Hey Pandas! Tell me what the worst thing that a teacher did to a student in your school. Share your most interesting stories!


Once in Middle school there was this kid and he was diabetic. Our teacher thought his insulin pump was a thing to cheat on a test or a phone or something like that. She ripped it out of his arm and everyone was extremely confused. There was blood everywhere.He ended up having to go to the hospital and the teacher got fired. It was a pretty weird day.



    Standing in the corner everytime I spoke Spanish as a five year old in a Virginia elementary school. I lost my native language.



    (sorry for my poor english) I was is 8th grade when my favorite aunt died. I did'nt attempt school for 3 days since i was a mess. I was back to school on the morning of the funeral day and was not well, red eyes, looking like shit. I had a 2 hours course of tech, and the teacher teased me in front of the class for more than an hour. Saying « your boyfriend dumped you?It's not a problem you will find another one » among other very smart things to tell to a student who clearly is not well. I was very patient about it and said nothing, while rage was slowly coming up. Then when i pushed away from the table the very long hair of my binom, he said « i see that you want to do a hairdressing internship », i replied « no sir i want to do an idiocy internship to become a tech teacher ».
    He was furious. I was sent to the principal office and explained the teacher behavior during the class. The principal was really sorry, but had to call my parents and got me an eviction for several days since i said what i said in front of the class. My mum didn't talked to me(apart from : « i didn't need that ! » that day we burried my aunt, and for several days after.
    I was more a mess after that. It felt so unfair to be punish that way for just defending myself from a bully. Ok he was a teacher, but that was bullying.
    I was a really good student with no behavioral issues at all, he just went to far.
    This teacher discretely gave me treats during courses the rest of the year, maybe he felt sorry, but i never forgave him. He really was an idiot.



    In 7th grade I was pulled out of class during a test and made to stand in the hallway, unable to finish because my teacher thought the notes I turned in were "too professional" and I must have cheated. All I did was type them up at home. This was 1991... I failed the test.


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    Dilly Millandry
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's crappy. How old is someone in 7th Grade by the way? Nothing personal meant with SimplySarcastic40 but just a comment on a general problem - we don't all call our class years by the same names so 7th Grade etc doesn't mean much to some of us.

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    A sub in our school thought that our computers, which our teacher had told us to bring to school for something, weren't allowed. She smashed all of them, burning, etc. She cost us over $2,000 because she had destroyed them. I had just gotten a new one. She was fired and sued for property damage by over 2/3 of the parents. She bought us all new ones with candy and such, got her job back. Same thing happened to my little sister with her new iPad. They have learned to not bring the sub to our school. I hear she's now in some small town as a teacher now.


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    Liam Walsh
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Er... why on earth wouldn't someone just confiscate belongings rather than destroy them? There are some total nutjobs out there, that's for sure!

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    When I was in eight grade a teacher got mad at me for having to pray during lunch (I'm jewish) and said some sensitive things about the holocaust . She was fired



    I went to a catholic school in the 80's in England. On more than one occasion I had hands, legs or even butt cheeks caned. Always for minor infractions (talking in class etc) The deputy head teacher used to have a collection of canes behind his desk. He stank of alcohol too. Thankfully corporal punishment is now illegal here.



    I had a great Religious Education teacher who thought it was appropriate to try to pick me up by my sideburns. Hope he's living his best life. No, really.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's assault. How come teachers got away with that kind of thing? Dreadful.

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    Had a teacher make us sit in the corner holding an encyclopaedia book above our head.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ow - seems rather harsh. Were they hoping you would learn by osmosis?

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    One time, a sub in school had us do a three page packet of problems in under ten minutes, confusing the warm up problems with the packet. The warm ups were ten minutes. When we explained to her that she was wrong and that we were supposed to do the warmups for ten minutes in a respectful manner, she got really mad and said that anyone who did it finish the packet would have a weeks worth of detention. When a girl came up for help, the sub gladly helped her, but when a boy came up for help, she said no and gave him detention. She got fired the next day



    my class had a band teacher a couple years ago (we were in 7th grade) who was out of his mind. constantly saying stuff like, “you guys suck” or “everyone’s a little gay inside” and “i hate all of you, i quit (he didn’t).” he got fired the next year. but anyways, we had this kid who was new in school that year and he played trombone.he was nervous because he was the one of the only trombone players and a lot of pressure was on their section for a particular piece of music. he messed up a couple of times, when finally the teacher yelled, “what’s wrong with you, you suck at trombone, you shouldn’t even be here.” the kid was 13 and he got yelled at and humiliated in front of the entire class. poor kid cried while the teacher and the rest of the class kept insulting and humiliating him for crying.



    Not a punishment but ....... In second grade (eons ago!), our teacher would put the best handwriting up above the chalkboard. I never tried b/c it was more fun to hurry and finish so I could talk, bother others, or play with things in my desk. One day I decided to do my best. I didn't talk. I didn't play. I didn't bother others. I wasn't the first one done. I wrote very nicely. Teacher came by and took my paper to put above the board. All the kids were looking at me b/c I never got my writing up there. After she pinned it up, the teacher stepped back and looked. Then she reached up, took my paper down, handed it back to me, and said "It's not as good as everyone else's." After that day I didn't try to be neat until the middle of college b/c I didn't figure that my best would ever be enough.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A lot of people don’t realize that they have to be careful when talking to a child because you could permanently damage said child’s self esteem

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    When I was in kindergarten, whenever a kid does something bad, the teachers would scare the whole class by telling us that the principal has a bottle of hot sauce constantly lying on her desk, and that she would force the bad kids to eat the hot sauce.
    They also told us that the principal has a caged lion in her office that she uses on the bad kids
    It's stupid, of course, but we were little kids. We believed that, and it scared the hell out of us.



    Every year, the third grade class at my school hatches chicks. When I was in fifth grade, our class got invited to see the chicks and play with them. A girl in my class at the time had drawn a smiley face on the fabric of a chair we had in the room. Our teacher said that we couldn't see the chicks until whoever drew on the chair confessed and told her about it. The girl who did it told everyone in the class she had done it but refused to tell the teacher. A fair amount of people went to the teacher and told her that this girl had done it, and although a majority of the class had said that she had told them she drew the face, a completely innocent student was punished because the teacher didn't like her, and no one except the girl who actually did it got to see the chicks.



    In 5th grade, a girl put too many books on the edge of her desk before she sat down which caused the desk to tip over. Of course, we kids laughed - we were kids! The teacher had the class write 100 lines and I will never forget what she had us write: "I am a student at a public school, I am not an inmate in an insane asylum and I will not act as such."



