People usually aren't careless when choosing a username. Any interesting reason behind your choice?
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The name Kalmar is Swedish, a large part of my ancestry. I also read the name in a book and loved how it sounded, even though it's not a female name
I have a silly question. ☺ I know the word Kalmar as a type of octopus/squid (that's the German version, in other languages it's similar, e.g. "calamar" in Spanish), so does it have that meaning in Swedish too?
I think mine is self explaining ;)
i love turtles both in real life and cartoons but my all time favorite is turtwig (who is no longer my pfp)
I was talking to my friend about getting a new username and he said Duckbadger as a joke and the rest is history
Reference to Back To The Future
The main character of the Anime series Aggretsuko is called Retsuko, and she's a red panda. I don't mean to advertise N*tfl*x but I really love this series, and when I discovered BP, I figured, well... a red panda is a panda, right? So now I'm a bored (red) panda.
My friend pushed and pushed for me to watch this because she said I reminded her of Retsuko. I am now in love with the series.
The book and Netflix series Heartstopper has a character named Charlie Spring and he is just like me on so many levels because he has friends who protect him and I also have friends that are the same way, and I find him really cute (i simp for him). The he/him is because I was assigned female at birth but I didn’t feel like it was who I truly am and I’m who I am and I’m finally happy with my identity. So I guess by that, I’m coming out of the closet as a trans boy.
Sexuality+favourite animal+pronouns 👍
Gotta ask, why do people on here feel the need to state their sexuality? I’m not planning on dating you so why do I need to know? Please don’t take offense I’m just kinda ignorant about this kind of stuff
I'm a 90s kid and I always liked Emily Strange. Never had any of the merch but I wanted it.
as the oldest child of four (the youngest being 7mo old currently) Im often forgotten in my household. and i call everyone a loser, including myself so decided to make a username out of it. not really creative but whatever
Down With Agent Hedgehog: my own nickname is Agent Hedgehog because I make a comic with my frenemies called the Agents, it’s like a bunch of sarcastic teens with superpowers going around to save the galaxy from a mad scientist called Dr. Unknown.
it's from all the ace memes about axolotls, and i put my pronouns so ppl know how to refer to me
My name sounds like Emlin and Emlin sounds like Gremlin and my friends basically only call me Gremlin now
ive actually changed my username a lot, but i decided on tater_tot because i love tater tots and its also my friends’ nickname for me :)
My gold fish level, atention spam, i had to get a usernAme that i would be able to remember, só, my Birth sign and date.
Well, I took a Harry Potter quiz and I'm a Hufflepuff, and my lucky number is 7, so there you go
My first name should have been Alexia, just like my godmother. However my mother wanted a different name for me, so my godmother indulged her. Personally I love the name Alexia more than my own :)
I just kinda made a a character named Aspen who’s an anthropomorphic wolf and boom: username
RARA is my favorite character of any book, and I am OBSESSED with reading, so that means a lot. Plus I liked her fanart, so I used that as my pfp :)
A randomly generated PlayStation username was improperegg593
I decided to use improper as my user for everything- it’s even my wattpad-
I love Halloween and I'm a teenager, it's not a complex username but I love rhymes so I like it.
My name rhymes with both (and I'm a teen as well, so infinite dad jokes for my father)!!
Pretty simple actually. Always liked the name Ivy because it gives a very woodsy vibe even though it's not my real name. Also foxes are my favorite animal so I combined the two :)
Oh boy I've always wanted someone to ask this. I made a character for a story I was writing a few years ago but eventually figured that they don't exactly have a purpose in the story. The character doesn't exist now but I liked the name enough to keep it and replace my placeholder name.
Also I like red :)
I came up with my name in the middle of the night. I was so tired that everything was amusing and the jukebox inside my head was playing Michael Jackson's song Billie Jean. So Lillie Mean is an inside joke with myself.
I love languages and German is my favorite. Deutschland Mädchen means 'Germany Girl'. I've thought about changing it or my profile pic a few times but I think I've gotten pretty used to this one and I don't think I will.
If you change it, I won’t be able to recognize your comments and posts!
