We all have bad dreams. I'd love to hear the ones that have stuck with you.
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It's a dream that scared the life out of everyone in my house.
I remember being dragged by a woman named Gail into a freezing, death black place. I kept screaming at her to release me. I was not going there, etc. At the top of my lungs. I grabbed onto something to keep me in the light.
Then I woke up, panting, sweating & scared.
I had a death grip on my husband's leg, just around his knee, since my body was falling off the bed.He was trying to back up to the headboard with a white face. My 2 son's, one late teen and the other early 20's, plus a girlfriend were standing in the doorway scared as hell.
When I asked them about it, they said I was screaming some foreign language with a very scary male demon voice.
My husband left 1 1/2 hour early for work, and no one else wanted to be around me. I have had insomnia since.
That is so sad that your husband went to work early and the other's didn't want to be around you. I am sure you needed comfort after. I can't imagine why someone wouldn't want to be with you after this or take you to get evaluated.
My brother and I are on an old-fashioned rollercoaster. It creaks and groans on the way up and hits the first curve with a jolt. The second curve is incredibly sharp and the car doesn't make it. It tips all the passengers out and we tumble towards the ground. Bodies split like watermelons fired from a cannon and I wake up screaming as I watch my brother explode.
Over 60 years later, I still cannot look at a rollercoaster without being terrified.
The only time I've had sleep paralysis. Never forgetting that feeling.
Omg imagine how uncomfortable it would be if you were stuck in a weird position
Recurring nightmares:
1) as a child I had a cartoon dream where I was watching a butterfly gracefully glide down a road with a bright, colorful sky and green grass with flowers on the side. The scene felt warm and comforting... Until! The butterfly approached the top of a hill and suddenly, I had a sense of dread. As soon as the butterfly crested over the hill everything turned to black and white and when the butterfly went down the other side of the hill, there was a broken down little shack on the side of the road. As soon as I saw that, it was pure terror and I woke up screaming. I had that nightmare dozens of times. I think I only had it at my Grandma's house, which was haunted (got proof), so that may have been the cause.
#2) The infamous, and reportedly most common recurring dream (in varying forms): Finding myself in a university class at the end of the semester and realizing that I hadn't gone the whole time and didn't do any of the work or study for the tests. It was the last class I needed to graduate. Always, fully believed it was real, even for a minute after I woke up. Extremely disturbing. I was shocked later on in life how many people have this, but happy to report that I successfully graduated with honors IRL.
2. I have it. Almost always math class. Sometimes can't find the classroom.
After my husband had a stroke and was pronounced brain dead the hospital misplaced his body for 10 agonizing days. Each night, until he was finally released to the funeral home I had a dream in which he was trying to tell me something but due to the stroke his ability to communicate clearly was destroyed.
I would try and guess what he was saying, the only thing he said that I understood was, "NO!!" while making a sweeping arm gesture. I would guess again, it would be wrong as well. This only angered him further and I would be crying, "Please, baby! I can't understand you! I'm trying!" I would keep guessing, it was always wrong, he kept angrily shouting "NO!" before spewing more garbled speech.
I would awaken, hysterically crying only to feel a fleeting moment of relief that it was just a dream. This was quickly followed by the horrifying realization that I had just lost my husband. From a nightmare, straight into a nightmare I couldn't awaken from.
Oh my dear... I'm so very sorry. If there was a way to take that horror from you, I would. Hope you've found a measure of peace and a few unexpected joys.
I keep dreaming that I go into a stadium that is filled with balls(like a giant ball pit), and I fall in, and my mom tries to help me up, but the more I move the more we both age.Every time, I wake up crying and go to hug someone or a stuffed animal or something.
ok so I was 5 or 6 and it was alwase the same I was in my room with a parrot and some friends suddenily everyone eyes turned a bright glowing red. It got dark I ran out of my room because my friends where trying to kill me. And then An angel flashed in my vision andit was over. (this is my first time posting)
When I was 6 years old I was sitting down for story time with my school class. I was getting cramp so adjusted my leg and let out a world ending fart in front of everyone. I'm 43 now and it still sends shivers down my spine. This might not be an answer that the question intended but the was a nightmare I've never forgotten.
Warning: discusses trauma and suicide
When I was about three I began having a recurring dream that I was a bit older, and in a classroom sitting at a desk. The teacher would ask questions but I was frozen still and couldn't raise my hand. The the fire alarm went off, and everyone got up and lined up and walked out, and I was still stuck. Once they were gone, the walls started to close in, and I was still stuck, until the walls had closed past the doors. Finally I'd be free to move, but there was no way out. Then, spikes would grow out the walls, huge metal spikes, and the ceiling would fly off, and I could see the blue sky above. So I'd start climbing the spikes, get nearly to the top, walls still closing....then one of the spikes would impale me through the temple and I'd die. The end.
Except, it wasn't the end. I had that dream at least once week from the the time I was three (when my life was actually pretty lovely) until the first day of fifth grade, new school, walked into the classroom and it was *identical* to the one in my dream, down to the decorations on the wall and placements of the desks. Turns out, that was by far the worst year of my childhood, from bullying at school, to escalated abuse at home, to a creepy predator that stalked me when I tried to play outside. That year was so bad I actually attempted suicide twice.
Omg. That's terrible I'm so sorry. It was almost like you had visions warning you.
I was being murdered by a freaking red panda, and a capybara saved me. At first the red panda was being nice to me, but it was only to gain my trust and then murder me.
me being chased by a giant dinosaur that gets bigger the faster i run :)
I was 5 or 6. I had a dream that I was running in a maze and there was a giant red ball rolling after me. I had to make it out of the maze before being squashed by the ball or my dad would die. It’s the only nightmare I’ve ever remembered.
AHAHA IVE HAD THE SAME ONE!!! except it's not funny, when it's happening -
Mine is kinda stupid, and it scared me for literally a week.
So basically there was a cult for people who supported a demon named Big Bertha. Yes. The name was Big Bertha. I was 7. Anyway, there is a mark that you get when you join the cult. So one day, my mom, my brother, and I were going to go to the grocery store. We went out onto our driveway, and my friend was there. She ran up to me and stuck the mark onto my arm. I freaked out, but my mom and brother didn't notice for some reason. Okay so fast forward to after we ate dinner. For some reason, we were in a hotel. All of a sudden, a gaping hole opened in the ceiling, and Big Bertha's hand shot through nd grabbed me. I started screaming, and my brother pulled on my legs so hard, that he saved me.
After this nightmare I stuck by my brother's side for a week, and couldn't be by myself or that friend that gave me the mark.
P.S. The name Big Bertha came from and episode of "The Lous House", where one of the sisters Lana had a plunger named Big Bertha.
I'm walking down a flight of stairs. Suddenly, a wooden door opens into a basement. My heart's racing so hard I feel sick. This is an image of my childhood home... And then from the basement emerge the worst horde of faceless zombies ever. Some run. Some lurch. I can escape none. And then I screw awake. It recurs less often now, but from my 20s to my late 40s, it was at least once a week.
Clarification: They had teeth. Each zombie basically representing my childhood abuse. Yay. I've gotten therapy. It's still recurring every few months. Seventeen years of my childhood can do that to someone.
I had a traumatic childhood, abandoned at age 2 then adopted by grandparents. I had a recurring dream of myself in the back seat of my grandmother's Oldsmobile as it sped along the highway...with no driver. I was terrified. Now I know it was my brain expressing how helpless I felt and how I had no control over what was happening to me. No psychologist needed to figure that one out.
I dreamt that my pillow was marble.
I know it doesn't sound like a nightmare, but the feeling was horrific. Every time I laid my head down it felt like the marble pillow was slowly pushing through my head. Pressing like a one-sided vice. I could not stop trying to rest my head, stop the pressure, stop the crushing slow inward invasion. It is the only time I remember having a nightmare based on a tactile feeling and throughout felt wide awake. That nightmare has stayed with me for over 35 years.