    My first grade teacher was teaching the number line. She would point to a number, call on a student who was supposed to name it. If you didn't have the answer she would have you step behind a partition while she drew on the board. You would come out to see a stick figure person with huge ears (or something.)

    "You know what that is? That's you, and those are donkey ears. You're a donkey because you don't know your numbers!"

    I learned later that my parents had specifically requested that teacher because they heard kids in her class really learned their stuff. We sure did...



    In middle school, I had a teacher that kept everyone inside for talking. My friend really needed to go to the bathroom and had been asking the entire lessen. He asked again and the teacher wouldn't let him go because she thought he would run. He started hyperventilating and eventually wet his pants.


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    satan hears a scream
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    so many teachers still use this "you can't use the restroom, you shouldve went earlier" thing, and it's HORRIBLE. my sister wet her pants once because of this in first grade too, but her amazing friends helped her clean up.

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    once I was at lunch (12yo 5th grade) two kids came to me threw my food on the floor, and punched me in the face, an adult came over and I got in trouble for no reason. I didn't do anything wrong, every day I would come home with a bloody nose and a black eye, from kids on my bus.



    I was told this story by an older friend about the son of one of his neighbors back in the '50s. This young man was rude to everyone, careless about other people's stuff, and disruptive in class, so his parents finally sent him to a boarding school run by the Christian Brothers. The Brothers at this particular school were mostly fresh off the boat from Ireland. Now when the young man came home for the Thanksgiving break, you'd never think it was the same kid -- he was polite, respectful, helpful, everything you would want your son to be. Someone eventually got him to give an example of how the Brothers got through to him: "It was the morning of my first class, and I was giving the Brother some lip, so he finally got annoyed and came over to me. He grabbed me by my collar, walked me up to the front of the room, and erased the board with my face."



    This was in my freshman year of high school. I was in an advanced algebra class during the beginning of the year, but the teacher was not nice. The work was very fast, and she would tell the class that if we must know this, or we are stupid (not the exact thing she said, but this was two years ago). My autistic mind translated it to "If you ask for help, you are stupid" I moved to an on level class after I failed even the retake of a test. So long story short, the worst thing a teacher did was not understand my special needs or even just ask if I needed help.


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    Fact Perils
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is immensely disappointing when teachers don't do their jobs, as in when they don't TEACH! Reading from a piece of paper is not teaching. Teaching is helping people learn the material in a way that will be helpful to them in the present and perhaps in the future too.

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    This one is from Zoe Murphy (she tried posting but didnt work):

    Idk what happened so here’s the story: When I was in second grade there was this kid who was being wild. He was running around the classroom a lot. I was very surprised when the teacher picked him up and locked him in the bathroom. It was done in an agressive manner, and I at seven knew it was wrong. She slid his work under the door and YELLED at him when he didn’t get it done. She would slap his cheek if he said anything. The poor kid was crying. Then after the 3rd or 4th slap I snuck out of the classroom and went to tell the people in the front office. They called the cops and the teacher was fired. Then the boy said to me, “Thank you for saving my life from the evil witch. She kept coming in, and I REALLY needed to pee.


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    Annabeth Chase
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "I REALLY needed to pee." Pretty much sums up my life as a young child

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    A substituted for our year 6 teacher after we'd done our year 6 SATs - all our exams finished, a few weeks left to relax a bit. Nope. They made us write six-page essays with perfect spelling - maybe not that strict, but if we'd accidentally written a word incorrectly, we weren't allowed to cross it out (or, heaven forbid, use Tipp-Ex), but start the entire essay again. And this was after we'd essentially finished all our work for primary school before we went into secondary. I remember doing one of the essays 8 times over, and being so anxious to get the next one wrong as well that I'd tense up, and inevitably make another mistake from feeling so shaky.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    *A teacher substituted (good thing I don't have to type the entire thing out again)

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    I had a math teacher in 8th grade who teared my notebook apart because I missed a few steps (unnecessary steps) while solving the problems (my answers were correct).


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    Your Mother
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Such a dumb teacher, you should be getting 200% for having such a stupid teacher

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    Another one: It was storming really bad, and right after this huge lightning thing the power went out for a full minute. Chaos ensued. Screaming, we're gonna die, etc. When the lights came back on, somehow the teacher knew exactly who had screamed (Not me.). They all had to write an essay on the proper 'Decorum' in the classroom, and they couldn't build gingerbread houses with the rest of the class. Gingerbread houses were the biggest thing that year. Candy galore, everybody had their own tub of frosting, no schoolwork for 2 days, etc. 1/2 the class, mostly boys and a couple popular girls, would have missed out. Their parents complained and the teacher amended it so that only the people who had other marks on their records missed out. So that was 1/3 of the class that missed out that year, and were stuck doing menial work such as cleaning the bathroom and helping teachers in their classrooms. I heard one had to clean up some kid's accident...



    Not an upsetting one, but quite funny in retrospect. I was in secondary school, aged about 12. History teacher must have had a bad day. I can't even remember my infraction, but I got lines. This will be about 1967. Corporal punishment in schools was common then in the U.K. so lines or detention equals very nice thanks. I had to write "I will do what I am told, when I am told, and not ask why I am told". 1,000 times. Yes, 1,000 lines to write. My class were so shocked and upset that the whole class wrote some for me. Turned out to be a full class team effort to do it. I handed the lines in to him. Even though it was obviously lots of different handwriting, he said nothing. He knew. He also knew he had over punished me. So, nothing was said. Was a good school and it's good to know that some teachers learn too. Memory makes me smile all these years later. I still want to ask questions, and do!



    I once had a mean teacher In fourth grade who was from New York and LOVED the yankees. Whenever anyone got something wrong she would humiliate them in front of the class, and whenever anyone left something at home she would say "well, you should have left yourself at home!". Well anyways I got anxiety everyday and would cry myself to sleep every night , because I was worried I would get yelled at (which happened once, but that's another story). On the last day of school I was so tired of getting bullied by her, that I went and wore a Boston Red Sox hat. She was so angry when she saw it, and tore it off my head, and said "who made you wear this" which I responded to with "ME".



    My teacher used to pull us up for talking, but would make us chose someone else to do the punishment. If this didn’t work he would just masking tape your mouth to stop you talking.



    When I started infant school, back in the mid-1960's it was pretty normal for children to take their dinner money in on a Monday morning. One week, my Mum didn't have it ready for me and told me I could take it the next day. The headteacher didn't believe me when I told her this, took me into a small side room, and repeatedly slapped my legs and called me a liar for almost half an hour. She was never admonished for this, and when I told my Mum, she slapped me for fibbing as well! Good old days my backside!


