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"Slutty" anything


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Querque Girl
Community Member
4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yes - THIS! I sometimes dress as notable women of history - Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Marie Curie, Janis Joplin, etc., and it means much more to me and, sometimes, to other people, too.


    Being in Mexico, any Mexican druglord costume. I do not mind overblown stereotypes for Halloween, but these people are not funny and do not appreciate others make fun of them.

    Worst thing is that these costumes sort of romantize violence or downplay the suffering of many people.

    If you decide to dress up like this for Halloween at your private party, so be it, but if you come trick or treating I'm slamming my door in your face.



    Donald Trump. Baggy blue suit, red tie, and bird's nest on head.


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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To be fair, Hallowe'en costumes ARE supposed to scary.

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    To dress like you have some kind of disability when you don't.


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    Luis Hernandez Dauajare
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I once dressed as a historical character, admiral Horatio Nelson for Halloween. The man was missing an eye and an arm. Does that count?


    When I got too old to trick or treat I would dress up as a ghost and mysteriously float between houses. It was all black underneath and a sheet, plus a lot of paste on my face. The kids loved it.

    One time when I was handing out candy at the door, I used a garbage bag stuffed with newspaper and told them I was a raisin.

    Is there really a bad Halloween costume? I've been a flapper, dead person and a lot of other costumes.


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    I'd have to say anything that seems to be motivated by hate or mean-spiritedness. There are a lot of mean spirits around on Halloween; we don't need to add to them. Pretty much any sort of costume is fine with me, if it seems to done in a spirit of good humor, maybe teasing. But I will be the first to admit, this is a *very* subjective criterion.


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    Anything involving period products.


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    Horror clowns. I used to love funny circus clowns. Can't say I like the more grotesque version.


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    Pirates, anything pirates. Tending bar and hearing "arrr, another flagon of grog!" Made me want to shove the soda gun up someone's @ss.


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    That I've worn, probably an old Yami Yugi costume from Yu-Gi-Oh!

    The outfit itself was fine by Halloween store standards, but the accessories, not so much. The Millennium Puzzle was a thin foam/fabric triangle that was tied on a necklace string, and the mask was really uncomfortable. I'd personally prefer it if it would have been a stylized wig instead.

    In general, anything to do with memes, politics, racist/hateful imagery, or the sexualized Halloween costumes.


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    Kamala Harris She scared most of us and she'll cackle and you you're left with an anyurisem.


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    I do not like any costume worn by someone who is to old to go trick or treating!! I don't care what you are wearing, if you are 14 or older looking, I am not going to give you candy!!! Trick or Treating is for the little guys. I do not feel safe answering the door in the evening to older people. Get a life guys!!


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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Trick 'r' treating is for everyone. Btw, there are developmentally disabled teens who are more childlike than others their biological age and will want to participate. I went out when I was 17. The teenagers are always the later bunch who wait for the little ones to get their pickins' first. By the time 7pm or 8pm rolled around the little kids would be nearly done and the homes would have an excess they just want to get rid of. So our bags would get poured with candy. Of course there's the odd house with your mentality. My mom's last husband felt that way, too. It was embarrassing sitting at the dinner table in full view of the door and he would be loudly telling off some kids from my grade who were allowed to go trick r treating. After their divorced I wanted to indulge and my mom let me.

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