I think the first one was tied to a haunting - if not, well, it was still terrifying (and recurring). I'm about 6 when it happened and stopped when we moved - but I'm laying in bed, and facing the walk, and I hear a familiar creaking of an ill maintained metal wheel on the wood floor, and a thump of heavy, dead legged steps, a rasping of what I know...to be behind me now, at the edge of the bed, watching me, as I'm suddenly watching from the top ceiling corner of the room. An ancient broken-necked old crone, rasping a breath every time she used one of her bony, dessicated old claws to jerk her head upright, standing by an old Victorian Era cart of medical equipment. She's whispering that she hopes I'm a bad boy and moves, so she can carve the all bad out and make me a good boy, even if there's nothing left when she's done. I lay there for what feels like hours, not moving, trying to not even breathe, until sunlight starts lighting the wall, when she lets out a raspy, disappointed sigh and says that she'll come back again tomorrow, and she will get to carve away the sinful bad out of me, and that she only has to catch me once. She turns, pushing the cart away with the sickeningly familiar raspy-breath jerk crack of lufting her head carts-queak thump, down the hallway, I hear a door close and know I'm safe now. I was exhausted for the whole time I was having this.
Another nightmare, different house, dreamt that Christ pulled himself off the old crucifix in the living room, grew to full man-size, clung to the ceiling in my bedroom and would tell me how I should embrace him, because once I 'fed on his flesh, he could feed on my soul'
The other one at that house was a stampede of phantom wild undead horses tearing immaterially through the house -again, stopped when I changed houses
The most modern and recent - I'm standing in an open clearing, surrounded by everyone I've ever loved in any capacity at all, the skies are overcast with shafts of sunlight breaking through, with the smell of damp earth in the wind. I start to move towards them, or they to me, and when they get within fingertip reach, they suddenly and completely die, decay and collapse into an old, mouldering corpse, and more of them push in to try and reach me, and they all die, and somehow, it's my fault. The song "Tsukiyaki" by 4PM is playing now, over the wind, and I'm alone. I know I have to bury them all, so, bare-handed, I scrape out holes for each one, hearing them beg me to help them as I cover them, until they're all lain to rest. But there's one hole left - for me. I stand at the edge, and it widens to pull me in, then all the dead ones crawl atop me and I slowly rot away, with all the sensations intact.
(One of the sleep paralysis episodes is worse overall but I don't consider it a nightmare since I felt awake).
Both my mom and I have very vivid dreams/nightmares of teeth falling out when we're overly stressed. They are the most realistic dreams I've ever had and I always, always wake up and have to check if I still have teeth.
You know when you were little, and you put your hand into the toe of a sock, and made a mouth with it? I had a nightmare that I was being chased by hundreds of giant sock snakes, and then a huge blue one swallowed me. I was five, and it terrified me so much that I never forgot it, even though it's funny now.
I dreamed I was having a hysterectomy. I was in a waiting room, alone, and I could see what the surgeons were doing on a television across from me. I stood up and this fast beeping noise went off. I sat back down and the beeping slowed down. I said out loud, I wish they would be done already and wake me up. I heard a voice from across the room say, "You're not going to wake up. You didn't survive the surgery." I look up and see a black man sitting across the room. He told me to follow him. He went through a set of double doors and I followed him. There was a room full of old people and they looked almost angry, like I didn't belong there. As I looked to my left, I saw my husband sitting outside at a concrete table and he was crying to hard I could feel it in my chest (my husband doesn't cry). I hurried to follow the man into the next room. It looked like a cave but he led me to a book and told me to find my name on the book and the person next to me was the next person who would help me. The name "Jacob"was next to me (Jacob was the first name of my ex-husband's father, who was a minister). I realized what was going on at that moment. I said out loud that I needed to tell Mike (my husband-he is agnostic, like I am). I voice in my dream said I couldn't tell him; he had to find out on his own. I sank down in a chair because I realized my son would be devastated about what had happened. At that moment, an elevator was in front of me and Jacob gestured to me to follow him. At that moment I was up. I remember I could hear my husband in the shower and my heart was beating so hard.
I don't know what the dream means or if, maybe I died for a moment. But I have never forgotten that dream. Was it a nightmare? Somewhat. I am still agnostic so it didn't push me to believe in the traditional Christian god but it is just something that has stuck with me. This was about 15 years ago.
When I was a kid ~25 years ago I had these two recurring nightmares: one involved me and Mystery Inc chasing someone or something, everybody else skidded to a stop a la cartoon physics but I didn't and I'd fly right off the edge of a cliff and fall to my death, only to wake up in bed with my heart pounding.
The other involved me being some sort of cleaning staff in a hotel or something, and I'd go into this room and see a Persian (the cat pokemon) laying on a rug by a fire. I'd approach the pokemon to pet it, and would be confronted by Darth Maul (who I was terrified of). I would try to explain that I was just going to pet the kitty and he would get angry and demand I leave, which I would do quickly and fearfully, before waking up. Both of these are seared into my brain because they scared me so bad
I had a dream about my uncle, who I really wasn't close with and hadn't seen for a long time, coming for a visit at my mother's house (I hadn't lived there for years). He was smiling and happy in general, but I knew in the dream that it was odd that he was there. I found out the next day that he died a few hours earlier.
This is actually kind of sweet. When I was a kid, I loved visiting my great grandma, she'd always have ginger snap cookies and give me one, but I found out later that she'd taught my cousins (a large sibling group) to play dominoes and I was jealous she'd never done that with me. The night she died, we'd just visited her, and we're on a plane back home. I fell asleep, and dreamed she sat down and taught me dominoes. In the end, she winked and slid me a cookie and said, "just for you". When we got home we got a called that she'd passed away. Years later I found out that none of my cousins even knew she had ginger snaps. She kept them just for me.
I have never forgotten this nightmare I had in kindergarten. So me and my mom were picking my little brother up from preschool, and this man steals the car with me still in it. Then he laughs evilly and says "You're mine now". I woke up and cried, and slept in my parents room for the next week
Yikes! That's horrifying! Hope your parents found the words to comfort you.
Not a recurring nightmare but one that kinda shook me.
When I was 10(?) I had a dream where I was in bed and trying tog all asleep when I hear someone screaming outside. I see a group of people with neon bike helmets (colour I mostly remember is a light blue but I think there was pink and some other colours of helmets), and they were surrounding a girl (she looked like high school age?) and she was begging them to stop. They were all laughing at her and joking around before one of them kneeled over her and stabbed her to death.
In the dream I then ask to sleep with my parents so they could protect me. I’m in between the two of them when I hear a weird beeping noise. I asked my parents about and they said just to ignore it.
I think something happened shortly after, like my parents suddenly telling me to run but I can’t remember.
But I do remember suddenly being outside, surrounded by the group of people in bike helmets. All smiling and laughing at me. Then one of them plunges a knife into my chest.
And I wake up.
*fall not tog all. Idk why it autocorrected to that, my autocorrect has been really weird lately.
I don't remember much anymore, but I remember a rodent shrouded in darkness with red eyes talking to me. He was calm, his voice was raspy but I felt as though my chest was collapsing in on itself.
Suddenly, there's a bright flash. A lamp has been turned on and a tiny mouse in a bed dressed up in a nightgown and cap is squealing at the top of his lungs. Two other mice are holding him down, hushing him and forcefully tucking him in once again. I was then teleported back to the red eyed rodent, who said a few things but all boiled down to this:
"I welcome you with open arms, yet you fear me. They refuse to help you. What are you going to do now?"
I woke up in a cold sweat. My mom came into my room to wake me up for school to find me showered, dressed and just sitting there waiting for the sun to rise
Hard to describe, I haven’t had a nightmare for a few years but had one recently. And it’s the same as always pretty much. I’ll let u speculate
Tw: cannibalism, pain to children, just plain terrifying
So I had this dream when I was about 11 and it was the most terrifying dream of my life.
I was at a birthday party and this creepy 17 year old kept following me around. He kind of scared me so I kept running away from him. Later that day a bunch of police arrived at the party and they were talking to this little boy, he was maybe 10 years old. They asked him to lift up his hoodie, and he took off his shirt and his whole torso was full of wounds. It looked as if chunks of flesh had just been like torn off of him. They asked him wtf happened.
