Hey Pandas, What’s The Most Wholesome Or Funny Thing You’ve Seen In Public? (Closed)
The Yellow Angle. A Helicopter Who Saved Dozens Of Lives After Car Crashes Turned Into A Statue At The Kamener Kreuz In Germany
Chuck Norris Makes Onions Cry
A sign on a burger joint. I snapped this picture as the car was moving with no way to go back & re-do it, thus the poor quality. Edit: No, I was not the one driving.
A Weathervane That Is An Actual Helicopter!
One Of The Hi-Lights At A Recent Zz Top Concert...08/07/2023
School Zone In Calgary, Canada - Hug And Go
Upside Down Screen
This Was A Kid Who I Knew That Was Shot In A Gang Shooting When He Was Eleven. It Reads: Long Live Tyon. I've Always Seen Fly High Tyon
Mixed Signals
Western Cape South-Africa
Reading Makes You Smart
Gonna Work
Duct Tape Can Fix Anything
This is why silver cars are so popular! My first car was exactly the color of masking tape, ask me how I know
You'll Float Too!
Ok. im not among the "clows are creepy" crowd (i just dont like them) but this DEFINITELY is way too creepy. WTF!