Hey Pandas, What’s Your Funniest Story From Your Teen Years?
What’s your craziest, weirdest, and funniest story from your teenager years?
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When I was 15 I went to a bonfire party and we all got drunk on hunch punch and I got the bright idea to take a riding lawnmower out for a joyride across the open field with two friends clinging to the sides of it. We eventually ended up on the main road doing about 12mph when headlights came over the hill. As soon as the blue lights came on I veered off of the road and back into the field only to realize the woods were about 20 acres of field away and there was nothing in the field except for one lone puny tree about 2 inches wide. So I ditched the lawnmower and started running towards the tree as the cop is getting out of his cop car and I get to the tree right about the time my friends give up and start walking towards the officer. I meanwhile have decided my only course of action is to hide behind the two inch wide tree sideways and for some drunken reason my brain decided that was the perfect time to start humming the mission impossible theme song.
So the cop walks up and starts laughing and tells me to "come on out of there" and I sheepishly reply "Is it a DUI if your driving a lawnmower?!???"
......And the cop full on snorts.
I mean he starts laughing so hard he has tears in his eyes and I'm drunkenly panicking like there's no way I'm going to be able to talk my way out of this one and thinking the cop is in way too good of shape for me to try to take off across the field again and my dad is probably going to kill me....
And then the cop tells us to go home and not be out joyriding at 3 in the morning and walks away still laughing.
I'm like no f-cking way.
My friends were like, "you lucky b*tch" and "I cant believe you started humming mission impossible hiding behind that littl tree! You're crazy! But that was so funny did you hear the cop snorting?!?!?!"
I went on a trip to Israel and in the hotel I decided to do something weird because I was bored. I walked around the hotel talking to my phone. Kind of like when people make TikToks except my phone was turned off and I was saying really random things. Lots of people looked at me like I was crazy and it was pretty fun.
Still a teenager, so we’ll see if anything better happens in the next three years, but here goes. I went on a trip with my school last year. And while the trip was awesome and had its own hilarious moments, the funniest part happened to me when I was getting ready to leave. I bought like three travel tubes of Dramamine(24 hour bus ride and I get motion sick), some Ibrorofen, and some Aleeve at a gas station without my parents there, paid with cash, and then opened the boxes and threw them away because I couldn’t carry them all with the boxes on. The cashier called the police because he thought I was going to commit suicide or something like that. I think they found my address because of the rewards program that I am signed up for. It FREAKED me out then when the cop showed up at my house, but my friends and I get a good laugh out of it now. And no, I wasn’t trying to kill myself in case anyone is worried. I just wasn’t thinking about how bad that looked.
I had a fight with my mom about the shower temperature. I was feeding my snake and we were in a rush so she turned on the shower for me. She turned it on super hot and after my shower I told her something like, “Hah! So now I know that you like hot showers!” When she asked why I explained to her that it was because she had turned up my shower heat a ton and for some reason I got mad at her about her not understanding why I thought that just because of the heat of my shower. 😑
Not from my teen years, but I remember when I was a little munchkin I had three dogs, and decided while eating goldfish (the big bag) I dumped all of them on the ground and pretty much flooded the kitchen. Good thing we had three vacuum cleaners.
At a waterpark one day after our high-school graduation. 3 of my bros 4-life decided to tackle a seriously winding water slide. The rules were we had to stay on our float mats down the slide and not wiggle or move too much. Well, being young, dumb and boys, we decided "Ah heck, why not...?". Well, since we decided to fool around descending the slides, we pretty much ended up tumbling down, knocking the walls left and ride, instead of just sliding down as usual. When we got to the exit point of the slide, we pretty much ended up in awkward and painful positions rather than with your mat on the belly as usual. I managed to end up on the lane divider between two slides (literally and painfully, think having to slide on a hard surface with just your belly as protective cushion and your member at risk to friction) while another bro of mine managed to have the stopping impact somersault him from the slide onto the waiting platform. Ouchies back then but now that I think of it, 1/2 the onlookers were probably laughing while the other half were wondering if we were okay and maybe insane. Haha XD
I was at an annual NYE Party we had at my best friend of the times house and was sooo excited my crush actually showed up. Well I was up in the kitchen eating when he arrived and had a nice buzz on and all our friends were down the basement having a good time. That being said I went to head down the basement to hangout with my crush and I fell down a complete flight of steps walking down to greet him and legit hit EVERY step on the way down. It was MORTIFYING! Once I finally stopped bouncing step to step ((which felt like eternity)) I stood up and ran all the way back up the steps and didn't come down the rest of the night. Unfortunately my crush ended up leaving once learning I was not coming back down but on a positive note we at least did hangout again after that night just could not face him after such a tragedy!