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My friend actually created a holiday for me.... it's today, or well no actually, it's on April third but we are celebrating it today cause we are both busy on the day. It is called T!NA day.
My friend always told me it would be okay. I miss her. ;-;
u what happened to her if you dont mind like did she just stop being your friend?
Taking me in when my depression got so bad I couldn't function on my own. Her and her boyfriend put me up with a room in there house and took me on as a part of their household from day one. She went with me to all my appointments, woke me up in the morning which was the bleakest time of day, to ensure I got up and on with the day. I stayed with them for almost a year before finally getting well enough to have my own place agian.
ga'(ve) me a hug
When she found out my parents were divorced she didn't pry or ask a bunch of questions, she just treated it like it was a normal thing. She was also my friend for a while.
I suffer from anxiety. A couple of years back I was in a really bad shape, where I no longer could take care of myself. At the time my parents where on a holiday and I would cry allo day long because I was so afraid of everything. My friend would eventually come over to my place, even though she had plans and just be there for me
I mentioned this in another askpandas, but it works here too. I haven't been doing that great mentally lately. I don't really like talking to my friends about it because I'll feel like a burden but my ex who I'm still not over (and is now with my friend, yay) brought me some ibuprofen because I said I had bad cramps to the point I couldn't eat, and my friend (the one my ex is with) brought me a dragon plushy. It made me feel better to know that there are still people who care about me, often I don't think there is.