Pickles and peanut butter? Grape soda and milk? Comment with yours!
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I have had a bacon and maple syrup donut. It was amazing!
It's like most terrible food combination stories, the school cafeteria. My friends and I were at our own table, minding our business when the group of boys beside us at their own table went "Ewwwww gross!!!! I dare you to eat that." My friends and I look over and see this terrible concoction of chocolate milk, mac 'n cheese, some sort of cafeteria meat, skittles and a bunch of cookie crumbs from a chocolate chip cookie that I assume they crumbled on whatever monstrosity it is.
One of these dudes was always known to be loaded with cash cause he made a bunch of bets at school. And I was broke (I'm still broke but not as bad) so I was like oh heck feed me that for x amount of money- I think it was like seventy bucks?
I ate the whole thing, it was disgusting and it ruined my stomach the rest of the day. But I was around 70 bucks richers and was able to treat my family to a nice dinner.
Pringles dipped in kephir (aged milk). Tastes like chips with sour cream.
One thing I do like is Roast pork hot or cold with cherry sauce made with fresh cherries and topped with sour cream.
Heat up some Heinz Chile Sauce to near boiling and add Welches Grape Jelly. Makes an awesome sweet n sour sauce. Someone offered me jalapeno ice cream one time. I was like, "Are you serious?" It was delicious.
I watched my mom make slow cooker meatballs and she dumped in welches grape jelly. I was shocked but it tasted fantastic
Canned chili with scrambled eggs and some cheese. sounds weird, but it's awesome!
Chocolate Chips with unsweetend applesauce, used to like it, but now it seems really gross that I look back at it.
I literally just tried that the other day. I didn't eat it together tho.
I drank pickle juice
Pickles and hot Cheetos. You take a tiny pickle, crumble up some hot Cheetos, and sprinkle it on top. It is actually pretty good.
Bacon with yogurt. Got the idea from my sister and it’s actually not bad!
When we were kids, my brother would warm up tortillas, put butter and potato chips on them and then put ketchup on them and eat it.
beef jerky and edamame crisps
My brother has always loved eating white rice with ketchup. I gag every time.
Okay, so I was very little (probably 4 years old) and I was being baby-sat when the sitter went to the restroom. I decided to get some orange juice and then noticed an apple. Now, I thought apple juice was straight from apples. So I squeezed the apple and mixed them. Then, I saw marshmallows on the table. I put those in and drank. The sitter came in a few minutes later to me laying in my own vomit. She never sat for me again after that.
cottage cheese and bacon actually really good
Apples and ketchup:i would get apple from mcdonalds (like when they still served good fresh apples) And i would dip them in ketchup and it would taste good because it was a sweet and savory flavor mixed together just so you know i am 13 and i did this when i was like 6 or 7
My brother and I once decided to dip our green beans in our leftover cinnamon roll frosting. I remember it being yummy... I think maybe if I were to try it again, I might think differently... 🤷♀️
My cousins used to put all kinds of weird combinations in the blender and dare each other to drink them. The last ingredient was always Pepto Bismo for when their stomach didn't agree with what they just ate :)
Pizza + Ketchup/BBQ sauce = Delicious.
Goldfish Crackers + Yogurt = Yummm
mustard + potatoes = Bleurgh
10 Different flavors of gum mixed together = Meh
Plastic Bag + Maple syrup = not bad
Eggplant + mayonnaise = vomit
Asparagus + white-sauce = ok
Dry cereal + Marshmallows + honey + raisin (warmed up for 3 minutes) = Really good...
And yes.. i did eat a plastic bag.
Peppermint extract with chamomile tea
French fries and ice cream, but trust me, if you like both of those things, you'll want to try them TOGETHER. (Fries on top of the ice cream is how I ate it, or youmcan just dip the fries in the ice cream, or any other way you can think of.)
Jellyfish and yoghurt.
In my defence, my step mother claimed that the yoghurt would make the jellyfish taste good...and I had to eat it or I didn't eat. Nope, absolutely nope. No.
Eggs poached in tomato soup. It's pretty standard in some places but was a shock to me when my husband whipped it up for dinner one night. Surprisingly delicious!
