Be as detailed as possible and explain why it was the worst holiday.


Definitely when I went to Crete more than 20 years ago when I was still married to my ex-husband. Where to begin? The hotel was a death trap. The stairs were blocked off and the only way to get to our room was in the lift which had no door. The bed was held up on piles of old books. The room overlooked what appeared to be some kind of waste ground with a peculiar clock tower in the middle of it which rang out every 15 minutes. My ex thought it was 'cute' until he couldn't sleep when the chimed throughout the night. The shower sprayed water everywhere in the bathroom except for in the shower cubicle. As a result the wooden bathroom door was as mouldy as hell. You could literally shower while you were sat on the toilet. The hotel restaurant looked unhygienic and I avoided it at all costs.
My ex was the sort of person, who, whenever he went abroad, headed straight for the first British bar to have an all day breakfast. God knows what they cooked in this one in because it tasted disgusting and gave me an upset stomach for the rest of the week. Just about every toilet I went to was blocked.
The week we were there most of the workers had chosen to go on strike so we were pretty much stuck in the resort with nowhere to go and nothing to do.
One evening we were in the hotel bar having a drink and chatting to some of the other guests. I was sat at the bar and when I looked behind me the rope light that went round the bar actually had sparks coming out of the wiring. Later on I needed to go to the toilet. There were no toilets in the bar area, so I either had to go back up to our room in the lift with no door, or go down a badly lit flight of stairs to the basement. I couldn't be bothered to go back up to our room so I went down to the basement. By then there was a storm coming and it was getting quite windy. I went through the first door and decided to leave it open to let in a bit more light. I went through the second door into the toilet not realising that there was a window open. The draft from the window made the first door slam shut and a huge chunk of concrete fell from above the door frame. I was convinced the entire hotel was going to collapse and I've never peed so quickly in my life!
On the afternoon when we were due to fly home we were more or less packed and ready to go and I thought I'd have a shower to freshen up as it was really hot. I turned the shower on. Nothing. I tried to turn the taps on. Nothing. I went down to reception but there wasn't a member of staff to be seen. I eventually found a cleaning lady who didn't speak much English but said she would try to find someone. By that time most of the guests were in reception demanding to know what was going on. We were eventually told that because it was only a couple of weeks to go until the end of the season (even though there were still guests at the hotel) they had decided to turn the water off. They did turn it back on again but the most disgusting brown coloured water came out of the taps and pipes screeched.
We were also told that the hotel was scheduled for closure and demolition the following year and I wasn't surprised.
Never again.


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this isn't super wild and i don't know if it counts as a holiday but when i was like 7 (idk) i went to an after-school care and we occasionally went to places like a small water park or something like that. that day we were going to a artifice snow pace (?) and where i lived there wasn't snow so i you can guess i was excited. NOT EVEN 10 MINS AWAY. we hit this old dude that was walking across the street, they were fine and i didn't know how it happened?? i don't know why we couldn't go i was pissed. it didn't help that we were there for 30min-1hr+. (Sorry about my grammar)


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