He told them that he had met the creepy 17 year old guy from before, and he told him that he was his brother. So the little kid (i don’t remember his name but lets call him Joey, the older kid will be Tom). So Joey went to go live with Tom, and Tom told Joey that Joey had a terrible disease in his skin. Tom said the only way to cure it was to cut off the infected flesh. So Joey let Tom cut off his flesh, and then this part is horrid so beware. Tom would lock himself in the bathroom and consume the flesh, and he told Joey it was so that he could share the sickness.
So yeah I’m still traumatized unsurprisingly. I couldn’t figure out why I had this horrible dream, but a few years later I was playing Morrowind, and in the game they talk about this insane cult that chop off their flesh and eat it. So yeah, a single line of dialogue created a horror in my mind!
I met an unknown woman, wearing long blue skirt. I watched her stuff some sort of cottonlike material into her mouth, without uttering a word. Then she lifted a matchstick, light the cloth on fire and it catched flame, and burned her face completely away. I watched as the flesh turned into this charred, all black skull with empty eyes. All this time she was still alive, standing in front of me.
I was captured by terrifying aliens and brought to their huge air ship and they were going to make me and my family die in painful ways for entertainment. Brutal.
I had a dream where my house was like a bunker, but this living lava stuff was continuing to get in. I then got stuck in my claustrophobic basement and died by lava. I woke up into the dream again, about 2-3 times before I actually woke up.
When I was in middle school I personally had the most terrifying dream. This was also the first time where I was consciously aware that I was dreaming. It was also the first time I was able to manipulate some of the aspects in my sleeping state.
In this night terror, I dreamt where this creature was killing my family one at a time until I was the only one left. I hid behind a bookshelf that we had in one of the rooms of our house. I could hear it breathing almost right on top of me but I was lucky some how because it didn't see me. The creature was pissed and said to me, "Where ever you are, no matter where you go, or what you do; I will find you and I WILL GET YOU".
Sorry, wow, my heart is pounding and my hands are shaking with terror as I'm writing this...
Anyway, I shall continue on with my most terrifying dream experience. So after it threatened with those words that scared the livin ba-jesus out of me, I woke up. I remember thinking it was only a dream and try not to think about it. So then I go downstairs to get some bfast. I had to pass by the room that I had hidden at in my dream. As I'm doing so the door slowly creaks open and out walks my cat all messed up. It was shaking and couldn't walk straight and was foaming at the mouth.
My cat ended up dying later that day. I was terrified to be alone for the longest time after that. It took me a good year until it didn't feel like I was being watched.
Since that dream there have been times where things have happened in real life that I deam about. Most of the time it involves death. For instance, everytime I have and do dream about my very first serious boyfriend from highschool, someone in his family dies. In fact I had a stupid dream about him last year and his Dad passed away a couple days later.
I'm telling you it scares me big time.
Other times when I'm aware that I'm dreaming I have these episodes where I feel like I'm passing out and can't stay awake then I'm in another dream and it happens again. All the while I know I'm only dreaming but can't wake myself up. I call it my dream of a dream within a dream. It freaks me out bit
That sounds so awful, having a terrible dream and then waking up to terror still. I'm so sorry.
As a child living with my parents, we lived near the railway (underground line). Obviously we used it to travel as a family. I had a recurring nightmare that my entire family got on a train and left me on the station, watching as it disappeared into the distance. Fortunately I grew out of it, but it stayed with me for many years.
I had this dream in college, but it was a recurring dream. I had it probably a good 15 times at least & it was very vivid, woke up exhausted and emotionally spent each time, even though it is in no way possible. In my dream, I was hanging out on the porch of a mobile home in a trailer park (home of a friend at the time) & for some reason my parents came looking for me. One of the guys that would hang out there walked around behind my parents and then suddenly reached out, grabbed my parents' spines and pulled back, removing their spines & rib cages, etc similar to de-boning a fish. They (minus a significant portion of their skeletons) just collapsed on spot, immediately dead, and the guy used his foot to just scoot them up under the porch. The rest of the dream would be me just hanging out trying to act normal & fighting in my head about how to report this & get this guy locked up for killing my parents without having the same thing happen to me. It was awful. And very strange bc all the characters in it were real people in my life. Like, I don't remember dude's name (it's been almost 25 years) but I can see him. He did hang out with us there. And he was a pretty chill dude. That dream, though...
So a little bit of backstory for this one.
My dad has only two grandchildren (my kids). He loves them more then anything; I sometimes joke he would push his own children off a cliff if it benefitted his grandchildren.. He is just crazy about them. And my boys are crazy about him.
So at the time of this nightmare my youngest son was not born yet. But my eldest son was my daddy’s everything and vice versa. They did everything together.
In my dream I came to learn that my father had died all of a sudden. I panicked, I gagged, I cried. I was in a full blown panick state and asked myself how on earth I was going to tell my son he would never play with his granddad again, his favorite person in the whole world. That he would never get to hug him again (I’m crying just writing this). So in my dream I am bawling my eyes out just thinking about this and then I start to wake up. I feel my face is cold and wet, so I’m touching my face to see what it is. Turns out I was still crying while suddenly waking up from this utter nightmare.
I’ve never cried myself awake before, or since.
But the worst part of this nightmare is that someday it will become a reality and I am dreading that day…
Easy to say, I know, but do try not to dwell on the fact that one day you will lose your father. It is the way of the world, and concentrating only on that 'nightmare' will spoil the time you have left with him.
ok so i am twelve but when i was 9 i had a nightmare where i was getting chased by a fem demon and i was running and running but getting nowhere come to find out i was under a pentagram where demons where grabbing me by the feet dragging me then i woke up with hand prints on my ankles but i couldn't move i was in sleep paralysis i had the same dream again last night with hand prints on my ankles and my wrists 😰
I’m in the woods and all around me there’s fire. I hear screaming in the trees, the ground- all around. I start sprinting towards nowhere. People start chasing me. There’s these giant wolves in front of me with blood and people in their teeth. There’s nowhere to go but up. So I start climbing. Once in the trees, I see in the sky leopards or some crazy c**p. I start getting torn to pieces and start falling. I won’t die. I just lie there bleeding, being torn to shreds, in a daze of confusion and adrenaline. I can’t fight them off. They won’t leave.
Then I woke up. Still scares me 2 years later.
I saw this nightmare a long long time ago. So, in it ,as far as I remember, some thieves enter into my house and after attacking my family proceed to strangle me.
I’m in a yellow elevator, I press the number 0. The elevator starts to shake, as I can feel myself violently going up. I reach the story, and there’s yellow doors with yellow walls. If I open the doors, I can see each individual horrifying moment of my life.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
i have a dream where im standing on a bridge, with everyone ive ever loved, and then watching them slowly get drowned while they make me watch (its done by octopi-- this sounds so childish but theyre really fking scary) and then another one where im getting chased by two guys and im running through the desert but i cant run fast cause the sand keeps slipping
Not really a full-on nightmare, but the only dream that I remember from when I was a kid was of me being on the school bus. However, instead of there being any other kids on board, it was filled with characters/creatures from Star Wars. When it got to the school and I tried to get off the bus, Darth Vader stood up from the driver's seat and wouldn't let me leave. 😳
When I was little, I had a dream of the original Joker from the tv show, the one where they had the PUNCH, And POW, and he was chasing me and my father across the house, and me and my dad eventually hid under a couch. Scared my 6 year old self to death.
I’m my nightmare, I was talking to my boyfriend, and then blood started coming out of my mouth, and I was starting to feel very weak, and then I passed out, and then my boyfriend carried me to the hospital, where Ted Bundy was the doctor, and he stabbed, shot, and dismembered me.
*IF U DON'T LIKE MURDER OR ANYTHING VIOLENT DON'T READ PLEASE* wasn't exactly a nightmare because I wasn't scared but thinking about it it's a little scary:
Ok so I for some reason was in my grandparents house and there were a bunch of kids (for some reason we were all like 8 idk) and I made friends with some guy. I can't remember the details but there was some dude who was gonna kill us. I was in the doorway and everyone else was in a line in the living room. For some reason my mum and brother were in the hallway and literally left casually like nothing was happening like they were going shopping or something and I said my last goodbyes tearfully to them both. After they ABANDONED ME the murderer was picking between my friend and me and I shouted that it should be my friend (I'm so sorry non existent friend) and they were stabbed *exactly* in the middle of their forehead and the last thing they said was "betrayal..." Then I felt guilty realising what I did and ran upstairs and I woke up
It was a long time ago, I was like 7 or 6. Basically I was running through the desert from a giant red-brown t-rex. You know, childhood fears. 😃
My first ever Nightmare is the one I will never forget. I was around 4 or 5 years old.