When our son was 7 years old, he took it upon himself to make a Mother’s Day breakfast for my wife before we got up. He took a grapefruit out of the fridge and decided to decorate it by affixing tiny gherkin cocktail pickles to the grapefruit with toothpicks, arranged in a sort of Sputnik motif. And that was breakfast in bed that day, with our heartiest compliments to the Chef!
Fish and chip shop chips with galaxy ripple chocolate melted on it
i was bored once when I was younger so i did a cooking competition (with just me lol) I technically just took a tortilla and put random stuff in it then I ate it. the only one I remember was yogurt and ham in a tortilla wrap which i actually still like but i now eat it just yogurt and ham.(i put yogurt on the hem then i roll the ham up then eat it) i am weird
Strawberry and cheese.
Remy did it and loved it. So I thought I would try it out....
Worst decision of my life..
I thought Remy was a professional...
Apples and ranch, not too bad actually
I have you all beat when my sister was younger she used to eat Cheeto Puffs and dip em in Ketchup and would just sit and eat half a bag like that
1) flour tortillas with Pb&j
2) refried black beans and banana sandwich
3)white rice and barbecue sauce (it was bad)
4) blueberry bagels with eggs and cheese (not bad though)
I make pb&j burritos. A flour tortilla is just another kind of bread.
I have 2 and my parents were grossed out by these
I put a carrot inside a chocolate roll thing it just made it crunchy instead of soft
And a Nutella sandwich with mayonnaise which I don't remember eating it let alone the taste
Ketchup and Macaroni i used to eat Ketchup with everything.
Huh? Ketchup and any form of noodles are absolutely normal here. It‘s THE dish you use ketchup for.
My unusual food fusions are mostly beverage based. One is to have some coconut water + tea. The other is coffee with a little fish sauce. I also love to add ketchup on salt & vinegar chips.
Peanut butter and miracle whip sandwich.
I didn't ike tomoatoes, so I had a BLT but instead of tomates, I put pickles. Bacon, Lettuce, and Pickles. it was actually good
Peanut butter and BBQ potato chip sandwich.
BBQ chips and dark chocolate is delicious together so I’ll have to try this!
I put Cheetos on peanut butter and jelly (learned from my dad). It’s delicious. Try it sometime
Peanut butter & jam on HAMBURGER!
Was a 'dare' item on a restaurant menu
Actually very good. Still occasionally make one myself at home
Burger place near me has a burger called sk8r boy and it has bacon, Monterey Jack and PB. I’ve never tried it but always think it over
Peaches and relish (it was a dare)
A hot sandwich with cheese, slices of Mars (you know, the cookie with carame & chocolate) and slices of banana. I used to eat that A LOT while I was a student and it’s absolutely fabulous.
Grapes with rosemary, when I was eightish. Also, when I was seven, I'd put marshmallows in all my drinks, including juice and water. I liked it then, but I'm never doing it again.
When I was a kid it was fried bologna and peanut butter sandwich. How in the world did I survive that?
When I was a child, I use to sneak into the fridge at night and take a piece of Oscar Mayer's bologna and put a huge Kraft's jet puff marshmallow in the middle and eat.
1. I used to eat mayo and jelly sandwiches in elementary school.
2. Wendy's Frosty and McDonald's fries.
3. Trader Joe's coffee ice cream and Kettle thick cut chips.
4. Hot Cherry pie with a fried egg on top for breakfast
5. Bacon seared and served with sunny side eggs on top drizzled in ketchup and served with Texas toast with melted mozzarella. (Had this in Japan)
6. Watermelon and salt.
7. Prawn brains.
8. Pregnant octopus heads.
My brother puts ketchup, mayo, ranch, and mustard on mac and cheese.
*ahem ahem*
Bread, cheese and jam.
Buttered bread (not toasted) with sugar sprinkled on top (no cinnamon). I think I was about 10.
i love toast with lots of butter, then sprinkled with lots of cinnamon and sugar.... IT IS AMAZING
Lettuce, jam, and cheese sandwich. Got the idea from Max and Ruby. I remember it being quite disgusting.
