If, like me, you are paralyzed with indecision due to the large number of weird things to choose from, just choose a weird one. It doesn't need to be the weirdest.


Here's mine: Today I overheard something to the effect of "yeah we follow the Geneva Convention" which was at a kid's birthday party, and thus was somewhat disturbing.
Of course, yesterday I said that "you can't have Anklet, Indiana, and Joe"; and yes, all of those were referring to "people" (in a logic puzzle).
(The most disturbing one without context originates in a list that I started to keep track of the weird things we said. I didn't note any context for this one, so it shall now forever be a mystery why in the world "the bomber lives on Sesame Street" was a phrase that ever came up in conversation.)


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My sister: Oh, THAT'S why he's the god of gay sex, because he HAD gay sex! (No context)


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One Time I overheard a Teenager, Probably 14-16, at the store say "Mmm These beans looking Reeeeeeaaaaaaallllllllll Juicy.


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From one of my friends: "You taste really oily. Wow. Mushroom pineapple."


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