and didn't look like she knew me. I looked to my right and there were some big dudes wrestling in the now-calm waters. The waves lasted two to three minutes, so for the waves to be completely gone after I came up would mean I was underwater for at least 1 1/2 minutes.

    I looked up and to the right at the lifeguard: she sat there, completely dry, just staring at the pool, not noticing the 11-year-old who was trying to grapple with what just happened.

    I immediately swam as fast as my tired little arms could go toward shallow water, where my two (*cough* jerk *cough*) friends were, trying to find me after abandoning me for more fun activities.

    I swam past them and up to my mom, who was eating funnel cake. I grabbed a piece with my well-chlorinated fingers and said "I almost drowned but someone saved me and disappeared before I could look at them."

    She dismissed it as the imagination of a young human, but it was very much real.

    So that's the story of how I almost drowned at a theme park!



    I was 4 or 5 years old i choked on a piece of sausage and my whole face went purple with some blue and before my eyes i saw the stairs to heaven



    1] Falling head first onto a broken window, easily could have slashed my throat.
    2} Leap frogging over an iron bollard, cutting my leg from knee to groin (I was 7)
    3} Unprovoked attacked by 3 men, having my head kicked in resulting in a broken nose. But could've been far worse.
    4] Main one. Perforation diverticulum. Without emergency surgery I would be dead.

    There's probably more that don't come straight to mind.



    In 2020 when we were getting the election results, i thought trump won. That is it.



    When I was about 6, my older brothers and I were digging out holes in the huge snow banks left by the street pole. I was in one and it collapsed on me. I would have suffocated if my brothers hadn’t run in the house and get my Dad.


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    Zoe Hoesley
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why didn’t they pull you out tho? If you guys were big enough to dig a hole deep enough that could kill you they can pull you out

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    Fell while doing a bicycle kick in soccer. Broke 2 ribs.



    Age of 4, could not swim yet, strolled along a whirlpool and jumped in. Was pulled out by an elderly lady.

    Age of 7, pneumonia, antibiotics were not very tasty, mother said "then you don't take em, maybe even better if you take less of that chemical stuff. Can't remember much of these weeks, but I remember our family doctor shouting at my mom about medicine, hospital, police or something. Well... okay?

    Age of 32, bought aviary and birds. Developed a severe allergy to bird dust whithin 3 weeks, which was actually diagnosed AFTER I spent 1 week unconscious with life support (everyone knows what an ECMO is, right?) additional 2 weeks in intensive care with really strange and horrifying hallucinations (med withdrawal, lack of oxygen, no feeling for day or night), 1 week in normal care, 2 weeks at home with the birds and 3 weeks in rehab. Yes, THAT LATE. Now I know more about drugs than I ever wanted.

    2 years later, it's Corona season. Guess who locked herself up at home. I will stay in here until vaccination.



    One time when I was 8 or 9 I tried swallowing my morning vitamin whole. It was not made to be swallowed, and it was in the shape of a star. I got luck and could still breath around the little grooves, but I was alone in the kitchen so I had to cough it up on my own. Not. Fun. (My grandma took it as a chance to say I learned my lesson instead of making sure I was okay. I will never go to her if I am choking on something ever again)



    A tree almost crushed my younger sister. My sister was 11 at the time and we were hiking to a campsite wearing big backpacks. I had run up ahead, my sister was a little ways behind me and my parents were further behind us. Al of a sudden we heard a cacophony of loud cracking sounds and saw a large rotting pine tree falling straight towards my sister. She started running as the tree was falling and since she had a large backpack she had to run slower and closer to the ground but she avoided the calamity unharmed. 13 year old me thought that was awesome.

    Also I almost got bitten by a copperhead snake. ( which is venomous )


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    Joshua Nowell
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i love how you just calmly noted that you've been bitten at the end after this big dramatic story.


    This one kid back in the day put literally almost all their body weight on me while I was standing in the main area of our local pool. I was/am a trained swimmer, but there was no way on Earth I could somehow turn them over or get them off me without causing grave injury either to myself or them, so I pretty much nearly let myself "drown" until they finally got off of me. The moral of the story is, regardless of where you are or what you're doing, NEVER under any means put all of your body weight on another individual, especially near the neck/lungs area because you CAN suffocate them. Be safe and make wise decisions.



    i nearly drowned in a hurricane



    I went to the beach one day, and there were some pretty huge waves. For some reason, I'd decided to check them out, but I went too close and one wave knocked me down, covering my head and sucking me further into the water. I couldn't breathe, and I'd swallowed water, so I coughed, but when I tried to come up for air, I discovered that the wave had sucked me to the floor. I'd let out all my air when I'd tried to cough, so I couldn't even hold my breath. When the wave went away, I quickly scrambled away from the edge of the water. I don't know if it actually was a near-death experience, but it certainly felt like it at the time.


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    Jayna Shin
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like your name! Though... Wdym by Seawing Rainwings? I'd like to see that hybrid. :)

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    Twice theres been a "threat" at my school. First time I was in second grade and there was a guy with a knife on campus, and second time there was a guy with a gun headed toward my school.



    Was riding a bike and got hit by a car. Wasn’t injured apart from a concussion and a few scrapes and bruises, amazingly, but I should have been. Never found the asshole who hit me, they drove off.



    oh my gosh. there are wayyyyy too many.

    i've gotten hit by a truck while i was on my bike when i was 10

    i fell off of a ledge into this driveway and nearly got pancaked (different time)

    i was messing with an x-acto knife and basically skinned my finger ( i was making an extra hole in a belt as a small child and i sneezed)

    i've nearly drowned multiple times

    got a giant marshmallow stuck in my throat

    and i bruised my trachea (windpipe) playing hockey, not a near death experience but it hurt quite a lot



    Disclaimer: not near death but really scary and it hurt like heck.
    i was at the beach with my family and me and my dad were jumping waves. my dad got tired after a bit and went back to land. i stayed out and kept jumping. i was ok for a bit and then this huge wave came up. being the smart person i am i thought, "im too tiny to ride this one so im gonna dive through!" The wave hit like a brick wall and sent me underwater. i did at least 1 or 2 unprepared flips underwater before slamming into the sand. But the waves had made kinda a pit before you could get on land so the water went back and i was scrambling to get up to air and my family. when i came out of the death trap that is the ocean, i was covered in sand and salt water was in every opening. i still like wave jumping though.



    Broke my skull because I face planted while pogo sticking.


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    Arctic Fox Lover
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wouldn't recommend breaking your skull while pogo sticking. I don't think it would be very fun.

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    i fell out of a nine foot tall pine tree



    Also when I was 9 or 10 I got mad at something and decided to take my anger out by kicking our giant glass door, the glass shattered and splinters of glass got stuck in my leg. My leg is healed and I am ok now.


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    Among Us
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can relate because 7 year old me decided that kicking some cacti would be fun.