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    Lorraine R
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I look forward to the time when people who strike children are arrested for battery and jailed.

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    When I was in first grade, the teacher allowed the boy who sat behind me to yank my hair so hard that my head would snap back hard. I was not allowed to tell her what he did. She would ridicule me for tattling and called me a baby.



    7th grade spanish teacher made me come back after school to whistle for an hour because I couldn't stop whistling this tune I had in my head. I came back. She forgot and was out leading pep squad. Also, she was from the south somewhere and said 'boner' instead of 'mistake.' As in..."My husband pulled a real boner this weekend..." That will put a 7th grader on the floor in hysterics pretty quick.



    I attended both Catholic grade and high school. So instances of corporal punishment were actually rare but were administered swiftly and with some enthusiasm when necessary. I won't mention grade school because the Ursuline nuns were saints. They deserved that label for all of the nonsense they tolerated. Now, high school was different. I attended an all male school where we wore coats and ties to school. The teachers were Xavierian brothers who did not tolerate any nonsense at all. Our school was a college prep school where our only reason for being there was to prepare for attending college. The brothers took this fact seriously, to a fault, some might say.

    In my freshman year I had the same instructor for Religion and Algebra. One marking period I received a 98 in Religion and a 64 in Algebra. One day after the grading period the teacher, Brother Wilbert, took me to task for such grades. In the Religion class he said nothing; however, when Algebra class rolled around in the afternoon he expressed his displeasure. After we were seated with our books open Brother Wilbert stood up, came his desk and stood in front of the class. He slowly looked around the room until his eyes found me. He said, "Mister Day come up here." My blood turned icy and almost paralyzed me. Of course I wasn't paralyzed and went to the front as ordered. Dread overwhelmed me and I knew that this was surely the end of me. When I arrived he took my shoulder and turned me around to face the class. He then told me to remove my glasses. I did, tucking them into the inside pocket of my coat. He proceeded to lecture me about the improbability of such a spread of grades for the two subjects that he taught me. He then asked me why it had happened. I could not tell him the real reason religion was a snap because I had studied the same thing over and over for eight years before I went to high school. And Algebra, what the hell was that stuff? Some sort of foreign language or something that I would never use once this class was finished for the year. No. I could not say that. All I could do was stand there silent until I heard my raspy voice croak out "I don't know Brother." That is not what Brother Wilbert wanted to hear. He then hauled off and slapped me in the back of my head hard enough to make my teeth chatter. Once I straightened
    up he repeated the process that he heartily felt that I deserved. After that I paid more attention to Algebra and walked on the opposite of the hall when I saw Brother approaching.


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    Lorraine R
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He Gibbs-slapped you. (NCIS) When another character asked Gibbs why he smacked Tony on the back of the head, he said, "A slap in the face is humiliating. A smack on the head is a wake-up call."

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    When I was in 6th grade, my teacher praised and rewarded some of the boys in the class for having neat notes. When my friend asked why we weren't rewarded for the same thing, the teacher replied with "Girls are always supposed to have neat notes."


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I worked in a graphic design firm where the male employees at my level were given bonuses for meeting deadlines. In five years, I got a $50 bill.

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    I've been to lots of different schools, and have a lot of these stories. This is one of my favorites. I am originally from the USA, but never lived there until college, my family moved around a lot when I was in school. When I was in middle school, I went to an english-speaking school in the UAE. My sixth grade english teacher happened to be from America, and would try to "bond" with me over the fact that we were both technically from there. He would say things like "isn't _____ better in America?" and "Don't you wish you could be there right now?" and would even go so far as to say very racist things about the people from the country he was living and working in. One day I was just done with it, and told him I was happy right where I was, and if he loved America so much, he should just go back. He got so mad he told me to stand in front and then yelled at me about how I should renounce my American citizenship because clearly I don't appreciate it like I should.



    I have 2:
    1. When my dad was in like 5th grade and someone in his class was being annoying to the really bad teacher so the teacher threw a desk at him.
    2. When my dad was in I think 8th grade they had this substitute principle and at the end of lunch he was trying to get everyone to be quite but my dad yelled "NO". The principle got so mad. Later when they were praying a few teachers started creeping up on him (they were trying to grab him). He ran from school all the way home and he left that school the next year. He might have been expelled, we don't know.



    It was my first day of first grade. Had just turned six, and my father was killed in an industrial accident just a week or two before. My house was sad. My mom was sad, I was sad. I felt anxious. The teacher handed out our tablets, and readers, and big stubby pencils. The pencils were not sharpened, so flat on both ends. I nervously tapped my pencil on my reader, and the teacher flew across the room, and screamed in my face “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? DON’T YOU DARE WRITE ON THAT BOOK YOUNG LADY!” I could have died of shame. Not embarrassment. Shame. I could never write on a book. I loved reading. I didn’t want people to think I was the kind of person who could ever do such a thing. This same teacher yanked my best friend by the arm over two rows of desks because her chair got stuck during a fire drill. And an incident with poop on the floor, and a girl (1st grade remember) getting paddled with a board in front of all us, and then...a dog in the room.


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    Lorraine R
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope that the fact there are many more career choices for women nowadays means that fewer psychos end up in charge of classes full of small children.

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    I once had a friend cough at lunch during "quite time" and they got lunch detention for 3 weeks. The teacher who gave them the punishment is famous for them at my school, she is known to talk crap about the students to teachers to. PS: IDK if I'm using to in the right way but I'm super tired right now so there ya go.


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    Dorothy Parker
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ...to teachers, too. Hope that helps. Too means as well or more, like too much.

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    I was in grade 10. The teacher's favorite student liked me and asked me to be his gf. I didn't like him so I said no. The next day, that teacher ask me to answer a chemistry question ( she teaches chemistry in my highschool) that I didn't know then she made fun how stupid I am because I didn't know the answer. I thought that was all. Then after that, everytime she taught us then she warned all students don't be like me -stupid. Till today, I'm not sure what is the real reason she did what she did, or maybe she hates me because I refused her favorite student.


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    Katie Allen
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    how did that teacher change from male to female in the middle of the story?

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    In first grade I learned that teachers will turn a blind eye to bullying. In second grade I learned the teacher can be the bully and inflict physical harm on a student with impunity (1990s). In third grade I learned that teachers will turn a blind eye to abuse (though I didn't call it that then and not for many years after). Fourth and fifth grade I learned to be invisible. To fail quietly, because no one gave a damn. In sixth grade I had the only decent teacher in my entire education. Sadly, by this time I had learned to mistrust teachers to such a degree I mistook her attention as persecution. It is only in hindsight I realize she was trying to help me.


