You’ve probably heard about the word that we all hate called inflation. Hell, there are probably about a billion posts on Bored Panda about it. This is another one of them but it does encourage the expression of the worst thing to come out of inflation and how it’s affecting you or anyone in general.


Without wishing to render this question null and void, the biggest problem I've had with inflation is the lack of money to buy things. Shocking I know.



    I have no idea. I’ll say eggs. Eggs r super frickin expensive now.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There is something like a chicken influenza just for birds, killing lots of chickens. Supply is going down while demand is going up.

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    The clear and present state of greed driving the economy.



    Specialty or gluten/dairy free foods! I paid way to much for ice cream last night! I know everything is going up, but this stuff was already expensive.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don’t know where you live but in England, cheaper own brand ice cream is gluten and dairy free, just not branded as such. Please check for yourself though 💕

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    Not having enough money left for snacks after getting essential groceries. I miss chips and dip! And Twinkies.


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    Average Chicago sports fan
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There’s a lot of foods I miss that were still at good prices. I’m on keto but still I miss having some junk food like chips and stuff.


    Gas prices. TOO DAMN HIGH despite them getting lowered.

    I recently filled up my 05 Ford with a 19.5 gallon tank with regular at $3.42 a gallon where I live. Now keep in mind that I'm filling up my car with a half tank to cut costs but I still end up paying exactly $33.00 USD for a half tank of gas. Also the car gets 19 city/20 overall/24 highway in fuel economy but right now getting somewhere from 13.5-18.8 mpg rn cuz it’s cold where I live and engine is running for longer.


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    Freya the Wanderer
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One good thing the price jump in early 2022 did was help me rediscover public transit

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    Food in general. I used to spend something like 150 euros to have my shopping car full and having 50 euros extra for bread, fruits and vegetables. Now I go to supermarket, shopping car is not full but when I get to the counter I even think that the lady made a mistake. My brain simply refuses to accept how prices went so high. Germany, Köln.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This. And even without buying pricey stuff like meat or alcohol.

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    My rent has almost doubled since COVID started, heating price has gone up and so did groceries. Long story short, I can either eat or not freeze.


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    Shyla Bouche
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I run the heat between eight and ten hours a day, at 67°F. Otherwise I stay in bed to keep warm. Bouche sleeps with me, because I provide warmth. Her poor little beans are cold when she gets in bed, but warm as toast after my body heat.

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    Vegan/Vegetarian food seems really expensive! Even fresh fruits/veggies! Hello! What shall I eat!?!! REEEEE


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    Max M
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lol that is why it is nice, not to be picky about what type of food you eat.

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    Three things.

    The first is one that I think most people will say, groceries cost more than usual. A normal trip of groceries normally cost me around $90 to $100, and now it easily costs about $150 for the same things.

    The second is really dumb, reloading my laundry card has a service fee. If I was to reload my card with $25 (for example), there is now a 50 cent service fee. I know it sounds minimal, but I didn't have to pay that beforehand.

    The last one, the bus pass is going up in price. Last year, the bus pass was $120 (which is highway robbery, for how bad the service is). Now, it's $125, still going up, and the service is still progressively getting worse.


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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Arg. Public transit should be simple and affordable for everyone, everywhere public transit is reasonable in the first place. I know that there are places that have a hard time with that, and other places that deliberately don't hold to that, but it makes me feel like they don't understand why public transit exists (or are deliberately being jerks) when these two very fundamental things aren't true.

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    RENT……..only because my son and daughter in law live with me!!!! Their rent went from &650 a month to $1140 a month…


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That sounds like it should be illegal. I'm sorry this happened to you


    Girl Scout cookies went up in price. :(



    The need to decide/choose which part of neccessities isn't as important as the others.
    I need my groceries (pets, partner & I)
    I need my phone & notebook (for work)
    I need the Ticketsubscription to use the tram (work, groceries, doc, etc)
    I'd like to use my stuff at home without the threat of debt due unpaid bills

    If I cancel the tram-ticket I'd have around 65€ - but I'd have to invest way more time to walk or drive (bike) everywhere = In the evening I'd be more tired and most likely would neglect important parts of my life.

    Cutting down the money for groceries (We're budgeting already) would result in almost the same situation, since the shopping would be clipped into several parts for different stuff. Dairies cost less at shop A, but veggies are less expensive at shop B, while we buy fruits at shop C.

    If I cancel the phone/notebook contract I'd have around 50€ more (company is paying their share) but I wouldn't be able to keep up with work at home, so I'd need to drive into the office...

    No matter how you look at it, the result is always stress, lack of time and still no money.


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    Krystal Keener
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    With your grocery budgeting, remember to calculate the cost of travel between stores. The costs between cheaper fruits, breads, etc is great but it may end up costing more in travel to get the cheaper price.

