Hey Pandas, What’s The Most Beautiful Thing Your Beloved Partner Ever Did To Cheer You Up?
I was feeling a bit rubbish, and my gorgeous partner made me apple crumble and custard - It was THE BEST, and made me so happy!
It's the little things that often count for the most.
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I was having a hard time dealing with some things going on in my life and my SO wanted to cheer me up. So, he came & picked me up in his car without telling me his plans.
We drove to a nearby lake (It was about sunset) where he took a bag out of his car and walked us over to a lakeside table where we could watch the sunset. He had brought dinner for us (LOL it was Taco Bell, a bottle of excellent wine & 2 wine glasses) which had me laughing. He put music on his phone, we drank our wine, ate our taco's, talked & watched the sunset. It was a nice relaxing evening.
After my father died, I had a bit of a meltdown. Which included an affair, a very stupid irrational and short lived one (2 weeks). My husband knew, I wasn't mentally in a place I was bothered keeping anything hidden. While I did this.....he had lovingly created a shadow box with all my father's military memorabilia and created a wall display. And just said "I love you" when I came home.
Sent me Disney songs, I was feeling really sad and he sent me Disney music, it always cheers me up.
I really screwed up my back. Not broken but excruciating spasms. At the clinic with my husband being told nothing is broken. It's just a bad bruise. My husband asked the Dr "so she can't hurt it any worse?". "no". Then he turns to me and says "candy a**".
This sounds unfeeling but it's a line from the movie Miracle and it cheered me greatly and made me laugh. It was excellent medicine.
We were chatting and I told her that I am a lil' sad cuz of a fight with my sis. She (my partner) teased me by saying that I was her ( my partner's) brother. I was confused and I laughed.
I was lamenting on how badly a past paramour had treated me when my current boyfriend said to me "you didn't deserve to be treated like that". Suddenly, I felt heard and the pain I had been feeling over the previous relationship left me. I never looked back again.
Like most women, I feel ashamed and down on myself if I gain weight. When I said something to my husband about it, he said “I would love you if you were the fattest woman in the world.” The exact opposite of fat shaming…just love that guy.