My mum once gave me a cucumber and Nutella sandwich to eat when I was 10. I cried because of how horrible it tasted.
I used to get just normal Mayonaise sandwiches. Now that I look back, I find that pretty weird. the rest of these are a sin to even think about.
OMG same! I used to take 2 pieces of plain bread, spread on some mayo, and called 'em mayo sandwiches. Took them to school everyday for, like, 2 years.
ok, 1. fries and ice cream
2. pineapple and spreadable cheese
3. whip cream and ketchup
4. mint gum and bubble gum (not sure if that counts)
5. sour cream and doritos
6. apple sauce and potatoes
7. pizza and spaghetti
8. funyuns and ice cream
9. hot dogs and marshmallows
10. cake and cooked groundbeef
Fries and Ice cream. It is common, guys. Plus, it's like the 5th post including this. It is not weird.
once during dinner there was a lot of stuff on the table i didnt like so i just poured it all in my bowl and stirred it. i remember there being broccoli and hot sauce with things like turkey.
Chicken salad. (or mock chicken salad.) in a popover. Sounds disgusting, is great.
over salted popovers also good i dont now maybe katchup chips and salty popovers pretty good treat for kids that have odd tastes
I already answered this, but I thought of more
1. Ketchup and mac n cheese
2. Put uncooked spaghetti through hot dog pieces before cooking and serve with ketchup instead of tomato sauce
3. Sugar on beef jerky
4. Pickles on pizza
5. cherry tomatoes with apple slices
Those don't sound that bad. Honestly, I think these are pretty good ideas. Except for cherry tomatoes with apple slices.
Bananas and ketchup. And pickle-doodles.
when i was little i used to squirt a strawberry yogurt tube onto a plate and pour Goldfish on top of it and then eat it with a spoon i think my nanny thought i was crazy
I used to dip my grilled cheese in ketchup. That was when I was little. My sister used to put ketchup in her mashed potatoes 🤣
Brown Ryvita with Chicken and Dark Chocolate - tastes amazing. First eaten on a vacation with fathers & children. Sooooo glad mothers weren't there
I love the salami sandwich with condensed milk, bacon with chocolate, donut with chili pepper jam, cucumber with wasabi. This is very strange for the taste of my Brazilian countrymen.
I love all those things separate, not sure how I feel about together!
I (still) like to take a green bell pepper, stuff it with chocolate chips, and microwave for 10 seconds. Also peanut butter and honey sandwiches with pretzel crisps (tastes like toffee and peanut butter bc of the honey with the crunchy texture)
I'm weird
1:french fries and whipped cream
2:toast with butter and sugar
3:orange juice and chocolate syrup
and 4: not me but my dad loves red rice with pieces of bannana in it. he says in great but i don't trust it. but the others a really good
Ik this is going to sound weird but it will change your life forever
Vanilla ice cream + Panda’s Chow Mein = Mind utterly blown
I ate peanut butter and cheez whiz sandwiches. Cheez whiz is a spread and dip that comes in a jar.
Peanut butter and yogurt. Also good: peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich. The trick to the sandwich is adding really crunchy lettuce.
1. strawberries and ranch 8/10
2. apples and ranch 3/10
3. waffles and ranch 4/10
4. pizza and ranch 5/10
6. white chocolate and spicy almonds 6/10
7. syrup and toast with butter 8.5/0
8. last combo but with cream cheese 10/10
Strawberry pretzel pie. Crushed pretzels mixed with butter and sugar baked. Then a layer of cream cheese mixed with whipped cream. Then a layer of strawberry jello with fresh strawberries. It’s a gift from the gods.
Pregnancy craving of peanut butter and baloney sandwich...only tried it once! That craving Gone!
A good one is pickles, cheese and mustard!
Fried egg on toasted raisin bread. Now I just have to add raisins to my fried egg sandwiches.
One time when I was really little I was crazy about chocolate. And so I mixed up lots of cocoa powder, sugar, and milk, and then I poured it over cucumbers and ate it lukewarm. It tasted weird, and I have no idea why it had to be cucumbers. I ate all of it
To any pandas who don’t like brussel sprouts try them with mayonnaise.