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    When I was a little kid there was a tropical storm while we were at the beach. It wasn't very bad where we were, but all we were allowed to do was stand at the edge of the water. I slipped on the wet sand and fell into the water, so I had to grab onto my dad's swim trunks, but luckily the life guard saw and saved me.



    i got hit in the head with a pipe , almost blacked out and was bleeding really bad


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    Melanie King
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oof my dad got hit in the head with a really huge pipe, he got knocked back 20 feet and shouldve died, no one knows how he didnt

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    My friend gave me a TBI and I was unable to seek treatment.

    A bit of background: I am a 5’3” 115 pound girl, but I look a bit skinnier than I am, because I have a lot of muscle. My friend was a roughly 5’9” guy who lifts a lot of weights. We both workout a lot and do martial arts, in the same five-person that trains together in quarantine. (We always take precautions and wear masks.)

    In training, he tried to sweep me, but my head hit the hard ground instead of the soft mat where he was trying to sweep me. He yell-whispered, “Oh no, no, no” and picked me back up. He then swept me again, but my head was only half on the soft mat. I got up and walked away to do something else.

    For the next few days, my head kept hurting more and more, but I couldn’t get medical help because my mom is at risk for COVID-19. My grades went down because I was unable to remember anything for about a month. I just waited it out and rested, so it got better after a while.


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    Earl Grey
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You might want to reconsider that whole friendship arrangement. Just sayin’.

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    I don't have one but about a year ago my 4 year old brother fell off a cliff. We were on a hike near our home in Wisconsin with a few cliffs, but my parents had always warned us to be careful, and we were. We got to our destination and were about to take a family picture when I heard my mom scream my brothers name. That scream will haunt me for the rest of my life. Me and my brother got along most of the time but sometimes I would wish he would disappear. That day made me realize that I would be devastated if he really was gone. Anyway, my mom called 911 and the paramedics came and took him to the hospital. He was conscious but he was sobbing and he kept calling out to my mom. They went to the hospital and my dad dropped me and my other sibs at home and he went to join my mom at the hospital. Miraculously, he had no broken bones and no internal bleeding. he was completely ok and I thank the Lord daily. I now truly believe in miracles because my sweet younger brother is one.



    I was in swimming lessons. Can't tell you how many times I almost drowned.

    Multiple fire and threatening people emergencies at school, plus maybe one bomb or tornado.

    And of course, dangerous classmates throwin' chairs.



    I had an NDE experience that happened around three times. And two of them I knew the person.
    1.) Some kid made bomb threats at school. Everyone thought it was a prank until the SRO found bombs in the gym located in the girl and boy's locker rooms.
    2.) Same kid also made school shooter threats. I had a friend who was in this kid's class and the cops came to arrest them. My friend said that this kid had a journal with a hit list, along with some assault rifles he hide in his gym bag.
    If I'm being honest, I had already been in another attempted school shooting so I wasn't too scared and still went to school those days.
    3.) My great aunt's husband is a huge trumpie. Has an entire shrine to this idiot in his house. Said he wanted to kill all democrats and looked straight to me. This man, I kid you not, has plenty of ways to kill me. So I felt terrified for my life when he left the room. He came back but had a burger. So maybe I blew it out of proportion but Jesus Christ!
    I'm not sure if anyone can tell but I do live in America. That's why I'm so unbothered by school shootings despite how horrible they are.


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Jesus! Also, man, why didn't they kick out that kid the first time??

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    i was reading a book about animals and i was also young. i didn't like spiders (with an exception of spiderman). so every time i turned the page i checked if there were any pics of spiders which will scare me (keep note that i could only see the right page when i checked). so i checked one page and it was pics of a pretty butterfly. so i turned the page completely and saw the left side of the page AND THERE WAS A PIC OF A SPIDER THERE. IT WAS BIG, BROWN, AND HAIRY AND SHOWED ALL 8 EYES. it wasnt really a near death experience but it was so scary. i frickin freaked when i saw it my heart went 10000000 mph and i jumped up while sitting down. so yea it was pretty scary



    I was playing with my neighbours, their neighbours came and tried to roast me. I punched one in the face, resulting in a full-out brawl. One guy nearly knocked me out. Don't worry, karma got him and when he returned from the hospital he didn't have the guts to look me in the eyes again. The other ran away like a dog with his tail on fire. That was really, really fun. Except for the part where that fight dislocated my ankle. (I guess I was kicking too hard.) My neighbours commented "That's what you get from messing with her." Ha ha ha ha...



    I've said this before BUT: Once I was at Mount Olympus (the waterpark) during summer camp. Me and some friends were at the lazy river, except we were swimming, not in a raft. I went under water to go faster, but then a bunch of rafts went over me. I thought I was gonna drown and panicked, but I found a spot to go up for air. I left the lazy river shortly after.


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    Mishka Katira
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    when you said mount olympus I thought I was reading percy jackon for a minute, lol.

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    1: The stairs to the basement in my house was in the middle of the room for some reason and I fell out of it and landed on a mattress when I was 4

    2. I was swimming in a lake to one of those large floating spots that you can sit on in the middle of the lake. I lost my energy halfway there and started drowning and had to be rescued by the lifeguard.

    3: Our house got robbed and I managed to wake up in the middle of it. Like an idiot, I tried to stop the burglar by hitting them with a chair. I had called the police beforehand. I got hit instead and the police came in time.


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    Mishka Katira
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    at least it was a mattress. Also you're house got robbed?! man, you were brave


    This one time there was an active shooter in my school when I was in 5th grade. It was lunch at the time but we heard there was a shooter in the building. When we heard that we all went to our spots as he began his killing spree. He began to slowly open the door as a kid pushed me out and I slammed into the shooter and knocked him down. He slammed his head into the ground but he got up quickly got up and shot me in the thigh. It was screaming in pain but I kept quiet and as he started walking to where I was sitting. before he reached the door i tripped him with my leg and he fell down and I kicked the gun away with my good leg and held him down police style. The police soon arrived and arrested him but soon after that we found out that he had killed 27 students including some of my best friends. From that day on I have been traumatized and I still have the scar on my leg to prove it.



    Went through the ice on a fast moving mountain stream. Why were we on the ice? Young and stupid. Only thing that saved me from going under was that I had my arms outstretched and the hole that broke was not much bigger than my body. Water was moving so fast my boots were bouncing off the underside of the ice. The next opening in the stream was a good half a kilometre downstream. Managed to crawl out. Fortunately the car was not too far away but I was walking like the tinman when I got to it as my clothes froze.

    Had a friend with me who heard me yell, turned around and just stared at me the whole time. Didn't do anything to help. We got back to town where I changed and had a long hot shower. Went to a café and was having a coffee when the reality of what almost happened hit home. Coffee everywhere.



    My near death experiences was trump was winning before the mail-in ballots were counted



    I was on a trampoline when I jumped, broke my ankle, and just laid there. A couple of kids came in and didn't even notice me. They jumped on my hair and then when they saw me they picked me up and threw me out. (This is at a friend's party, they're the friend's older brother and friends.) *Sound of an arm breaking* it was only 30 minutes later when another person noticed me and told me to get up/ walk it off. The end...



    when i was probably around 4 or 5 I, and I kid you not, got one of those little princess training seats that goes on the toilet stuck around my neck. we had to cut it off. I still remember it :I



    Drowned at a hotel pool when I was 7-8...
    They had no lifeguard
    My sister was there (17) but she was sitting on the bench doing homework.
    The Hotel janitors son saved me (also 7-8)



    I got a UTI that showed no symptoms, and it went on so long that it spread to my kidneys and I spent two weeks in a hospital with an IV in my elbow.



