Hey Pandas, What’s Your Biggest Secret You Need To Let Off Your Chest?
Anything you need to let off your chest and something many people don’t know.
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I don't really have a dramatic secret, but I'm a pan atheist that is currently gender confused but knows they are not cis. My parents don't know beacause they would muder me if they found out 😅 I also... I don't know its just like one day I'm happy and feel kind ok, you know? Like it'll all work out. But then I just turn right around and feel like I'm worthless and nobody cares and I want to die. I just don't really know how I feel. But if I talk to someone about this they always say I'm attention seeking and that my feelings aren't real. Sometimes I feel like none of it is real, that we are all just a dream of something greater than us. I wish it was all a dream, it was all over
I'm so sorry. I saw the whole mess last night of someone telling you you couldn't be a 'they' if you were a 'she' and... I just feel awful for you as I read this. You can be who you want to be, and yeah, it'll have it's struggles and there will be karens, but there will also be many who support you. I hope things get better for you, I really do. <3
I'm miserable and empty and the only reasons I've stayed on this earth are to protect my siblings and because I made a promise to my friends to always be there for them, no matter what.
I'm sorry Rayne. I wish I really had words to say to help you, unfortunately encouraging people isn't really my strong suit. I think it's really honorable that you want to take care of your siblings. If you ever want to talk you can just reply to one of my old comments. XOXO❤❤❤
i never told my parents i was adopted
i keep having nightmares and reliving crossing the border.
i think i’m going to die from these nightmares.
I’m so sorry. If there is anything I can do, or if you just want to talk, I’m here
That I don’t know anything about myself. I have so many fake personas that I lost my real one. I have a fake persona on bp, fake persona with my friends, fake persona with my teachers, fake persona with my parents. I don’t know how to “be myself” because I don’t know who I am and what I want. I sometimes wish that things turned out different or that I wasn’t born. I feel as though I’ll never have a happy life ahead of me because first I’ll have to complete education so I’ll have no time, do a job for many years which leaves me with no time and then I’ll retire at an old age but that will be when my body starts acting up so I can’t have any time to enjoy because I’ll be in pain. My ancestors did not survive wars and disasters for me to turn out like the wimp I am but here we are
I’m falling in love with a guy that I barely know 😂😭 and he probably likes me back but he might be gay so idk 😭😭😭😭😭
That I don’t know anything about myself. I have so many fake personas that I lost my real one. I have a fake persona on bp, fake persona with my friends, fake persona with my teachers, fake persona with my parents. I don’t know how to “be myself” because I don’t know who I am and what I want. I sometimes wish that things turned out different or that I wasn’t born. I feel as though I’ll never have a happy life ahead of me because first I’ll have to complete education so I’ll have no time, do a job for many years which leaves me with no time and then I’ll retire at an old age but that will be when my body starts acting up so I can’t have any time to enjoy because I’ll be in pain. My ancestors did not survive wars and disasters for me to turn out like the wimp I am but here we are
I’m falling in love with a guy that I barely know 😂😭 and he probably likes me back but he might be gay so idk 😭😭😭😭😭