It involved a lady in a green dress. The lady had red hair (like me) and was fairly pretty. One thing though; she was evil. Her emerald amulet (cushion cut) turned things alive and would become evil. She had this ugly baby doll she made come alive to chase me. Eventually the lady got made at it for not catching me and threw it out the window. But somehow I fell out after it. I woke up before I hit the floor. I remember about a week later my parents got me and my sister a dream catcher. I still get shivers thinking about it.
creatures who looked like slender man but with a huge smiling mouth chasing after us to kill us
Reading all of these make mine seem insufficient, but here goes.
I was around six years old at the time, and we had just moved houses. For some reason, this house had 2 attics. Both are connected to a bedroom upstairs. The upstairs layout had a giant open space that we never use, a bathroom, and a bedroom. I have the bedroom upstairs, sleeping by myself. Just imagine. 6 years old, scared of everything, sleeping alone, on a different floor, with two rooms leading out of my room that i was never allowed to go in. I still dont. One night, I was sleeping with my lights on because i was 6, ya know. Suddenly, I hear a door slam, and i wake up. I sat up, terrified. One of the attic doors was opened. Two glowing red eyes where staring back at me. My body shut down. I couldn’t move or talk. I just sat there looking. After about an hour, the thing just shut the door, and suddenly I could move again. I ran downstairs and woke up my dad, and I slept in his room for the night. The next morning, I woke up in my own bed. Both attic doors where open. My dad says that I never came down in the night.
After that night, i developed some kind of aphantasia (not diagnosed), and never could dream or imagine things in my mind again.
I still live in said house, still sleep in said room, however, I never go in the attic. Ever.
This feels like it could be made into a book…. i will get on that. peace out, pandas.
That could make a great book! Or you could send it in to someone who narrates scary stories!
Over 50 years ago I dreamt I was in a Roman arena, in front of the emperor’s box. I bowed deeply before him, and as I stood up, he drove a sword into my stomach.
I was at a cinema, and a character from a show i watch (count Olaf, try to guess which show) took me and my mom into the bathroom, which for some reason, had a tub, and even before anything happened, i was terrified. I jumped into the tub and watched in horror as Olaf proceeded to suffocate my mom with a plastic grocery bag. She then fainted and then got back up again, and he killed her with the same method stated before, all while smiling at me and laughing.
I had this dream when i was seven.
Only happened once but I'll never forget it.
I was in a clearing in some sort of woods or marsh. A gazebo sat near the far edge. Mysterious blue fireflies flit around. It would be breathtaking if it hadn't had such an ominous aura. It felt cold and lonely, like people had suffered here before it had been abandoned.
Then I noticed the statues. They were stone images of people in pain, people agonizingly reaching out to some unseen desire. There were elderly stone people, young stone children on stone swing sets, and distressed stone adults. I remember shuddering, because they felt so real, not like figures carved from stone.
Suddenly, an ape entered the clearing from the forest/swamp. One of the blue fireflies buzzed past and landed on their shoulder. The ape's eyes widened and they hollered out, but no sooner than the firefly touched their skin, it turned to stone. The ape's skin crumbled away and their entire body was encased in ancient-looking rock.
For the rest of the dream I ran as far away as I could from that place, lest a firefly catch me and leave me to be doomed in that haunted clearing. I arrived near a train track and a silo just before I woke up.
This is the kind of weirdness I experience in my recurring nightmares. They happen in places that just don't exist. You explained it really well. I don't think I can put mine into words.
To this day I have no idea what could have caused this...I was in college, my first year away from home. I was sharing a dorm with a guy who I'd never met before, but he was super nice and outgoing. I was the complete opposite, but just cause I hadn't come out of my shell yet.
In the middle of the night I rolled over and started to feel very uncomfortable, like something was pressing down on my shoulders. I woke up and opened my eyes to see a face pressed close to mine, red like it was covered in blood. It had deep black eyes, like a deep well with water at the very bottom and two spikes of bone sticking out of its forehead. It grinned at me. It's teeth.....we're so sharp. It grabbed at me and started to choke the life out of me. I could feel it all. It's knees pressing into my shoulders, it's gnarled hands on my throat, and it's eyes boring into mine. I tried to scream but no sound came out. I remember thinking to myself "help....please...someone...god help me please." It snarled and I woke up. It's a miracle I didn't scream....I still remember how those hands felt on my neck...and I could still feel where they'd been when I woke up.
Not a really nightmare, but idc. So I usually lucid dream or don’t dream at all(if I do I dont remember) the few times I don’t lucid dream always has this cat named Simon. He is a tabby cat who annoys me with ever fiber of his being. I hate him. Please save me
I should add the dreams I see him in are always extremely frustrating. Like I’m in a super messy room and I try to turn in a light to clean and it keeps turning off while Simon sits there. Watching. Waiting.
To start with, I get sleep paralysis fairly regularly. We were staying in a motel on vacation. My husband was sharing a bed with the oldest kid who had already had a nightmare. I was in the other bed and the younger kid was sleeping in his pack n' play at the end of my bed. I woke up knowing it was sleep paralysis, but I "saw" a creepy old woman hovering over the younger kid. I couldn't do anything or say anything, but somehow she noticed me watching. Her face changed to some sort of demon thing. Then she launched at me and it felt like I was being forced out of my body (I usually get full body pins-and-needles when I'm coming out of sleep paralysis, this was different.) When I finally fully woke up, I did not sleep again that night.
I had a recurring nightmare as a kid, around age 4-6 maybe. The house we were living in at the time wasn't really large enough for a familiy with kids, so my parent's bedroom and the study (where the computer was that I liked to play on) both were in the basement. And around age 4-6 is an age where kids typically are afraid of the basement, so I guess that's where my mind took it from.
When you came down the stairs, the bedroom and the study were to the left and other rooms like laundry, utility and storage were to the right.
In my nightmare, it would always be night time and I go down the stairs looking for my parents. The left part is as it is in reality in the beginning, but the right part seems to lead to endless hallways that were moist like a cave and gave echos when I called out for my parents in that direction.
I would then enter into the bedroom and definitely find their outlines in bed, but when I lift the blanket, nobody ever was there. While I did that, the dresser behind me would turn into some kind of skeleton or grim reaper-like figure that I would of course get scare of and flee. I would always go straight for the stairs and never for the creepy endless hallway and the reaper would chase me onto the stairs and try to pull me into the hallway, but I always got away.
As soon as I reentered ground level, I always woke up. The dream would never, not in one single iteration, show me the house above ground, it always started and ended on the stairs. I had that same dream in irregular intervals for I think about 2 years, then it stopped.
Now that I read some of these entries that supposedly were connected to a haunting, it occured to me that it might just coincide with us moving when I stopped having that dream. I'm not sure since it's been so long ago, but maybe that basement was haunted after all.
I'll talk about two separate dreams here, as they're both terrible.
(Tw: corpses, religion)
I was placed in a colorfully, classically decorated mansion. The lights were yellow and lit the room like daylight, and there was that famous red and gold carpet design I see literally everywhere. I was in the middle of the room, next to a person in a chair. The person was an ancient mummified corpse dressed in casual clothing. I was informed that the person was a formidable deity and it was my duty to protect them, and eventually inherit their form. The whole dream, I did many things, but the corpse was never more than 3 feet away.
(Tw: things related to severe mental illness)
I'm severely mentally ill, most severely affected by my borderline personality, major depressive, and post traumatic stress disorders. I've had serious SI for a long time, and multiple attempts, so I've been inpatient hospitalized four times in the past year. I don't like to think about the mental hospital because of things that happened- abuse in the name of "safety"- I pretend I never had those things happen to me and I'm a normal person. But, it haunts me in my dreams. I close my eyes and I'm back there again, controlled by adults who see me as a rabid animal, surrounded by screaming and restraints and people who I've seen do horrible things to each other, walls confining me to my fate, locks and keys far out of reach. It doesn't feel as bad as it used to feel when I dream about it, but I still wish I could dream about something normal.