    I nearly died in a fire at 13 and survived by seconds.

    I lived in a 4 unit apartment building. One night I fell asleep with headphones on, the over ear kind. My neighbor fell asleep smoking and the entire building went up. We had a slum lord so the alarms hadn't been tended to and never went off. I happened to roll over, causing my headphones to slip at the exact moment that another neighbor was screaming for her child. I managed to scream to get my dad up. We ran out and made it across the street in time for the building to blow up.

    If I hadn't rolled over we both would've been trapped and died there. Needless to say, I don't do headphones when lying down anymore.


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    Oh I'm so late mine will probably be buried, but when I was 10, I was in a car crash. Here's what I remember:

    My friend and her mom were driving me and my other friends (4 others, 6 people came) home from a sleepover at her house. Her family had like 10 kids so they had a big van. Each of us were sitting in our own row. I was in the middle, somewhat near the back.

    A huge semi-truck came out of nowhere. It T-boned us on the side I was sitting on, along with two friends I'll call Lila and Sarah (not real names). It hit us so hard that the van flipped over and was completely destroyed. Me and Lila were crushed. When the first responders finally came, I had blacked out and Lila was nearly dead.

    I was passed out for weeks. I had a broken leg, two broken ribs, and both of my arms and both of my wrists were crushed. I was thought to be dead. Both of my arms had to be amputated. I now have bionic arms. Lila... didn't make it. Her skull was crushed. Same with most of her ribs.

    So yeah.


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    Xander Gonzalez
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am so sorry for your loss very much. but I dont know how much I dont know what its like for my best friend to pass away.

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    So I was near a swimming pool and I fell in and the clothes I was wearing were made out of cloth so it absorbed all the water and I was sinking.
    Thankfully my brother jumped in the pool and swam to the ground. My mom saw me and pulled me up from the pool.



    My family and some church friends were hiking at Macie's Peak in California and my brother and I were in the front with my dad behind us. We were going down and I wasn't looking where I was going and then suddenly I saw a huge snake and then my dad quickly (Thank goodness for my strong dad) pulled my brother and me away. As I saw the snake go away, I saw something yellow-ish at the end of the tale and guess what? It was a rattlesnake, so if it weren't for my dad then I wouldn't be here and I'd be in the hospital or in Heaven looking down at my family. (FYI, rattlesnakes are really venomous.) Oh, and before this, my dad almost had a near-death experience. He was about to sit on a rock and I was 8, 7? My brother was 6 or 5 and then just as my dad was about to sit down on the rock my brother pointed to the bottom of the rock and said, "[Daddy], there's a snake down there!" And then my dad jumped off. The snake was sleeping. My dad's legs were just about to be hanging right above the snake, making a tasty snack. He repaid his debt on the day he saved us from the rattlesnake. (The rock was pretty tall and it had a small over hang- underneath the overhang was the snake.)



    One time, I was in a mall and a man yelled "get down!" All of a sudden I hear gunshots and people screaming. Babies crying and parents trying to protect their young. I was only 15 and I was with my best friends. Sadly, one was shot in the leg but lived. Now I bring a small gun with me everywhere I go.



    Covid 19! Survived for full year and probably for next one year



    I was walking my dog across the street. I was in the middle of the crosswalk, and a big black van comes speeding out of nowhere. The van almost hit my dogs face and me. I was a 9 year old kid so it really scared me


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    Keira Olson
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    when I saw big black van I expected something completely different


    One time, I was at a beach with my friends for a camping trip. My friend's mom told us we could get one pack of candy from the store to eat on the beach. My friend got Starburst while I chose Mentos. Later, when we were on the beach, I was eating a Mento and then my friend told me a funny joke. I swallowed the Mento whole and it went down my throat, making it hard to breathe. I eventually drank enough water for it to dissolve, but that's how I almost choked to death.


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    Among Us
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I accidentally did that with a caramel candy. My cousin was playing Minecraft and for some reason spawning enough llamas to crash the server made me laugh so hard I swallowed the candy whole. Luckily it went down my throat the right way and I was spared that day.

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    When I was in kindergarten I got e-coli and almost died.



    I almost got stabbed in the neck with a picture frame.



    i was at swim class and my dumb brain said ¨HEY! yeah. take that real heavy thing. hold it. even though you are in water.¨"and so i DID. i started to sink in a twelve foot pool but even as a 7 year old i was a strong swimmer and got back up to surface, but scratched my knee. NO SWIM TEACHER i remember.



    I ride horses, and one time my horse fell on me. I broke my collarbone but the doctor said that I was lucky I didn't break my neck. ✌️




    (Please dont downvote me, i did almost die every time he came on the news ;)



    Went out into the ocean to kayak with my dad(we were in the same kayak), made it past the waves going out, but when we came back in the kayak turned sideways. we capsized, luckily were near shore and had life jackets, isn't really "near death" but it was scary.



    Apparently one time when I was barely one year old, I got a really high fever of almost 40 degrees Celsius (Too lazy to convert to Fahrenheit). My parents waited a long time in the hospital waiting rooms until a doctor came. I stayed there for almost a week.

    I only remember watching a cartoon I really liked while getting my medicine.



    I almost died when i was going to the store i got shot from the cross-fire in a gang shooting i got shot in my leg , and being my 11y/o self i was screaming in pain the gang heard me and I was actually so confused when they united and took me to the nearest hospital. I have never walked alone since then.


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    Vincent Calabrese
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow that sounds terrible, at least there not terrible and they took a kid in need to a hospital.

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    I have had three near death experiences. The first one was in 6th grade and I was being bullied a lot so naturally I took some pills I found hidden in the house in an attempt to OD but my parents found me and rushed me to the hospital to get my stomach pumped. I did the same thing in 7th grade but I made sure they wouldn't be home for hours but my mom forgot her phone so they turned around and came home and found me. This year, my 8th grade year, I decided ODing wasn't working so I went to the bathroom with my pocket knife and slit my wrist. Once again I was found but this time I was unconscious from blood loss and now thanks to a stupid scar every time I look at my wrist I am reminded of my shortcomings and the feelings that I still feel sometimes.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Please go talk to a therapist. I was bullied a lot too, even though I didn't go through quite the same thing with the self-harm, I know how it feels to be bullied. I'm not going to be one of those people who tell you to get a thicker skin, or that they are just jealous, or that you should be nice to them, because I know that that doesn't help. Talk to somebody. If it helps, I asked my mom to just listen and to not tell me to be nice to them because I had tried that. They didn't like me because I was different, and I was sick of being nice to them. Talk to somebody. If it's at school, get teachers or staff involved. If it becomes violent bullying, learn martial arts, or at least learn how to defend yourself. Don't match their behavior, but don't be afraid to fight back either. I'll be praying for you!