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    Cian Thomas McHugh
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can relate to this. I was bullied relentlessly by my peers in 4th grade, but my teacher did nothing. She said I could handle it myself, when I obviously couldn't.

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    I'm 40 now. my embarrassment is a whole life lived. In 7th grade I was the class clown in choir class in the school auditorium and learning to use my humor to make me be center of attention. I loved making people laugh. I was funny like Jim Carrey in living color. The class would always cheer my name when the teacher. would ask who wanted to sing lean on me or other songs we have practiced while she played the piano. They always picked me because I would change the lyrics on point cleverly without even having to reherserse what I would say off the top of my head. The teacher would laugh a little and kind of encouraged it. class half term was approaching and she said she will have two awards. One for being the best student and the other for being the worst. I blanked out the second award as being directed at me because I thought she enjoyed me as well. No the first award was given to a student who probably did well in class with a trophy and plaque with their name professionally done and she presented me with the second award that was made in the same fashion but instead of a trophy it was a toilet seat she attempted to hang over my head in front of the whole class with professionally engraved with my full name on a plaque that said " shit of the week". Shock and embarrassed I couldnt speak up for myself and everyone laughing the hardest id ever seen them laugh at me. She hung it on the wall for the entire school year and the school would use that room for school events since it was in the main auditorium. I studder real bad and never been married and I can't speak in front of crowds. I barely earned my masters degree out of pity cause I would black out giving my required presentations. I did well otherwise but the professors would just turn their cheek and same responce from all the classes being concerned for me and apraised me in pitty. I make minimum wage. She really messed me up.



    Grew up in an abusive home. As a teenager I ended up in a crisis center for two weeks because I was suicidal and my parents threatened to kill me themselves. Moved in with my grandmother and started going to school again. I went to the same very small school my whole life. I loved school and was always anxious about making sure I followed all the rules and kept all the teachers happy with me. (Because they were the closest thing I had to real parents)

    First week back I failed a math test and when I started to cry in class the teacher looked at me and said, “If you don’t like it then you shouldn’t have taken your little vacation”

    Got detention for the first time in my life in Spanish class because I cheated on a homework assignment (also the first time I cheated and what are you supposed to do when you miss two weeks of learning a new language?)

    Got kicked out of AP English for not turning in vocab homework

    And was not allowed to attend the state solo music competition even though I was only one of three students who qualified and I had been practicing for six months.

    All this completely disillusioned me to the the paradigm of the modern education system. Good job teachers.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am so sorry that this happened to you! teachers nowadays need to understand that mental illness is VERY REAL and can be debilitating to your studies and friendships. i hope you found a person that you could confide in and that you are better now:)

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    When I was in first grade my teacher slapped my hand with a ruler several times and called me an evil devil child...just because I was left handed. This teacher had a twin, equally unkind, sister who also taught first grade across town. 50+ years later I still hear horror stories about them.



    I remember, I was in kindergarten, and my best friend dared me to turn off the lights in the girls bathroom. I did, not even for three seconds, because no one ever told us that it wasn't allowed so we assumed that we could do it. There was a girl in the bathroom and we didn't know that. She told her teacher and she also somehow knew it was us and my friend had to write a note home and I had to go to the principal's office. This punishment might have been acceptable for a third grader, but I was in KINDERGARTEN!



    It’s not really a punishment but a substitute made me cry once. I think I was having trouble with my word search in second grade and the teacher started screaming at me. I was anxious every time we had a sub for the rest of elementary school.



    So once I was talking during snack break in 1st grade and some kid had headphones ok and the teacher started yelling at me bc I was talking during break and everyone else was and we r allowed to and then the kid with headphones screams”I HAVE HEADPHONES” and the teacher is all like I don’t care and good for u and then like during math I turn my head to look at the door and she starts screaming!



    Grew up in an abusive home. As a teenager I ended up in a crisis center for two weeks because I was suicidal and my parents threatened to kill me themselves. Moved in with my grandmother and started going to school again. I went to the same very small school my whole life. I loved school and was always anxious about making sure I followed all the rules and kept all the teachers happy with me. (Because they were the closest thing I had to real parents)

    First week back I failed a math test and when I started to cry in class the teacher looked at me and said, “If you don’t like it then you shouldn’t have taken your little vacation”

    Got detention for the first time in my life in Spanish class because I cheated on a homework assignment (also the first time I cheated and what are you supposed to do when you miss two weeks of learning a new language?)

    Got kicked out of AP English for not turning in vocab homework

    And was not allowed to attend the state solo music competition even though I was only one of three students who qualified and I had been practicing for six months.

    All this completely disillusioned me to the the paradigm of the modern education system. Good job teachers.



    I had a teacher that cancelled our school camp because of ONE person. She did warn everyone that the next person to act up, the whole class won't be going. It was so stupid that the actions of one person ruined it for everyone else. She should have just banned the individual. She also used to make us write pages of the dictionary or write all our times tables if we misbehaved.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A lot of teachers tend to punish the entire class if someone is acting up. My science class in high school didn't get to do any more practicals because some kids didn't bring their notebook and pens. Not sure why they think punishing the entire class is fair, but oh well

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    This is more me punishing the teacher, but when I was in 4th Grade, my teacher was a total Karen, and made me stay in at break and write out my times tables because me and my BFF had the same wrong answer (completely by coincidence). I was trying so hard not to cry as I didn't want to seem weak. When she went to get a coffee, I blew my nose and painted it all over my work. She still doesn't know. XD


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    Rosie Hamilton
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    By coincidence? It's not exactly a surprise that it wasn't believed!

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    I was in 5th grade (10yo) in the middle of a class that I have not gotten to do in like 3 maybe 4 weeks and the teacher called me up to the front of the class (for no reason btw) and embarrassed me in front of all my friends, all because he thought I was cheating on a quiz, a freaking quiz. I told my dad and he told my principal and he did nothing! I got 3 weeks of detention for calling him out on it. worth it though. :)


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    BTW the reason i could not do the class is because I'm aunt died the week before and the teacher could never teach it- in the week that she died I stayed home from school. and in that week he taught t but I was not there. ( sorry for the bad grammar )

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    When I was 7, in primary school, I got up during class to sharpen my pencil over the rubbish bin in the corner. As the teacher was demonstrating something on the blackboard, I kept my eyes on her so I wouldn't miss it, and didn't notice that my shavings were now falling on the floor instead of in the bin. This was just after lunch break, and the bin was pretty full of lunch leftovers and trash. Mrs Satherly noticed, and made me climb into the bin and stand in the trash, in the corner for the rest of the class.


