I want to know the weirdest thing you've seen an adult human being do, that any normal adult wouldn't do.


Show hate to other adults based on nonsensical reasons such as race, sex, gender or sexual orientation.


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Robin Roper
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's taught. If negative bias about others is attached to fear, it becomes hate. Hate is not innate, fear is.

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    Not vaccinating their kids because a random model lied about it causing autism.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think just "not vaccinating their kids" would suffice, though the random model part definitely adds some flair

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    Maybe not "weird" per se, but I still chuckle thinking about it. My high school German teacher was a rather hefty older woman with SO MUCH energy and enthusiasm it was really hard to keep up with her.
    One day, I was alone in an empty classroom when I saw this woman scuttling towards the coffee vending machine like a little girl, chanting "COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE" to herself (she thought nobody can see her). It was amusingly wholesome and also it explains why was she Like That™.


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    Crystal Spencer
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a rather hefty youngish German teacher in 95...frau Lusk. She was also full of energy and the nicest when ever. She was in a male female marriage but she was the lgbt club sponsor and so supportive of us. I loved her so much.

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    I saw a 300+ lb. man with a reverse Mohawk riding a bicycle in nothing but a red Speedo.



    I'm big into fandom stuff so I tend to not want to shame people for what they're into. To each their own and if it makes you happy...awesome, and it's no one else's business. But I have to admit to a little bit of weirdness when I see grown people who are into My Little Pony, or grown adults who are obsessed with Disney World to the point they go into debt over it. I get the idea of having a childlike moment or experience, but there are people who are f*cking obsessed. And they force their friends/family to deal with it, too. Any weird fandom stuff I'm into i'm keeping to my damn self and I'm not forcing anyone else to do it of put up with my behavior toward it. Some people spend thousands to live some Disney princess fantasy when they go to the park. Like I said...you do you. But I can't help finding it a little weird.


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    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Literally. My MIL planned an entire trip to Disney world... all on credit cards.

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    Met a guy at a train station. It was raining outside and there was a broken pipe on the shelter that was spilling gutter water out onto the platform. The guy in question pulled a drinking glass out of his pocket, stuck it under the gutter waterfall and then drank the whole thing! He turned to me and said "That tasted terrible". Not shocking, really, so I said "Yeah, I could imagine". Then he put the glass BACK UNDER THE GUTTER WATERFALL AND DRANK IT AGAIN!! Turned back to me and said "Still bad" WHY???



    My 8th grade science teacher used to write herself notes throughout the day on scraps of paper, then would staple them to her shirt "so I don't forget!" She also cooked herself breakfast one day with a bunsen burner in the back of the class. She did not share.



    Binge watching children shows like Over the Garden Wall, Infinity Train, Gravity Falls or Ducktales.

    (I am that adult)



    I've never seen this because I don't live in America, but people who go into schools of all things and fire shots. Also from a country that censors a literal kids show (bluey)


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    12 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I just found this link about censored and banned episodes of Bluey. https://www.fatherly.com/entertainment/banned-censored-bluey-episodes I do not understand why you'd want to censor a show like Bluey. Even reading some of the reasons I still don't get it. I watch the show with my kids and we talk about what we see and if there's anything we do not like (incl. us parents) we talk about it.


    Any adult having a full on tantrum - whether it's out in public at a store, on the road in the way of road rage, or on any forum when someone disagrees with them.....



    Just last week, I watched a person in a manual wheelchair roll into a handicapped space, leave the wheelchair and walk into a nearby store. Later, they went back out to the wheelchair and wheeled away. My immediate thought was "Welp, that is one way to do it."



    Shoving the "guilt and responsibility" for "failures" in your educational efforts on your cild. With the argumentation, that you (as a child) were not managable and could/would not follow every rule. "You wouldn´t have listened to me anyway..."


    See Also on Bored Panda

    My teacher in 6th Grade cried over us getting not-so-good scores on the quiz. It was really awkward for the whole class, but I think it worked because we did good the rest of the school year.


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    Pa Pa Panda
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    12 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm thinking there was more going on in her life if she cried over that.

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    Whe I was 16 and just got my driver's license I was going to my friends house in rush hour traffic. This older guy pulls up in the next lane. He was somehow driving with his feet, picking his nose and playing the kazoo all at once. To this day I still don't believe it.



    Had a boss that was always singing some tune to himself, when anyone was near he immediately stopped. We caught enough to know it was the same tune, but not enough to pin it down. I was standing just inside of the outside doorway out of sight when he walked in and he was singing a little louder...............Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus............


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    A lot of people say a man in a museum do strange stretching motions and a weird dance.
    It was me: a coin had found a hole in my pants pocket and managed to get itself stuck between my thigh and dangly bits.
    I honestly didn't realise what it must have looked like until I got it loose and looked around at all the people looking at me.



    When I was in middle school, a sub started singing some weird things about noses or whatever and told us what all of our(the students') names meant in Polish or something. It was really weird... and I'm still confused to this day.


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    Post on Bored Panda.


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    Saw an elderly lady insert a hard boiled egg up inside her, it popped out and rolled across across a dirty beer puddled floor, and someone picked it up and ate it!!!!



    one time, I saw this dude in a Stitch (from Lilo and Stitch) onsie on a skateboard w a speaker playing some silly music at the beach once.

    I wanna be just like him =3



    Get up in the morning and go to work


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    Smol Frog
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    12 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Some people like their jobs, most people do not, but work is necessary for survival is most cases.

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    Pulled their kids out of school because they were teaching the kids what Racism was. These parents are the same parents that will pull their kids out of a class because it has a black kid in it.


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