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    About a month ago i put a knife up to my neck and pushed. luckily the pain stopped me but there was none on the floor and i will never forget that day.



    Not a near death experience:
    1.Two 8th graders last year got into a fight, and my friends told me that the girl shouted that she was going to call her brother and he was going to come shoot the boy. I get scared very easily, so I freaked out. I started crying in the middle of class, and I couldn't focus, so my math teacher took me out of the classroom to tell me what was wrong. Previously, my friends had told me not to tell anyone because the girl's brother could have been in a gang, so I didn't tell him at first, but then I told him, he took me down to the nurses office where a couple other kids were because of the same thing, I couldn't breath for a minute, but then I went home early. It was a false alarm, and nothing happened.
    2. At Island camp this year(not the same year as the one below), there was a giant storm. Again. It was hailing super bad, tennis ball sized chunks, and we were in cabins with screen windows, tin roofs, and lots of holes for mice. It was super loud, and the bog flooded again. Even though it sounded like it was windy, it actually wasn't windy at all. It was still really scary though.

    Near Death Experiences:
    1. When I was 6 or 7, me and my brother were playing around in the pool and he ended up holding my head underwater, and since I was already tired from swimming, I couldn't get him off me. Thankfully, I managed to get my arm out of the water and punch him, getting him off me. (He was young, so he didn't know what he was doing)
    2. I was at Island Camp, and there was a really big storm. A couple cabins had to move all of their stuff into the main lodge so it wouldn't get wet. The bog was flooding, and so was the lake. We were having a mud fight when we heard a bunch of howling, we ran out onto the dock and there was a funnel cloud forming right above the island. The waves were too big so we couldn't evacuate, so we all had to go into the storage room and stay there for a few hours. (It was a small room and we were squished in there with a bunch of muddy and sweaty teenage boys. Not fun.)



    I was night herping in the Costa Rican jungle. I was walking and then a monkey appeared in the treetops i looked up but continued walking. This was during the wet season. I kept walking when i stepped on a stick i looked down to a fer de lance attached to my ankle. Lucky me i had my buddy walking along with me. He immediately picked me up and took me to the hospital I will never forget that day



    I almost drowned when I was at summer camp. I didn't know how to swim then, so I always just hung around the sides. We all had someone assigned to us, and my person, for privacy, let's just say her name was, uh, Jacklyn, so Jacklyn wanted me to go over to the deep side (It was, like, 12 ft I remember), so I did, I didn't know how to say no.
    And Eventually I let go. I almost drowned. I could not even MOVE at all. And she saved me.
    Let me just tell you: Movies and TV lie to you. Drowning isn't just flopping around yelling, "HELP!!! HELP ME!!!!", it's legit not moving. It's scary.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i......almost drowned once.............i remember to this day .........................

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    My power went out for 3+ days



    I swear I was possessed once, I was five but I still remember, I was awake though my dad said I looked asleep, it was dark so so dark everything was cold I couldn’t move my body , i was terrified, I was stuck for what felt like an eternity in that cold darkness then I felt something warm on my head and I snapped out of it, I guess I arched my back in my sleep almost snapped my neck then laughed off the bed. My dad caught me


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    Jayna Shin
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The warm feeling was the hand of God unleashing you from the devil. (Not joking, I'm serious. I'm a Christian.)

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    In 2016, I was having an eczema flare up and my doctor gave me a steroid shot in her office. She had also sent some prescriptions to the pharmacy for me and when I went to pick them up, the pharmacist gave me some at home steroid shots. I would get a steroid shot everyday before I went to work. About a week later, my parents and sister came back from a vacation and my mother kept mentioning that something didn't look right about me. I was feeling really tired and took some days off from work. One day, I had to take my uncle to a doctor's appointment at the doctor I had been to and she noticed that something was wrong with me and decided to check me out. When I told her about the at home steroid shots, she had no idea what I was talking about. Turns out, she never intended for me to do steroid shots at home. Her staff had made an error. I was extremely dehydrated, had not slept in over a week, and had lost thirty five pounds. I had to spend the next two weeks at home recovering from what was essentially steroid poisoning.


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    I was about 12 years old and walking home from the local library with a friend. I had to cross this large arterial road to get home and you couldn't quite see the cars coming around the bend. A car pulled up and waved for me to go, so I looked around the bend and didn't see anything so I walked into the street. The last thing I remember before waking up groggy in the back of an ambulance was my friend yelling "NO!" I told the EMT my dad's phone number and was rushed to the hospital with the library staff, some spare drivers, and my friend watching. Apparently, I was out for about 15 minutes before the EMT's arrived. When I arrived at the hospital I was in terrible shock and pain and I remember them cutting my clothes with the trauma shears. Then I was airlifted in a really bumpy helicopter ride to a city hospital with a better pediatric trauma center. I was kept there for four days where I recovered from a lacerated liver that was dumping blood into my stomach, a punctured lung, and a terrible concussion. I also had road rash all up and down the sides of my body and a bunch of sprained fingers. I almost went into surgery for my lung and liver, but they resolved on their own just before I left. I was kept out of school and no books or TV for several months for my concussion. I had to go to vestibular and physical therapy to recover to the point where I am today. I have some recurring neurological issues with dizziness and headaches and vestibular issues, but other than that I am grateful to be okay.


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    My NDE will definitely be buried but oh well. In fifth grade at school I wasn't feeling very well... At all. I told the teacher who had a hard time believing me because I couldn't tell her exactly what was wrong but I new that SOMETHING was VERY wrong inside me.
    My mom picked me up and took me home, and I began holding the lower right side of my stomach, in between my belly button and hip bone, and cried out on every bump in the road home.
    Once we got home it really got bad. My body emptied itself of everything I had through uhhh both ends. Violently. Until there was nothing left and I spent an hour or so on my mom's bed, half-passed out when she decided to take me to emergency care when I started a fever and an awful headache, the pains in my stomach never dulling and the meds not staying down for more than a minute.
    The lady there had me take a whiz in a cup, which at 11 years old is weird but I was too exhausted to care too much. We waited as different people in scrubs poked and prodded by now ridiculously bloated belly but they couldn't pinpoint anything out of the ordinary so they figured I'd had food poisoning and a fever and sent my mom and me out. But SOMEHOW I was getting WORSE and my poor mom couldn't take it.
    She drove me to the hospital, called my dad, and finally got some people who cared about her 5th grader in a state of obvious agony. I remember before I could even put on the hospital gown, a male nurse rubbed the jelly stuff on my stomach and gave me an ultrasound which freaked me out because I'd only knew those were done on pregnant women but he explained it can be used to see what's inside you and that I, an 11 year old, was certainly not going to have a kid. But he was on edge and called in another guy, a doctor I guessed, to look at me and talk to my parents. I still had no idea what was going on and I wanted to get sick but nothing came up.
    Then I was carried to a hospital room and had to put on the gown and get an IV stuck in my dehydrated arm vein, which was so small the nurse almost had to put the drip in a vein on my foot! Luckily she got it in and of course, I cried because the hospital was scary and humiliating and I HURT.
    My mom and the doctor explained -FINALLY- that I had an appendicitis and my appendix had ruptured earlier that day, filling my bloodstream with toxins and I had to go into surgery to get as much of it removed as possible. Cue the terror.
    I wasn't allowed to drink any water -not that it would've stayed down anyway- and was almost immediately given the "sleepy pill" and hooked up to morphine YESSSSS
    The only thing I remember after that was getting pushed down the hallway by a bunch of people and being rolled onto the cold table by a really sweet lady.
    Fast forward 4 days in the hospital my bowels started functioning again, I could eat (although I lost a lot of weight), and the glorious sounds of 5th grade me passing gas let the doctor decide I could go home again. I missed 2 weeks of school and the stitches got me out of gym for a while and later learned from my parents that I was pretty close to dying! So thank goodness my mom was smart enough to take me to the actual hospital.
    (It turns out, my science teacher told me I didn't need my appendix anyway which really confused me lol)
    Wow that was a long story but thank you for reading!