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    Shane Ohno
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People used to pitch crumbled up paper in the trash bins like they are pitching baskets in basketball. Sometimes they would miss the bin and it would land on the floor. As I was too shy to speak in the first place to anyone, I would never attempt to toss a crumpled paper into a bin in fear of gaining anyones attention for that matter. The teacher said to the class. If ANYONE tosses anything into this bin, you better make it in or I will give you class detention, I will pick up the trash can dump everything out onto the floor and will make you pick up the garbage and put it back into the garbage can! As soon as he turned his back I saw this boy power toss this crumpled paper in front of the teacher bouncing off the board purposely missing the bin. I temporarily filled with excitement as the teacher flippes his lid. Unfortunately when the teacher opened the paper the jerk kid wrote my name in the spot you normally put your name on assignment. I immediately defended myself. He believe

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    I was in Year 8 aka 7th grade and I was in a class with my school bully. (He had bullied me for years and my primary school teachers just said "Don't worry about it. Deal with it") I got to high school and I was in class with my favourite teacher. This kid was known to have outbursts but he had calmed down over time. I sat down next to this kid as there was nowhere else. I moved my chair to face the board and obviously just hit his chair slightly. Suddenly, a barrage of insults calling me useless, swear words, being sexist, homophobic and insulting my recent parents divorce calling it my fault. The entire class and the teacher heard this and it went on for about 10 minutes. The next day at registration, that teacher told me to go outside. The teacher asked me what happened and I told him and he decided that it was all my fault and proceeded to mock me for not knowing that this kid was angry. (I had known this kid for about 9 years prior to this) The teacher had a go at me because I moved my chair and that somehow triggered the bully. My opinion of that teacher was tarnished because he was there. He knew what that boy had said. I went back inside and sat down alone. I watched as the boy, who had tormented me for years and nobody had done anything about it, went to the teacher. The teacher spoke to him saying "Can you not use that language in my class please? " and then the kid sat down. I was devastated.. A teacher who had known that I struggled with mental health problems and extreme stress, had just brushed off the pain I felt.



    I went to an elite high school, in a semi-big town in Belgium. I picked the school because it assured your future & you would be ready for college. Only problem, I came from a working class household. That school didn't like me at all. When I was 16, principal called me out of class, made me wait for an hour in an empty office, only to be questioned by the police because, apparently, I was a drugdealer.
    So, what happened? Some rich kids were busted with drugs, kids were afraid of their parents, school was afraid of the rich parents, so apparently, the poor punkrock-looking (I was 16!) kid made a good scapegoat option.
    Luckily, police was smart enough to figure it out, never had legal trouble with it. Only thing, principal already gossiped about it, whole school knew and some teachers never spoke to me again. And imagine if the police didn't do such a great job, my future would have looked a lot different. Can't do a lot of jobs with a criminal record.


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    I got lunch detention for sharing medication in middle school. My friend had an asthma attack in a stairwell and had left his rescue inhaler in his locker. I too had asthma, we had the exact same type and dosage of rescue inhaler so I let him take 2 puffs of mine. The teacher, who another friend went and got when he started wheezing, wanted us both to have in-school suspension for it. But she got shot down by the nurse who point out frog-marching us to the head office instead of informing her a medical emergency had happened was violation of district policy. He got to go home and got to stare at a wall and think about what I did.



    12th grade Spanish-
    Skipped her last period class. Got an afterschool detention (with her as the attending teacher). Fast forward 1 week and I had to use the bathroom. She wouldn't let me do it! Had block scheduling so 84 minute classes. Now we are at end of day and the bell is going to ring in 5 minutes. I was about to wet my pants and I knew if I went after class my ride wouldn't wait. She still refused to let me go!
    Bell rang, I ran to the lav. Missed my ride and had to call my dad to leave work to get me because I didn't know how the buses worked.

    Got home. At dinner, told my mom the full story. She tapped back into childhood trauma where one of the nuns at catholic school ignored her bathroom need as well and ultimately she peed all over the floor. The nun looked at her and said, "Go clean yourself up!". She finally came back from the lav and saw the nun had piled paper towels all over the floor and demanded my mother (already mortified and embarrassed) clean up the pee.

    So my mom called a meeting with my principal and teacher. I saw a different side of my mom that day. The principal apologized profusely and my teacher was sitting there crying hysterically. I loved Spanish, so I wouldn't drop the class, but I took an independent study without the teacher for the rest of the year.


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    I moved to a new school where the teacher announced that I just moved from the "armpit" of the universe. They were ahead in lessons than my previous school and when I went to the teacher after class for help, he said, "No. You should have already learned this stuff." I was embarrassed but I didn't tell anyone because I was too young to register that it wasn't my fault. Just another reason why some kids fall through the cracks.


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    When I was 7 years old my parents moved to Utah from California. One day after we all came back into class from lunch the teacher took me up in front of the class and proceeded to beat and scream at me for what seemed like forever. She also told me I was going to flunk 2nd grade. I was shattered. I was also black and blue. My mom went to the school but nothing was done about the teacher's behavior. I had to finish out the year in her classroom. Its been 57 years and I still remember it.



    Well there was this weird sub (that counts right?) and she had a weird thing against kids with colored hair. She suspected that one girl had dyed blonde highlights so she yelled at her and demanded childhood photos to prove that was her natural hair color. Weird right? :(



    It's not really a punishment, but I had the same teacher for PE and African Drumming. He was my teacher for these subjects for every year of primary school, and he would yell at you and make you feel inferior every time you messed something up. As I was very bad at PE (not particularly unfit, but just not good at sport), he didn't like me or my best friend, and several times I almost threw up before class because I was so worried. And in Year 3, (8 to 9 years old I think) my friend skipped class and just wandered around outside. A teacher found her and tried to take her to class, but she actually started crying.


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    In middle school, some kids got in trouble. The teacher came in and ask if anyone saw what they did. I raised my hand, I got pulled aside and explain what I saw.
    That I knew one of the kids did it cause I saw them steal before. They got in trouble and I got in trouble because she said I lied about that kid stealing.
    Note the teacher said the kid couldn't have stolen before this time because their dad was a cop.
    I missed the end of the year trip, my mom told the teacher it was ridiculous that I was getting punished for telling the truth. So the teacher added detention on top of it.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That was mean and bad practice from the teacher as well. The proper thing would be to use a box or something and tell whoever knows anything to write it on a paper and submit it anonymously


    It happened in the year of high school admission. My mom teached at the school I went to, and many of her colleagues thought it was time to teach her a lesson. So I got a principal's reprimand (which is only a little better than they call on me the police) for a fight where I couldn’t even be present because I was in a music class in the other part of town. Nobody cared. They were never withdrawn.
    I pity them, I was still admitted to the high school I wanted to go to. It wasn’t the only attempt to make it impossible to enroll in school, but it was the most unfair of them all.


