One liners are one of the best forms of comedy. I wanna hear yours!
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Welcome back to plastic surgery addicts anonymous. I’m seeing a lot of new faces, and let me just say I am very disappointed in all of you.
I, for one, like Roman numerals.
Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver.
i feel like this would be on one of those "technically true" post pages
A dung beetle walks into a bar and asks, ‘Is this stool taken?’
I don't respect you enough to care about your opinion of me.
i got arrested for downloading the whole wikipedia, i told them i could explain everything
I can’t remember how to write 1, 1000, 51, 6, and 500 in Roman numerals.
My friend said the onion is the only food that makes you cry, so I threw a coconut at his face.🧅🥥🧅🥥🧅🥥🧅🥥🧅🥥🧅🥥
Women who seek to be equal to men lack ambition.
I bought a pair of shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what she laced them with, but I've been tripping all day.
I always loved one from the TV Series Castle. "This guy's dropped more pills than a three-fingered pharmacist."
A steak pun is a rare medium well done.
A Rare Medium Well Done was a promotional slogan for PBS 7 in El Paso. The El Paso sun logo was made of 7s.
Everything is better in moderation, even moderation.
Yep, a world without counter-arguments is a boring and broken place
The early bird may get the worm, but it’s the second mouse that gets the cheese
A theatrical performance about puns is a play on words
"I've just been on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday. I'll tell you what, never again." (Tim Vine)
If brains were elastic, you would not have enough to make garters for a sparrow.
A lady I work with kept complaining about how she always had a bad day when everyone else was having a good day. She said she was stuck in Murphy's law.
I asked her if she knew what Cole's law was. She didn't. My response, "it's lightly sauced cabbage."
Everyone started screaming.
Before using the toilet, know exactly where the tie to your bathrobe is.
“Do you know What?”
“No, but Who is a good friend of mine.”
Sometimes "all that glitters is gold" is really tinsel in a pile of dog cr@p.
I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather… Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car.
From a book I read, can't remember which one
He is one 'et' away from being an asset
When I'm so tired that I'm on auto pilot... The wheel is spinning but the hamster is dead.
This is the best example I've read so far! (That hasn't been heard a million times) slightly morbid with dead animals. Stealing it to use to describe my husband!😂
What did the hat say to the tie? "You hang around, I'll go on ahead."
When somebody tells me to have a nice day, I respond "That's the plan!"
I might respond "And a nice cream." (If that isn't clear to anyone, it sounds like 'an ice cream')
"I'd rather be a smart ass than a dumbass!"
I've been saying that since I was a teen and it still serves me well as a retort. 'Cuz I am a smart ass☺️
My circus, my monkeys. Stay outta my business.
....and a man accused of hiding himself under a layer of iron oxide has been placed under a rust.
You couldn’t find your own ass with both hands.
I dreamed I ate a five-pound marshmallow, and when I woke up my pillow was gone.
You're probably English, we always wake up "spitting feathers" (needing tea)
A man accused of hiding himself inside a giant trifle is being held in custard.
I'm not as think as you drunk I am.
Jesus walks into a motel, puts three nails on the counter, and says "Can you put me up for the night?"
I'm here to chew bubblegum and [do whatever I'm going to do], and I'm all out of bubblegum
hey girl, you don't just look good, you look lesBIEN (Im a lesbian,its not supposed to be mean)
Just recently in a chat room, someone asked if they made Coyote Off (like a repellant spray of some kind)
I said, "Sure. You can get it at the same place as Bear Off or Moose Off. They even have one for wild rabbits. It's called Jack Off."
I shot an arrow a low hanging clouds, mist.
I think this would work better if you took out the comma and inserted the word “and” in its place
Don’t you hate it when someone answers their own questions? I do.
They were handing out brains, they thought they said grains and said no thank you.
I've always preferred "When they were giving out brains you thought they said milkshakes and asked for a thick one"
Officer: Suspect is naked on the street.
Dispatch: Copy that
Officer: It's kinda cold
How can I miss you if you won't go away?
- You have more fat cells than brain cells
- I'm not saying it's your fault, I'm just saying I blame you
- I never said you're stupid, I said you lack the ability to be smart
I said to the gym instructor: ‘Can you teach me to do the splits?’ He said: ‘How flexible are you?’ I said: ‘I can’t make Tuesdays.
You can't cure stupidity but you can sedate it
When entitled people ask "Do you know who my father is?"... "No, but ask your mother there's a slim chance she may remember."
There are two kinds of people in this world. One, those who can form logical conclusions based on limited data.
Person 1: "I'm afraid of the 15th, 9th, and 3rd letters of the alphabet." Person 2: "Oh, I see." Person 1: *faints*
I hate mornings so much I sleep till noon
Descartes walks into a restaurant. The waiter asked if he’d like wine with dinner. Descartes said “I don’t think” and disappeared.
I heard a slight variation on this joke, where the punchline is him saying, "I think not," but either way, I still find this one hilarious!
When arguing that I am right/always right: "I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken."
I'm leaving this world the same way I came into it: screaming and covered in somebody else's blood.
I was having dinner with my boss and his wife said, ‘How many potatoes would you like, Tim?’. I said ‘Ooh, I’ll just have one please.’ She said ‘It’s OK, you don’t have to be polite.’ ‘Alright,’ I said, ‘I’ll just have one then, you stupid cow.
