Even the strongest and bravest soul will fear something... What's yours?
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A second trump presidency 🦧
My deepest fear is getting Alzheimer's when I grow older forgetting every single person I know...
Dementia of any type. I can deal with my body aging and old injuries becoming more of an issue, but losing my mind would be the worst.
My deepest fear is that all of the people I love (friends, family, partners, etc) secretly just don't like me....
That all out nuclear war is a possibility
That North Korea's Kim Jong Un and Russia's Putin are both threatening nuclear war. Pure insanity.
Working my entire life just to get by, with no possibility to retire and then die alone wondering what it was all for.
But yeah, at least we live in the bestest economic system ever created, right? ^^ /s
This could be called a cliche, but death. The idea of the unknown just terrifies me.
Burning alive
Going blind. I'm very visually oriented, like towards art, nature, reading, so not being able to see would really wreck that. Also, I don't like being reliant on other people, so that's a big factor.
I had already lost 90% of the hearing in one ear when, over night, I lost 100% of the second year. I now have 2 cochlear implants and only 1% hearing in the "first" ear. If I lose my eye sight I am screwed.
Being raped and murdered while I'm still a kid. (Or any other time, but especially now)
My cat dying. I can't imagine life without her. I've never had a pet before, and I feel like she's the only one who truly understands me. I have a lot of bad things happening in my life right now, and at a very young age. My mom and I both have mental issues, and my cat is the only one I feel like I can talk about it to. Her dying would be devastating.
The fear of Poverty. Is the biggest fear of my life.
Yeah. when you're the one keeping the roof over everyones head and food in their guts, that is a real fear. wakes me up in the middle of the night sometime.
Losing my cool and saying things id regret to people i care about
Ohhh well I do this every single day if it makes you feel any better! :D
Disappointing my loved ones as a student
I hope you learn to see past this. SChool is such a small part of the grand scheme. People put too much emphasis on it. You be you OP. You deserve it.
Hypodermic needles this ⁹
I was afraid of them as a child too, but as I grew up I realised that they are most often used to help you.
Being completely alone once my dad passes. He's 80 now. I don't have many friends, the one I have is 84. My last boyfriend passed away 2 yrs ago from cancer. Just thinking about how it could be is enough to give me a serious anxiety attack. I doubt I will find anyone else, as I am an introvert, painfully shy, and very overweight and ugly.
Obviously the normal. Losing my son and or my wife.
However, years ago after watching The Exorcist and being a wise 13 year old i prayed to the devil. Asked if I could speak latin i would trade my soul. ( dont ask me, i was 13) still cant speak latin.
I did become an alcoholic ( im in recovery now). I hope and pray that good works and doing my best to get right with the upstairs boss will negate a stupid prayer from a scared, innocent child.
As the years ebb and flow, I wake in the darkness and wonder if maybe my soul is damned.
Nah. God's grace and mercy is bigger than anything. Remember that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that we may have eternal life. If you have accepted Jesus as your saviour, your sins have been forgiven and your name has been written in the Book of Life. Jesus already defeated death, hell and the grave. You have nothing to fear. Keep going! 🕊
seeing suffering from illness. like if I'm in a hospital and there are screaming parents trying to save their kid. I think it came from the pandemic, so maybe it's really the fear of an unknown death?
Being alone. I've had bad experiences that include bullying and isolation in the past, which makes me paranoid that all of my current friends are going to leave me, and I'm absolutely terrified of the idea of my loved ones dying. I'd prefer death over isolation.
I'm a fairly isolated guy and I used to believe the same as you. But now? My solitude is peaceful and I couldn't love it any more than I do.
That a bug will crawl into my ear whilst I'm sleeping. Specifically an earwig. Then burrow into my brain.
Being stalked ( again)
Loosing everything ,(again)
Drowning in the sea
Weirdly enough betrayal.
Drowning, and the really deep ocean. That s**t sounds terrifying. Kinda weird though, because if I was going to unalive myself I would want to drown.
Yk the holes in the skin meme
But if we are talking about scenarios, then mine would probably be my family dying.
My life kinda revolves around them, cuz they gave BIRTH to me
My dream is to become a writer, director and
screenwriter (Already finished a few scripts) and I'm deeply afraid of AI making entire films.
Sometimes writing and planning films feels senseless, but it's the only thing I'm really good at.
We all fear something. There's a book out; "The Wise Man's Fear". The author is outrageously bright and educated. The reference is just to a saying he attributes to his created world; "The wise man fears three things: The sea in storm. The moonless night. And the kind man's anger." That last one really gets me, but I get all of them. So. Everybody. Join the club.
Sharks kill very few people. Sharks kill approx 63 people a year; hippos kill approx 500. You're fearing the wrong animal.
Perhaps not the deepest and darkest, but the most present lately. My younger brother is not quite as close to me and my mom as we are to each other, we are very outdoorsy and he prefers gaming and being indoors. So he prefers being with his friends instead of us. His friends seem a lot like the middle school boys that I know- casually homophobic, use “autistic” as a synonym for stupid, you know. Maybe it’s pointless to worry about it as much as I do… but I don’t want my younger brother to be one of those boys. I don’t know what I can do though. He certainly doesn’t listen to me, I’m the older sister so anything I say is stupid. Asdfghjkl, it just makes me sad.
The only thing one can do is, I think, to show by your own behavior and speech, what is right.
The world is dying slowly...... mostly everything, but the main thing is someone stalking me....
I used to fear that the internet would make the world collectively more stupid since it gave the brainless nonces a way to congregate and organize. I dont worry about it anymore as its already happened. Now I just wait for the world to end. Someday the earth will be done with humans and it will repair itself. That will be a good day.
I used to fear that the internet would make the world collectively more stupid since it gave the brainless nonces a way to congregate and organize. I dont worry about it anymore as its already happened. Now I just wait for the world to end. Someday the earth will be done with humans and it will repair itself. That will be a good day.