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    heidi holmes
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm confused as to what exactly is going on here? I'm sorry but that did not make sense.


    i had a dance teacher and she was not only mean to me but the whole class. it was only year 3 so we were all little. but she always shouted if we did something wrong and if we missed a day of school and asked what dance moves we needed to know she would go 'figure it out by yourself' the only time she was nice is when the principal came in the class to inspect the lesson.


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    Had an English teacher in junior high school who was slightly lunatic. (for the record, English is not my native language. It was a foreign language class)
    This one day she couldn't make students stop talking no matter what.
    She puts me up to read out loud from our textbook. I start reading and she goes frenzy and starts screaming that no one's paying attention and that she told me to read out the text but that I apparently am deaf and mute cause I didn't.
    A friend tried to back me up and told her I was reading, but she insisted I am dump.
    I went to the principal and she apologised to me the next day


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    In Malaysia, teachers are legally allowed to hit children, so for talking once, the teacher hit me with a rattan cane 15 times, my butt bled and my mom screamed at me when I went home for "being rude to the teacher". Worst. School. Day. Ever.



    Grew up in an abusive home. As a teenager I ended up in a crisis center for two weeks because I was suicidal and my parents threatened to kill me themselves. Moved in with my grandmother and started going to school again. I went to the same very small school my whole life. I loved school and was always anxious about making sure I followed all the rules and kept all the teachers happy with me. (Because they were the closest thing I had to real parents)

    First week back I failed a math test and when I started to cry in class the teacher looked at me and said, “If you don’t like it then you shouldn’t have taken your little vacation”

    Got detention for the first time in my life in Spanish class because I cheated on a homework assignment (also the first time I cheated and what are you supposed to do when you miss two weeks of learning a new language?)

    Got kicked out of AP English for not turning in vocab homework

    And was not allowed to attend the state solo music competition even though I was only one of three students who qualified and I had been practicing for six months.

    All this completely disillusioned me to the the paradigm of the modern education system. Good job teachers.


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    This isn't a punishment, but my daughter had a sub that would allow the girls to take out their phones to do tiktok (and the boys). They aren't even allowed to have their phones out in school, so this was violating a bunch of rules. Another problem was that they were wearing their name tags and school uniforms, so everyone watching knows where they go to school, what their ID code is, and know that they live near or in centerville, ohio. My daughter and her friends ended up telling a teacher because they felt that their privacy was being obstructed, because they worried that they were in the backgrounds of the videos.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    sorry meant to put my sister's daughter 😂 don't know why I put that, I don't have kids...


    I was forced to kneel on a hot air floor grate for an hour for an offence I did not do. Age 8 1958. In grade one I was forced to stand in the corner for most of the day and called stupid by the teacher and bullied by others because I could not spell correctly. Dyslexia.


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    Ralph Winn
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    sounds familiar especially for those of us growing up at that time.

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    I don’t know if this counts as punishment... but... one time I was being bullied so I told the gym teacher and she said and I QUOTE “I don’t wanna hear it”.


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    Slapped in the back of the head by a yardstick in grade 1 by my homeroom teacher. Apparently I was a daydreamer and this was her way to get me out of it. Funny how years later I was diagnosed with dyslexia.



    I've been to lots of different schools, and have a lot of these stories. This is one of my favorites. I am originally from the USA, but never lived there until college, my family moved around a lot when I was in school. When I was in middle school, I went to an english-speaking school in the UAE. My sixth grade english teacher happened to be from America, and would try to "bond" with me over the fact that we were both technically from there. He would say things like "isn't _____ better in America?" and "Don't you wish you could be there right now?" and would even go so far as to say very racist things about the people from the country he was living and working in. One day I was just done with it, and told him I was happy right where I was, and if he loved America so much, he should just go back. He got so mad he told me to stand in front and then yelled at me about how I should renounce my American citizenship because clearly I don't appreciate it like I should.


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    Well there was this weird sub (that counts right?) and she had a weird thing against kids with colored hair. She suspected that one girl had dyed blonde highlights so she yelled at her and demanded childhood photos to prove that was her natural hair color. Weird right? :(


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    Once in elementary school a teacher told us that we couldn’t talk in the hall while we were getting ready to leave school. My best friend who I shared a locker with just said “bye” to me. I said “bye” back thinking the teacher wouldn’t call that “talking” much. When I went back in the classroom one of my classmates had told the teacher I said bye and I got sent to the principals office. Really teacher, really.



    So I went to a college prep private christian school where most of the students were Jewish. I was German and looked alot like a German. You could assume that I had a very had time making friends. Well to make it worse, my 5th and 6th grade teacher was a VERY strict jew. She also called alot of things demonic. Well I am left handed, so she would duct tape my left arm to the back of my shirt and then make fun of my HORRIBLE right handed writing in front of the class. Also my parents (not knowing that this happened) loved her. When she said she was having a hard time disciplining students, my parents told her to make them do wall sits. Well we get back from spring break and the desks had moved(like they usually do after a break). My dest was moved to the back next to the wall. She walked in and said, "everyone, we have a new form of discipline suggested by Ms. Farr's father. You will now do wall sits at the back of the classroom." Of course, everone looked back at me in hate. When ever someone had to a wall sit, they would walk to the wall sit area, by my desk, and say really rude things. Even curse words I didnt even know existed.

    Also she smacked us upside the head with a clipboard if we said bless you after someone sneezing saying it is discrimination between religions. Bro everone there was Catholic or Jewish.

    Also she was in her 40s and wasnt married and lived with her mom.


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    Afi Yozora
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    what a lunatic teacher. Oh, you're also a left handy? Right! We have same destiny of being a leftie.


    My teacher used to pull us up for talking, but would make us chose someone else to do the punishment. If this didn’t work he would just masking tape your mouth to stop you talking.



    It's not really a punishment, but I had the same teacher for PE and African Drumming. He was my teacher for these subjects for every year of primary school, and he would yell at you and make you feel inferior every time you messed something up. As I was very bad at PE (not particularly unfit, but just not good at sport), he didn't like me or my best friend, and several times I almost threw up before class because I was so worried. And in Year 3, (8 to 9 years old I think) my friend skipped class and just wandered around outside. A teacher found her and tried to take her to class, but she actually started crying.


