Add a story about you and your siblings or a story about your friend's siblings or anything related to that.


So, I walk into my kitchen to get a drink and my 19 year old older brother and my 14 year old older brother are sword fighting with foam swords. I’m just standing there watching them because it’s hilarious. After a few minutes they hand me a spatula and ask me to act like a reporter or something about the fight. So I grab the spatula and start talking about the fight in a news reporter voice. After the fight ends we legit all go to our rooms and act like nothing happened.



    When I was younger me and my bro loved playing outside together frequently. It was was winter tho so we didn’t go out too often. One time we went to play, and I pretended to be a doctor and him a patient. I got out a bike tyre pump (to use as a medical tool I guess lol) and pumped air in his mouth only for like 3 disgusting insects to come out and into his mouth. It was hilariously gross. I feel really bad, but it was an accident so.


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    My dad was teaching my brother how to "stand up potty". Dad was not aware that very young children frequently #1 and #2 at the same time. My brother dropped one on the bathroom floor.



    This was years ago… but, we were in Denver, CO visiting our Grandparents for a week. Bro g the oldest I always was able to con my sister into doing whatever. So one night I told her she had to get it of the bed we were sharing and trim the light off. Mind you we were in an unfinished basement and to turn the light off you had to pull a cord. So of course she gets out of bed, pulls the cord to shut the light off, and she jumped into the bed as fast as she possibly could. Evidently the light was already out, and as she jumped into the bed and the light was off before she even got there, she says ‘Ughhhh, I have to do that again!’ Gets up out of the bed, pulls the cord and turns the light back on. She looks around the room, and I’m sure I had to weirdest what the hell look on my face. She pulls the cord again jumping back into the bed as fast as she can. My super smart sister was seriously getting ready to get up and do this all over for a 3rd time. Before she was able to get up again, I was finally like ‘(sisters name) what the hell are you doing?!’ . Her answer to me ‘you told me to turn the light off so, so I figured I’d see if I could be faster than the speed of light and make it back into bed before the light went all the way out!’ I was 15 at the time and she was 12. I was a mean sister and talked her into doing some super stupid things. Thank god she still loves me! It’s still a good laugh with everyone.



    Not sibling, but cousin bro who is very much like a sibling to me:
    Me (running at a speed I've never run in my entire life): WHAT WHERE WHO SHOW ME!!
    B (takes out a mirror and holds it in front of my face): Oh lookie, a DUMBASS


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    In the middle of the night, I woke up to go get a cup of water and I go downstairs and find my brother in the couch watching videos. I grab a glass of water and say, “It’s not 3 am yet genius.” He gets up and grabs his mini Louisville Slugger and I grab a pipe and we go outside, see who can hit the oak tree and make a dent, and go back inside. Our parents woke up to a pile of woodchips next to their bed. LOL.


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    Penny Harrison
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love how they leave it to our imagination to figure out how the wood chips got into the parents bedroom.

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    When my younger sister was about 4yo, she farted in public and my parents told her to say sorry when something like this happened. She understood it as it's common practice to just fart whenever you had to and then say sorry. For years she thought it's a thing and would fart in the funniest moments. It's totally not a thing where we live.


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    My older sister was practicing piano. When she made a mistake I taunted her by saying “Ha ha! You goofed. Ha ha. You goofed” like 20 times. She yelled at me “Shut up you little s—t!”
    Then I tattled on her cuz she swore


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    I have two. And they are both about my brother talking in his sleep.
    Story one: We went to great wolf lodge and he yelled "HEY LIAM WANT SOME SKITTLES"
    Story Two: this was a few days ago I was here on BP and he says "jddhsbfjskfbdjfhfhehfb ARTHUR"


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my mom said i opnce talked in my sleep and said dsomthing about starfish and mermaids


    My sister and I must have been four and six years old. We woke up one night when the folks were fast asleep and snuck downstairs, possible to eat all the chocolate from our advent calendars, who's knows. Anyway we accidentally set the burgalur alarm off and we started both laughing so hard, I was lead on the floor and my sister was stood over me. Now it could have been the excitement of being up late, sneaking down stairs or setting off the alarm, but my sister had a wee...all over my face, not just a sprinkle, a full on Niagara falls, white water rafting in the face, no heirs and graces experience. At least it happened when we small children and she didn't wait until adulthood. I have to be grateful for that much. Cheers sis.


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    So two of my siblings and I used to share a room with a bunk and single bed in it facing each other, the bunk's long side to the back of the single bed.

    We all decided what an excellent idea it would be to stretch a doona (duvet) between the bunk bed and the single bed and use it as a slide -- one person goes down at a time and there are pillows to hold the doona in place.

    It actually worked

    for a few seconds.


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    ok so we were driving around looking to see if negiborhoods were potentialy suitable and so we drove past a house and there were some elderyl people sipping tea on there porch my mom dad and i said it was cute, and my sister out of nowhere shouts and i quote"i wanna see old people" it was hilarious no one could stop laughing


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    We were at a revolving sushi bar when my sibling ( they nonbinary) pointed at the revolving thingy and said " look the answer to all our problems" so i turned and went " S Q U I D", my brother choked on his water


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    I’m an only child but when I was little I used to walk around and pretend I had a sister. My Mom had to make me and my “sister” a sandwich otherwise I would get angry. I would always pretend I had one and eventually my Mom got so mad I stopped.


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    My brother is 10 years order than me. He left home and I moved into his bigger bedroom. A few years later lost his job and had to move back but he was then sleeping in my old bedroom.

    One night he tried to get into my bed thinking it was his. I spoke sternly to him and he went back to his bed. The next day he had forgotten (probably he was sleep walking), denied it, and my parents wouldn't believe me.

    A couple of weeks it happened again but that time I didn't bother pointing out he was in the wrong room, I jumped out of bed and woke my parents up. My mum said he was snuggled down into (my) bed so sweetly.

    NB my brother is over 6 foot, very hairy and slept naked.


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    My sister... LOL She's a trip!

    She has the worst luck I have ever seen with swing sets and bicycles. I'm surprised she doesn't have a phobia of them!

    When she was a toddler she fell backwards on the swing and almost bit her tongue off... TWICE! Happened weeks later after it healed in the same swing. She has a scar. I had witnessed both occurences.

    Twice have I seen her swinging and the chain snap and whip her as she fell to the ground. This happened when she was 8 years old and 12-13 years old.

    She always has been accident prone on bikes.

    Once she fell forward over the handlebars. She landed on her chin and bounced a couple times on the pavement due to the impact. She told me she legit thought her head had fallen off.

    Another time I saw her fall backwards on her bike, bounce her butt on the back wheel and the pavement and somehow got back to her seat. I wish I had gotten that one on video.


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    Not one story, but reality. My brother slaps his stomach when he’s hungry


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    Four years ago my brother and I were growing crystals in a kit, and the part where they grow up from is called the “seed rock” my brother found this funny and literally shouted “seeed rrrrrrrock!” In a deep voice. On the deck. In the middle of the day. We live in a townhouse. Embarrassing but hilarious


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    My sister and I are about 3 years apart in age, and we shared a bedroom until I got to be middle-school-aged. Sometimes I would sleep on the floor between our beds if I couldn't get comfy.

    One night, in the middle of the night, as I was sleeping on the floor, her blankets fell on me. Okay, weird. Then her clothes fell on me. Okay, really weird. Then my entire sister rolled out of bed onto me. I yelled for mom.

    Apparently my sister was trying to get up to use the restroom but didn't wake up enough to actually do it.


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