What's the forecast for Christmas Day where you are, and what are your plans?


It's going to be a hot one in Victoria, Australia, on Christmas Day. As long as the bushfire risk doesn't get too high, I will be having lunch at my mum's rural property with my immediate family. Meat will be cooked out on the bbq to avoid a hot kitchen/house and we will have the air con on! There are already bushfires blazing in the west of the state and after a couple of cooler days, by Boxing day and the day after, the bushfire risk is likely to be extreme statewide. As long as it's safe to do so, I will be visiting my step-sister's place on Boxing day. I hope everyone else's Christmas celebrations are happy and safe.


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Ariom Dahl
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3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hope you all keep safe and much respect to the fire fighters working in such extreme conditions. Over here in Western Australia it was much cooler and we even had a few drops of rain. Had a family meal with mostly cold food and wine. Cricket on Boxing Day.


    Mine will be a normal working day, teaching English in an elementary school in China. I will videocall my mum in the evening and talk to the family. (Not a pity party, I'll get 5 weeks vacation at Chinese New Year in just a few short weeks)


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    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mine'll be freakin' crazy, i get 5 gifts! Rn for meh, its Xmas eve


    Alone at home with my parrot, resting, reading, watching Netflix.
    NC with my toxic, abusive parents and brother for a few years already (best decision ever). Had several activities with a charity organization for vulnerable children within the last weeks. No special preparations in terms of cooking or decorations (just cleaning). Bought the exact presents I wanted for myself and for a few close friends.
    Maybe a walk outside if the weather gets better (currently it is raining and windy).


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    Very good so far! We drink Glühwein while watching lots of Christmas movies and specials. I'm just dreading Christmas Eve dinner with the in-laws tomorrow. They are very nice but all together they sound like a pack of huskies!


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    Nice and quiet. We shall ignore it as usual.


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    Petra Peitsch
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    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Working alone on my shift for almost 2 months, because my colleague had an accident, I can 100% say, it will looks like sleeping, as he returned back to work today, and I got my 2 days off.


    I left my 8 year old home while I vacation in Paris with my entire family.



    Solitary. Bought some sliced real turkey (not deli), small potatoes and asparagus. This guy in front of me in the liquor section got a stool and pulled down five giant bottles of Crown off a high shelf behind the checkout counter. His bill was about $300. He was a regular customer. WTF? I wouldn't have the balls to do that. He lives in a retirement community, so that explains it. Nice guy He's going to have a lot more fun than I will.


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    HOT!!! Very hot..... 35°C, so far... maybe it'll get higher..... hope not...


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    Huddo's sister
    Community Member
    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm surprised it hasn't reached that where I am yet. I spent a long time this morning watering plants in anticipation.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    SO far.. bring! BUT, it is going to be fun soon, because we are going to Macon, spend time with family, eat, and open up presents!


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    It seems like every major kick in the teeth life has handed me comes around Christmas. Two days before Christmas 1984 my Dad died; I was in the next room and held him after the heart attack. In 1989, I was laid off over the Christmas season. In 2004, my Mom died over the Christmas season. There are more but those are the biggies. Christmas has always been magic to this ol' farm boy; my ideal job is Santa Claus, so I refused to let Murphy ruin Christmas for me. I will move heaven and earth to make Christmas magic happen for my friends and family. This year, I got laid off in August 2024, and right before Thanksgiving, my housemate Mike collapsed in a parking lot and cracked his head, and his wife Sherry fell through a rotten board and broke her leg. I was tending everyone else in the house and job hunting. I got a new fulltime job and got my first paycheck last week. Mike is OK. I pulled together Thanksgiving dinner, put up a Christmas tree, got presents for everyone, and wrangled a full Christmas dinner. Sherry was cleared to put weight on her leg again. No snow, but this Christmas looks just fine from where I'm sitting. Illegitimati non Carborundum (Don't let the ba$tards wear you down).


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    I am not a Christian and an overall non-believer. My wife doesn't care about Christmas, either. In the past, when we still had small kids in the family, we did a little bit of decoration and small presents for the kids. Nowadays it's some candles, tops. I don't understand how people in my neighborhood, who are not even Christians, put so much effort in decorating. This is weird.


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    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My parents were raised Muslims and always celebrated Christmas It's the 'special moment' of the year feeling, spending time with your kids doing decorations and re arranging your home to give it a little 'celebration' twist. My mom goes full metal with the Christmas tree every year. Never thought some people would find it weird.

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    it's okay. we're having a slightly fancier dinner with my family because we're Chinese and are not Christian. Chinese New Year is pretty soon though, so my extended family will get together at my oldest great-aunt's house. Other than that it's been a bit unfortunate, one of my ex-friends outed me to the entire school and said my boyfriend dumped me because i'm bi (we were on a break for unrelated reasons).

    Sorry for making this post a bit dismal, hoping Christmas break will make everything better at school! Have a lovely day and merry xmas


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    Community Member
    3 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Now you can go into the New Year being yourself without him being a drag. Gives you a moment to regroup. Go into the next year celebrating your freedom.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Well, no presents this year because my mum calls me selfish just cause i wouldn’t help her take out her hair. Keep in mind i had a headache and she knew this. I offerered to help but she refused and kept saaying you know you only do things when its convenient for yourself and kept bringing my friends into this. Anyway, its gonna potentially snow on Christmas day here in the U.K so I'm really excited !!!


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    Huddo's sister
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    3 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have only experienced a white Christmas once, when I visited Canada but it was a wonderful thing to see. I had never even seen snow falling until then, only been to 'the snow' twice during the season when none was falling. I wish you all the best for the Christmas period and hope things improve with your mum.