❤️ wish I had words to take those terrifying moments away. When I was in, a VA doctor told me I was the reincarnation of his childhood love and I was meant to be with him forever. ಠ_ಠ Confined to fate indeed .... just saying you're not alone in this, young friend.
I used to get this at least once a month. My parents died so me and my 2 brothers got adopted by a homeless lady from San Francisco( note we live in Kentucky). Our tent got destroyed so we were walking The Golden Gate Bridge when one of my brothers decided to jump off. The dream always ended with a splat.
I had a dream where two girls were sitting next to each other and then one started choking and bleeding out of her eyes. Then my crush (at the time) walks up to me and invites me to a restaurant. I order a salad and then he uses the bathroom. I figured out he poisoned my salad and I swapped them so when he came back he started choking and bleeding out of his eyes. Not necessarily a nightmare but was pretty disturbing. Couldn’t get that image out of my head.
I'm running down a dirt road. I don't know who I am, where I am, or why I am running. The road appears to be in a small village. Since I don't know why I am running, I decide it's best to keep running. I hear voices behind me. Continuing to run, I look behind me and see two soldiers running after me. Now I know am in France, late 1700s, and that these are garrisoned soldiers acting in the role of law enforcement. I run out of breath and they catch me. They are yelling at me but I don't understand French. They bind my hands behind my back with rope. They walk me to the town square. There is a large crowd, probably the whole town, gathered around a large, recently erected platform. It has five steps from ground to the top of the platform. At the end with stairs stands an executioner. At the other end is a guillotine. There are other soldiers there around the platform and as I am led to the stairs the crowd erupts in riotous anger. They are yelling and throwing rocks at me and the soldiers are having to work hard to keep them off of me. I look in their eyes and see such pure hatred. I have no memory of what has happened, but seeing the reaction of the crowd, I start believing that I probably deserve to die. As the executioner takes me to the guillotine, I notice it is on the very edge of the stage. Apparently no one thought to have a basket to catch my head. I am pushed down and into place. The executioner grabs and releases the blade rope. My head comes off and hits the ground off the platform, no one is standing on that side. My head rolls into a position where I am looking up at my headless neck. Why am I still thinking? Then I remembered reading that if you are quickly and cleanly beheaded your brain and sensory organs will continue to work until all of the blood flows out of your head. And that's when the dream ended.
Wow, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were reliving a past life.
I was 5 or 6 years old, I dreamed I was in a long line of prisoners and we were being put in pairs. When we got to the front of the line, we were each given a bow and 3 arrows. We had to go stand on this giant banana and shoot at the targets on the Eiffel Tower- like structure that was on the top of the banana. If you and your partner hit enough of the targets, you could go free. If not, you would be a slave for life. My older brother and his friend were ahead of us, they hit enough targets. Then, it was me and my younger brother’s turn. Needless to say, we failed. The dream ended as we were being led away from the banana.
I was captured by terrifying aliens and brought to their huge air ship and they were going to make me and my family die in painful ways for entertainment. Brutal.
I was kidnapped by some terrifying aliens and taken to their air ship and they were going to make me and my family die in painful ways for entertainment.
Sorry! Didn’t mean to post this three times 😟
This dream I had: So I was in this alien city, and then this super scary guy in a hood and cloak started coming after me. So I ran away (duh,) but he kept catching up to me. Then I realized that it was a dream, but I couldn't wake up, and this guy was still coming after me. So then I stabbed myself out of sheer terror, but it still didn't wake me up. So I was on the run, bleeding, and trapped in my nightmare unable to wake up. Eventually I woke up, but it was dang freaky. Silver lining: I don't get nightmares anymore! :D
I have two. The second one is more recent than the other.
1) I had this one as a little kid and it just scared me silly. I was at my great grandma's house and I had one of those vacuum toys that had the balls inside and made noise. I went down into the basement to play and there was a cave. I started making a lot of noise and someone came down and told me to quiet down, because a monster slept into the cave. I paid no attention. The monster awoke and chased me. Eventually it caught and killed me. This dream happens over and over.
2) I was at the world's most haunted place. (Why I do not know) My mom was next door line dancing. For some reason my brother, my dad, my mom's friends and I went INTO the world's most haunted place. We started exploring. A while later and several what we think we're ghost sightings later, we left. Then we went back in for some reason... We started exploring the second, and third stories... We got split up and I found a girl's bedroom. Up behind me something grabs me. I think it's my dad. It's a ghost. I woke up sweating. (NOTE: This was a two part dream. I woke up half way in the dream, went back to sleep and it continued. When I woke up the second time I did not want to go back to sleep. I did and the dream did not come back.)
Oh this reminded me of a dream I had about a museum (that had previously been a house idk why) and one room was the room of this long-dead little girl and her skeleton was still there, tucked in the sheets on the bed where she'd died. It was super scary. With like dusty candles in the room and everything.
I never get any nightmares. I remembee once as a kid I was laying next to a fan, and then a tentacle came out and grabbed my foot. I woke up screaming a bit.
I’m not scared of the dark or heights, but I’m scared of giant things (megalophobia) and of deep water. There was this one really dumb dream where I was underwater with really thick ice above me and I was drowning, and suddenly a huge mossy rock-like thing rises from the deepest part and then I realize it’s a really really big eye of a GINORMOUS sea dragon that looks like a rock statue but is waking up.
I’m weird.
Then there’s the dream that a dead body is stitched into my bed mattress and that it would magically grow mold and choke me to death. I kid you not, it was so damn bizarre, but I’d grown out of it. I’d gotten into trouble when I was nine by using a fabric-cutting scissor to dig a big chunk outta my mattress just because I’m paranoid. But now I still punch the mattress just for the sake of it. Little kids have the most comically ridiculous brain farts
So A few years ago maybe 2019-2020, Earth found a new planet and wanted to send few untrained people to see the inhabitants, Me and my 3 other friends were chosen and sent. the planet was like earth with skyscrapers and stuff but in shades of pink and purple, It was very funky aswell. The inhabitants were these nice friendly creatures which told us of scary squid-like parasites which could take our body and play as us. The creatures could kill other ppl too. Tge kind aliens told us that their equipment told them one of us had a "squid" inside us. We went to our space shuttle house to figure it out. now heres where it gets interesting, I was walking and saw these pink tentacles coming out from a room and ran. A few mins later I looked to see my friend come out and told my other friends it was her. they helped put her in a containment area. One of my friends told me to follow him while the other asks the squidy friend questions. He pushed me against the wall, his eyes turning green and his teeth turning bigger while pink tentacles started coming out of him, Screaming unhumanly. The last thing I saw was his fingers turning to claws and swiping at me before i woke up sweating.
When I was younger, I dreamt that I was walking along some cliffs on the other side of a fence that I couldn't get over, so on one side there was the fence, and on the other were the cliffs. I dreamt I was walking with my brother and dad there and had to jump over several cracks and boulders, but eventually I fell into the sea below. That was when my fear of heights started. Every time I get over my fear of heights, the dream comes back and I fall into the sea. :[
It was a dream when a staircase to heaven appeared and everyone in the world started climbing it. About halfway up the stairs, angels dressed up as employees at Walmart came down and told everyone who did a sin to turn around. Some people turned around, but majority kept going. Then a little while later, more angels came down and told everyone who was gay to turn around. Almost everyone who was gay turned around, but I kept going with everyone else. Then the staircase started disappearing at the bottomed and people started rushing to the top. When I finally reached the top, there was a cliff and a gate. Angels directed most people to the gates and they ascended to heaven, while me and all the rest were thrown off the cliff to hell. The falling sensation felt real, and because of that dream I am super conflicted about my identity and I'm scared that it would actually happen to me.