I love frogs and my mom is always telling me to let go of my grudges from elementary school, so it’s fitting
I didn't know what to make my username..And I definitely didn't want my old childhood usernames 😳
I used to do sfw fnaf rp as withered bonnie and my name on twitter was witherboni, so i just took the last part and added an O
Mine has been a screen name for a while(Amber is my irl name but I added .exe) and my pronouns are in there after seeing other pandas put there’s
Well, for starters I am married (Mrs.) King is my married last name and the number is the date I took on this last name.
Well normally my username is TwofacedPlace45, and that's because my Xbox randomly generated it when I was like 8 and it stuck lol. So now it's my username for everywhere but here
Mine is kind of self explanatory but whatever its because I am Iconic. I mean its mostly a joke I dont mean to say I'm better than other people but yeah that's it.
licht means light in german
nuit means night in french
my first name also means "light", and I've always loved the night and the goddess Nyx
my initials are LN
My name is Bob and I'm from Philadelphia, PA USA. Back in the days of Commodore 64s, I used an online service called Q-Link. It asked for a user name and I tried to be creative but it was either taken (IE: FlyersFan, FlyerBob, IgglesFan, you get the idea) and every time Q-Link would suggest something like "RobertS157" etc. Sounded like a robot model number! So I just typed in the fact that I'm from Philly and my name is Bob. It took and so user Philly Bob was born! I used it as a SysOp handle when I ran my own BBS and 36 years later I'm still known on the webs (and on a few album liner notes!) as Philly Bob! Moved away and for some reason, my new friends call me that. Or just plain Philly. I do however, get "Billy Bob" on many first introductions and have to correct them by saying "Philadelphia Robert!"
I’m a Twenty One Pilots fan, so Blurryface. “My name’s Blurryface and I care what you think.” - Stressed Out, from the album Blurryface.
Ignore that post above, my username is based off of Technoblade’s (rest in peace), and when he died, I realized this was the perfect chance to become his successor. So, I figured since Techno and Dubstep are both types of music, so I added Blade to it, and now it’s my username.
When I became a college DJ way back in the day, we had to choose an on-air name and I drew a blank (pun intended). Where we had to enter it on the form it said, "Fill in the blank," so...
People are always complaining about onion cutting ninjas and it is me and it has been the whole time
I'm a Harry Potter and Queen fan. So I thought of a creative name and came up with this username. I don't think I will change it though.
my name's Istax because I saw a Pringles packet with an advert for an "Instax" brand camera... I change a letter and got my name!
I chose Huddo's sister because that is the only nickname that really stuck when I was at school. I am the older siblings but my brother was always more social and known as Huddo so when someone asked who I was the answer was Huddo's sister.
I came across the name Actaeon from Greek mythology and used it for a writing project. Eventually, I changed the main character's name but Actaeon had grown on me.
I grew up in the Bible Belt and have been agnostic since middle school. My family was furious to hear this and probably the most disappointed I've seen them at me (they ignore it at this point). Due to the reactions of southerners to anything less than Christian, I tacked on the name Cross as a little joke to me.
So, rather than being torn apart by hounds, I've been torn apart by family and some others for not believing in the Good Lord.
Well I loved the name Storm but It was used a lot and I always had trouble using it it was often taken so I thought well I need a new name so I thought for a while and found i lov the terms that ended in 'ified'
Mine is pretty straight forward. Everyone calls me Caro (if I'm lucky).
'Wide awake at 3am' because just that. Tis better to Bored Panda at that hour than to read news websites.
Mattewis is a cartoon cat from an 90's cartoon/puppet show called "Liewe Heksie"
He belonged to a sweet but not-so-bright witch. - My favourite show as a child.
The 88 is my birth year which I only add if the username is already taken.
I’ve always been super paranoid about someone I know recognizing me on here, so I came up with the idea of not really using a name at all. Now I’m “not telling you “ my name
I love Greek Mythology, and thought that Persephone hates Pomegranate would be funny.
The story is that Hades (the God of the Underworld) was lonely and wanted a wife. So he snuck up to Olympus and looked for a suitable wife. He saw Persephone, the goddess of agriculture, and kidnapped her and brought her back to the Underworld.