What you do is cut up the brussel sprouts, put a dollop of mayonnaise, and mix it up.
I know this sounds weird, but it’s f*****g delicious
Garlic fudge. I like them both, so sure, I'll try it. My brain actually went in 2 directions at the same time! Mmmm, fudgy yummy.... oh, garlic yummy... Sweet and tangy, stinky and smooth. Man, I could go for another piece of it!
put chese in grapefruit juice along with agave
no my sister volunterly made it eat it and liked it🤮
Load More Replies... The weirdest food I wish I never tried was an octopus
they had me eat it raw!
And this was in China...
I was on vacation in China for a few weeks and this happened like a month ago or so but it just didn't tell anyone...
When I was about 10 years old I drink pickle juice... And milk...
God! that was disgusting...
Peanut butter, avocado, bacon burger.
Trust me.
French toast with peanut butter and maple syrup. YUM!
I used to roll up oreos inside slices of pizza in kindergarten. I remember it being very good. Haven't tried it in awhile though!
Several combos here.
Good ones:
-A bite of carrot along with a couple of blueberries
-A spinach salad with mayo because we ran out of ranch
-Chocolate covered potato chips(it’s an actual thing, we got them at Trader Joe’s I think.)
Bad ones:
-A lollipop with ants in it, another one with a huge scorpion(I refuse to ever think about trying that. Saw it in some tiny shop near a lake.)
1.Eucalyptus and ketchup
2.dog with cat
3.honey and mustard
4.turkey and relish
5.squid tentacles and noodles
6.pie and chicken drumsticks
7.cereal and pepsi
So i used to eat these like whole wheat crackers, with Cottage cheese, Apple sauce, and Hummus. i still eat Cottage cheese and Apple sauce
Have Tried:
1. Ranch Dressing with Chicken
2. White Rice, ground beef or chicken, hot sauce, garlic salt. try it.
3. Banana Slices in a nutella sandwich (white bread)
4.Celery and cream cheese
5. Celery, peanut butter, and raisins
Want to Try:
1. French fries and ice cream
2. Potato chips with chocolate
sToRyTime :D
One day i was at Mission BBQ (great place) and i had one of the lil mac and cheese cups. I put in a squeeze of Texas Twang sauce, stirred that up, and it was omg heavenly XD i loved it soooo so much it was just.....mMmMm i want some now!
welp either potato chips and kectup or a milkshake and fries
Pretzel rods in fluff. So good.
Peanut butter on carrots.
Toasted English muffin with peanut butter an bacon.
I got this from a book and it sounds disgusting but pb&j with pickles its acctually really good
As a kid my sister dared me to dip my peanut butter chocolate rice crispy treat into my cola cola. I actually liked it. Gross!
I usually eat Burger King fries with sundae... it doesn’t taste bad.
Btw, sorry if my grammar is incorrect, I'm not a native speaker
1.Peanut butter/nutella sandwich.
2.Fishfingers and custard (Yes, The Doctor was right. it's delicious).
3.Apple sauce and mayo combi (big spoon applesauce, half spoon mayo, mix thoroughly).
Warm waffles with tuna salad.
This challenge made me remember about my family camping trip! When I was at the cottage, I tried Cheetos, Chips, and Sourcream. I have to confess, It was delicious!
Not a combination but two days ago my significant other decided to experiment whist cooking... deep fried Brussel Sprouts are not to be recommended.
Vanilla ice cream with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of salt. You can thank me later.
One time, a while back, I dipped an apple slice in ketchup. It wasn't as horrible as I was expecting, actually.
Once, I tried putting Orange Fanta in Tomato Soup. I've forgotten what it tasted like, though.
Puke and snot flavored jelly beans mixed into egg salad with mustard ketchup American cheese and finally some yogurt garnished with a handful of Frosted Flakes (🤷 I dunno I’m weird)
Ritz cracker, pepperoni, pepper jack cheese, and a grape (or grape jelly). Sounds weird and gross but trust me it is delicious!
Bacon milkshake. It was delicious.
Garlic icecream on the other hand was disgusting
Canned sardines and peanut butter on crackers. For some reason, my first year of college I LOVED this.