Have you ever had a moment when you just pause and realize? It doesn't happen so often, but when it does it puts me in awe. I want to hear your theories and realizations!


What is infinity minus infinity? Is it still infinity? Zero? Negative infinity?

I asked my dad about this and he told me the following:

Basically, you can constrain infinities within certain parameters, and that can get you infinities that are smaller or larger than others.

For example, if you took infinity prime numbers and infinity odd numbers, since all prime numbers except two are odd, that two means there are more infinite prime numbers than infinite odd numbers. Or something? So if you subtract infinity odd from infinity prime, you’ll get one number, because of that 2.

Idk if I’m making any sense. My dad explained it better.

Toilet thoughts.



    If color is a reflection of light and black isn't a color, does that mean black obsorbs light? And is that why dark things attract/absorb heat so well? I don't know how it actually works, but that was my theory from weeks ago. I mean it's probably basic science, but that's my "deep thought moment".



    If you think about it, there’s nothing solid that separates us from space, just gases.



    Think about the mental health system, we all know/it's frequently said our system is "broken". What does that mean?

    It means we need to answer the question about "What should be the role/responsibility of State Government in providing community based services for the de-institutionalized mentally ill?"

    If you look at the American Institutional (Asylum) System that reigned from the 1840's through 1950's, you can basically sum it up like this: The drug Thorazine provided the wood, the Supreme Court O'Connor v Donaldson ruling supplied the gasoline, and a single young reporter named Geraldo Rivera lit the match to the fire that burned the institutional system down. The Olmstead ruling took the next step to state that residents of those institutions had the right to live in the community.

    But where the system is broken, where de-institutionalization remains an unfinished process, is that the State's have no obligation to provide services to the institutionalized allowing them safe living in the community as the Supreme Court says they have a right to live. The States civilly commit people to get "outpatient treatment" in a "doctrine of least restrictive alternatives".

    But the States have no power to order any service provider to treat or care for the patient (in Iowa at least), and no obligation to create or fund a State system to provide the services private service providers refuse to offer.

    So what we have at the moment, is a system where basically the Supreme Court has enshrined by official ruling, the right for mentally persons to either leave or be kicked out of institutional settings (the few that remain), and the right for them to be dumped in homeless shelter or dropped on the street corner, but no rights to necessary services that support successful or safe community living. Especially those who lack insight into their mental illness or their inability to care for themselves on the streets and therefore refuse whatever paltry resources might actually be available to them.

    So what is the solution? What do we want the solution to be for our (U.S.) society? Do we want our governments mandated to create and deliver those services funded by our tax dollars? Do we want the Supreme Court to overturn the right of mentally ill persons to live in a community and put them all back in institutions? Do we believe it simply should be the family responsible to care for disabled individuals and those without a family able/willing, just tough cookies for them they should go without?

    How much would you pay in taxes to fund your answer?


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wouldn't dream of going back to the asylum days, but I do think something needs to be done to make mental health treatments accessible and affordable for all, especially the homeless and low income. Much of the crime is coming from addicts and those with mental illness/disorders that have gone untreated and caused by past traumas. The amount of money taxes have been used to deal with these folks is astronomical. It would save billions to actually help people get through tough times, get out of the cycle and be happy for once. I would be more in taxes, sure. This is what taxes should be used for. Towards providing to society and not going back into the hands of rich developers and seedy corporations.


    That in life we should strive to be happy but content because emotions change.



    I get these on the daily. Mine is with how society is set up to fail us and that everything going on with the economy, politics, governments, values and worth we put on natural and man-made resources is all made up by man, and we take it so seriously, like it's the most important, real thing. It's all made up by us. We decide the worth of gold, the worth of heirlooms, designer clothing, art, food, housing, natural resources, and even time. we place time as valuable as currency, and we place worth on other people, basing how worthy someone is to be interacting with. It's like they want to keep distracting themselves with values of money and time to stay in the rat race loop. Are these people afraid if they step off they'll get a different perspective view of their lives and realize how silly and unimportant it really is? Are they scared they'll be faced with regrets? Like, seriously. There is nothing wrong with not going to university and not having a higher paying job. It's ok to not want to own a house, to not have a living room furniture set. It's ok to not go along with all these expectations people place on themselves that they think other people should also have. Who are they to dictate? They have no power over anyone else. It's ok to be an adult and love cartoons and have collectibles. Collect those Playmobile sets and Legos. Collect Barbies. It's okay to take out the nice collectibles to play with if you want. If someone else wants to keep them intact they can do that for themselves. Too many people get all up in what other people are doing. They need to mind their business. My family needs to mind their business. If I want to be in a long distant relationship and I'm happy with him, then that's what I'm going to do. This is my life. Not my mom's. I'm not her mini me. She doesn't own me. ... I should stop here.