Firstly, remember that is what it was, A DREAM. It is not real life, it can't cause anything to happen to you, one way or another. Only you can do that. It seems to me that you need to talk to someone about this conflict you have over your identity. Is there someone you trust, outside the family, if that makes it easier for you. I'm not at all religious, but, from what I understand about other people's beliefs, no one is judging you from heaven and don't let anyone try and convince you otherwise. That is their own views that they are trying to impose on you because they don't understand and they fear what they don't understand. Be the best person you can, be kind to others, and, perhaps more importantly, yourself. THAT is what will help you find you way forward. Don't waste your life fretting over the 'right and wrong' way to be.
this is a weird one because it makes my siblings look like total asshats in the dream. when i was about 6 yrs old i had a bike accident in which i fractured my right leg in seven places. this was in early 60s so i was casted from groin to toes and in a wheelchair for 9 months. since i obviously couldn't play normally my parents would take us to this part with this beautiful lake. in the dream, my siblings were pushing me around this lake and they got too close to what looked like a boat ramp into the lake and the wheelchair got away from them. in my dream i just rolled down the ramp, into the water and sank. my siblings didn't seem to make an attempt to go after me. the dream was so real that i had beat my leg against the wall flailing and cracked the cast so it had to be replaced. have no idea why i still remember that dream and i know that my siblings were not cold blooded to not help me. so, if there is some freudian message in there i haven't figured it out after 60 yrs.
My brother and I walking to school and we go through this construction site on a bridge and suddenly the boards to walk on give way and we fall so far to the water below but I woke up before I hit the water..falling dreams are terrible!
I call these, 'falling of the kerb' dreams. Usually it's the body's way of explaining those little disturbances we sometimes get in sleeps. Mine sometimes involve me rolling down the stairs sideways strapped to my bed. I've just looked it up. It's called a 'hypnic jerk'. Be assured that you won't ever actually fall into the water.
Pyramid. Jungle. Snakes. I was so small... just a couple years old... and had recurring dreams of jungle pyramids and snakes. No fear, the snakes were there to protect me. It felt like home. So why was it a nightmare? I wasn't supposed to be there again after the disaster. (No idea what disaster). Years later, I read a book on ancient pyramids discovered hidden within jungle overgrowth. I knew exactly what inside of those pyramids looked like, right down to carving of snakes. Rather overwhelmed with sadness that my home had been found and strangers were poking through everything. I hoped they were careful to not disturb... something... Then the dreams stopped.
This is nothing compared to some of y'alls, but I had this dream when I was 9 after we had just gone on a vacation in which we flew on 7 different planes. My mom and I were about to get on a plane that was for whatever reason, boarding in the sky, and the pilot was asleep. To get on the plane you had to hop from cloud to cloud, Ok, easy enough. I get through the first few just fine but on the next to the last one I just miss and am only able to grab the cloud, bringing it down with me. As I fall it hits me that there was no way to survive this, so I close my eyes, hold the cloud to my chest, accepting my death. The worst part was, I was fighting with my mom right before I boarded the plane. The last interaction I would ever have with her was an argument.
That's a common fear, both losing your parent(s) and having argued with them before they die. Hopefully this will lessen as you get older. You say you were 9 at the time, so I'm hoping you haven't had that dream now that you've matured. Easy to say, but try not to let worry over that sort of thing occurring from taking over your time with your family.
Just darkness and cold and knowing I'm being pursued by death. I'm feeling around quietly and bump into a doorknob. Painfully quiet with the silence screaming in my ears I try it but no luck. Quickly quietly I try every door down the black hallway. All are locked. I come to a door that I know, just know is open, but I'm reluctant to escape the panic and danger. Finally I fall through the door and its warm and noisy outside. A normal buzzing Birmingham alleyway in the summer. I turn back as the door I just exited latches shut, a normal fire escape. I look up to a plate glass window, to the bar scene and stage and see my best friend in the front row of the crowd. I beat on the window trying to get his attention but he never hears me. I just want to see him one last time but he never turns around and I know I will never see him again.
mine was a long time ago but still scares me,
i was in boarding school walking around at night and i kept seeing someone following me covered in burns that no one else could see. getting closer and closer, at one point he was running right at me and i had that feeling where you are running sand that you get it dreams. next thing i know ive 'woken up' and im talking to the head of boarding and shes telling me im imagining it.
then a woman walks in and no one sees her she tells me this guy has a horrible curse where you itch really badly and you cant fix it which is why hes covered in burns (pain seems to give a bit of a release) and hes not actually alive anymore and is a ghost. and the only way to stop existing is to pass it on to someone else and hes picked me.
everyone is starting to sort of forget im in the room and im talking and no one blinks. and then i see him coming up behind her as she walks away and he slits her throat and because he is so close i can see his whole face is torn apart. bits of his cheeks missing and horrible red and black burns.
i woke up shaking really bad and with a rash on my face which is guess inspired it.
In my dreams I have been drugged, kidnapped, in battle, ran down, but the only dream I found disturbing enough to call a nightmare was a dream where my dog was hurt. She looked so small, and she was burned, and crying and just looked so hurt. I woke up sobbing. Took a half hour to calm down.
I was at school and I am suddenly called to reception, my dad is standing there and he looks at me sadly before admitting that my mum had died last night. I feel into my dad's arm and cries, before waking up and, with the thought still in my mind that something bad had happened I automatically talked to my mum, I did not go to school the next day, instead I stayed with my mum, not wanting her to leave.
I get a lot of recurring nightmares, enough I learned to lucid dream sometimes.
The one I will never forget was one of these; I 'remembered' this weird haunted graveyard/rose garden, full of little frightened animals and toys being chased by a headless horseman. I found new hiding spots and secret doors to hide in, then suddenly I was in a brightly lit bathroom-like space, a wall of mirrors waist high.
From behind me comes a skinless woman, "thank goodness, we've been trying to reach you"
I don't remember what else she said bc I was suddenly terrified and woke myself up. I don't have that specific recurring nightmare anymore and never had her in my dreams again.
Many years ago I had an apartment across the street from a beautiful Victorian-Gothic mansion, built during the 1860s. I had many recurring dreams that I entered the mansion and knew that there was an incredibly evil presence lurking just ahead of me. Bleakness, darkness, emptiness. Pure evil.
Later I found out the mansion was severely haunted. (If you are interested, I am referring to the Singer Mansion in Wilkinsburg, PA.)
Pfft- this is silly, but when I was in like the 1st grade, I had a dream about the elementary school coach trying to kill me, and nobody cared in the dream- Also, I once had a dream that one of the teachers in the elementary cut a part of my head off, keep in mind this was in like- the 3rd grade.
I don't remenber most of my nightmare, but it remember the feeling of terror like if it happended yesterday, anyway.
In my dream, there was a family having dinner, more especifically wildebeest, then, it started cumpling itself, until it regenerated totally. The family ran in terror, but the wildebeest started sipping, and each member started to transform into wine, then it proceed to drank all of the family and scaping into the city, city in which I lived.
Fortunately, my family and I were in a trip into the mounstains, but we were interrumped by a blizzard. I don't remeber what happen next, but I knew that there was a beast that transform people into wine, and I couldn't sleep, suddenly, the beast reach the forest in which we were, so I ran into a cave deep into the woods.
I started a fire to warm me up, and I believe the beast reach me or my family or something, because I was terrified. I woke up felt really anxious all day, I even was worried that a beast was going to transform me into wine, because it felt so real.
This will likely be buried under all the great replies but, here goes.
I was standing at the bottom of the stairs in my (long deceased) aunt’s walk out basement. There was a line formed through the room then headed up the stairs. At the bottom step, before walking upstairs, was a cloaked hooded figure holding a large bowl. Each person in line removed their eyeballs, placed them in the bowl, climbed the stairs. At the top step each person would die. When it was my turn to remove my eyes, I looked at the figure holding the bowl. There was no face inside its hood but I felt it staring. In the next instance I was outside on a gravel road. It was nearing darkness, I was running for my life. Glanced over my shoulder, the figure was only a few yards behind me. It made a guttural howl reached up and ripped off its head. I saw the bloody stump and it’s head in its hands. The head was staring at me but had no eyes. The figure threw the head at me. I felt it hit me behind my knees and I went down face first onto the gravel and dirt. I could feel the pain in my knees, face, and back…I forced myself to remain lifeless.
This has been over 35 years ago and it still makes my heart race.
All of a sudden, I realize I'm in the air. And I'm going up, up, up, up. Higher and higher. I look down and see a flag pole getting smaller and smaller, the higher I go. I feel dread because i know what goes up, must come down. And, immediately, I begin to drop. ..FAST. And I plummet down, past that flag pole and hit the ground- and the ground hurts - but it's spongey. And I bounce BACK up and it starts all over. Usually , I hit the ground at least twice before I'm able to wake up. Horrid. I recognize that dream immediately - every time it starts. Ugh.
