Hi Pandas! I’ve seen a lot of these and thought I’d try and make one since they’re so much fun! Can’t wait to see your answers!


Once I was at a water park with my family and keep in mind I had on a one piece swimsuit with shorts because I was 12, and these guys that look around 18 come to me tell me to “show some more skin”


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's disturbing. Men of any age have no right to talk to women of any age like that.

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    I had a guy tell me that I was a very sensual lady. I was young, so I didn't know what it meant. I just nervously smiled and walked away. He was my gym teacher.



    I am quite attractive but it was one of those days where I woke up feeling and looking like shit. After a very stressful day at school, I headed to the restaurant with my friends because we hadn't eaten all day, and we were all grumpy. This random guy walked passed me and dragged me towards a mirror(we have mirrors placed at strategic positions in my school) and said "Look in the mirror, you're beautiful". I kid you not when I say I was beyond dumbstruck. I couldn't stop smiling all day. Now, I give compliments to random strangers just to see them smile. You never know, you just might make someone's day a little more bearable.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    P.S - I never saw the guy again, hell I can't even remember his face (I'm terrible with faces). I wish I had given him a hug tho.

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    Strangest encounter/thing someone has said to me:

    Walking through a basement hallway in the complex I work in, a very fast-walking, clearly manic man zips by me and a few guys I work with. He turns on his heels, comes back to us, stares us in the face and pants out "HEY! What sound does a dog make when you dip it in gasoline and set it on fire? WOOF!" and then dashed off.

    It was... unsettling to say the least.



    Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me, i aint the sharpest tool in the shed


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    Anthony Goldstein (female)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    She was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an "L" on her forehead.

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    One time, when I was volunteering at a Christmas fair, a woman walked up to me and called me a "Chubber Bubber." That same exact day, someone also told me that I look like a "Three-legged chicken with a tumor." Nice to know that people think so highly of me...


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    Kari Panda
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I‘m so sorry to hear that. The thing is, you said you volunteered at a christmas fair, which leaves me inclined to think that you‘re a kind person. Those people however? Definitly not kind. And that makes you immeasurably more likeable.

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    OH well. I was in a bas a few year back and a man came to me and asked if I would like to dance. I politely declined to which after a small pause he replied "Okay then stand in my farts then" and left.
    I did not continue standing in his warm air biscuit..



    During my first days in college a guy made a remark in class: "you have big breasts." I didn't feel flattered at all. To me it was a weird comment to say to someone you hardly know and it made me very self-conscious.



    Once I was shopping with friends and I wearing a t-shirt that said "My cat is my best friend" and some guy came up to me and said, "Your cat is your best friend? My pu** is mine too!" while pointing downward. Sure enough he had a giant belt buckle with a photo of his cat. I'll never forget it.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Okay that's hilarious and disturbing at the same time. Wonder if he planned that?

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    My English teacher asked me and my friend how long we had been married because apparently we were fighting like husband and wife over something stupid. I was not expecting that.



    Well I was really little and playing Roblox and this guy said," I'm your crush from school." me not having a rush and still thinking boys had cooties said I don't have a crush. he kept asking for my name saying that he knows me but he wants to make sure it's me and kept asking who i like. Once I realized he was a monster I made up a name and he said thats me and I asked his last name and he said," Lord Thunderbird!" Yea...



    Someone once said to me that you’re short I was like woahhh no way! (I’m 4’11 in the 7th grade)


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm 5'0". When I was a teen, I wanted to be taller. But that never happened. At your age, you might get taller. Either way, just love yourself the way you are. ❤️

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    Old roommate called herself ‘an ugly potato’ once. She had bad self-esteem, but to this day I still think it was a bizarre metaphor to use when referring to oneself. I didn’t think she looked like a potato at all. She’s quite pretty!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's sad. There could have been someone in her life who did say that to her. Low self esteem comes from how other people treat you. You internalize it.

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    I was once called a cute little worm by a friend, I am a proud little worm!



    Okay, talking with my friend (who I may have a crush on...), and we looked over and this couple was making out. We were both like eeeew and turned around. We were laughing about it and he was like "Someday we'll be laughing on how silly it was that we thought that was gross..." Then I was like "Ha yeah" Then he said "Hopefully together" and turned tomato red. He was like " Uhhhh didn't mean to say it like that!"
    Anyways, it was funny and SOOO awkward.



    Unsure if it counts but when I was young a stranger walked up to me, screamed "AAAAAAAAAAA!" in my face, and calmly walked away.



    My drunk MIL walked in on me in the nude and called me a Windsor beauty. Still have no idea if it was a compliment compliment or a backhanded compliment coz of my weight.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windsor_Beauties might answer the question.

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    Someone called me a sexy beast and hen I just stared at them silently then they asked me if we could go on a date now


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They might be just awkward at pickup lines. There are a lot better things they could have said.