    The saying "it's always in the last place you look" is because once you find what you're looking for, you stop looking, therefore making it the LAST. PLACE. YOU. LOOK.

    It seems so simple but it literally never occurred to me until about 6 months ago and I felt so stupid 😂🤣


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Successful Tip: Keep a list of all the places that are "the last place you looked." When searching, go through the list first.if you lose things frequently, it's easy time saver.


    If matter can neither be created nor destroyed, then how does everything exist? If the universe just popped up out of nowhere, doesn't that mean that matter can be created? Also, what about babies, aren't they technically new matter being created?


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    2 years ago

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    Would dying be like falling asleep or would you just reincarnate


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Depends on what you believe. But our beliefs are irrelevant to the inevitable. You'll get your answer one day.


    that icebreaker mints/ gum don't have icebreakers for conversations on them


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    I will never know if my life had any great impact on the world.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I believe we all do in our own little ways and a few in big, notable ways. But we all do. In our communities, in our circle of loved ones. We impact them and that resounds with the people they know and the people they know, and the chain goes on.

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    in 7th grade science we are learning about cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms, we were discussing yesterday about the nervous system and the brain and i have a question: how do anti-depressants work? we had talked about how numbing medicine worked but what about mentality? how can something control how your brain works for a certain amount of time? or relax it if thats what it does. how do ADHD pills work? do they like, make the brain focus more? how does Klonopin work? does it like control the brain until it wears off? IM SO CONFUSED (sorry if i broke ur brain)


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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My understanding is that they bind to certain places in your brain by mimicking neuroreceptors, and that allows them to either increase or decrease chemical signals that were causing the issues. For example, ADHD is caused by a lack of dopamine, and stimulant medication allows your brain to receive more dopamine (we don’t know if it causes you to make more dopamine, or just makes sure it all gets to the right place, yet). You need to keep taking it because your body doesn’t produce (enough) of it on its own, and after some time it wears off and dissipates. I think. Hope it helps.

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    My deep thought...Faster than light travel in sci-fi movies always shows stars streaking by from a radial point. But since each star has its own position and that light is travelling towards our eyes, then the stars would appear to move at different rates and direction from the viewer. Also the red and blue shift would tweak this further. Blew my own mind!


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    just had a epiphany here- I always liked being alone and have extreme social anxiety so I don't like to be around people. but I cried myself to sleep last night realizing how lonely I am.


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    Fear is the cause of every type of evil human inflicts. If there was no fear, crime would be non existent, wars gone, bigotry racism, all of it is rooted in fear


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Fear is the crutch of the weak, and I guarantee you those who hurt others are fearful, themselves. Those kids running around with gangs are afraid of the very people they believe with protect them. The reason they got in was fear of being alone. People who walk around and live with their weapons close by are afraid on a daily basis. They want others to be afraid of them to mask their own fear. If you're more scared of them, then they don't feel as scared of you. Fear is also ignorance of the unknown. This is why education, diverse socialization and experiences are so important all throughout life.

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    Why is it frowned upon to shoot people with metal but it’s not frowned upon to shoot people with plastic



    The sun is a big glowing or in the sky.


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    y do i exist


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    If a fly can't fly anymore, does it become a walk? On one hand, fly is the name of the species, but on the other, it's cald a fly because it flies, so by that logic, It would be called a walk, right? I've been debating this for months


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    If you stab a cereal box, are you a cereal killer?


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    WHaT Is EXISTEnCe? WhAt Is ReALItY? wHy ARe wE HERe? IS THiS EvEN REaL?


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