I never have happy dreams, they're all nightmares. But this one had me questioning my sanity My whole extended family and everyone was at an old fancy hotel. Like for a fancy wedding or something. I excuse myself from dinner to go upstairs and get something real quick. When I come back down, everyone is gone. I guess they all went to their rooms or something. I look around the common areas a bit more and there's no one. I try texting people and there's no answer. So I head to the room that's next to mine, which is where my eldest is staying. I don't see anyone, but go to poke my head into the bathroom to check, too. And there she is. Hung. By her own hair; tied in a noose hanging from the showerhead. I go to my middle child's room. (She's also an adult) She had been....f*ck, it's even hard to type. She was nailed to the wall naked with all her organs nailed up next to her, but still connected like some sort of real life exploded diagram.Everyone else was dead in increasingly horrific ways that I won't bring into the light. I never got far enough in the dream to know who or why. Just that everyone I'd ever loved was dead in a horrible, unique way. I woke up crying hard enough to wake my husband.
In all my life I've never heard of a sadder, more terrifying nightmare. I hope with all my heart you never have it again.
There are plenty but the most recent was this: a random man was trying to take/kidnap my daughter (27 yr) but she was a child in the nightmare. Hard as I tried I couldn’t prevent this man from trying to take her, he would just follow her wherever she went. Just before waking, he came close to take her from me, his face was closer and I then started kicking him with all my might. I woke up still kicking in mid air my blankets were flying off. No idea what brought this on, my baby girl has never been at risk of kidnapping or harm.
I accidentally posted same answer twice, how do I delete one?
It was dark, some of my family and I were running from something/people and we ran into a large warehouse for safety. The entire floor of this warehouse slid back and we all quickly laid down to hide and the floor cover went over us. Don’t remember anything else but it has repeated dozens of times over the years. Very frightening
One time when I was a little kid, I had a dream that this faceless man was watching me sleep. Not doing anything either, just standing in the doorway, watching me sleep. And to this day I cannot sleep with the door open 😂
I was taken to some kind of prison. Everything was concrete. The walls, the floors, the ceilings. Except the doors. They were metal. The lighting was sparse, so there were dark shadows. It smelled dank like a basement. We were lead to a big room with showers and told to undress. The guards took our clothes as we washed. Shapeless blue-gray dresses and kerchiefs for our hair were laid out for us to wear. After we dressed, the guards led us to another concrete room. There were big round openings in one of the walls like something a torpedo would be loaded into. The openings had round metal doors with round wheels that the guards would spin and lock into place. A guard made me climb up into one of the openings. I had to use a step stool. I was terrified and shaking. I crawled in and tried to look back at the guard, but the metal door swung closed and it was dark. I heard a whoosh and saw a fireball coming at me. I woke up screaming and crying. Scared my poor cats. I was a wreck for a few days. It still haunts me a couple of decades later.
There's just one recurring nightmare and/or sleep paralysis:
Where I am stuck in a reverse prayer, for some godforsaken reason, and this hairy blob of shadows lingers around, occasionally approaching me. I cant blink, breathe, move, nothing. There's this one time where that creature ripped my guts out, and I was still alive, for some reason, too
Many dreams. I once got stuck in a pool with an eel. I hate eels. Also there was this meme of a dream where I walked way too slow and some amongus people tried to kidnap me
I was about 4 and i had a dream that a tiiiny alien came to earth and ate it, just ate it in one bite and there were floating furniture and stuff. i was on a chair floating and the alien found me and sent huge hamsters that were colored blue, pink and yellow. So there i was, 4 year old me running in space from gigantic colorful hamsters. It scared me so much when i was little and now that i look back at it, little me was so easy to scare. sorry but i cant respond to comments because im perma banned
For the first 28 years of my life, I lived on a main road. I would, regularly, dream that I was crossing that road and fall over just before reaching the other side (I do fall a lot), there is a big lorry bearing down on me, but I can't get up and I'm frantically trying to scrabble onto the verge at the other side. Also, I'd be trying to ring 999 for emergency help but I kept messing it up and dialling the wrong number.
When I moved, only round the corner but to a much quieter avenue, I stopped having those dreams.
I dreamt that I was with my dad in his car in front of our house. He got out and went inside the house and the car rolled down the street and into a busy intersection. I couldn't escape because I was something like three years old. I had that dream 50+ years ago.
This one started when I was 5 or 6 until we moved to a different house. My dad had these huge cardboard boxes, about 4 foot square. In the garage, he built a storage rack along one wall that was 3 across and 2 or 3 high. In each storage cupboard was one of those boxes. One was rags, one was Christmas decorations...normal garage stuff. I started having this dream that my dad had killed my mom and replaced her with a lookalike. Some dreams the lookalike was a robot, sometimes a human made to look and sound like mom, but either way it has helped kill my real mom. In the dream, they had hidden her body in one of the boxes under the other stuff. Both in the dream and IRL, I avoided them both so I wouldn't accidentally let slip that I knew. I hear that I was a very well behaved kid around that age. Fear of being killed by a replacement does that.
Was there any reason to fear for your mothers safety at the time?
There are plenty but the most recent was this: a random man was trying to take/kidnap my daughter (27 yr) but she was a child in the nightmare. Hard as I tried I couldn’t prevent this man from trying to take her, he would just follow her wherever she went. Just before waking, he came close to take her from me, his face was closer and I then started kicking him with all my might. I woke up still kicking in mid air my blankets were flying off. No idea what brought this on, my baby girl has never been at risk of kidnapping or harm.
Another repetitive and terrifying nightmare, I was running and at times, flying away from a darkly dressed female figure that I thought was a witch on a broom. I don’t know why she chased me, I was probably 7 or 8 when it began and at times has come nightly for 50 years.
I woke up with my head coming into contact with the wall. I’d been dreaming I was at a public pool with a large group of friends, when from the corner of my eye, i saw a baby at the bottom.
I quickly turned to dive in and get the child but instead ran into the wall beside my bed.
This happened two years ago and I was on holidays with three girlfriends.
I was at a family BBQ and it was a place i'd never been, friend of my aunt. It was autumn and they had a swimming pool with tarp over it near teh abck of their garden behind trees and bushes.. My son was 3 at the time and he and a few kids were playing in this massive garden.
I had an uneasy feeling in the house so I decided to take a walk around this garden (it was massive think football field with bushes and trees etc. )
The feeling got worse, i felt uneasy and antsy... and I subconsciously started walking towards the pool, I heard a small splash and *ran* soon as I got there, I saw a tiny hand shoot out of the edge of the tarp and I grabbed it and pulled my son out with one arm and had him about a foot off the ground in a second.
I dont know how I knew to go there, or what forced me out of that kitchen that day, but if i was seconds late, if I had not heard the spash, if id arrived at the opposite side of the pool my son would be dead, i still have nightmares about it and what could have been and always will.
I remember when I was in 1st grade I had a dream about a giant spider. I was sitting in my house with my dad and brother when I see a massive spider outside. Like, bigger than an SUV. It was hairy and looked to be a tarantula. I told my dad, and he (for some reason) let it into the house. I freaked out and it bit my brother's and my Dad's head off. Then it came up to me, got on it's hind legs, pushed me into my chair, got on me, stared at my freaked out face, then ate my head. I woke up and have had arachnophobia ever since... Woke up my mom and was unable to go back to bed that night. I still dream about it to this day again. I also had one that was about Jeff the Killer that scared me, but I obtained a phobia with the spider one. 🤣
I have a specific one that I've had since I was a toddler. But before that I apologize if my English is not the best. I still have a lot to learn.