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    I was helping a dyslexic (labelled "slow" or "lazy") colleague with a book report, teacher walked by and suspended both of us from her classes, which counted for almost 1/3 of the grade (there was three classes in Language studies, Grammar, Writing and Literature, we we're banned from Literature), we had to attend summer school to make up for the grades in the other two disciplines



    In Grade 5 an English teacher gave me 500 lines to write as punishment (can't remember for what.) When I brought them in the next day she denied having assigned them.


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    When I was at primary school in the 1960's there was one teacher who had a fierce reputation. She would lock children in the cupboard, hit them with a ruler or slap them. She was especially nasty to the Gypsy children who attended the school. (Or Travellers as I think they would be called today.) She hit one girl on the palm with the edge of a ruler so hard that the girl's hand was cut and bleeding. No one stopped the teacher from doing things like that. When I was going to go up into her class I was terrified, but she retired and the replacement teacher was lovely and kind.



    When in middle school, we had a teacher who was about 60 or 70, old Catholic grandma type of personality. We'll call her Mrs.Costello. So, This was about 4 years ago. She had fun Fridays for people who had a C or above in her class. So, one of those days, she had a big, purple, striped ball. So, I got the role of DJ to choose the music while my friend Elliot got to be score keeper. it would be that she would have me pause the music and she would ask a question to the person with the ball. We had some soccer nuts in the class, so they would headbutt the ball, stuff like that. she had stepped out for a few minutes to talk to another teacher, and when she came back, one of the students, (We'll call her Alex) had punched it away in a panic, and it headed for the door, where Mrs. Costello was. she turned and got hit right in the face, and was frozen there for a few seconds. everyone saw it, and I paused the JoJo music quickly. She was red in the face, and was practically yelling, asking who did it. Once Alex didn't come forward (she didn't see who hit it) and after a minute, she dismissed me and Elliot to our seats, fuming. After about 15 seconds of dead silence, she went to the middle of the room, glaring us all down. She told us that she would drop our grades down to D's and F's, if no one owned up. No one moved, because it was 7th grade, no one was going to take the fall, and Alex was pretty embarrased. So, she gave us an EXAM grade titled, "Winning the game." and it was valid enough that as soon as I got home the next day (it was 6th period) My parents were on my back and I had to explain the whole thing. In the end, about a month later, she was forced to remove the F on the grade and changed it to an A, effectivley giving everyone an A for the class.



    (sorry for publishing 2 times) My citizenship teacher is VERY ANNOYING. I wear a long hijab in my school. I was in 7th grade. This happened a year ago. When she teaches us about "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika", (diversity in differences) she embarasssed me in the class. She said " You all must respect every differences we have. Whatever their religion, tribe, status, and race. We should respect them. Like Afifah (me), she wears a long hijab, right?" My friends wear normal size hijab, unlike mine.

    Second story:
    My citizenship teacher often tells me to sing in front of the class. Why me? Why not the best singer (my BF) in my class? I sing VERY terribly and my hands are like a tree branch, very stiff. Fortunately, my friends don't laugh at me while i forced to move my hands and sing terribly. Why i must be her teacher's pet -no- teacher's maid? She often to ask me many hard question about citizenship? Why she rarely ask something to another friends? Why she only know 5 students in my class: Mirza (the smartest girl), Afi (Me the teacher's maid), Radin (the naughtiest), Kevan (the talkative boy), and Atha (the second servant). Honestly, i don't want to answer. But if i don't answer, she won't teach us till the school end bell rings. So i've forced to answer her question or we will get awkward at that time and being stared by her evil eyes.


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    I have 2...

    Catholic Preschool. 4-ish years old. The rule was silence during lunch. The girl next to me said something, but the sister thought it was me. She broke a wooden ruler across the back of my hand. I still have a scar to remember her by.

    Public High School. 10th grade. 15 years old. My history teacher had a wind-up 'Baby Bell' clock he kept on his file cabinet. It was right after Daylight Saving Time ended & I said (before class began) 'you didn't turn your clock back.' His response was, 'if you want it changed, you change it,' at hurled it across the room at me.

    I hate mean people.


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    When I was 5, I saved up money for a month to buy a hairband. I was stimming with it in class (I'm autistic, and I need to fidget with something to concentrate) and the teacher took it off me and snapped it. It was the first and only time I wore it.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also, my mum wasn't allowed to do maths lessons when she was 10 because she didn't know 1 answer. My dad broke a bone in school and the teacher didn't care and made him stay in school. My brother was dragged across the ground by a teacher for crying when he was 3.


    A substituted for our year 6 teacher after we'd done our year 6 SATs - all our exams finished, a few weeks left to relax a bit. Nope. They made us write six-page essays with perfect spelling - maybe not that strict, but if we'd accidentally written a word incorrectly, we weren't allowed to cross it out (or, heaven forbid, use Tipp-Ex), but start the entire essay again. And this was after we'd essentially finished all our work for primary school before we went into secondary. I remember doing one of the essays 8 times over, and being so anxious to get the next one wrong as well that I'd tense up, and inevitably make another mistake from feeling so shaky.



    Every year, the third grade class at my school hatches chicks. When I was in fifth grade, our class got invited to see the chicks and play with them. A girl in my class at the time had drawn a smiley face on the fabric of a chair we had in the room. Our teacher said that we couldn't see the chicks until whoever drew on the chair confessed and told her about it. The girl who did it told everyone in the class she had done it but refused to tell the teacher. A fair amount of people went to the teacher and told her that this girl had done it, and although a majority of the class had said that she had told them she drew the face, a completely innocent student was punished because the teacher didn't like her, and no one except the girl who actually did it got to see the chicks.


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    I was in music class and a student drew something inappropriate. I wanted to get him back so in math class, we had a little free time and I, well, drew it. I got caught in front of the class and new student. I didn't know it was inappropriate.


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    My friend said one thing ONE thing to me on a test and she thought we were cheating so she made us take a different test based on the same subject after we watched a 1 hour and 30 min documentary on the history of schools she sent a text to our parents so we could watch the whole thing and i was the only one who watched because my parents are strict while my friend didn't watch it because his parents didn't care about what the teacher said only because my friend said ONE THING.



    Back in middle school in the late 70's I was punished by the headmaster, the back of my hand was hit with a ruler very hard. a few years later all forms of physical punishment was banned in UK schools.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh BTW, this same headtecher took photo's of underage girls, one of which was a girl I really liked. I hope this headtecher is rotting in hell.