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    The Lost Kin
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I remember when I was in fifth grade I was at my GT class, and my stomach hurt like it had never hurt before. I was told to go lie down on a couch and suck a peppermint in the lobby, but it only got worse. They eventually called my dad, who took me home and laid me down on my bed, and told me to tell him if it got worse. I laid there for a good hour, so happy that the pain was finally going away, when, BOOM! Pain strikes. My dad took me to the Pediatric Association of Dallas, where I screamed like hell because it hurt so bad. They eventually sent me off to a real hospital, where I had to get an IV. Now, this was the time when I was afraid of any and all needles/stingers, so having a needle continuously stuck into my arm was horrifying. I eventually calmed down, and they did an ultrasound. It turns out..... (suspense)..... I did not have appendicitis. I had an inflamed lymph node. It happens when you are sick or just recovered from being sick, and you physically exert yourself.

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    I almost died two times.

    1. I was hiking with my Boy scout troop. We were looking at animal tracks and I found a bear track. I kept on looking at it, but my troop said let's go because it started raining and we had to speed up. The literal second I stood up and took a step, lighting hit the tree near where I was and fell right where I was.

    2. I was at my grandma's and my little brother kept on giggling and saying who farted. I was like shut up I didn't fart. But then I smelt it too! I stood up to investigate because my brother pinky promised me he didn't fart (It's a golden rule between my brother that you can't be trusted if you break a pinky promise) The smell kept on getting stronger and stronger when I went closer to the gas heater. I woke up with my parents and we evacuated the house with my grandparents. We called someone to check on it and they said we would have died from gas poisoning if we didn't get out. This happened last month.


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    - When I was about 3, I fell off a couch while holding chopsticks in my mouth and they punctured my soft palate. I don't remember the pain, nor that I was apparently surrounded by family members when it happened, but I still remember my dad running out into the night with me in his arms staring up at the stars to take me to the doctor 2 minutes away from where we lived.

    - Around the age of 4, my Nana was looking after me this one night and made me a bowl of noodle soup. These noodles were like thick angel hair strings, not normal ramen or short noodles. Anyway, one of them got caught in my throat and I was struggling to breathe. Poor Nana started freaking out and went to get the phone to either call my mum or 000. I just remember watching her little worried face and thinking "I can fix this" and reaching my hand right back into my mouth until I was able to grab the noodle. I can still remember how weird it felt coming back up, and that it felt like it took a long time but in reality it was probably only a few seconds. This didn't traumatise me at all and actually helped me learn to stay calm when I'm in a physically dangerous spot, but only recently did I stop and think about what might have happened if the noodle broke even lower down that it was before.

    - Not near death but it was scary and hurt like hell. My parents were trying to sell our house when I was about 9 and this particular day they were busy preparing for potential buyers that were coming to look at it. Meanwhile, I was out in the back room playing with the dog. The back room had two sets of glass doors out to the backyard and I don't remember how it happened, but I ended up crashing my leg through one of them. I just stood there crying and screaming in pain, holding my dog because I didn't want her to walk on the glass, but my parents didn't hear because they were outside around the front. My neighbour ended up looking over the fence and running to get them; all I can say is thank goodness my mum used to be a nurse (side note: they managed to get someone out to change the window before any of the potential buyers showed up).

    - Around the age of 13 I went to the beach and got dunked under some waves. I'm a fairly strong swimmer, but the waves at this beach had a punch to them, and I was winded and knocked down. I managed to pull myself up just long enough to drag in a ragged breath before being dunked again and swirled around. I actually remember thinking for the first time in my life that I might actually drown, but fortunately I was able to finally get out of the water. Something that disturbed me a little once it was over was that no one had realised what had happened because of how busy the beach was that day.

    - Nearly got hit by a car when I was 14, but a stranger swung their arm out in front of me to stop me just in time.

    - And finally a couple of near misses when I was learning how to drive, partly because of my inexperience, but mostly because in both instances the other party was speeding.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh man, I did the same trick with my angel hair pasta. Those things are so stringy! You just need to hold your breath and stay calm to take out the noodle.

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    Not sure this counts as near death but you know those really tall water slides that are like a funnel? Well im deathly afraid of heights, and in a moment of sheer stupidity 9 year old me went on one. I had a panic attack on the tube and lost consciousness for split second and would have fallen off if my dad didn't grab me. I was fine but still hate heights to this day.



    My stepdad plans on smashing my head with a mirror.



    Once before I learned to swim without floaties, our whole family went to a friends house and swam in their pool. I wasn't allowed in the actual pool without my floaties, but I was allowed on the steps on the side where I didn't have to swim. Well most of the day went by smoothly but after lunch time when all the adults were chatting. I decide to go on the steps where the friends dog was, and as I was petting the dog I started messing with the collar. Suddenly the dog jumped into the middle of the pool. I was still holding the collar and it came off the dog when it jumped. I wanted to put the collar back on the dog so I decided to jump in the pool forgetting that I didn't have my floaties on. I started to drown but thankfully my dad saw and got me out.


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    Well, the first I remember was getting caught in a rip current pulled under and rolled several times. finally got out but family hadn't missed me. must have been about 4/5. used to bike to the store for mom. one day pressed down on the left pedal and there was no resistance. the bike and i fell right in front of a guy's car. almost scared him to death, about 9/10. My favorite was driving a sports car down the hair pin curves from Mt. Baldy. The brakes completely failed and we went over the side. the back bumper got caught on a rock and held us there. There was a fire break a few feet from where we were and once free of the rock I inched the car to it and got back on to the road. My almost a brother had bought new break pads and installed them. the store had sold him the wrong size o rings. I was somewhere in my early 20's. still don't trust the ocean.


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    Not really a near death experience, but a few years ago, I was on an above-ground trampoline at a friends house (No net), and i wanted to do something, so i backed up to the edge but my foot went through one of the holes between the springs and i fell off backwards, There was a circle of cement on the ground with a rebar handle on it, my head was like 2 inches from hitting the cement and the rebar. But it was winter and the ground was still hard so i wasnt allowed to sleep for like 3 or 4 hours after that even though it was really late, just in case i had a concussion or whatever.


