Hey Pandas, What’s The Worst Injury You’ve Ever Had?
me, i sliced my knee open sailing and had to take heavy antibiotics in case of this flesh-eating bacteria in the river.
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I was on my grandma's back going down the stairs when I fell off and she grabbed my arm and dislocated my shoulder 🤣🤣🤣
Dunno why I was on her back (edited: spelling error)
Worst for pain was broken ribs. Want the pain to stop? It's easy, just don't breathe at all ever again.
Worst medically, was either the broken ankle that required 6 operations to fix, or the broken cervical vertebrae with a shard that was half a millimetre from piercing my spinal cord*.
*Probably would have been nowhere near the cord had I not just ignored the injury for a week and sought medical help right away.
Severed my ulnar artery, damaged the nerve and tendon near it. It's all heed alright now but I have weird nerve damage up the side of my hand so that's fun
I’d have to either go with…
1. When I was a kid I liked to crawl around on the floor and stuff. I guess a picture frame broke or something because one day I ended up getting stabbed with a shard of glass. It hurt but honestly I only started crying because I was like “Oh wait I’m hurt. I’m supposed to be crying right now.”
2. Was messing around with my dog and waving my hair in her face and then she bit my eye 💀
idk if this is the worst, (cuz i get hurt a lot) but its pretty bad
so i was at my friends house on her trampoline with me, her, and another friend
the two other friends knew how to do flips on the trampoline, but i didn't so they agreed to teach me. they told me that i fist had to jump really, really high. but i landed(probs with my legs straight instead of bent) and my knee got sprained. i couldn't use the stairs for like 1.5 months and i still have side effects to this day.
moral of the story: don't get a trampoline. they are pretty deadly (there are a bunch of stories online)
Not incredibly bad, but a little gross.
I stubbed my toe on the tile lip going into my bathroom, and disconnected part of my big toenail. It slowly came off over the following months, and took FOREVER to grow back. It hurt like hell, but the worst part was not being able to swim because my mom was worried about it getting infected.
After a few months of that, my toe being bandaged almost 24/7, and people somehow stepping on my feet twice as often (that hurt), it finally grew back, but that was a TERRIBLE year.
Was on a week long river rafting trip. Middle of nowhere (we had to take a tiny plane to fly in). First day I fell down a hill and cut my leg open pretty badly, deep enough to see the fat. They debated calling a heli-vac, but I opted to just seal it up instead. I didn't want to miss the trip. No stitches, just gauze and glue. I have a huge scar, but it was so worth it! One of the best trips of my life!
Probably the one I have right now. I don't even know if it counts as an injury because so far no one's been able to figure out what's wrong with me, but I'm in so much pain right now. My wrist has been getting significantly more painful for the passed 8 or 9 months and I haven't been able to draw in 3 months.
Spiral fracture in my tibia when I was 9.
That first week in the splint was the most painful experience of my life, you wouldn’t believe how relieved I was when they finally put the cast on.
I tripped in first grade ripped my chin open and it started bleeding. had to be taken to the nurse. My dad picked me up and took me to the hospital. Had get glued up, literally. Another time I dripped a glob of hot glue on my thigh and burned off a layer or two of skin. It's been a few months and the mark is still there. Also burn from oven on my arm from a year ago. So yeah not very exciting, I've never broken a bone in my life
When I was about 18, I worked in a gas station and (of course) we had a tow truck. There was a car reconditioning service that rented the unused 3 bays in the rear and one of the guys borrowed the tow truck to go pick up a Christmas tree. Somehow he unwound almost all of the cable from the winch and brought it back that way and the owner of the station had me rewind the cable back onto the winch spool. Well, while I was holding tension onto the cable so it would rewind the right way, there was a fray in the cable that caught my hand. It was like getting caught on a fish hook and I couldn't get free. It kept rubbing against my hands until it got to the end and actually lifted me off the floor. Finally the owner heard me yelling and shut off the winch then brought me back down to the ground. When they got me free, the skin had been worn off both hands to the point that my cartilage was visible in my knuckles. I went around with giant bandages on both hands for months. 0/10 would not recommend.
I slipped on ice and ended up scraping a huge layer of skin off my knee, and afterwards I had trouble walking, and it was hard to keep it clean, then it got a scab which I ripped off and made it bleed, and it took forever for it to heal properly and now I’m left with a huge scar on my knee from when it happened.