He decided to give her six pomegranate seeds to eat. She did, and he then told her that she would have to spend 6 months out of the year. Persephones mother, Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, was super sad, and left the harvest to die as she went to go look for her daughter, which meant the harvest died. This is why we have winter.
Karma is a b***h. I pushed my brother and he fell down two steps. I was about 8 and he was about 5. 10 years later, I fell down the stairs and broke both my legs and one arm. Well played Karma *slowly claps*
So I've made this account pretty recently, and when I was coming up with a username, I had two criteria I wanted to fulfill:
1) Has only the vaguest connection to me
2) Was nerdy(like me)
Context for the first condition: I'm also writing a Miraculous Ladybug fanfic on Tumblr under the same username, and maybe there are some people in my life who I don't want knowing about this.
So I decided to play around with scientific names for animals to come up with usernames. Potential ones included:
La Scrofa
Indica Maxima
Eventually I settled on Lea Panthera. Why? Because it was a variation of Panthera leo, the scientific name of the lion. Assuming that the feminine version would then be Panthera Lea, I just switched the words around for a pinch of originality.
My sister has a aunt in law named Minnie Ellen.
I am 5 feet tall, short, and me neices and nephews started calling me Aunt Mini.
So now, 2 of my grandkids call me Mini.
My other grandchild calls me Yaya.
Put them together you have Mini Yaya
The word triskaidekaphobia is the irrational fear of the number 13 and i both love that it exists and that it exists because it is stupid. The number 13 is just a number, nothing special.
In PC game "Stronghold 2" a voice in the main menu always greeted you with "Welcome Sire". As a result I first entered "Sire" and later on "Sir" as the player name for the game and then for more and more games. Then when steam came along and wanted a unique and permanent username, I just added my name to "Sir". - - - - - and now I use that for logins on a veriety of websites.
My actual name is spelled Lyndsey. Rhymes with Catastrophe. I needed something to give a clue to my personality, and that one worked. I'm a mess, rugs purposefully trip me and chairs move on their own. Clumsy doesn't even begin to describe me.
Since 2008 I've been dealing with blood issues, and in 2015 was diagnosed with Polycythemia Vera, which is a rare type of blood cancer usually found in people in their 60-70s, and I got diagnosed at 28. So because my life basically revolves around my blood, I figured "Blood Candy" sounded fitting because despite the unpleasantness, I'm also pretty sweet :)
My husband's nickname for me is penguin and I'm a cat mom to a Maine C**n mix boi.
I couldn’t think of anything, I tried my normal username Low_Wifi but it didn’t let me use that for some reason, so I thought “What if I went unnamed?” And I added Hooman to the end (like Human) so I am Unnamed Hooman
My username is anime_girl. Basically, I chose this because ‘anime’ = literally the best thing in the entire universe and ‘girl’ = me (biologically female and she/her)
Not very inspiring, but just wanted to share the fact that anime is the best thing in the history of the world.
✌🏼, anime_girl
Pretty self-explanatory.
And the pfp is Charlie Spring's phone screen in Heartstopper.
well it used to be until i changed it!!! darcy is my favorite Heartstopper character btw
Fahrenheit 451 was always one of my favorite novels and I like the was "Lee451" looks. Even had that as my licence plates for about 10 years.
Bgray is my first initial, followed by an abbreviation of my last name. 450 was my driver number when I drove a cab in Prescott AZ in the early 2000's, one of my favorite jobs.
I really like Street Fighter II, and have beaten it while maining Guile. It's pretty self explained if I'm being honest
I really love weird core and loved the name of "Azure Delta"
I changed it up to be more memorable to "aZUre d3Lta" but it still didn't feel quite right, and changed it to "aZUre_d3Lta"
I couldn't quite master the feel until my cousin said azzy would be a cute nickname for an azure
so here i am, aZZy_ d3Lta.
I like reading about Greek mythology and I think Hestia is the only one who didn't ever mess things up.
my sexuality+ my nickname that my sister gave me when she was a baby and mispronunciation my name
A DJ in Philly randomly called me by this name at a party in our 20’s & it stuck… that was 25 years ago.
Mine is from a comic book Pinocchio the Vampire Slayer. There's these little black rabbits called the rabbits of ill portent and they're adorable despite telling Pinocchio that bad things are going to happen