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    I was in San Francisco for a vacation and me and my family where on this giant mountain and the ground was very slick, I fell but luckily I stoped my self at the all most end of the mountain, so now I am terrified of heights.



    When I was a teenager, I was crossing the street. To this day I still don't know why I suddenly stopped to look the other way. Good thing I did, because as soon as my head turned a bus was about a meter away from me, which gave me just enough time to stand straight, flip my legs to the side (so they wouldn't get trampled by the bus wheels), and turn my head all the way to the left. The bus passed by about maybe just a couple of centimeters away from me. Will never forget that day.


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    its not exectly near death, but shure felt like it.
    so i chocked(twice) one time on a hotdog, the other time on a candy.
    other one is a swimming lessons the teach would push my head underwater without my permision when I was like 4.



    Bout a few years ago, I had just realized that I had depression. I was constantly made fun of at school for many different things. One day I almost committed suicide but my friends stopped me. I am now fine, but sometimes I still have thoughts.


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    Keira Olson
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good luck with that I know it can be hard I mean like really fuking hard

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    When I was about 3 years old I put a penny in a light socket. I have no idea how but I think a wire was exposed. Apparently all I needed was a cast on my arm because I had burnt it.


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    I've had three; once when I was on the beach (9 yo) the waves took me which such force that all I remember is waking up in the middle of the ocean with shortness of breath, a buzzing in my head and lots of bruises, I recall my Mom swimming like crazy after a boat caught sight of me and started sounding its siren, after that I picked up swimming and nowadays I love the sea :3

    The second time was when I was sitting in the middle seat in the back of a car -without a seat-belt- (11 yo) while we were driving in a quasi-deserted highway, suddenly a bunch of cars started passing us like they were racing and one of them lost control and hit our car, and I remember this perfectly:

    I was hurled to the front of the car -in slow motion- and broke the windshield with my body. I broke my nose, my front teeth, my right wrist, my clavicle, my left hand was shattered to pieces, my right knee pop out of its socket and I tore the tendons of my left feet. I also remember living in a hospital for like 3 months or so, rehabilitation was a b*tch, I had nails inserted and I have scars from the broken glass all over my body :I

    The third time was when I was kidnapped in front of my dad's house in broad daylight (18 yo), they took me for about 2 hours -that felt like 15-, I was asked random questions again and again while they were talking to someone on the phone, then they took my shoes, my cellphone, my bag and left me in the side of a busy street.

    To this day I'm convinced they mistook me from somebody else :P



    Not a near-death experience, more just funny.

    So, in my old house, we had these circle hand towel holders hanging on the wall. My stepsis takes the circle part off of the rest of it, and I kid you not, gets her HEAD stuck in it. So she and Papa are laughing so much because they can't get it off. They eventually just cut it off and had to change it out afterward. Not her head! The towel holder.

    Also, when my brother was around 2 1/2, my older brother and cousin were hitting pinecones over our fence. My other older brother (we'll call him George) tells my brother(who is also older than me, we'll call him Kyle) to not go over to where my older brother and cousin were. Kyle doesn't listen and George gives up. My cousin swings lower than usual and hits Kyle in the head. His head splits open and he gets rushed to the hospital. He's all better now.

    Funny thing is, is that Kyle is actually one of the smartest people I know for his age. (He's 16 almost 17) But has a hard time noticing how people are reacting to his words.


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    As a baby, I was only a few weeks old. Not even old enough to roll over. My mom laid me in middle of the bed and ran to get laundry. She said when she came back, my head was wedged between mattress and box spring and my face was purple. Not breathing. Somehow, I survived. Still a mystery how I got to edge of queen mattress and stuck.


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    So this last year, my stepsister came to visit from Indiana. She was thirteen (now fourteen) and I was (and currently still am) sixteen. Our family has one of those John Deere gators, and she wanted to drive it around our property. We have this huge hill, but the journey there is rough and we had to make it over this small cliff. Anyway, we got stuck and spent about a half hour pushing and pulling, trying to move forward or putting it in reverse. Finally, I was like, "hey let's put this in neutral and push/pull it back down" and so we did, with me pulling. In the back. It budged, and then proceeded to roll down the hill, pushing me so I was skidding. I almost got run over, except for at the last second I jumped sideways and then we watched in horror as the gator continued to roll towards this tree. Luckily, it missed the tree by about six inches, and so everything turned out well. But man, I was shaking for a while after that. I haven't told my parents yet.


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    My most prominent near-death experience was when I was 6-ish. My mom turned around for two seconds to give my brother some liquid medicine, and I downed the whole bottle at once. (I'm pretty sure it was tylenol or kids pepto bismol.) Long story short, I had to get rushed to the hospital and get my stomach pumped.


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    I was 8and I went to a water park got someone’s birthday and it was a bunch of older kids (10-12) so they had different tastes in water slides. I was a decent swimmer at the time so I went on one of the water slides for older people (12-16) and I went with the birthday girl (it was a double slide) and I got blinded on one of the turns and fell into the 8 foot water. I got out okay but the other girl didn’t know how to swim and there were two lifeguards and one of them saved her. I turned around to thank her after making sure the girl was ok but she was fine and I asked the other lifeguard where she went but she said she was the only lifeguard and from that day on, no one believed me not even the girl that almost drowned.



    Main one: I was in a shooting when i was 9
    I had two asthma attacks
    I stopped breathing for a few minutes
    A dog attacked me when i was 9



    When I was in 5th grade. I was with my friends in tHe attic playing hide and seek and we were by this big thing of doors since it was a theater/church and we walked over and found my friends. Then I put my foot in the v of the big doors and then stepped backwards. My other friend had lifted the hatch below me and I fell. I was legit sitting with my leg stuck in the doors and one arm hanging on. My friend thought I was laughing and being dramatic but I was crying. So my friend who had a cast had to lift me up. He was in 4th grade a very small. When I got back up we went back downstairs and I looked up and saw the hatch right above a bunch of chairs. I would’ve fallen on them and died. Yay



    I used to have Swimming Coaching when I was 10 Years old. I am 11 now, FYI. So, once, I went to the Deepest Part of the Coaching Pool, and then, I almost drowned. I saw everyone around me. I swear I saw the Grim Reaper right in front of me. Finally, I just struggled to hold the Platform next to it, and pulled myself out.

    To This day, If I saw a person Drowning in a Pool, I will jump in and Rexcue them, for I do not want them to see Death and lock their Eyes at it.



    drowning in a pool


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    drowning in a pool and being stung by at least 5 wasps at a funeral for my aunt



    My “friend” had me drive her to airport at 6am. We had to go to LAX from Orange County so it was about an hour and a half drive. On my way back, I remember seeing the sign for the city I was entering and thinking “thank God! I’m half way home” then I woke up to my entire front of my car being smashed and in the middle of two lanes on the freeway. My grandpa died when I was 3 and always called me “little darling” a white camery stopped and put on his hazard lights. I couldn’t see his face but saw that he had an off duty fire fighter shirt that put me at ease right away (grandpa was an LA sherif, dad was a cop, brother is a firefighter ) “little darling! You’re gonna be ok! Can I call someone for you?” He asked. I sobbed and asked him to call my mom on my phone. He told her he would wait with me til the ambulance arrived. When it did, he helped me in and said “little darling, you’ll be ok!” I asked the paramedic to let me know his name so I could send flowers. He just said “we need to give you a CT when you get to the ER” When my mom came, I told her about him and she asked the cop on scene for his info to thank him. He said I was alone. “No. You talked to him, mom” “no... I talked to you”. I had a head scan and had no injury. Walked away with a broken collar bone.