Flea bites. Our indoor cats got fleas, go figure. I got a few bites just above both ankles. They continued to double in size every day or two. After 2 walk in clinics, an ER visit and finally a wound care center I found out that the swelling I have in my legs was causing the tiny bites to turn into cellulitis and the black sores that looked like a flesh eating disease would not get better until I had compression socks to reduce the swelling. A month of three different antibiotics didn't help. They were so painful that I couldn't climb the stairs to our second floor bedroom, so I started sleeping on the couch. Five years later I still have visible scars that are 3 inches across and wrap around the front of my legs. Maybe if I had insurance they would have done skin grafts, I don't know, but the scar tissue is so thin that I can't shave with a razor because it goes right through. But I can still walk thanks to the angels at wound care!
Not an injury, but an illness/disease. Breast Cancer. Diagnosed in 2012 at 46yo, stage 3 & hereditary. Had bilateral mastectomies-incredibly painful with chronic pain to this day, 6 months of chemo-complete with vomiting & hair loss ALL over, 30 consecutive days of radiation, followup meds to reduce the risk of it coming back, complete hysterectomy-to reduce the risk of it coming back & the risk of a second cancer, surgery to reconstruct my chest to look "normal" when dressed-it will never look normal undressed. Had to deal with stupid people like the dress code nazi at work who wanted to report me to HR for wearing a winter hat in July & the boss at a new job who had a meeting to announce his ovarian cancer drive & said that breast cancer was the "best" cancer to have because there were so many treatments for it. Fast forward to 2022. Diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in my bones. Even with all that I did to prevent it from coming back, it came. Two months after diagnosis I started having chest pain along with chronic shortness of breath. 3 trips to the ER, admitted 2 of the 3 times for a total of 11 days out of 14. Fluid in my chest compressing my lungs. Thoracentecis(large needle jammed between the ribs being careful to not puncture the lung or the heart) at each admission to drain the fluid. At the second admission, I had a tube inserted into my chest so that it could be drained at home. The tube was removed after 6 months because it stopped draining, but I have chronic chest pain & I still have shortness of breath from the lung damage. Someone asked me when I finish treatment & I told them when I die because that's the reality of terminal cancer, even the "best" cancer can kill you. To any woman reading this, know your family history, do your self exams & preventive care. Don't let anyone tell you that just because you have family who died from it doesn't mean you are more likely to get it. Other lies: you just have dense breasts, you're too young, it's just another lump that will go away with your period, small breasted women don't have to worry. Listen to your body & learn about hereditary cancers.
I once broke my skull, and I broke MANY times my legs, but idk how dangerous that is, but I hate it.
When I was really little (like 9/10) there was this guy in my tennis group who thought it would be funny to trip me up. So ummm the court we were on was like sandpaper and I scraped all the skin off my left shin (ankle to knee) to the point where u could see the muscle and fat. Not noice. So yah
Fell off my bike and broke my elbow. Not cracked it. Broke my elbow in half and had to have a metal plate inserted in a 2 hour op.
This is kinda a weird one but when I was younger a random tumor showed up on my leg. At first I didn't really care but eventually it started hurting like HELL. Got to the point where I literally needed surgery to get the d*mn pain to stop.
Nothing too terrible but I got a nasty cut on my hand while slicing carrots with a mandoline.
I was using the ondulated blade to have fancy carrot slices. I was holding the carrot strongly with my hand closed. I slipped. The blade chopped a thin ondulated layer of my hand. Lots of pain, lots of blood. I just put a bandage on it. It's been like ten years and I still have a funny scar on my hand.
Physically, several. Brain cancer: the mega headaches I had were just...I don't know how I managed to be honest. Then, displaced right knee, badly fractured right thigh, several spinal fractures, fractured right cheekbone, concussion and coma from being hit by a drink driver in a pickup, along with a myriad of scratches, scrapes and bruises. Non physical: losing all my "friends" when they found out I have brain cancer.
I was six or seven, riding a scooter, in the rain, barefoot, a family on my block was driving away as they were officially moving out, me and a couple of the other kids who are out there were waving goodbye, I went one hand, (to wave with the other) while riding a scooter, while in the rain, barefoot, I slipped, fell, and the scooter almost cut off my pinky toe, my pinky toe was barely connected to my foot, it took maybe a month or so to heal, I still have the barely visible scar.
Caught my W***y in a drawer when I was young. The foreskin got caught
Caught my W***y in a drawer when I was young. The foreskin got caught