A memory or something you love about each of them. They made us so we are part of them. What’s something you remember like watching them do or something they did that always sticks with you. From each of them? Adoptive parents, step and natural. Just who you consider your parents.
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I love my mom even though she had a lot od problems while I was growing up. She tried her best to make me a good person and I hope she succeded.
I've never had a dad.
I’m sorry you never had a dad. But you know what, he lost out on you. And your mother I know-and can tell gave you enough love for both ... I can tell Bc even the fact you said.. I hope we succeed means you love her too enough to want to make her proud. She did her job and you are a good person:)
other people tell me their parents are absolutely horrible with tech, but my parents are the opposite. My mom is an I.T technician person for video visits for a healthcare company, who helps people if there is something wrong with their video visits with their doctors. She plays best fiends when she's not working or sleeping. My dad is a chef at a BBQ place who rages at call of duty with my two uncles. He sometimes lets me and my brother play. He's super laid back, and tells me about all the cool things he did in his childhood. Their both just incredible parents in general. :)
That’s awesome! I’m so happy for you. You’re lucky to have parents that you can vibe with
I love how they take care of me, the provide for me, and they're always fair.
Being able to see things in reality is a huge quality. Parents might be hard.. or have to discipline but out of love.. Bc it’s their job to teach us mold us and help us become... they’ve done a good job if you can appreciate the sacrifice they’ve made to make sure you’re taken care of. :) thanks for the comment!:)