Hey Pandas, What’s Your Favorite Non-Existent Ship?
Everyone- and I mean EVERYONE- has a ship. Whether it’s Harry Potter, The Dragon Prince, or Supergirl (my favs), there is always some sort of pair that you make out to be soulmates.
But have you heard of Drarry? Or Zukka? What about Zutara? These are seemingly PERFECT pairings that many of us worship, yet never got to make it onto the screen. Do any of you feel the same way? Like, ‘Kataang sucks, Katara should’ve been with Zuko’ or ‘Draco’s hotter than Ginny’?
Well, believe me, I feel the same way about QUITE a few couples that while look good, are not meant to be. Why don’t you post your favorite non-existent TV ships here.
Oh, and by the way, here are mine:
Drarry (Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy)
Zukka (Sokka x Zuko)
Zutara (Katara x Zuko)
Taang (Toph x Aang)
Tokka (Toph x Zuko)
Karolsen (Supergirl x James Olsen)

Everyone- and I mean EVERYONE- has a ship. Whether it’s Harry Potter, The Dragon Prince, or Supergirl (my favs), there is always some sort of pair that you make out to be soulmates.
But have you heard of Drarry? Or Zukka? What about Zutara? These are seemingly PERFECT pairings that many of us worship, yet never got to make it onto the screen. Do any of you feel the same way? Like, ‘Kataang sucks, Katara should’ve been with Zuko’ or ‘Draco’s hotter than Ginny’?
Well, believe me, I feel the same way about QUITE a few couples that while look good, are not meant to be. Why don’t you post your favorite non-existent TV ships here.
Oh, and by the way, here are mine:
Drarry (Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy)
Zukka (Sokka x Zuko)
Zutara (Katara x Zuko)
Taang (Toph x Aang)
Tokka (Toph x Zuko)
Karolsen (Supergirl x James Olsen)

Share on FacebookDraco Malfoy X Harry potter lol. I just think it is too cute (no hate on meh pls)
I think it is cute as fnafiction, but not as canon, just becuase they hated eachother and most fan fiction stories about it literally have to change one or both of the characters to make it work out. But if Jk Rowling had given him a proper redemption then I think it would be better. Although I am certain Draco had a crush on Hermione and that it would never work out. Forbidden love, although Hermione don't love him. And I think Jk Rowling may have said that Draco had a crush on Hermione if so don't tell me and ruin it cuz if it isn't fan theory or in the books (excluding Cursed Child) it is not canon. Jk Rowling saying it during an interview or on twitter doesn't count. For instance, I think Luna had a crush on Ginny at some point. As soon as Rowling says this, I no longer believe. She should stop saying things and write prequel book. And I am boycotting Fantastic Beasts if it doen't have Johnny Depp or at least apoligize. Thanks for reading my rant on Harry Potter.
Draco Malfoy X Harry potter lol. I just think it is too cute (no hate on meh pls)
I think it is cute as fnafiction, but not as canon, just becuase they hated eachother and most fan fiction stories about it literally have to change one or both of the characters to make it work out. But if Jk Rowling had given him a proper redemption then I think it would be better. Although I am certain Draco had a crush on Hermione and that it would never work out. Forbidden love, although Hermione don't love him. And I think Jk Rowling may have said that Draco had a crush on Hermione if so don't tell me and ruin it cuz if it isn't fan theory or in the books (excluding Cursed Child) it is not canon. Jk Rowling saying it during an interview or on twitter doesn't count. For instance, I think Luna had a crush on Ginny at some point. As soon as Rowling says this, I no longer believe. She should stop saying things and write prequel book. And I am boycotting Fantastic Beasts if it doen't have Johnny Depp or at least apoligize. Thanks for reading my rant on Harry Potter.