I'm ambulatory disabled and use public transport a lot. 9 times out of 10 there are able bodied people in the priority seats with bags next to them and they look at you like you're talking swahili when you ask them to move the bags! Currently 8 priority seats with just 4 people using them all.


When people think me expressing my opinion is an attack on their stance. There can be multiple right and wrong answers to things. The world isn’t black and white


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cartoon ghosts
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah, people are allowed to have different opinions. The only time that ever isn't true is when your opinion is actively hurting people, which is mainly true of bigotry. The existence of another opinion is not a threat to yours


    For me, it's people who refuse to accept others, particularly when it comes to issues like racism, LGBTQ+ hatred, misogyny, religion, and so on. It really grinds my gears.

    Also, it's annoying when I have to ask someone to repeat themselves for the third time because I couldn't catch what they said the first two times.



    The fact that my friends dads are absolutely terrible towards my friends. Were all almost 30 years old and still there dads manage to make there lives terrible and me so angry and sad at the same time


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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Damn, that absolutely sucks. Honestly, their dads sound like complete a-holes. Especially when they're freaking almost 30 year old adults. I hope you're all able to rid yourselves of their sewage water toxic personalities. You're friends deserve better from their own petty AF fathers. I hope you have a good day. 👋


    previous bully talks to me like nothing happened.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh hell naw I remind them of it and tell them to speak to the hand


    Having to work for a living.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well Nathaniel you’re supposed to be the wise village elder we teens consult. How else did you expect to make a living?


    Okay, one thing I absolutely freaking hate with my whole life is being ignored. Accident? That's ok... But if I'm calling your name 6 times and not getting your attention do not ask me again and demand me to tell you when I tell you "nothing". Nothing is nothing for me lol. It's a huge turnoff for me. I'm sensitive I know lol



    I'm not a very easily aggravated person, but when people are just incredibly unintelligent. I hate it about myself but it just frustrates me hugely when people take a while to get something I think is fairly easy the understand, it's exhausting. It's adorable when it's kids doing it and I can help teach them (especially when the kids grasp the concept quickly) but there's this guy who was in my class last year and he's genuinely a great guy, really friendly and kind, but he just gets on my nerves. He always thinks he's just said something super funny whenever he talks, he raises his hand about everything just to spent 5 minutes very very slowly articulating his very incorrect (or very obvious) idea about something (usually science) and the teacher always had to take like 10 minutes to teach him something specifically. He's a really genuinely good person and I do like him, but it's just exhausting to hear him speak. I'd never say anything about it cause he doesn't deserve to feel bad about it, but I seriously can't stand it


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    Well right now, people going crazy about the sun bear in China being a human in a costume. Can this species get more pathetic? 🤨



    My twin at the moment. It’s the last few weeks of summer and we’ve been locked inside the same house together for far too long


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    1) Ignorance. It feeds hate, discrimination, segregation, poverty, war, hunger: everything that is awful stems from ignorance.

    2) Inauthenticity. Both in person and on social media. It's boring and pathetic.

    3) Waste. Food, water, resources. Most people who can over-indulge, do. For them, those who are lacking essential resources barely cross their minds, if they do at all.

    Food waste!


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    Karen Bird
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My boyfriend can't understand why I'm pissed with him for wasting a meal due to being hungover. He's 50 years old!!!

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    Something my Asian parents do. I already have enough self loathing and low self esteem as is. I don’t have confidence. If a teacher of mine compliments me or says something like your child is talented or your child is doing well (in front of me) instead of just nodding or being proud of me, they say things like “oh really?” or “are you sure?” in a tone of disbelief. And then they’re like we’re just joking. Yeah well I’m doing my best and to hear a teacher of mine say that means a lot to me. Even if a part of me doesn’t really believe it. I can’t be confident in the things I do if my parents act like they don’t believe in me.


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    Karen Bird
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Your achievements are wonderful and would leave probably 90% of the population of earth in awe of you. Think of those people and ignore your parents. They're currently getting a C- and really need to try harder.

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