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    Of course there is the gas prices, and food prices, and not to mention TP, napkins, paper towels, but dog food is getting stupid as well. I may go hungry but my little man will never go hungry again.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same… my staffy has chronic pancreatitis and is supposed to be on a medicated diet… before the pandemic it was already $100 for a 12kg bag. Now it’s about $200


    Reading is my one big hobby. Books seem so expensive, too. So I read mostly library books and used books. I am sorry for book stores. But that helps.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I mostly use the library, and one of my friends works at a lovely used bookstore that keeps prices around $5.00

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    The cost of food! I am a disabled veteran whose income while sufficient in normal times is now suddenly just barely making it through each month. I hate to think about those who are not as comfortable. Meat is getting to be to expensive to have every meal. I am eating more beans. I need gluten free food which is fast getting out of my budget. $8 for a 1lb loaf of bread is a lot!


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    Douglas Gilanyi
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We're a family of 7 and our son can't have gluten or dairy. I feel your pain, he eats two loaves a week himself.

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    The fact that food and fuel prices are not used when calculating inflation rates (in the US - don't know about other countries) is astounding. The rate would be much much higher, and closer to reality, for us than what it is claimed to be right now.




    I’ve been eating way more baked beans than I have in the past few years… I am now in strong competition with my darling Staffy as to who does the most potent “Luv Puffs”


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    Lack of living solutions

    I'm not sure why the world goes "there's less money?! Make everything more expensive!"


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    because they don't understand basic supply/demand, or because they do, and just want to screw us over

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    I rarely eat out anymore. Paying $10 for a small sandwich is ridiculous. A dinner out is close to $100 for two. I am not paying that.


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    My brother invited me and dad to go to Japan with him. 2000 bucks a ticket to and back each.


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    Cage-free eggs. I used to splurge and buy them. Now I have to buy "regular" eggs or do without


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    Douglas Gilanyi
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Two years ago 5 dozen "regular" eggs cost $3.33 at our local Walmart. now, $16.92. Three years ago the missus got chicken-fever and filled our backyard with them. Now, in the depths of winter, we still get 6-10 fresh eggs every day and those animals are FINALLY worth what they eat. I can't express how happy I am that she pushed for the birds when she did.

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    Oil for heating.
    It is the most expensive way to heat a house here, and now the price have doubled.


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    The grouchy old folks that came into the restaurant I worked at and complained and complained about inflation. This would be tolerable except for the fact that the complaining was targeted at young people for some reason??

    “Your generation screwed everything up voting for these politicians. Anyway, I’ll have a large tomato juice.”


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    Kevin J. Henning
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hard to believe but those 'grouchy old folks" weren't all born old and grouchy. When someone is young it's hard to put yourself in their place. But one day you'll be there too.

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    Extra and mandatory fees, charges, and tips to dine in at restaurants.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sales tax is regressive (absolutely a way to redistribute even more assets to the already wealthy) and tipping 'culture' aka the idea someone's income should come in part from tips and not from the actual sale price, is a malevolent scourge that benefits entitlement and self righteousness over reasonable exchange. I absolutely hate nickel and dime politics. (I don't refuse to tip of course: the people perpetrating this ridiculously unhinged idea of fair trade are not those forced into relying on tips for reasonable wages, so I tip as reasonably well as I can figure out how to do.)

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    I've had to go from having a reasonable wage and only myself to worry about, to having a wage that doesn't match inflation, while helping to support my children (x2) and their families.


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    Since everyone's making cutbacks, it means a lot more people are buying store brand. I get that. The problem is I always bought store brand to be able to stay in budget. Now, the grocery store is often out of the cheap stuff because everyone's buying it, which forces me to buy the more expensive name brands. My family's grocery budget has almost doubled because of it.


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    People hording or panic buying.

    And also the people who are going to hell who buy out items only to resell and price gouge, like baby formula.


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    that dollar tree is not a dollar but 1.25


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    This may seems small in comparison to the myriad jackery that's come out of it, including the lack of empathy in the wealthy feds, but for me, it's the price of baking ingredients. I've always struggled to get by, but i'm an excellent baker and could always throw together something lovely for a birthday. Now i can't even contribute a mere madelaine. It's disheartening.


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    Danish Susanne
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have noticed, that you are not alone in this situation and this is so terribly sad.

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    For me the worst thing is having to give up my dream of retiring. It was going to be tight pre-pandemic but is now impossible. There is no budgeting I can do to make it work. Maybe someday I'll win the lottery lol. We hear a lot of the impact on younger people but not so much on the over 65 seniors.


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    If the government can just print money then why do I have to pay taxes?


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If money doesn't equate to some concept of value, then the money stops working. We are already struggling with this as we allow people to amass billions of dollars in capital without demonstrating commensurate value, and one of the most important things we can do to have long term stability is to reverse the current upward redistribution of income and assets into one that pushes that money back down where it will continue to circulate, but if we just say that the government can print money to pay for projects and that money comes from nothing then we inherently undermine the whole concept of money connecting to some amount of value.