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    My friends used to be addicted to Narwhal.io, and we were hanging out in a classroom during lunch (6th grade), and I'm doing some homework and I hear,
    "Don't you hate it when you kill someone and their flesh gets stuck on your narwhal horn?" in a southern drawl.
    It's now just slang for a bad day in our friend group.
    But it was alarming when I first heard it.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It was probably an inside joke for whoever said it originally, lol- makes me wonder what people think who hear the kinds of conversations my friends and I have

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    Here is an incident I still laugh about 4 decades later. My first child was born by an emergency cesarean. I had a lot of complications and was in the hospital for 8 days recovering.I was still very swollen in the abdomen and looked like I was still pregnant. When my son was about 2 weeks old, I was in public with my mil, who was holding the baby. A friendly woman approached and fussed over the baby, asking how old he was. My mil told her "2 weeks." The lady then turned to me and asked "And when are you due?" The poor lady was so embarrassed.



    My own sister told me I look like an Anime character. She was right of course but it still was weird.



    When I was little I was really picky and my mom called me "a skeleton"



    I ride the bus with my best friend and we always talk about how we both wish we had girlfriends. And my friend said "I'm not hot enough to date any of the lesbians we know" to which I said, "I don't know, I think you're pretty hot." I meant it but I didn't mean to say that out loud so I started to die inside and then she said "I think you're hot too" and that sent my brain spinning.



    One morning I went for a sunrise walk in my neighbourhood. I had been up all night, crying because my then boyfriend had broken up with me. While walking I passed a group of people, probably on their way home from spending the night out. I was living in Montreal, which makes this unique, because one of the men in the group turned to say to me, "You look like you've had too much to think." He said it in English, not French. I was stunned, and stood there, watching the group walk away. That was over 30 years ago, and I've never forgotten that.


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    I am a Soprano 1 in a choir and my fellow soprano friends call ourselves “screeching crows”.



    "I support Trump." coming from a friend, but we stayed friends.



    During elementary school, someone came up to me and randomly asked me if they could hug me. She was taller than me, and had a bigger girth then me. I said sure, because I thought what harm could it do. Then she hugged me. Then walked to class.
    Unless she put a tracker on me, I don't regret it



    I walked past a random person on the street, I couldn't see the face since he/she was wearing a black hoodie. I know this might sound weird but he/she said in a raspy voice that "Beware a stranger in black". I walked past and looked back but he/she was gone. Maybe a prank? Anyone knows what that means?



    Same friend was being picked on by a kid at a hotel pool same year, and she told him not to mess with her because she was fourteen. (she was eleven). He said she was too small and she told him, "EXCUSE ME! I have a form of dwarfism where I look smaller than I appear!"
    He apologized profusely as she rode away on our other friend's shoulders.



    This guy at the mall a year ago grabbed my face and said that the Dukes were coming and I needed to hide my angelic signature or I would be forced to work my demon appointed duty



    My family went to a restaurant with a family that we knew, and they had invited some friends of theirs. The family we knew had a kid that was like 3 or 4 years older than me, and the kid from the family they invited was about the same age as him. I was wearing a shirt with kind of a low neck but in no way inappropriate for my age. Well, I was leaning forward and the kid from the family we didn't know made a comment about my cleavage, which made things very uncomfortable. I was like 8.



    Ok so me and my sis were singing the song that goes, "Down by the bay..." for no reason while doing our hoework but one of us would sing a line and then the other would echo, so she was singing the lines first and it went:
    Her: Down by the bay
    Me: Down by the bay
    Her: Where the watermelons grow
    Me: Where the watermelons grow
    Her: I want to kill you
    Me: Uh no... wait WHAT
    Her: Im sorry i didnt mean to say that it just slipped out!!
    Me: why were u even thinking that!!!
    Her: *Says nothing*
    (Insert laughing that kinda sounds like a cow and a chicken both choking and drowning at the same time)



    when ever someone says a bad word my friend says language you potato. also, I was talking with my mom and I said I was a friend of nature and my mom jokingly said more like a freak of nature. she gave me ice cream afterwards and said sorry.


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    I was in third grade, and it was about a year after i was diagnosed with ADHd, and I told my class about it and one of the kids-with a straight face- said " OH! So you have that thing that makes get distracted by squirrels!!!"



    My shower curtain needs a shammy (a clean)



    A seemingly normal man on a park bench looked over at me (on the opposite bench) and yelled loudly "I know you killed Biggie!!!!". He hurled a mango at me and sauntered off.



    Hmm so my friend calls me a twig all the time because I have really long skinny legs. Also I have this friend (may or may not be my crush ;)) and we got together last thanksgiving and we were really awkward at first and our parents started saying, "Aww, you guys should totally get married!" And we're just looking at each other like, what the hell. It was sooo embarrassing. Also my sister likes to call me a zombie sheep from outer space


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    in the middle of art this guy came up to me winked and said "hey girl you hot" and walked away



    High school student raised her hand to tell me in the middle of a lesson that I remind her of a golden retriever. (".....thank you?")


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    "You're a nerd because you wear glasses. I also wear glasses, so I'm a nerd too."
    This kid also called me a leprechaun when he referred to me at any time.