My nightmare was like this: it wasn't like a dream that I could control or live in. I just staring at one screen that plays an unstoppable animation and the border of the screen isn't visible for me. The background is white with red and black glitch. In the middle of the screen there is a line of red thread that runs horizontally from side to side of the screen. Idk who pulls it, the thread is always on the verge of breaking. Every time it breaks, within a millisecond the thread will come back like new and be pulled again. I see the thread like my own life; if it gets more damaged, I feel like my life is going to end. I was in panic, my anxiety was growing uncontrollable, it was harder to breathe, i also wanna puke and wanted to scream "NO!". But as I said earlier that this dream is not affected by my control, I can't do anything about it. Apart from that thread, there are also high-frequency noises that deafen my ears: friction, broken radio sounds, or whatever it is. At the lower corner of the screen there are also animated doodle-like black monsters. The number of monster increases rapidly like sprouts, and decreases by being cut to death and bleeding. This also made me panic even more for reasons I don't know (I'm not blood phobic)
When I have this nightmare, I know it's just a dream and I should wake up soon to end it, but no matter how hard I try to finally wake up, I will fall asleep again and the dream continues. When the dream completes itself (feels like billions of years) I must have woken up in a bad state of the body and the anxiety was still there. I've experienced it like more than 10 times. Does anyone know what this dream means? Or anyone else have similar experience like me?
Normally I can interpret dreams pretty well, but this one stumps me. Maybe the thread that you're watching represents something in your life that you're desperately trying to fix, but as you watch it and try to fix it, the number of monsters grows (perhaps other problems you thought you dealt with but still need to be fixed?). Can't quite figure out all the broken radio noise you described. Hope this helps
I had a dream where I had waken up in this dark security room with Video screens everywhere. The floor was slippery with a red substance I only guessed was blood. There was a cage with blood splattered everywhere in the corner. I backed up, scared, and someone grabbed my shoulder. Whirling around, a blood soaked woman smiled at me. She said, "Well now, we've sound out my secret, have we? Well, we mustn't let anyone, find out, no..." I woke up after that.
This might sound strange but... my dreams tell the future. Once i had a dream that i tripped and was burnt by the iron and i felt it and woke up, the next day i tripped and pulled my hand away just in time to miss the iron and stumble to get up. I have dreams of social interactions, and even before i go to bed i feel as if i have a dark cloud above my head. During this time, i feel a looming sense of... idk what it even is... doom? But i feel sick, something seems off, and i feel like im going to cry. I sometimes shock my friends randomly by shouting suddenly "Wait, I had a dream about this once! I swear!" and i make my family jump by trying to swat the cloud away from my head and yelling "GO AWAY STUPID FEELING" ... so yeah sorry if i rambled its not exactly... uhm... nightmare-ish but it is weird and interesting... please no hate comments i very rarely remember my dreams.
When I was in 7th to 8th grade I had these horrible reoccurring nightmares of me being in a crimson forest in complete darkness screams of eldritch horrors echoing with the harsh wind every single week I get hunted by a different [entity] and once they left I decided I was gonna use them to my advantage so I decided I’ll make a book or game based on them I will put the pictures in the comment section for those who want to see them and if you want you can name them.
In my dream, I was in a school bus with my best friend, when this officer came into it. He started shooting all but fine of us and mutilating the bodies. My best friend was one of the killed. In my anger, I tore this man’s body in half and took my life, as I could never live without my best friend in my life.
divorce was a dream & i was still married.
child dreamt my bed was on fire w/ me in it
A few from when I was a baby and toddler because they pretty much moulded how I perceive my mom.
(Warning: Cat lovers will be traumatized with this one.)
I was walking around, looking for my mom in an apartment suite that looked familiar. The cat jumped up onto the ironing board and she started stuffing tissue into the cats mouth and was laughing and smiling about it.
Another nightmare, I was at my Dad's and we had a lot of people over I recognized as family members. They were all in the living room. There was a hallway across the room in front of me with a playroom to the right. So I went into the room. It was huge with support beams and dark. It was empty except for a toy box next to the door. So I was playing for a bit. Then I felt this dreaded feeling that I needed to go hide. I think I even heard someone call out from the living room that my Dad was coming. I hid behind a beam and peaked around. There was a monster in the door way and it spotted me. It came into the room and I ran out, past the monster and into the living room, burying my head in the couch (I did that whenever I saw something scary on TV). People were asking why I was scared and crying, and that it was just my Dad. But the monster didn't go away and my Dad never showed up. It walked into the living room and I woke up.
I have (had???) a reoccurring one, although I haven't had it in like 5 years now. I used to have it more often as a child though. This is how it last happened.
When the dream begins I'm somewhere in the 4-6 yo range. I'm walking with my mom outside our apartment complex, and everything is ethereally beautiful. There's this feeling that we're looking for something, and in the back of my mind I know we shouldn't be. I try to tell her this as we're walking up the stairs, but she doesn't listen. At this point, I've "aged up" to somewhere between 7-9. As we go up, everything becomes darker and there's this awful sense of dread. We get up to our floor. She points to the corner right across from our door and says "look, it's right there." In the corner is a creature who's face is so horrifying I can't even remember what it looks like when I wake up. I'm vaguely aware that I'm dreaming, but that doesn't help. Everything has gone silent, and he gets right up in my face. All I can hear is myself screaming. I can feel it too, like I'm screaming so loud it's reverberating in my own head. All I can do is scream and stare back at this unfathomably horrifying monster.
I "wake up" in the bedroom my mom and I would often stay in when we visited my grandparents. I'm back in the 5-7 range, I'm not aware that I'm still dreaming. I go around to her side of the bed where she's sleeping with her face in the pillows. I wake her up, and when she lifts her head it's not her. It's him again, she has his face. I start screaming again, then I wake up for real. Even after I'd wake up there'd be this fear that he was still toying with me, I'd be scared to look at anyone for a while in case it was really him. That's the kind of fear the dream would put into me, though I can't quite explain why.
I've given the creature a name to make it harder for me to forget because crazy as it sounds, I can't help but think the nightmare relies on me forgetting about it to occur. I named him Rausch, just came up with it out of the blue one day. Glad to say I haven't seen him or his terrifying face since.
This was ages ago, I had a dream that started well, in a lush green forest. I was with my brother I think, i can't remember, and we found a baby leopord and it was injured, so we healed it. We put it in our satchel and carried it until we reached an abyss in the middle of the forest. There were floating squares of earth in the middle, so we walked on them, but the moment we stepped on it, the tilesbegan collapsing, and the leopord fell out of my hands, and so did my brother/other companion. I remember trying to catch them and I had a vivid memory of watching their bodies falling... Then I fell too, and I was falling and falling in the dark and I crashed at the bottom and then woke up... Its not that scary, but it was when I dreamed it.
I once had a nightmare (I was probably 9 or 10) And my sister was running from me (we were playing tag) right into the road, and she got hit by a truck. the driver was on their phone. Then I recognized them. It was my dad's friend. I screamed and ran to my father and told him what had happened. He was so shocked that he ran to her and chased the driver. I was alone in the house, and [unalived] myself. In the dream, I am 13. my sister was 11. I woke up crying and I keep having that dream. I fear that that might happen someday.
Being bitten by some weird snake that shot a ball out of it's mouth with fangs attached to it. I was 6 years old🤣
It's dark; I'm a passenger in a car and we have to go across a long bridge. The bridge isn't straight, though, it twists and turns and has high hills and low valleys that almost touch the water, which is dark and choppy. The lanes are narrow and at one point, the car slides off the road into the water. I always jerk awake, screaming.
FYI this post is still open so you can add this as a post! Sounds scary though!
the one that sticks with me the most is one where 3 women were roommates and besties, one was quite overweight and one day she sat down and promptly exploded. the second one died in a car crash, the third lost her life in a ritual trying to bring them back. it ended with a victorian child's eyes vanishing out of existence. I was 10 when this happened
Being bitten by some weird snake that shot a ball out of it's mouth with fangs attached to it. I was 6 years old🤣
It's dark; I'm a passenger in a car and we have to go across a long bridge. The bridge isn't straight, though, it twists and turns and has high hills and low valleys that almost touch the water, which is dark and choppy. The lanes are narrow and at one point, the car slides off the road into the water. I always jerk awake, screaming.
FYI this post is still open so you can add this as a post! Sounds scary though!
the one that sticks with me the most is one where 3 women were roommates and besties, one was quite overweight and one day she sat down and promptly exploded. the second one died in a car crash, the third lost her life in a ritual trying to bring them back. it ended with a victorian child's eyes vanishing out of existence. I was 10 when this happened