Post something you feel sorry about doing or regret the most. Plus how do you think your life would be different if you hadn’t done what you regret.


There's many things, but I'll just put one here...

Smoking my first cigarette. I had it at 16 years. My uncle smoked so I wanted to try one, and one turned into 4 a week, which isn't that much, but I tried really hard to stop...
I feel horrible cause I'm taking the cigarettes from my uncle without saying anything and I'm pretty much killing myself...
He's locked up his cigarettes before, but I was still able to get one because I was so desperate.
I finally got a therapist after a year of smoking, and help from many people. Now, a few years after my first, I've cut off to 2 cigarettes every other week, but I still hate myself for it. I really want to stop....



    I'm quite happy with my life. But:

    Walked by Jezza, The Hamster and Captain Slow when they were shooting in my town. They were in their cars. Didn't see them and kept walking. Few minutes later they took a break, interacted with fans, had some drinks. And I was long gone, just to find out later on Social media. Probably my last chance to ever meet them.

    And selling my '79 Firebird. Just couldn't afford it anymore after getting married. Still miss it. Imperfect car, but perfect to me.



    I was in a rock band in high school. I've got a good voice, and some charisma up there on the stage. I LOVED it!
    Don't know if I'd have been a big deal, but I definitely could have pursued a musical career. Instead, I accidentally got pregnant, and with no family support I had to give the baby up for adoption. This was the early 70's, and my child was interracial. That sent me on a downward spiral which led to years of alcoholism and shitty relationships.
    I've been sober for years now, and I still love singing, but I run into people in my hometown all the time who ask, "Are you still singing?" Ouch.



    Marrying my first husband. I got pregnant and I was young and naive and I beleived him when he told me that if I didn't marry him that he could take the baby away and I would never get custody. That's not how the laws in my state work for unwed mothers, but I didn't know that at the time. We ended up in a terrible, loveless, abusive marriage and it took me years to get the divorce finalized because he fought me tooth and nail for custody. Our child has suffered so much from all of this, not to mention all I have gone through.
    If i had not married him, I would have automatically had full custody of my baby and if he had taken me to court, the best he would have gotten would have been every other weekend visitation and a child support order because he would have had to prove me an unfit mother to have had custody removed from me (this was told to me directly from both my attorney and a judge). But because we got married, I had to fight for custody, which I ended up almost losing.



    being born


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ouch. I hope you have someone you can talk to about this because no one deserves to feel this way.

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    Learning how to properly study in Elementary. As a GT student 1(Gifted and Talented) everything was so easy so I flew through it all with ease. I wish I had been truly challenged and learned how to study. I feel like it was just a title and that title did not teach me anything. :/ I suppose you can't truly blame me due to the fact that I, once again, was not challenged.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I went through the same thing! When it's easy we don't learn good study habits. By the time you need them it's like "Oh, oh!"


    telling someone I love something way harsh then instantly regretting it


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    Not getting to live the life I only dream of.


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    I regret the time, effort and money I have spent trying to connect intimately with anyone. Too much time on my hair, face, clothing and deferring to vacuous shallow emotionally unreachable people in an attempt to be a couple with anyone. Saw movies I hated, read pointless books and traveled far and wide to realize none of that is what I wanted, much less share and have to do it more than the one time. Being solo forever means I can do EVERYTHING I want. Being single is not a crime . . .


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    Not so much a regret as an "I wonder what it's like". Never living alone. I left my parents house for university, moved in with my boyfriend in my last year and we got married and bought a house after that. I don't actually regret any of my choices because I love my life, but every now and then I wonder what it's like to have things stay where you put them and not have to clean up after anyone else (aren't kids grand?).


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