    I got sucked out by a riptide but I didn't know that I got sucked out so I tried to swim back. 5 minutes later I was practically underwater and I was started to accept the fact that I was going to die then one of my friends' dad came out with a surfboard and pulled me out.

    Another time was when I got in three fairly serious bike crashes in one and a half weeks. They were going really and having the chain stop without warning and flipping over the handlebars, turning so low the bike is almost parallel to the ground and having the bike slide out from under me, and being hit by a car from behind and flying around a meter. I was lucky I was wearing a helmet because my head slammed into the ground really hard in two of the bike crashes.



    I was 9 years old and just back from brain surgery (I was born with hydrocephalus, they were replacing my shunt). right before going on holidays I glanced in the mirror and saw some transparent liquid dripping from my neck wetting my t shirt where one of my several scars was.. it turns out my shunt was disconnected and cerebral fluid was leaking through my scar from the tube of the shunt... we were far from the hospital that had operated on me but finally got back there in time to redo the surgery.



    i saw a roach when i was 5 and almost haad a heart attack



    I was at the skate park and i went through the bowl i had to throw myself over the handlebars or i would have fell and got crushed by my bike


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    Almost got flattened by a possibly drunk driver when I was 5. (We lived in a suburban neighborhood at the time) ran out into the street to get my ball and saw a car coming down the street really fast. Since I had an IQ of ten I just stood there like a deer in headlights. Drivers didn't notice me at first but saw me just standing like the dumb child I was in the middle of the street at the last second. Swerved around me off of the street into some guy's driveway/front yard and continued going down the road at high speeds. After that I just picked up my ball and headed inside saying nothing. I'm pretty sure I just didn't have the mental capacity to process or even just question what happened so I just went inside, said nothing, and played with something else.



    1. My dad tickled me so hard I couldn’t breath and I felt like I was going to barf my guts
    2. I didn’t know the answer In virtual class
    3. I saw to pretty best friends........


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    I once was biking on a bridge above I-5 and fell off of it... landed in the road cracked my skull open and then almost got ran over by a car. 29 days in the ICU before I could get back to life, and I have a 4 inch scar on the back of my head.


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    when i was 11 months old my lungs did something and i was told i had over reactiv airway diseas and i had it until i was 6.almost died 3 times,but Jesus saved me



    They say that someone that saved your life is your best friend. A teacher stopped me chocking. Do I want them as a best friend no. Am I grateful yes


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    When I was about 12 or so, I went to the Louisa CampGrounds. It was a cool place and all but the small pond/lake they had, had these huge inflatables you could climb on and everything else. well one i was by had a floating mat and a little hill with handles to climb up it and jump off. I had my arms resting on the mat chillin in the water because i cant tread water but i can swim. But of course my little brother who was about 5 or 6 at the time thought it would be fun to jump on top of me. which normally would be fine but he landed on my shoulders and he hooked his fingers under my jaw to hold on. because of that and his life jacket being so full of water, i couldn't get my mouth to be above to water line to breathe. I was yelling and fighting tying to get him off but no one heard me or saw me because i was below water. i couldn't stand up because were i was at it had to be a least 30 feet deep. The worst part was, I was losing air. really bad. it was getting black and dark. i could feel me gettin weak from lack of oxygen. So just before it went all black I finally broke the emergency glass and punched him hard as hell in his chest to get him off. he screamed and finally came off. My mom thought I had hit him just to hit em or out of anger. but I know different.


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    when i was 4-6 i was doing a back dive hit my head and blacked out for like three hours i had a broken collar bone and a giant cut in my head

    when i was 10 i was on a vacation and almost fell off a cliff but my dad caught me :)


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    IDK if this is near death, but I blacked out in a pool (I was too embarrassed to tell anyone after, but I hit my head really hard and I should have said something!)


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    When I was In the 3rd grade I was at a friends barbeque to celebrate a friends promotion in the army and I went to the playground that was near us and everyone was playing and a kid had an Idea to play in those things that spin but have handles in the inside so you can spin in it and the kids idea was who can stay inside the fastest and so I decided to do it and 2 6th graders were spinning it I kept going and going and then we decided to go super fast as soon as they spun I told them to wait but they didn't hear me and spun it anyway and I flew out of it and it my head on a metal bar and bleeding from my head and my dad saw and came over and picked me up. After that I passed out for 7 hours and woke up at midnight and didn't remember anything that happened that day but head was hurting so I remembered it and spent the rest of the night awake and terrified and when morning came my parents came rushing towards me and where crying. And that is my near death experience.



    When I was in 4th grade we were outside for recess when a gun starts going off. No one died or got hurt thankfully, I believe they were warning shots but still hella scary. Later that day a note came in saying that the shooter had the gun trained on the front entrance in case anyone decided to leave. Don’t know why this even happened but it ended sometime in the afternoon when the MPs arrived.

    Another time (same school, same year) a note was sent to the school saying there was a bomb in the cafeteria. I still don’t know if this one was actually real cause another time a kid called in saying there was a bomb and there wasn’t.


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    On July 2nd, 20214 as I captured funny faces on my phone with my then 5 year old son, I felt a strange sensation on the left side of my chest. With each pulse it became warmer and and spread wider. It continued to feel like the largest and strongest muscle spasm across my chest, my neck, my shoulders and my back all at once. I just couldn’t shake it. As it subsided, I looked at myself in the mirror to see if some part of my face was dropping, no. Then I spoke, nothing. I finished dinner for the kids just in time to feel the paralyzing pain that was equal on both sides of my body but it settled comfortably on the left side of my neck, my jaw, teeth, eye socket and my left arm. I didn’t know it, but the pain was coming from my main arteries. Yup, I was having a heart attack. The numbness in my left hand sealed the deal for me. I started to cry but couldn’t feel my face. But that was not what almost killed me. It was one of the two medications they gave me at the hospital right before the echocardiogram. I went into anaphylactic shock. That scared me more than the cardiac event because it was quicker and in my case, swifter. I was 44. All is well now.


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    The rain had stopped earlier that day so we were allowed to have recess. I was about eight years old. I kicked my cousin in the shin, it was some weird thing I did to let him know I was fond of him and the only behavior I really knew as I was bullied a lot. His best friend came up behind me and put me in a chokehold. I struggled and fell to my knees. The wet tar was digging in but he didn’t let go. He held on as my hands tried to hold up my body, then my elbows. My vision was growing blurry and dark. I saw other students gathered around us and a teacher ignore me. My vision went dark and then bright. He let go. My throat burned when I gasped air in. I actually didn’t want to breathe it hurt so much. I tried to hold my breath to stop the burning but my lungs wouldn’t let me. I remember crying and feeling the tar digging into my skin.



