Hey Pandas, What’s The Weirdest Thing You’ve Ever Seen In A Hospital? (Closed)
Some injuries are kinda "don't ask, don't tell" but what's the weirdest thing you saw in the hospital, and what do you think they were in for?
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A brain. I mean like they were calmly pushing a man on a bed through the corridor with his head open. Clearly cut open by a surgeon. and not just a little hole but a 10x10cm opening with the brain clearly visible. It was so cool and freaky at the same time
At one of the best hospitals in Greece, they had this cycling 7-minute advertisement for the hospital featuring male surgeons in their 40s, male radiologists in their 50s wearing glasses, and young men assisting patients into various high tech scanning equipment. Meanwhile, I was on the Infectious Diseases ward, with almost all female doctors, and the highly revered head doctor...also a woman.
Not that Greece is patriarchal or has any sexism...
I went to the hospital a bit as a little kid for ear tubes, and I vividly remember being given a popsicle while someone was screaming like a demon was dragging them under the ground in the room above me. Little me was thankfully coming off of whatever anesthetic thingy they used and didn't mind it, but looking back, I'm slightly baffled.
In the ER in Baltimore with several other college students, we all had N1H1 and were about to get quarantined before it was cool. We were all sick, throwing up and in a corner trying not to puke on anyone at like 1am. Then a dude ambled in with a towel duck taped around his foot and walks up to triage and says "I don't know what happened, but my foot is bleeding." She like ok, how bad? This dude is like "I dont know." Shes trying to give him a clipboard and asks "Is it still bleeding?" Dude says "I don't know." A nurse came out and looked down at his foot, but didn't unwrap it. She picked up a walkie talkie said something and when back behind the desk to take over. She has him fill out forms and then asks him a bunch of questions when all the sudden 4 cops come in and b line for him. His grabbed lifted off his feet by them and take back to the triage area and we never saw any of them again. He didn't protest or anything just kinda looked side to side as they carried him back. We think he got shot? Or shot himself in a robbery mabye and the cops had called the hospitals in the area? Not sure. He wasn't arrested or anything but 4 big burley cops just picked him and they all looked mad.
It wasn't weird for me, but certainly weird for the doctors:
Last year, I was going under general anesthesia for a procedure. After they turned on my IV drip and administered the anesthetic, they told me "you should be out within the next few minutes".
...30 minutes later, I was still 100% conscious and wondering why the f***k I was still awake. The doctors kept telling me "just give it a few more minutes, alright?". It wasn't until after about an hour that I actually lost consciousness. Before I was out I kept overhearing the doctors keep asking each other why tf I was still awake XD
I'd never been under anesthesia before so I had no idea that it wasn't normal, so I was just kinda sitting there as the doctors kept giving each other weird looks lmao.