    Didn't happen to me, but my classmate in preschool. Out teacher was really mean(with evil smirk) and her assistent was really kind. When someone did something bad but minor, only assistant needed to know but if it was something bigger she needed to notify the teacher. One day, our class bully hit some kid who had all sorts of protection. Teacher decided that the punishment will be hitting. He had to stand in the center of the circle with his hand in front of him while we were around him and each of us had to hit him once on the hand and there was 15-20kids.We were only six but knew that something wasn't right, and did what they told us,there wasn't a choice. He had a bad home life and his bullying was just a cry for attention, he didn't really do something bad to someone but was marked because it was easier that doing something to help him.My mom was mortified but couldn't really do something. Now when I think about it I am sooo sorry someone had to go through something like that. They let anyone to work with kids and as a result we get broken kids and only teachers to blame


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    I'm from Indonesia. I have a social study teacher who is (sorry) a bit lunatic. But she isn't too cruel like my citizenship teacher. One day, there is an exam. It was SOOOO HARD and all of the students in my class got bad mark, including me. Minimum score is 83. Me and the smartest student got 72. We've got to rewrite it 2 times, with perfect spelling and answer. My BF, Ani got 65, she had to write 4 times. One of my friend, Angel, got 45. She had to write 9 TIMES AND THE QUESTIONS HAVE VERY LONG ANSWERS ON EACH QUESTIONS. THERE ARE 20 questions!


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    My freshman year of high school. My English teacher hated me. (In all honesty I was a pretty bad kid). She had a rule that if she ever had to call your name twice during class you were kicked out. One day she must have been having a pretty bad day. She walked into class and looked at me and pointed and said "Rob, Rob. Get out!" It was actually pretty comical but made no sense.


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    My 3rd grade piano teacher broke a wooden ruler whilst "tapping" out the beat of the music on the backs of my hands. This was her usual method to "help" you if you were struggling with the timing. I was 8 years old and playing Mozart, for crying out loud! You'd have thought she could have cut me some slack! My mom immediately found me a new piano teacher.


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    In primary school, we had a tree that had fallen down and we used it to sit on and play around. One day, some people came and chopped it up like sushi. Me and my friends decided to protest, because that is what you do as an eight year old kid. We walked around the school screaming "Bring back the log!" We were then told to keep it quiet, as we had recruited a fair few people who wanted to join our cause. We kept it quiet, this time, whispering "Bring back the log". As I was at the front of the protest line, I got sent to the principles office for a long lecture. It's not so much the punishment that is bad, just the injustice of it all.


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    Detention punishment. 1000 words on what's inside a ping pong ball.



    My German language professor always lowered my grades from paper tests, homework, cus she thought I was so good that I actually should have tried even harder- cus it wasn't good enough in her opinion for me to get the A grade. Always said "very good, but should have written *so and so* better'! 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️ But I think it was her revenge cushion she heard my class giving her a nickname "squirrel" and I laughed hard!!! She heard that.. ☺️😇


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    I was looking after kids because the teacher had to get the nurse because one of them puked. He came back with the nurse and they started to clean him up, while this was happening another kid was running down the hallway. He slipped and fell in the puke and when the nurse asked the teacher if she should get him a spare pair of pants the teacher told him not to bother because he deserved it.


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    Ok here it goes....
    So I was in kindergarten and onetime I had sunflower butter (I think thats what it’s called) I was eating lunch and the teacher moved me to a table all by myself I was super confused and started to cry. I asked her why and she said people are allergic to peanut butter I told her it wasn’t peanut butter. She asked what it was and I couldn’t remember ( I was like 6 my mom packed my lunch and I ate it I don’t ask what it was) I told her it wasn’t fair and it’s not peanut butter. She didn’t believe me and the rest of my day was ruined. I barely ate my food


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    I was taken to the principal's office for starting a snowball fight. I was taken in and stayed inside for then rest of the day not caring at all.


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    One time my class was all out for break. When we were all going in, one of our teachers locked us out from coming in even when it was time to go in. She finally let us in 10 minutes after. We had a class with her after and we were late because of her. She gave us a late. I told her that she did not let us in and we were late because of her. She responded saying that we were late to class and it was not her problem. In the end, we all got lates.


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    in my first year of primary school me teacher made me eat a sandwich that had been in the bin.

    Wasn't to bad either!



    When I was in 1st grade, I didn't wanna do what the teacher said, so, being my stupid self, I told her, "You're not the boss of me." and then she burned me and said, "Right now I am." She did it in front of the whole class.


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    My former math teacher wrote me up for copying and pasting symbols from the lesson.


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    When in middle school, we had a teacher who was about 60 or 70, old Catholic grandma type of personality. We'll call her Mrs.Costello. So, This was about 4 years ago. She had fun Fridays for people who had a C or above in her class. So, one of those days, she had a big, purple, striped ball. So, I got the role of DJ to choose the music while my friend Elliot got to be score keeper. it would be that she would have me pause the music and she would ask a question to the person with the ball. We had some soccer nuts in the class, so they would headbutt the ball, stuff like that. she had stepped out for a few minutes to talk to another teacher, and when she came back, one of the students, (We'll call her Alex) had punched it away in a panic, and it headed for the door, where Mrs. Costello was. she turned and got hit right in the face, and was frozen there for a few seconds. everyone saw it, and I paused the JoJo music quickly. She was red in the face, and was practically yelling, asking who did it. Once Alex didn't come forward (she didn't see who hit it) and after a minute, she dismissed me and Elliot to our seats, fuming. After about 15 seconds of dead silence, she went to the middle of the room, glaring us all down. She told us that she would drop our grades down to D's and F's, if no one owned up. No one moved, because it was 7th grade, no one was going to take the fall, and Alex was pretty embarrased. So, she gave us an EXAM grade titled, "Winning the game." and it was valid enough that as soon as I got home the next day (it was 6th period) My parents were on my back and I had to explain the whole thing. In the end, about a month later, she was forced to remove the F on the grade and changed it to an A, effectivley giving everyone an A for the class.



    In 1st grade we had journal prompts every week and one day I turned mine in and she took a pen and made big “X” that went through 43 pages of a 100 page notebook. I only misspelled a few words and forgot to capitalize some stuff


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    In 1st grade we had journal prompts every week and one day I turned mine in and she took a pen and made big “X” that went through 43 pages of a 100 page notebook. I only misspelled a few words and forgot to capitalize some stuff



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