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    “Don’t open the pickle jar- my phone’s in there”


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    I'm mixed and people always assume I'm any other race. The most popular one is Hispanic. Most commonly labeled by older Caucasian women.


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    One time i was playing roblox and someone friended me and kept asking me if I wanted to be his girl I was like no so i blocked him and i made sure to report him



    I was at a park and I'm seven at the time and its the summer I'm ring shorts and a T and these random 13 year old boys come over and say want to go on a date


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    Been a musician for 25 years. In a discussion about writing songs someone told me: "You are not a musician, if you aren't able to write songs."
    That person, my dear, is called "composer". You're welcome.


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    I was at work (retail) and a customer called me over to help them find someone.

    After I got what they were looking for they said something along the lines of "you don't look like you belong here'.

    I was like 'oh? what do you mean' and he just replied by saying 'you look like you should be doing other things, greater things, you're gonna go places in the future.'

    I was like 'thanks'. Strange conversation, but a compliment I guess :)


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    One time, I was playing roblox and some guy asked in the chat "ANYONE WANNA BE MY GIRL" and I said yes, to maybe try and troll him and get "NO ONLINE DATING" into that obnoxiously thick skull of his.

    As soon as I said yes, he "took" off his clothes. And then he said "You know you want it bb"

    I regret saying yes.
    Do not do this.


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    I was savin' this one for something like this:
    "Tiny foods of banana meat is like a fox winged hair to go."



    I was once asked if I am Mexican... I am very obviously Asian.


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    Well, one of my friend's has said a lot of strange things to me. As follows are just a few examples.
    one time me and him were playing video games at my house. we were playing a air ship battle game. it was on an atari, so it wasn't a great game, and it was kinda boring. then all of a sudden, out of no where, he half sang half yodeled "joy!!!!!!!!" and then acted like nothing had happened.

    another time, we were at his house, and then he started rambling on about "crow be say jay osh" and how I should know him, and why don't I know crow be say jay osh.

    I'm sure if I had a hour, I could come up with lots more, but these are the first two that came to mind.


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    When I was younger my mom or my Aunt would braid my hair and put beads in it. I went to a school with a lot of girls with similar hair styles. One day my gym teacher told me to close the door but said the name of a different girl's name. When I pointed it out to her she said that all of us look the same to her and that it didn't matter. I was younger at the time and didn't realize how wrong it was but it still upset me even then


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    My close friend had just finished a (disastrous) sugar high after gorging herself on cake and was on a (terrible) sugar crash. She leaned on my shoulder and was like "I like your eyelashes. They look like palm trees."
    (I think it was a compliment)
    Also, this one guy in my class whom I respect but dislike was in a verbal argument with me.
    We were firing off insults at each other and then he called me a piece of bastard. Not even a full bastard. Still haven't recovered 😆😆


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    One time I came down the steps from the trains in a very busy crowd. Some feet across the hallway a guy saw me and his eyes lighted up. I just looked into his eyes and he called out "I want to marry you!" He was not too bad looking and trying to get to me but the crowd pushed him away. I was too shy to react but remember this still 30 years later.


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    When I broke up with a friend and she said "I love your personality- we rock!"


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    Somewhere in my thirties, I walked past a man with two little ones on either side. He called after me in a friendly voice "I'm looking for a mother for my children." I pretended not to hear, but it made me smile. Over the years it sometimes popped back in my mind. It has been proven a warm memory that strangers may think of you as being more than all right even when you think you're not good enough.


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    I just remembered- an old enemy of mine from elementary school found me and called me a 'DEFLATED CHIPMUNK'


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I call people "boiled sewer rats." Use that on them next time. Also, PRAISE LORD ZUKO. :)

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    Riding our bikes one day and some typical Karen with her tiny fluffy white dog yells, "Dirty kids needa stop at the stop sign!" We were on bikes. On the SIDEWALK.


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    One person once called me an "Albino daughter of an African warlord". He was convinced I was African for some reason even though I'm white. I don't know about the African warlord part though...


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    One time, my sister told me (to the tune of 'Apples and Bananas'): I need to light, light, light, light your corpse. I need to light, light, light, light you corpse. I need to light, light, light, light your corpse. And no one one one will ever find your body



    One time, my sister asked me if I wanted to see a fake dead body.


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    Anarchy (they/them)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would've responded "Yeah and afterwards do you want to see a real dead body?"

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    "Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"



    I was once asked if I was Mexican... I am very obviously Asian.


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    Once I was on Roblox on my cousins account, and I was going around with my avatar looking like a girl (cuz I'm a demigirl). So one of his friends ran up to me like 'OMG DILAN I THOUGHT YOU WERE A DUDE' and I was like 'No, I'm not Dilan, I'm his cousin Sienna on his account.'
    So the guy just said 'Ever think when you sneeze it's like your nose just had an orgasm?' and walked away.
    It still bothers me, three years later.


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    Anarchy (they/them)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well he's not wrong. A sneeze is 1/8 of an orgasm. Sorry for imparting this knowledge onto you

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    When my nephew was 5 he said "auntie Christina' your face is unusual." Um, thanks, bud.


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