Hey Pandas, What’s The Worst Thing That’s Ever Been Said About You Behind Your Back? (Closed)
Humans can really suck sometimes.
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A kid at school was telling people I was gay (I’m not) and although I didn’t really mind, he was a racist, homophobic d*ck in general. Instead of asking him to stop or telling an adult, I began telling people we were dating. (Both of us he/him)
Good one. I was waiting tables for a bit and the chef told everybody he'd slept with me( he used uglier terms) I said in that case I'm pregnant, get ready to cough up child support daddy.
I was rumored to be carrying drugs to school, it was pretty widespread when I came to know about it. Trust me, if I found the guy who spread that one, I'll break his face bad.
(If it ain't obvious, it was just a rumor not the truth)
That I was a lost cause who would never amount to anything (by my mother). And I lived down to that.
Why the past tense? You still have life, use it, use it well, use it to prove her wrong
I was the “most selfish b***h ever” because I wanted to buy my ex boyfriend dinner after he bounced his rent check. I am still confused about that except maybe he was just looking for an excuse to break up with me.
That I am a major drama queen, a freak, a weirdo, and a nerd
I laughed in my ex-BFF (she/her) ‘s face and said ‘thank you’.
One of my ex besties tried (and failed) to get my other friends to drop me right before middle school. She terrible and just a toxic person in general. For example she seemed to enjoy making me cry. She can’t take no for an answer among other thing. We (my real friends) are now gonna drop her
It’s nice knowing that I won’t have to deal with her anymore but the betrayal is still gut wrenching.
That I am queer. My dad and brother despised me. I'm not queer. But could care less if I was. They are shameful.
Not about me, but about my father who was my rock. When I was younger, I was in the Boy Scouts. My father grew up with 6 other siblings, he was the middle child. They grew up in the woods basically and he was their Bear Grylls. We were at a Boy Scout camp with like 100 other scouts and the Boy Scout masters basically asked him questions for survival. Every night we had a little show/skit. One night the skit was about something I can’t remember, but my father dressed as a baby, nothing but a big diaper and a pacifier. The skit was so funny, everyone was laughing. Later found out they were just laughing at him, after all he’d done to teach them how to survive from pouring used candle wax on matches to weather proof them to straining water through their handkerchiefs for semi clean water. Unforgivable. RIP my rock…
Two girls in my middle school were discussing what a giant whore I was. My tiny mother was walking behind them since she worked there as a speech pathologist.
Oooh… that hurt to read. Hope your mom didn’t believe them/ground you
That I’m an annoying, sensitive, dramatic human being.
Ha ha twinsies. I am sensitive tho. I cried in the halls multiple times in middle school because people asked if I liked them just because someone told everyone in school I was gay when I was bisexual at the time. Someone who I don't even talk too like ever was hanging out with some girl and called my name and pointed to the girl and said "she goes both ways! You guys should date!" Ha ha 🥲
This isn't soo bad but...A few years ago, about 7, I was hanging out with a cousin of mine and while talking they said that they heard that I just tell people I don't drink alcohol but in reality I drink a lot. So I was like "okay, weird". Fast forward to this year I'm talking to another cousin, unrelated to the first and on a completely opposite side of the family, and I tell him what they said and he's just like "oh yeah, I've heard that too" and now I'm like, "seriously?" and he said "yeah but mom told us that we know you better than that". I just couldn't believe people were spreading this rumor of me. Probably a bit too much free time on their hands.
No idea.
I do know that everyone in grade knows I'm gay tho because I told one person and they everyone. Also a lot of people think I'm super annoying so I don't really interact with people who I don't really know just my very small group of friends and band kids. But yeah people suck
My daughter saying that she would say on my funeral she's glad the b@tch is dead. After a while she said she made a joke. Yeah, real joke. Hurt so much because I will go hungry so that she and her husband can eat but i am the #@%!.
That I was being an unempathetic b***h for not letting my supposed friend take the top locker that I was meant to take when we swapped halfway through year. My friend had chronic fatigue or something that supposedly entitled her to take my locker without asking. It was literally said behind my back while we were sitting in homegroup. I turned around and said she's not the only one with health problems and she could have at least asked. They shut up after that but still took the locker.
That I was a (f-slur) and a (t-slur). Rumour spread around the school and some of the teachers even laughed and ridiculed me for it. They weren't wrong but it still hurt.
I don’t know if it’s the worse, but it’s the one that hurt me, because it basically includes my whole family.. Well, in puberty I was fat as f*ck. I’m not sure if I didn’t realise it or didn’t care. Anyway you get the picture, I was ok with me, being fat at that moment. I needed a pair of new jeans, so normally my mom would come shopping with me. As you may suspect the “cool” jeans were in sizes s,m,l and xl. Yep, even xl were too small for me back then. I don’t remember how, but I magically found some jeans, that fitted or so I thought. The next morning I put them on to go to school and they ripped when I was putting my shoes on. Yes, it was because of my fatness.
Couple of days later my mom and I were visiting my grandparents and my aunt and little cousin were there too. Imagine my surprise when the little c*nt started making fun of me for being this fat, that I can find jeans that fit me and that I’ve ripped the jeans when squatting. That moment, I realised my own mom was fat shaming me, behind my back…
That’s horrible! I’m not even that fat and my mom fat shamed me. We can get thru this together
Don't know, dont care. Theres about 4people who's opinion of me actually matter to me. ( hope I said that right) trust me they'll me anything to my face, everyone else can get f****d.
At my first job, the girls I worked with at my department were always nice to me and I considered them work friends, never had any problems, or anything. After I quit, my friend (who briefly worked there too), told me that they were calling me a whale behind my back all the time (I'm overweight) and basically I've been their laughing stock all along... She didn't even want to say what they were calling me, I had to insist she tells me. It kinda broke my heart and I never went back to working in women's teams. Guys can be mean, but at least they are mean to your face.
can i post mine here? i was drawing and heard my ex-best friend whispering behind me to her friend, "the humans she draws look like animals." turned around and said with a smile, "you mean they look like u?" that shut her up. :)
can i post mine here? i was drawing and heard my ex-best friend whispering behind me to her friend, "the humans she draws look like animals." turned around and said with a smile, "you mean they look like u?" that shut her up. :)