    When I was 2 I swallowed a bunch of my nana's pills. At the hospital they had to use the crash board because my heart had stopped completely.


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    So it was a month after I was diagnosed with moderate asthma.
    I was coming home from school. My apartment was on fifth floor, so it was a lot of stairs to get there. On the second floor, I had the most terrifying attack of my life. My throat suddenly closed up and I couldn't move my chest.
    It got to a point that I fell down because I couldn't move my muscles, and then my ears started buzzing and ringing, and black spots blocked parts of my vision. Weirdly enough I still thought properly through the whole thing, but I just couldn't move.
    My mother was waiting for me at home and when I took too long to get there she came down to look for me. I thank God everyday for her. She came down just in the nick of time and got me to use my inhaler as a first measure. Later she took me to the hospital to get nebulised.



    yesterday when i had to chase my dog in the main road and i almost got hit by 2 cars


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    I don't really have a death time, But when my class learned the heimlich maneuver, I was so scared of choking that I barely ate for a month


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    We decided to have a holiday before the adoption of our first child was finalized. Went to Tunisia June 2015, one our second day wife wanted to chill at the beach. That was the day of the terrorist attack, mid morning we walked down the beach to go para-sailing, we were in the air and 200 yr further along when the terrorist starting shooting we'd been sunbathing next do. If we hadn't of decided to go para-sailing when we did, we could of been shot.


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    Sorry my last post was a accident.
    My first was when i was younger, i always had coins in my mouth for some reason and i would just play with them in my mouth. i got one stuck in my throat one time and it was stuck in there. i could barely breath but i didn't want to tell my mom because she had told me to stop putting stuff in my mouth like that so i didn't want to get in trouble. i eventually had to swallow it because i could not take it out myself.

    Another experience was when my brother had gotten a skate board and he wanted to try it out at the skate park. i went with him but since i had never rode one before i had no idea how they worked. i decided to give it a try going down a small ramp but i had fallen on my back almost instantly. everything was switching from completely black to completely white. i couldn't ask for help because apparently i had knocked out all the air in my lungs so suddenly so i couldn't get air which made hard for me to yell.
    Both these experiences i ended up laughing off almost the same day and yes i have gotten better at riding skateboards since then.


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    Okay.... I have got a few.
    1) I had an umbilical hernia at six and we didn't know. Welp, my organs were coming through. Had emergency surgery then.
    2) I went with my best friend to her boyfriend church. Welp, he got in a bad crash but none of us got hurt. Which the cops said was shocking.
    3) I was the only person at home when someone broke into my house. I ended up hiding in my closet, which was a mess, and the person never checked.
    So yeah..... 17 years and still going my friends


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    When I was about 5 or 6 I had a serious respiratory infection, as I lay in my parent's bed, on fire with 104+ degree fever. Dad was, as usual, late getting home from work [hanging out at a bar with his buds]. Sitting on the bed were my mom and my parent's very close friend, Rumsey, (always wondered if my mom and he had a thing) who was holding my mom and comforting her as she cried from worry. I watched this with interest from above, seeing myself asleep (unconscious?) and Mom receiving the care she needed from her absent spouse. My heart was broken for her, and from that point forward I loved Rumsey as much as I knew Mom did.


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    at a school field trip i had to watch a SILENT play of the nutcracker and i almost died of starvation and boredom.(it was 3 or 4 hours)

    also i almost drowned a few times once at my friends bday at the beach



    not really near death but I have broken my arm twice and broke my toe once and had a seizure (keep in mind right now I am only 11)



    My most prominent near-death experience was when I was 6-ish. My mom turned around for two seconds to give my brother some liquid medicine, and I downed the whole bottle at once. (I'm pretty sure it was tylenol or kids pepto bismol.) Long story short, I had to get rushed to the hospital and get my stomach pumped.



    Age 3. Big family Sunday dinner. Considering what came next, it must have been Easter. I remember being small and everyone else was big and talking. Someone pealed a hard boiled egg for me and handed it to me. I had never seen one before so I just shoved it into my mouth where it slid back and blocked my throat. It was interesting; the sound in the room changed to a buzzing and I was moving down a long corridor with bright lights. Someone said "she's turning blue" and someone else picked me up and held me by my ankles while someone else thumped my back.


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    There is a scar on the edge of my eye. It is said that when I was a very little kid I fell into an empty pool or something. I remember my mother said that the pool was filled with broken breakables like broken vases or something.

    And some years ago, I was dumb enough to trespass a fenced cliff in order to get some nice views over there. I nearly fell.

    You can assume I've fallen much.



    I rid my bike straight into a tree. I will not go into detail, only that my face still hurts thinking about it.


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    Ella Stacey
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i believe that it would be RODE not rid but OUCH that must've hurt


    I got a scooter thrown at my face (my ‘friend’ was pissed at me) and it made a dent in someone’s car and I got spanked to death.



    I was around 4-5 but I remember it vividly. I was swimming and my dad was doing laps. I was told to stay in the shallow end but ventured out because I needed to tell him something. The next thing I remember was going up and down in the water, arms and legs flailing. Then my dad picked me up. I have no idea if I would have survived if he wasn't there.



    I was in the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989. While it was happening, I wasn't sure I would make it out alive. My husband, on the other hand, was walking to work in New York during the 9/11 attack. That's not all of the death stuff we've been through, but probably the most identifiable.


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    Michael Hernandez
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My dad was in New york too when it happened he had just finished his army training and going to go tell his mom but then it 9/11 happened and was able to see the smoke from his house.


    This isn't mine, but my mom was sitting on the windowsill when she was around 8 and slipped and was dangling headfirst out of the window. Thankfully her older brother saw her and grabbed her just in time.

    Also when I was 3 or 4 we were going to go swimming and when we got to the pool I jumped straight n, despite not knowing how to swim. My dad had to jump in and rescue me, with his phone and keys still n his pockets.


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    Well I don't know if I could have died or something but I was at the ocean with my family. By the way the waves were kinda big, so my cousin and I buried our feet in the sand and let the waves hit us to see who can stay up the longest. We did that for 10 minutes I think and then this big wave came in sucked me up and almost got sucked into the ocean.


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    Well... lets see...

    7-11 years:I've choked about 5 times, once on a hard candy, then a blueberry, then a hotdog, then vitamans.
    11-12 years:I've dug a hole in the snow, that went straight down, got my head and body stuck in it and had like a mini panic attack.
    These aren't really near death but..
    5-6 years:My cousin, not saying names, slapped me so hard across the cheeks that I asked to go home (I was at a sleepover).
    7-8 years:I lost a chunk of my knee when I tripped on to a huge pointed rock.
    7-8 years:I smashed my head on a counter at a resturant and had to go to the ER.
    0-1 years:my mom was holding me and almost dropped me in the ocean because it pulled her feet out from under her.
    1-2 years:Smashed my little head into a cement picnic table.

    And thats about it.