The brilliant Tim Vine!
When I started working for this company, I was young and impoverished.
But after forty years of hard work and loyal service, I am no longer young.
I stopped calling my toilet the John and started calling it the Jim. My friends are well impressed when I tell them I go the the Jim twice a day!
Seen in The Rotherham Bugle
I once heard my friend say “are you a coffin cause I’m dying to get inside of you” h actually got the girls number too.😂😂😂
Your incompetence is beginning to grow taxing...(I stole this from Underworld and have found it quite useful)
Give yourself a break do it since a perfect house isn't going to help our tired bodies only the eyes😁 (an advice I give my friends and mum a lot)
I would tell you a joke about noble gases but it wouldn’t get a reaction
What do you do with a sick chemist? If you can helium and you can’t curium you may as well barium
To people walked into a bar. One asked for h2o. The other asked for h2o too. He wasn’t specific enough. He promptly died. Knowledge is power kids. Yay. Long live the nerds.
I hate my social media accounts. I hope they blow up.
You go to an American bathroom and suddenly, you're a Russian. When you come out, you're Finnished
(someone commenting on a woman's practically theoretical dress) "I've seen more cotton in an aspirin bottle."
If you wake up and smell the roses chances are you’ve been buried alive.
Not really, most roses have very little smell, so you need to be very close to the flower in order to smell it at all.
If some one says to me "Drive safely" I reply "I will drive as I want to"
Or "Sleep well" I reply " I will sleep as I want to"
All with a very serious and indignant face. :) Then I smile.
If someone is weareing a very bright or off beat shirt or shoes etc I always say " You can wear that shirt/shoes/tie etc with any thing" Then I pause to see how their face lights up and feel proud, then I reply the second part "Because it goes with nothing." :)
A guy was so lazy that he got up at 3 am so he would be able to do nothing for a longer period of time.
We went to the zoo the other day. There was only one dog there. It was a s**t zoo!
Everything is getting smaller or an inferior quality. Terry’s Chocolate Orange is now a chocolate satsuma.
Innuendo – an Italian enema.
We used to cough to hide a fart, now during covid we fart to hide a cough.
Those three little words to keep your wife happy – you’re right dear!
Get someone else’s life -- yours is not working.
You ask if he had any enemies? Do you have a phone book?
Don’t be so open minded that your brains fall out!
A guy said he wanted to get into my pants.
Not possible, I said, there’s only room for one asshole and I’m it!
A guy said, “If you ain’t from Texas, you ain’t s**t.” I felt bad, but then wondered if I would have felt any better if he said I was s**t.
Have you been to Area 51? Not that I remember.
Customer at a drive thru window: Is Jack here?
Server: No, Jack’s off tonight.
Date said: I can’t tell you what I do for a living and then let you live.
Me: Well, can you hint at it and just beat me up?
Fired at the guy, missed his ear by 3” -- yup, got him right between the eyes.
I did fire a warning shot through his liver.
The car could stop on a dime. Unfortunately, the dime was in some guy’s pocket.
You look tired. Let me hold your wallet.
I am single by choice. You, however, are being rejected.
I’m really an asshole but this is my day off.
How come you're late so soon? you used to be behind before but now you're finally first at last
Not me, but one of my friends. I was telling him about the time I went behind the bleachers and saw some clueless couple doing IT....and he said, "Would be good practice for when I'm an adult." It was two weeks ago. I'm 13 and he's 14.
I encourage friends with this classic line from Rodney Dangerfield [google him]: "Look out for number one and try not to step in number two."
I went down the local supermarket. I said: ‘I want to make a complaint – this vinegar’s got lumps in it.’ He said: ‘Those are pickled onions.
I almost went on America’s Got Talent until I realized I was the one that was supposed to have talent to go :-(
I went to the doctor. All he did was suck blood from my neck. Do not go see Dr. Acula ~ Mitch Hedberg
I could only think of this one, though it was dumb.
What's up? - The sky (or the ceiling)
When I ask my SO what's up? He always says 'a chicken's butt when she eats'.
Context: Cop busted a guy for painting a guy red and blowing up his house
"Unless you wanna see if your blood is tuscan red, I'd recommend you stay put."
Hey buddy you got a match?
Yes, your face and my bum.
I live on a ranch. This means I know the difference between horse s**t and bull s**t.
This place is a powder keg and these people are a match away.
When I look at you, I think, THATS the sperm that won?
You are what happens when there is no life guard at the gene pool.
Some people are young and foolish, at least you still have foolish.
Till I spoke to you I didn’t know stupid was a career option.
( These are just a few off the top of my head. I was born and raised in NJ. Sarcasm is our Kung Fu … and it is strong grasshoppers. )
Irony is claiming kung fu sarcasm and getting -3 upvotes and ranked 120.
A dwarf prisoner escaped becoming a Small Medium at Large
-You are absotively, posolutely correct because pobody's nerfect!
-Huked on fonics werked fer mee
-How about a department of common sense?
-The beatings will continue until morale improves
-The bureaucracy will expand to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy!
-What is the first law of a bureaucracy? Survival.
-Department of redundancy department.
-That boy is about as sharp as a bag of wet mice!